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Official Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Thread


kpop100 said:
It is in the area where you fight The Fear. You have to catch it in a mouse trap. Just set it in an area with some patch of undergrowth. hen walk around and go back and check the rap peridically. It wont appear if you stand next to the trap.

You can do it before or after the fight with The Fear. I did it after I killed The Fear.

But do you actually see the snake moving? And do you need to exit the area and come back? In which part of the Fear's area did you use the M.Trap?


Buggy Loop said:
Whats so special about that snake?

you get the infinity mask but apparently you lose it when
you get your equipment taken away, but you can re-capture it after meeting up with eva

i caught it in the same place as kpop100, after the fight with the fear.
AniHawk said:
Final thoughts:
While I think the characters of TTS and MGS were more interesting than MGS 3's (particularly Cyborg Ninja, Liquid Snake, Revolver Ocelot, and the bosses), I believe they were better developed throughout Snake Eater. The story and message of the game isn't so shoved down my throat as I felt it was with TTS and MGS2- it appeals to the emotion of the gamer to get the point across, and it does so beautifully.

That's exactly how I felt. What a great game. I started up substance again, but this time without a radar on. It's such a better experience without it. Thanks kojima for showing me how a mgs game should be played.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
kpop100 said:
Got the little bastard finally :p



Nice, but what is the "Ga-Ko" camo? I've never gotten that one before.

I'm going to do my best to catch that little bugger.
it's in the swamp with the croc hat. On the east side near the wall, it's hard to see cause it's underwater. While wearing it, if you enter the pause screen then exit, it makes a noise if there's a frog in the area that hasn't been shot.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
EnGarde said:
it's in the swamp with the croc hat. On the east side near the wall, it's hard to see cause it's underwater. While wearing it, if you enter the pause screen then exit, it makes a noise if there's a frog in the area that hasn't been shot.

Crap, I don't know how I missed that. I have the croc hat, but I can't remember wearing a Ga-Ko camo.
The water in this game looks great; especially the small river part outside the warehouse. Just light up the torch, damn so beautiful.

Awesome game, probably my GOTY.


Stopped playing Halo2 to get an hour into MGS3 (KOTOR 2 just sitting there by itself calling for me to play it :( )

Anyway, i sort of getting used to the new stealth, you guys werent kidding when you mentioned "un-learning" MGS skills. Its not that simple anymore. I mean the bit where you are confronted by 8 ocelot guards at t he wearhouse, i was stuck there for about 2 hours trying to escape. Finally realized i had to kill the guards :p

Stupid sniper on the top kept scaring me, i walk out successfully wiout being seen the someone shouts out "I See him!"

still not sure about the new changes, im finding it hard to pull off CQC, the guards keep turning around before i can grab them :(


Prine said:
Stopped playing Halo2 to get an hour into MGS3 (KOTOR 2 just sitting there by itself calling for me to play it :( )

Anyway, i sort of getting used to the new stealth, you guys werent kidding when you mentioned "un-learning" MGS skills. Its not that simple anymore. I mean the bit where you are confronted by 8 ocelot guards at t he wearhouse, i was stuck there for about 2 hours trying to escape. Finally realized i had to kill the guards :p

Stupid sniper on the top kept scaring me, i walk out successfully wiout being seen the someone shouts out "I See him!"

still not sure about the new changes, im finding it hard to pull off CQC, the guards keep turning around before i can grab them :(

Prine, it doesnt sound like you are stalking. To stalk, use the directional pad. You move really slow(faster than the guards though) and are able to creep up silently behind the guards.
Gonaria said:
Prine, it doesnt sound like you are stalking. To stalk, use the directional pad. You move really slow(faster than the guards though) and are able to creep up silently behind the guards.

ahh I didn't know that!! nice


Gonaria said:
Prine, it doesnt sound like you are stalking. To stalk, use the directional pad. You move really slow(faster than the guards though) and are able to creep up silently behind the guards.

Ahhhh. Cheers, will try it tomrow (if i complete my paper that is!)
I just finished the game and it is my GOTY.
I loved the ending and the whole setting in the game was great.
Now I'm hyped for new MGS games and MG Ac!d will be the next :)

After finishing Baten Kaitos, I will go for a second playthrough.

Now we need remakes of the old NES Metal Gear games.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
acklame said:
i just got to the
volgin boss fight

the sorrow is awesome
:lol :lol :lol

All the boss fights are just "ace."
But to be honest, The Sorrow was my least favorite. I guess that's not really fair since it wasn't a fight, but I just didn't get anything special out of his section. He is a cool character though...Have fun with Volgin, it's a fun fight.


Grizzlyjin said:
All the boss fights are just "ace."
But to be honest, The Sorrow was my least favorite. I guess that's not really fair since it wasn't a fight, but I just didn't get anything special out of his section. He is a cool character though...Have fun with Volgin, it's a fun fight.

I loved when he said you will be killed by your own sons.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Marconelly said:
You get a
spirit camoflage
, which is very nice.

Yeah, I got that. I just meant that I didn't get a special feeling out of playing through that part. The Spirit camo is very helpful though, makes sneaking up on guards so easy. Not to mention it gives you like a 85% camo rating while lying down in the grass. And it's one of my favorite looking camo patterns. I guess I expected more, like a real fight...then again you can't really fight a ghost. All the trailers made me believe it would be some Psycho Mantis level fight, where there was some weird and wild trick to it. Using the revive pill to come back was interesting, but not at the level I was hoping for.


AssMan said:
So uh, is it worth sneaking up behind The End 3 times to get his camo or something?

you only have to do it once:
just point at his head until he says something, and then move the gun away, then point it back, and repeat until he gives you his camo

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Grizzlyjin, I had a lot of creppy fun from that encounter, it blended very nice with preceding events, and it was spooky as hell, but I must say
I too was expecting I'll meet him again for a more proper fight. I loved how he appeared later on here and there, though.
Grizzlyjin said:
All the trailers made me believe it would be some Psycho Mantis level fight, where there was some weird and wild trick to it. Using the revive pill to come back was interesting, but not at the level I was hoping for.

Hey, at least it's a step up from fighting
Decoy Octopus


TTP said:
Or Fortune...

How did that fight turn out, by the way? I was busy following around some bishonen nancy-boy in spandex, whose codex was permanently tuned to some whiny bitch. "Why don't you talk to me, Jack? You're so distant! Why don't you talk to me?!" Jesus Christ, man. If I wanted that, I could very easily turn off the game and get it for real.


Thanks Yosh. I'll try that again soon. I made sure I used up another save slot so I can fight The End whenever I want. I did held him up once. I'll try it again the way you said it.

WOW! EGM was right! The End is one of the best boss fights in the history of video games. I won't lie. I used the sniper rifle and tranq. gun. I just love it when you see the sun reflect off his scope.

The bastard actually snuck up behind me. Oh well. Top three boss fights EVA!


I just finished the game my first time.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.

quick question: do you get all your weapons +
the patriot
when you start over? I know you supposed to, but when I start over again I didn't have all the arsenal.


MGS3 kicks ass. I think I'm near the end of the game now, and after going through the
volgin/shagohod fight sequence + motorcycle escape
this game has GOTY written all over it. Makes MGS2's best scenarios look like something from the PSX days, and I loved MGS2.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
acklame said:
I just finished the game my first time.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.

quick question: do you get all your weapons +
the patriot
when you start over? I know you supposed to, but when I start over again I didn't have all the arsenal.

No, you don't get all your weapons. You get to keep the special weapons like the SAA and Patriot, but I believe you have to find the rest of your arsenal. Camo patterns and face paints are what carry over. Patriot with unlimited ammo is all you need in life.


Can anyone help me here.

I played until The End and saved last Friday.
Haven't played for 3 days due to work. Now I load the game hoping to kick The End's butt.
And suddenly I got shot by him and end up in a prison cell.
Do I have to do the whole thing again? From the cell to The End?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I played until The End and saved last Friday.
Haven't played for 3 days due to work. Now I load the game hoping to kick The End's butt.
And suddenly I got shot by him and end up in a prison cell.
Do I have to do the whole thing again? From the cell to The End?
You can do that, or you can
wait four more days (or advance the PS2 internal clock four days ahead), load your save file, and The End will die of old age waiting for you to come back to fight with him. (this was not a joke, btw)


Interlude said:
Can anyone help me here.

I played until The End and saved last Friday.
Haven't played for 3 days due to work. Now I load the game hoping to kick The End's butt.
And suddenly I got shot by him and end up in a prison cell.
Do I have to do the whole thing again? From the cell to The End?

His life won't regerenate, so the only "hassle" is the trip back to the forest.


Ok, now I understand. Thanks a lot for the help. I just have to make all the way back through the forest.

I prefer taking him out. I want to get his camo.


If you are doing the Frog Haunt and you decide not to kill The End (and forward your clock to a few days after saving at this location, and after shooting the frog of all 4 locations), can you backtrack to get the missing frogs? Will this work? Do you end up in the prison cell inside Grainy Dorky Lab?


Beat the Pain

Still not feeling the new stealth mechanics. Fighting Revolver was terrible. And whats up with that "meow" ??? So stupid

Pain battle was pretty awesome though. I didnt know that i could select more weapons from my bag, i ran out of pistol bullets quite early in the battle. So i was swiming left to right trying to think of a way to beat him. Pretty fucking anoying.

Again, thinking it was like MGS i thought all my weapons would be displayed in quick select. :mad:


Prine said:
Beat the Pain

Still not feeling the new stealth mechanics. Fighting Revolver was terrible. And whats up with that "meow" ??? So stupid

Pain battle was pretty awesome though. I didnt know that i could select more weapons from my bag, i ran out of pistol bullets quite early in the battle. So i was swiming left to right trying to think of a way to beat him. Pretty fucking anoying.

Again, thinking it was like MGS i thought all my weapons would be displayed in quick select. :mad:

cool. yeah man, like lots have said here, it can take a couple hours to get all the play mechanics down. I have been playing for 2 weeks and just figured out last night that once I have a guy in a headlock, I can CONTROL which direction to throw him down (i.e., right in front of me so that it is quick and easy to go 'Freeze'.)

Missing things like not knowing you can go in the backpack though, that kind of stuff is covered in the Codecs and the MANUAL. Give more time to both of those and you will discover alot of cool stuff.

yeah, the Ocelot meow is one of the ONLY peeves I have about the game too, but he still kicks ass. Wait til you see the other stuff Ocelot pulls..


Prine said:
I didnt know that i could select more weapons from my bag, i ran out of pistol bullets quite early in the battle. So i was swiming left to right trying to think of a way to beat him. Pretty fucking anoying. Again, thinking it was like MGS i thought all my weapons would be displayed in quick select. :mad:

If you notice the more weapons you have selected, the higher the weight of stuff you are carrying, and the more stamina you are using. That element wasn't in the previous games at all, so of course it had to be handled differently. Plus whose fault is it that you didn't bother to look in your backpack :p


Prine said:
My fault ofcourse :p

But still, thinking it was like MGS2 everything being accessible from quick select

Yeah they could have made it a little more intuitive as far as changing items from the backpack to the items being used, and for the camo as well.

J2 Cool

Oh man, playing through it a 2nd time still.
Fought The End again. I saved it and stopped playing for a few days and had the sequence where Snake is sleeping and The End gets me and throws me in the cell. So I went back, and had an amazing battle like the first time. Such a great fight. And for the last blow I got real close behind him for a headshot. Just awesome. Then went up the mountain. Got through the section with all the pits. Then at the highest part of the mountain I was caught. Boom, back on down. Through frustation I had a couple fails and then the worst thing happened. It froze on me! Blank black screen. I hadn't saved since The End fight! Went back and through it all again. The only benefit, I got The End's camo and the fight is so amazing it wasn't that bad but I was pissed. I also seen the Cabin for the first time the other day too. Missed that entirely my 1st time through.

Oh, and on the Sorrow fight. Yeah, I expected a little more. It was great, creepy as hell (especially alone at 4am), and cool but I expected an actual battle. I couldn't figure it out because I kept thinking battle. So I began to get freaked out like when you're stuck in a small dark closet for too long. It was quite awesome but frustrating too. I was wondering how you kill the dead, and kept thinking in some way give him life. So I tried just letting the ghosts attack me and in a way, accepting those I've killed. I've also tried shooting bullets into that beam he shoots. Maybe a portal or something. I tried walking away from where he lead me too. You know, like they say, don't walk into the light. I tried to do the opposite. All very clever idea I thought but too clever. The pill was still a nice touch. Just a little to exact compared to all the open ended gameplay of other fights. Fun character though and much better than Fortune and Decoy.


Grizzlyjin said:
No, you don't get all your weapons. You get to keep the special weapons like the SAA and Patriot, but I believe you have to find the rest of your arsenal. Camo patterns and face paints are what carry over. Patriot with unlimited ammo is all you need in life.

I started over but I didn't have
patriot and all the camo patterns.
Is it because I answered differently to the first question? (never played mgs/loved mgs1/2)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
acklame said:
I started over but I didn't have
patriot and all the camo patterns.
Is it because I answered differently to the first question? (never played mgs/loved mgs1/2)

Did you load your finished game? You have to create a save from a finished game. And you'll get all your stuff when Snake gets his backpack from the tree.


Grizzlyjin said:
Did you load your finished game? You have to create a save from a finished game. And you'll get all your stuff when Snake gets his backpack from the tree.

huh? I have a finished game save file but to start over I would need to start a new game right?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
acklame said:
huh? I have a finished game save file but to start over I would need to start a new game right?

Yeah, so you load the finished game save and create a new one from that.
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