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Official Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Thread


Have a fun! Enjoy!
That's the problem indeed. If you wonna change the difficulty, you have to strart from scratch and say bye bye to camos and whatever you got at the end of ur first playthrough.

J2 Cool

haha, cool. They got Play, PSE2, and MGR magazines on bookshelves in MGS3! Oh, and
I'm in Grazny Grad now. Crazy thing though, I decided to cause havoc on the bookshelves and magazine racks inside the weapons lab and Raidenkov waltzes in. I thought I had to find him. So I knocked out a guard ealier and he sees that and asks "what's going on now". I'm forced to take him down so I do. But they wouldnt let me take his clothes in there. They said, "take him to the locker room southwest on the 2nd floor". I so happened to be on the 1st floor so that didn't bold well but it was still cool.


Unfair advantage? Against whom exactly? If someone wants to play on extreme with all the camos he has collected than that's his choice.

It's just an oversight on Konami's part, just like they removed the option of switching between weapons or items with only one click of the triggers (which was in every version of MGS, including the OPM MGS3 demo).


i mean unfair as in what marconelly said.

got all the frogs today, stealth + infinity face paint = invincible. awesome. i like how the stealth isn't as perfect as it was in the past two games; it turns off if you bump into somebody and camo index drops to 95% for awhile until you get out of sight again.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
i like how the stealth isn't as perfect as it was in the past two games
They took some good care to make all the tech feel and work 'imperfect'. NVG and Thermal Googles both have some interference when you use them, Sniper only has two zoom settings, and clicks when you switch between them, binoculars have different, less techy sound when you zoom with them...


Crazymoogle said:
This actually happens with stealth camo no matter which MGS game you play.

mgs1 you can bump into anybody you feel like. mgs2 i don't actually remember, so i'm probably wrong about. but mgs1 i know you could bump into anybody.


Marconelly said:
They took some good care to make all the tech feel and work 'imperfect'. NVG and Thermal Googles both have some interference when you use them, Sniper only has two zoom settings, and clicks when you switch between them, binoculars have different, less techy sound when you zoom with them...
Exactly, and I think it's fair. The backpack adds realism IMO. Snake is that superhero that can carry an RPG, a Sniper Rifle, a AKA-47, a Patriots and what else?! Without it begin showed on him on screen?! Remember one of the first trailers of MGS2, where Snake is scene with all is arsenal on is back?! This would have been hard, but cool...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm not really sold on the way backpack works. The one thing that has generally occured at the beginning of every boss fight, is that I had to re-equip all the equipment I needed for that fight - every time I die and restart. That included going into the backpack and pulling out weapons and items, and storing back items that I have no use for at the moment (since you can't carry more than a certain number of weapons). Since I died A LOT on most bosses, on at least two ocasions I wished I could have just pulled out as many items from the backpack as I wanted, and have them all available with L2/R2 at all times like in MGS/MGS2.


Marconelly said:
I'm not really sold on the way backpack works. The one thing that has generally occured at the beginning of every boss fight, is that I had to re-equip all the equipment I needed for that fight - every time I die and restart. That included going into the backpack and pulling out weapons and items, and storing back items that I have no use for at the moment (since you can't carry more than a certain number of weapons). Since I died A LOT on most bosses, on at least two ocasions I wished I could have just pulled out as many items from the backpack as I wanted, and have them all available with L2/R2 at all times like in MGS/MGS2.
Except when you entered the room correctly configured (The End battle allows you to do so). Which bosses requires specific weapons?
Maybe the second time you fight Volgen
, but I can't remember any exceptional bosses that could require me to do the backpack dance everytime I died...


Yeah, that was a hassle. And it's not just the weapons (doesn't matter if a boss doesn't require a specific weapon if you don't have any ammo for most of the weapons you're carrying). I had to go and change my face paint and camo, items and weapons every time I died at a boss. I realize they do this because the game does an internal save everytime you enter a room, so that it reloads from that point every time you die, but it's still a hassle.

They have to steamline a lot of those features for MGS4.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Well, for example, I needed to re-equip chaff grenades when I fought Volgin (for the first time) every time I died. That's one instance that I clearly rememeber, and I know there was more than that (with Fury, I think I had to re-equip thermal googles every time I restarted the fight)


Marconelly said:
Well, for example, I needed to re-equip chaff grenades when I fought Volgin (for the first time) every time I died. That's one instance that I clearly rememeber, and I know there was more than that (with Fury, I think I had to re-equip thermal googles every time I restarted the fight)
You are using chaff grenades with Volgin?! Oh, maybe when he is on Shagohold or something... You must be playing at a harder difficulty than I was...


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Hmm. The mighty MGS3 has finally been unstickied.

Easily my favorite game this year.

Sometimes, when I play solo sharpshooter Ghost Recon 2 on Live, it feels like I'm battling The End all over again.

I love that shit.


Laurent said:
If you are doing the Frog Haunt and you decide not to kill The End (and forward your clock to a few days after saving at this location, and after shooting the frog of all 4 locations), can you backtrack to get the missing frogs? Will this work? Do you end up in the prison cell inside Grainy Dorky Lab?
Maybe you mean you're saved right before The End and want to know, but if not
I found it easier to shoot him during the wheelchair scene when gathering frogs. Love how the wheelchair comes flying at you too. Anyway, if you do, his areas will be filled with Ocelot Units instead, so you can calmly collect your froggies after disposing of them.


aku:jiki said:
Maybe you mean you're saved right before The End and want to know, but if not
I found it easier to shoot him during the wheelchair scene when gathering frogs. Love how the wheelchair comes flying at you too. Anyway, if you do, his areas will be filled with Ocelot Units instead, so you can calmly collect your froggies after disposing of them.
I am trying to do a No kill/Frog party. So I shouldn't kill The End... Possible?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
You are using chaff grenades with Volgin?! Oh, maybe when he is on Shagohold or something... You must be playing at a harder difficulty than I was...
No, not on Shagohod, I was using them during the very first fight with him - it helps a lot against the lightning bolts he's firing at you (playing on hard difficulty).

I love that shit.
I know how you feel. The whole game is like some kind of journey with so many memorable things happening on the way. I know it won't be the same next time I play it, but still I can't wait to have some free time and start again.

On my next playthrogh I think I'll spend considerable time just making photos.


Marconelly said:
No, not on Shagohod, I was using them during the very first fight with him - it helps a lot against the lightning bolts he's firing at you (playing on hard difficulty).

You do know that they're easy to dodge if you unequip your weapon?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
You do know that they're easy to dodge if you unequip your weapon?
What do you mean? How's that going to help?

Stupid stupid stupid - I'm at The Fear...and I don't have the damn thermal goggles!
I was in the same position - at hard difficulty. It was tough, but certainly doable.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Hmm, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I had my weapon unequipped most opf the time, as I was waiting for a moment to CQC him. Still, he was firing those beams or whatwasit like crazy. The less energy he had, the more beams he fired. First there was one, then two, and finally three.


Marconelly said:
Hmm, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I had my weapon unequipped most opf the time, as I was waiting for a moment to CQC him. Still, he was firing those beams or whatwasit like crazy. The less energy he had, the more beams he fired. First there was one, then two, and finally three.

The beams track you more aggressively if you have a weapon equipped (I guess since it's metal, the beams get "attracted" to it). I unequip my weapon when he starts shooting the beams so that it's easier to dodge them.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
bishoptl said:
Stupid stupid stupid - I'm at The Fear...and I don't have the damn thermal goggles!

Same thing happen to me during my first playthrough, the second time around and I had them before
The Pain. But I know how it is to fight The Fear without any help. It's actually a better fight without the goggles, you have to use all your senses now. I climbed up a tree to get a good view of the area and then fired away when I heard him getting closer. You can sorta actually see him, so don't count that out.


bishoptl said:
Stupid stupid stupid - I'm at The Fear...and I don't have the damn thermal goggles!
I hated that battle... If it wasn't for
poisoned/spoiled food
, I don't know how I could've beaten him.
With the exception of The Fear, I actually enjoyed all other boss battles so far. I loved that 30+ minute battle with The End, and battles against The Pain & The Fury were super easy, but still fun. But The Fear... I'd say that part probably knocked off at least few points from overall MGS3 score for me.


Heh, strange. In terms of difficulty, I'd rank them like this, from hardest to easiest:

Volgin > The Fury > The Pain > The End > The Fear


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Miburou said:
Heh, strange. In terms of difficulty, I'd rank them like this, from hardest to easiest:

Volgin > The Fury > The Pain > The End > The Fear

For me it was:

The Fury > Volgin > The Boss > The Fear > The End > The Pain

But it terms of fun factor it was:

The End > The Boss = Volgin > The Fury > The Pain > The Fear > The Sorrow

I enjoyed the hell out of all of them though...except jeepers creepers. :lol


Miburou said:
Heh, strange. In terms of difficulty, I'd rank them like this, from hardest to easiest:

Volgin > The Fury > The Pain > The End > The Fear

Volgin with the Mk-22 is kinda difficult. Volgin with the Patriot is so easy, the only thing that would rank as easier would be taking out The End by shooting him when they are wheeling him away. All you have to do is literally stand in the original spot and never stop firing at him.

And The Fury can be beaten from one spot without moving or getting hit.


Miburou said:
Yeah, I was talking about my first playthrough.
And what spot would that be?

Yeah first time I'd agree more with your ranking.

Right in front of the red door (opposite side of the ledge). Stand right in front of the door he shouldn't be able to hit you if you are sparying him with the Patriot.


Yeah, I stayed mainly at that spot when I fought him, but of course I didn't have the patriot, and he'd eventually get to me so I'd have to change location.

Damn this school crap, otherwise I would've replayed MGS3 and already finished Shadow Hearts Covenant.

I didn't put The Boss on my list, because it was tough at first (when I was trying to sneak up on her), but then got very easy once I switched to countering her CQC.

J2 Cool

Well, first play around on normal in terms of difficulty

Volgin > The Boss > The End > The Sorrow (couldnt figure it out) > The Fury > The Fear > The Pain

Fun factor: The Boss > The End > Volgin > The Fear > The Fury > The Sorrow > The Pain (all great btw, even Pain)

On hard Fury was hard as hell and Fear a little less hard. End is not the most difficult, but it's a challenge of senses and damn fun. The Pain is still easy.


I'm surprised that many people had problem dealing with The Fury... All it took me to beat him was
a few grenades and few shots from the shotgun (exploding barrels did help as well)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
dorikyasu said:
I'm surprised that many people had problem dealing with The Fury... All it took me to beat him was
a few grenades and few shots from the shotgun (exploding barrels did help as well)

Well I was going for the tranq kill, so he wasn't quite that easy. He can get sorta tough near the end. He won't stop very often and leaves little room for you to attack. The Fury didn't stress me out or anything, but it was one of those fights where I had to keep on my toes. Watching my stamina, potential injuries, life, and then dealing with him...

Same with Volgin. I was going for a tranq kill, so I only used CQC and my Mk22. Knock him down with CQC and then get a few shots in while he was down. I loved watching that bastard hit the ground like a little wimp.
I have a question about the story...

was there a reason for why Adam/Ocelot didn't show up that night? Was he actually supposed to show up in the morning, or got delayed, but when he did show up i nthe morning Snake and Eva took the offensive and sorta screwed things up? Well, Eva being there already screwed up the original plan.


Quadrophenic said:
I have a question about the story...

was there a reason for why Adam/Ocelot didn't show up that night? Was he actually supposed to show up in the morning, or got delayed, but when he did show up i nthe morning Snake and Eva took the offensive and sorta screwed things up? Well, Eva being there already screwed up the original plan.
Ocelot did showed up, but never mentionned that he was Adam probably because he did not trust Snake, thinking that he may be double crossing the american government with the help of another spy (Eva). Since he is already tripple crossing them, while double crossing the KGB, while working for a higher (or simply different) american group, he thought this was going to be difficult to do (four crossing?)...


Took me almost 2 hours to beat The End for a second time just to get his camo. Is sneaking into that military base after you climb the mountain hard or does it get easy when you get the uniform from Raiden?
AssMan said:
Took me almost 2 hours to beat The End for a second time just to get his camo. Is sneaking into that military base after you climb the mountain hard or does it get easy when you get the uniform from Raiden?

You get the uniform from Raidenkov inside the Weapon's Lab
Laurent said:
Ocelot did showed up, but never mentionned that he was Adam probably because he did not trust Snake, thinking that he may be double crossing the american government with the help of another spy (Eva). Since he is already tripple crossing them, while double crossing the KGB, while working for a higher (or simply different) american group, he thought this was going to be difficult to do (four crossing?)...

So did he show up at night and see Eva, and then return in the morning with his group? Or did he just show up in the morning, saw Eva, and gave the order to attack (or was his group attacked first? I can't remember....


AssMan said:
Took me almost 2 hours to beat The End for a second time just to get his camo. Is sneaking into that military base after you climb the mountain hard or does it get easy when you get the uniform from Raiden?

the mountain area is the most fortified area of the game and tough to get through without alerting anyone. It was one of my favorite parts of the game though, with the Hinds and the platform pods (if you blew up the Hind at the base in the woods earlier).
Anyway, yeah, you get the uniform in the labe after the mountain base. The mountain base is a stronghold made to protect the main lab base.
have fun..
PS. I LOVE the sound of the siren that goes off when you are spotted in the mountain base. It just adds to the tension and drama.


Is it possible to make
flying troops
goes to sleep with the Hush Puppy, or will the end up dying in the explosion anyway?

Does killing The End
"naturally", after forwarding your PS2 internal clock for 7 days
will count as a kill (after I finished the game)?

Does any killing occured while making Food or Ammo Storage Room explode? I can't remember any guards entering those room in their routine...

Buggy Loop

On my 2nd playthrough, fought the end last night and totally 0wned him, it was so fun, i got his camo and his sniper rifle aswell, both kicks major ass! Poor old man, i never left him any shot at me, always sneaking on his back (and way easier with his camo) and shooting the old fart on the head with the mk-22 muhahahaha :D As soon as he ran i shot a few ammo on his ass with the patriot just to slow him down, turning on the thermal goggles to see his footprints , look at the map to see if he's heading to any sniping point, checking in first person view if he's indeed setting camp there, then repeat the process of sneaking up on him, shooting him in the head with mk22. In case i lost him i used the mic, he breaths heavily after running so you can spot him pretty easy with it.

Such a different battle than my first time against him, where he kept 0wning me time after time and it was a battle that took hours, while this one took 15 mins top.


Laurent said:
Is it possible to make
flying troops
goes to sleep with the Hush Puppy, or will the end up dying in the explosion anyway?

Yes you can hit them with your tranq. As long as you don't kill them yourself, that doesn't count as a kill. I was worried about this during the last
chase scene with the shagohod and units.
I would tranq the soldiers and they'd fall asleep at the wheel, wipe out and take out other bikes, killing the other units
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