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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Looking for meaning in GAF
The whole xXGODSLAYERXx is a troll roleplay thing he started doing as of very recently, in which he is literally roelplaying a dickbag, so it'd be no surprise he's acting like a dickbag. Even then, he's climbing through the ranks with his bullshit just fine. It's pretty far from his normal persona and not something I'd personally judge him for. It's also entertaining so whatevs.
It doesn't matter if he's "roleplaying" a dickbag when he's still being a dickbag to people and ruining their experiences. That's exactly the same thing as acting like a dick to someone and handwaving it off as "it's just a prank bro." or "It's just a social experiment." He's still deliberately making people miserable. Calling it "roleplaying" doesn't make it okay.

Imagine if you ran into a guy relentlessly harassing you, then going "lol I'm just roleplaying" as an excuse for his behavior.

His skill doesn't matter in this case. He's good at the game and way better than the people he plays with, so obviously he'll climb. But his attitude is really offputting.


It doesn't matter if he's "roleplaying" a dickbag when he's still being a dickbag to people and ruining their experiences. That's exactly the same thing as acting like a dick to someone and handwaving it off as "it's just a prank bro." or "It's just a social experiment." He's still deliberately making people miserable. Calling it "roleplaying" doesn't make it okay.

Imagine if you ran into a guy relentlessly harassing you, then going "lol I'm just roleplaying" as an excuse for his behavior.

His skill doesn't matter in this case. He's good at the game and way better than the people he plays with, so obviously he'll climb. But his attitude is really offputting.

It's pretty obvious he's pulling of an act from the start. If you understand that you'll find it funny as well, and after a while just annoying.

He isn't making anyone miserable.
It's funny because I've seen alot of Moonmoon's previous matches where he just gets fucked because of a symm or torb picker on his team (before the buffs). And by alot I mean like for months.

And he has ALWAYS played Rein or Hog previously, so he was never a detriment to the team before.

Now he decides to go DPS with Genji main for like a day and people are getting butthurt. It's great.

E/ I didn't check it yet but the clip of him asking mercy to turn around was probably like a one time thing. Doubt he dogged the person to do it.


People who leave competitive matches on the tie-game during 2-2 should be banned from Overwatch for life and dragged through the streets by a truck.


sparkle this bitch
Would anyone on PC like to play with me some time? Guess I would like to know what I can do better and improve as a player. Hitting this losing streak has been incredible frustrating to me(Down about 500+ rank) and it's been hard to flip.


I don't know if I'm going through a losing streak this season, but the amount of trolls I've come across the last 10 games have been pretty bad. If I'm losing because we are being outplayed, no problem but this has not been the case so far...
The whole xXGODSLAYERXx is a troll roleplay thing he started doing as of very recently, in which he is literally roelplaying a dickbag, so it'd be no surprise he's acting like a dickbag. Even then, he's climbing through the ranks with his bullshit just fine. It's pretty far from his normal persona and not something I'd personally judge him for. It's also entertaining so whatevs.

I'm finding his GODSLAYER phase hilarious, personally.

I do enjoy his lovable MoonMoon persona though.

I clipped this from last night which I found hilarious:


The Winston "Hey" in between his bragging just seals it.


Would anyone on PC like to play with me some time? Guess I would like to know what I can do better and improve as a player. Hitting this losing streak has been incredible frustrating to me(Down about 500+ rank) and it's been hard to flip.

The best advice I can give is to not feed. If you feel like you've died because you went too far in try to play defensive and figure out when things work and when they don't.

Also always be on the move.
I got into diamond this season with relative ease last night, I think I lost 2 games out of like 6-8 (stupid overbuff isn't updating so I can't tell). I uncharacteristically used the "stay as team" feature last night (a few times), in which we managed to win most of the time! Started off duo with my friend (which he stayed for all games), turned into a quad for a few, went down to a triple, and then for the last 2 games did a full 6 stack (and actually won...).

I'm up for it. Been waiting for some Gaffers to do placements with their main accounts for Comp but it seems the Bastion meta has kept them away and I can't wait any longer. I'm also in Diamond but I haven't played any Comp for 7 days so I dropped to 3000, lol

I get you don't like playing solo queue.. but what's wrong with playing with alt accounts in comp? Technically should be easier matches since the alt is lower SR than the main account (most the time). I take mine very seriously, I try and help people out of gold. I really doubt any gaffer here would throw matches or sandbag if you played comp with their alt.


Oh ok, so he's just doing it for fun. I guess his viewers enjoy that.
I think he's fucking hilarious, he was the second OW stream I started watching after Harbleu and it's always good times.

After an entire season of being a Rein main, I think it's okay that he trolls a little with Genji on an alt account, he was still winning most of his games.


I get you don't like playing solo queue.. but what's wrong with playing with alt accounts in comp? Technically should be easier matches since the alt is lower SR than the main account (most the time). I take mine very seriously, I try and help people out of gold. I really doubt any gaffer here would throw matches or sandbag if you played comp with their alt.

Right now everyone is placed pretty low and I don't wanna get matched with Gold and Plat dudes. Just hearing ND's horror stories about quitters is scary. And I don't think they care about losing their SR as much as if they were on their main account, tbh.


I'm finding his GODSLAYER phase hilarious, personally.

I do enjoy his lovable MoonMoon persona though.

I clipped this from last night which I found hilarious:


The Winston "Hey" in between his bragging just seals it.

I don't hate it but I don't love it, I just prefer the usual moonmoon. It's, of course, clearly a forced act and it just comes across as a bit TOO forced for me to enjoy. Chat is eating it up, though, which is why I imagine he continues to do it.

Oh ok, so he's just doing it for fun. I guess his viewers enjoy that.

Right. This is absolutely nothing like moonmoon usually acts, at all. Here's normal moonmoon during his stream playthrough of A Night In The Woods:

This is where I'm at. Dude is no better than the detestable 1-trick trolls I get matched with when he acts like that. If he wants to do it, that's his choice, but I am 100% justified in judging him for being a dickhead in turn


This simply isn't true.

I turned on his stream for a few minutes last night, I was like "it can't be that bad". As soon as I start watching, I hear him tell a diamond Lucio, "hey Lucio, you know what you should do? Switch to mercy and heal only me so I can carry this team", he told him to switch to mercy like 3 times until Lucio just said "fuck off". The chat was loving it, the guy playing Lucio clearly was not having it. He also didn't tell anyone at the end, "hey guys, I was just doing an act, sorry if I made anyone uncomfortable" or anything like that.


Moonmoon's last stream encapsulated why I dislike him so much. It's one thing to do the type of comedy he does on his Twitch channel, a place that you can voluntarily watch or leave depending on your choice, but forcing low Masters/Diamond level players to endure your "xxGODSLAYERxx" shtick is such a dick move. He only picked Genji the entire day regardless of the mode, was being super toxic in team chat and calling everyone "noob idiots", demanding players to pocket heal him and generally just trolling. Almost every single game at least one person would leave the voice channel because of him, and one guy even recognized him as Moonmoon and begged him to stop messing around... it got really awkward after that. People were regularly quitting the games he was in and I don't blame them. He asked one female Mercy player to turn around so he could look at her ass and she just went silent for the rest of the match.

It's like, I get that he thinks he's being all "hehe xDD" and his viewers love it but don't be an obnoxious twat and ruin other people's matches.

For the record, I was only watching because none of the other streamers I watch were on and I figured I could get some entertainment out of his stream for a bit.
Moonmoon seems to be always in tilt mode lol and maybe he was just pissed earlier but dude obviously can hang with pros if he went tryhard mode. He even mentions he doesn't like to go all serious.
I don't hate it but I don't love it, I just prefer the usual moonmoon. It's, of course, clearly a forced act and it just comes across as a bit TOO forced for me to enjoy. Chat is eating it up, though, which is why I imagine he continues to do it.

Right. This is absolutely nothing like moonmoon usually acts, at all. Here's normal moonmoon during his stream playthrough of A Night In The Woods:


I haven't watched much of him prior to this phase, so this is more or less all I know except for when he breaks fourth wall or answers questions between matches. The chat is definitely eating it up. Lots of subs and donations today.

He had a quick bump in donations today after someone used All Chat to call him a racial profanity. He went off about it and then reported both the people that said it. But it seemed like the chat was... I don't know... excited about the fact that the guy said what he said.
Lol you're crazy. Playing 7 games a week whilst revising just isn't doable or if I do it, my rank will just tank because I'm not really doing it because I want to but because I have to.

Have you considered doing the responsible thing and dropping out so you can focus on this season?
Moon is a good guy still. he actually did a 24 hour stream or a short stream (can't remember) last year to donate to the flood victims (including me) in louisiana.
I don't really think anyone is saying he is an all around bad guy. He clearly cares about his fanbase and has done respectable things according to the posters in this thread. I believe it. I just think this shtick is toxic and obnoxious, and many of the players that had to deal with it clearly felt the same way. Saying "you can just mute him" to people that don't want to listen to it in a team-based game like Overwatch that requires communication is just ridiculous.


I don't really think anyone is saying he is an all around bad guy. He clearly cares about his fanbase and has done respectable things according to the posters in this thread. I believe it. I just think this shtick is toxic and obnoxious, and many of the players that had to deal with it clearly felt the same way. Saying "you can just mute him" to people that don't want to listen to it in a team-based game like Overwatch that requires communication is just ridiculous.

What's ridiculous about muting one person who you think is being obnoxious? You can still listen to the rest of the team. Why do you think the "mute" feature exists?


Ok, come on. Socially underdeveloped because assbags are irritating?
He is annoying but not nearly enough to make me miserable, jesus christ. Enough with the hyperboles already.

Ah, pulling out the old "get a life nerd" card when someone doesn't think the obnoxious style of abusive "humour" is absolutely hilarious. A classic.

Eh, still not as classic as people deflecting arguments like they're a genji main.


I was laughing so hard with this it was insane.
What's ridiculous about muting one person who you think is being obnoxious? You can still listen to the rest of the team. Why do you think the "mute" feature exists?

Ask yourself why you think muting him might be necessary in the first place.

He's flaming his teammates and intentionally trolling them.

Muting him or not doesn't change the fact that he isn't actually trying to work with the team. It's similar to the average 1-trick Symmetra/Torbjorn main that forces you to either work around them or lose. It's an entirely selfish playstyle.


First time ever heard the N word in comp. From a white person anyway.

And not just the one that ends with an a, the one that ends with er.

And he emphasized the r, stuck the landing. Thankfully the game was over at that point.


Ask yourself why you think muting him might be necessary in the first place.

He's flaming his teammates and intentionally trolling them.

Muting him or not doesn't change the fact that he isn't actually trying to work with the team. It's similar to the average 1-trick Symmetra/Torbjorn main that forces you to either work around them or lose. It's an entirely selfish playstyle.

He's doing just fine playing with his teams, hence why he is winning more games than he is losing and has climbed to GM as of earlier today.

I think if someone is annoyed by the troll-y bullshit he is doing with his xXGODSLAYERXx alt roleplay they can mute him short of feeling "harassed", or even if they just find his theatrics to be annoying to listen to. Big whoop. He's not seriously "flaming" anyone -- his stupid theatrics are clearly exaggerated and a joke. I've been watching him do this shit all morning now and the people in this thread are complaining an order of magnitude more than anyone he's actually playing with, most of which immediately realize it's a stupid joke.

Sometimes it feels like people on GAF really need to be handled with kid gloves.


Stats showing how many hours you play a character in a certain season is getting really annoying lol.

I usually play a whole lot of Soldier, McCree or Tracer but it got me a bit burned on the game. Took a break and to switch things up I'm trying all the different viable characters and I'm quite enjoying it. Surprisingly playing a lot of Zarya and Reinhardt. Though now, if I want to play one of my usual picks I get flack for it because "I'm a Reinhardt main". Yet I've probably played 4 hours or Reinhardt and 80 hours of Soldier.

I guess some get off from watching people being assholes to others. If you like it that's fine, but don't pretend there is some kind of high meta behind it.


I guess some get off from watching people being assholes to others. If you like it that's fine, but don't pretend there is some kind of high meta behind it.

Clearly the peak of entertainment

I bet he was holding off so much salt from all this time, he just had to roleplay an ass in order to sort of get rid of it.

I wonder where seagull vents
He's doing just fine playing with his teams, hence why he is winning more games than he is losing and has climbed to GM as of earlier today.

I think if someone is annoyed by the troll-y bullshit he is doing with his xXGODSLAYERXx alt roleplay they can mute him short of feeling "harassed", or even if they just find his theatrics to be annoying to listen to. Big whoop. He's not seriously "flaming" anyone -- his stupid theatrics are clearly exaggerated and a joke. I've been watching him do this shit all morning now and the people in this thread are complaining an order of magnitude more than anyone he's actually playing with, most of which immediately realize it's a stupid joke.

Sometimes it feels like people on GAF really need to be handled with kid gloves.

What a mature and non-condescending thing to say.
Eh, still not as classic as people deflecting arguments like they're a genji main.

Calling others "socially underdeveloped" is an argument now? Well I'll be.

If other players in a team ask him to stop being an asshole or are forced to mute him, then yes - their playing experience is heavily inhibited and he's making them miserable, while also impacting the performance of the entire team.

Also that one bit someone mentioned where he asked a female player to stop so he can look at the ass of the character she's playing causing that female player to cease talking also is not really helping, especially considering there's plenty of accounts of female players not using voice chat at all or simply stopping to play Overwatch because of exactly that kind of harassment. I would bet she was feeling quite miserable.


I thought we were friends here. No need to get into a tizzy over some streamer. Everyone enjoys their own things.
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