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Person of Interest |S2 OT| Not For The Weak-Kneed

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I was right about the writers deciding who lives and dies by the end of the season at least...;_;

This is getting too dark, too fast.

I have stated my theories of who is head of the operation but only time will tell...

This episode is just the start of future long-term threads in my opinion. It reminds me of Critical in terms of plot development, an interesting non-relevant story that advances the season unlike any episode before it (let's ignore the Relevance episode).

Is it possible to deliver a convincing tale in three episodes?

Now we have to wait another three weeks?

CBS playin' with our emotions.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
You mean "who is in charge" above Greer?

The only "big time" player that I could think of that isn't the Government (and appears not to be the Chinese, since only a small portion of the data went to them), might be
the long thought dead Nathan?
Was that who you thought?


You mean "who is in charge" above Greer?

The only "big time" player that I could think of that isn't the Government (and appears not to be the Chinese, since only a small portion of the data went to them), might be
the long thought dead Nathan?
Was that who you thought?

Yes...yes it was.

Long shot but I'm holding out hope, kind of early for fan service but it rewards those who been watching since the beginning.

What interest me is that they are actively investigating for Finch. Should the organization discover his identity, subsequent moves could serve to indicate who is the mastermind.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
It's either someone we don't know, or that theory, cause Root's a solo act, HR and Elias are standard (though good) organized crime, and it's not the Chinese (per se). Maybe the upper aspects of the Government cartel (The character listed as "Pennsylvania Two").

Still, the virus is aimed at The Machine, and the only parties getting info from it are the Government Cartel and FinchCo. So it'd be doubtful either would want it to be damaged.

If it's what we thought of
perhaps the incident that cause Finch's injuries, are the central point of all this. The Mystery company and the reason Finch started along his current path


It's either someone we don't know, or that theory, cause Root's a solo act, HR and Elias are standard (though good) organized crime, and it's not the Chinese (per se). Maybe the upper aspects of the Government cartel (The character listed as "Pennsylvania Two").

Still, the virus is aimed at The Machine, and the only parties getting info from it are the Government Cartel and FinchCo. So it'd be doubtful either would want it to be damaged.

If it's what we thought of
perhaps the incident that cause Finch's injuries, are the central point of all this. The Mystery company and the reason Finch started along his current path
This is very plausible to me just because I imagine Finch is hiding so much more than I think the audience notices.

Michael Emerson is a man with many talents, he was meant for this role.


This episode hit on all points for me.

I immediately went from this:


to this:


when it dawned on me that we have another long wait.

And when Shaw saw Roots pic and decided to pick up a hobby:


I'll subscribe to your theory @Lonestar. It really makes me wonder what we have in store for the next 3 episodes.


Lester freeman! Show is good. Like the cast. Shaw talks softly. Bear is a great addition. I like how some of these characters show up.


How many seasons have been confirmed? It seems like it is well written with an ultimate ending. Not like the crap lost was.


That was a great episode, pretty emotional at the end I actually wanted him to pull it through.

Yeah, it's strange. I started to hate him these last few episodes and then you find out he's a good guy after all and the next moment they kill him. It sucks when shows do that :(


Nycers must see them filming regularly. Something about shaw and her crazy eyes makes me think she knows more. Where is Leon? Who is that old British man?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
old guy is Chris and Jonah Nolan's real life uncle. In the show, he's a higher up (but not the highest up) of some unknown corporation/criminal organization, that is plotting something that involves/needs The Machine to be damaged/destroyed.

Ratings were a little down, something like a 2.7 rating. Still tied for the lead of that time slot. These long breaks with little advertising isn't doing wonders, though it's still renewed, so who cares.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
yeah, I'm only using the DVR to catch up to live if something immediates going on, like updates on a sick grandparent, or explosive Chipotle Diarrhea. Or both!
Yeah, it's strange. I started to hate him these last few episodes and then you find out he's a good guy after all and the next moment they kill him. It sucks when shows do that :(

Yeah I was hoping he'd make it/Reese would show up in time to save him. Damn.

This show sure is ramping up to something. Best action/drama show on TV. Might end up better than 24 overall, too.
That was awesome. So awesome.

First off, poor Beecher. I felt pretty bad for him. Finally getting to the truth, his love interest knows he's not dirty, then he gets blown away. Motherfuckin' Quinn.

Second, motherfuckin' Greer. The Nolan Uncle is still creepy and plotting something awful and I love it. What the fuck is his organization up to?

Third, motherfucking SHAW. God, I love that woman. I hope next she and Root meet, it is as hot as their last meeting. Gotdamn. That's a good hobby to have.


Liked Harold giving Jacobs a job (and yes, NYC's main job creator, hahaha) and giving Shaw and Shaw's partner's parents some peace.

Have we not looked up the blue screens last couple of episodes?
Embedded Code for All In:



Converted back into ascii text, then decoded through base64, this is:

"Already we had gone away from him,
When I beheld two frozen in one hole,
So that one head a hood was to the other;
And even as bread through hunger is devoured,
The uppermost on the other set his teeth,
There where the brain is to the nape united.
Not in another fashion Tydeus gnawed
The temples of Menalippus in disdain,
Than that one did the skull and the other things.
"O thou, who showest by such bestial sign
Thy hatred against him whom thou art eating,
Tell me the wherefore," said I, "with this compact,
That if thou rightfully of him complain,
In knowing who ye are, and his transgression,
I in the world above repay thee for it,
If that wherewith I speak be not dried up."
His mouth uplifted from his grim repast,
That sinner, wiping it upon the hair
Of the same head that he behind had wasted.
Then he began: "Thou wilt that I renew
The desperate grief, which wrings my heart already
To think of only, ere I speak of it;
But if my words be seed that may bear fruit
Of infamy to the traitor whom I gnaw,
Speaking and weeping shalt thou see together.
I know not who thou art, nor by what mode
Thou hast come down here; but a Florentine
Thou seemest to me truly, when I hear thee.
Thou hast to know I was Count Ugolino,
And this one was Ruggieri the Archbishop;
Now I will tell thee why I am such a neighbour.
That, by e"

This appears to be an excerpt from "Canto XXXII" of Dante's Inferno, which depicts Dante's literary exploration of the journey the soul takes (in this part, recognising and renouncing sin), in order to reach god.


Converted back into ascii text, then decoded through base64, this is (not yet a complete conversion):

Bacillus anthracis , the bacterium that causes anthrax, is capable of causing mass casualties. Symptom"

It is an excerpt from a CIA report on the materials and effects of terrorist-based chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear attacks. This is the fourth mention of bioterrorism in these bluescreens.


Converted back into ascii text, then decoded through base64, this is (not yet a complete conversion):

"Then her mother gave her a knife and said, "Cut the toe off; when thou art Queen thou wilt have no more need to go on foot." The maiden"

This is an excerpt from "Cinderella" as told by the Brothers Grimm.


Converted back into ascii text, then decoded through base64, this is (not yet a complete conversion):

"06.49: The Micra arrives at Luton and parks next to the Brava. The 4 men get out of their respective cars, look in the boots of both, and appear to move items between them. They each put on rucksacks which CCTV shows are large and full. The 4 are described as looking as if they were going on a camping holiday.
One car contained explosive devices of a dif"

It appears to be an excerpt from "The Report of the Official Account of the Bombings in London on 7th July 2005".


Converted back into ascii text, then decoded through base64, this is (not yet a complete conversion):

"During the lst Platoon's movement through the southern half of the subhamlet, its members were invo"

This appears to be an excerpt from the Vietnam War My Lai Massacre Department of Defense Documents, concerning the killings of Vietnamese civilians.


Converted back into ascii text, then decoded through base64, this is (not yet a complete conversion):

"Then first thy spear, divine Patroclus! flew,
Where the war raged, and where the tumult grew.

This appears to be an excerpt from Book XVI. The Sixth Battle: The Acts and Death of Patroclus, part of Homer's Iliad.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Wonder if anyone's looked into if "Decema" or however it's spelled, means anything. That's the tech company this Data's going to.

Also, going by Greer's phone timer, 541 is probably hours (if the 50 is minutes and the last 2 digits were seconds), then that's around 22 days. Which, from the airdate of the show on 4/5/2013, puts it around 4/25 and 4/26/2013, and 4/25 is the next episode.

I'm not saying that's the implied date, or if the next episode features "whatever" it's counting down, but I thought it was interesting.

Seems like there are more and more blue screens.

Heh, that wiki page, with the speculation of the episodes blue screens, has some chilling effects. That last bit especially.


Wow, thanks for the embedded code updates.

There were far too many in the last episode, I wonder if the messages will become more specific to give viewers at home a warning of the current threat if they know how to decode it. Very exciting and terrifying indeed.

I'm wondering, the whole purpose of the virus is to slow down the machine. If "Control" discovers the threat in time and has no time to dispatch their own agents, would they alert the Pentagon? Because if they bring the US Army into it, I imagine they won't do anything unless they know where the intelligence is coming from.

This also leads me to my next line of inquiry of who else knows about the machine? Nathan said seven people, I imagine he and Alicia gave information to high ranking government officers who can act in the event someone was terminated/killed.

Far more questions than answers at this point...

As for Decima,
the writers are continuing their roman mythology theme, one of the fates and the goddess of child birth.


Wow, thanks for the embedded code updates.

There were far too many in the last episode, I wonder if the messages will become more specific to give viewers at home a warning of the current threat if they know how to decode it. Very exciting and terrifying indeed.

I'm wondering, the whole purpose of the virus is to slow down the machine. If "Control" discovers the threat in time and has no time to dispatch their own agents, would they alert the Pentagon? Because if they bring the US Army into it, I imagine they won't do anything unless they know where the intelligence is coming from.

This also leads me to my next line of inquiry of who else knows about the machine? Nathan said seven people, I imagine he and Alicia gave information to high ranking government officers who can act in the event someone was terminated/killed.

Far more questions than answers at this point...

As for Decima,
the writers are continuing their roman mythology theme, one of the fates and the goddess of child birth.

Decima mythology spoilers:
Her Roman equivalent was Decima. Lachesis was the apportioner, deciding how much time for life was to be allowed for each person or being.[2] She measured the thread of life with her rod. She is also said to choose a person's destiny after a thread was measured. In mythology, it is said that she appears with her sisters within three days of a baby's birth to decide its fate.

Well that's certainly sinister sounding when combined with the machine.
Decima mythology spoilers:
Her Roman equivalent was Decima. Lachesis was the apportioner, deciding how much time for life was to be allowed for each person or being.[2] She measured the thread of life with her rod. She is also said to choose a person's destiny after a thread was measured. In mythology, it is said that she appears with her sisters within three days of a baby's birth to decide its fate.

Well that's certainly sinister sounding when combined with the machine.

That is indeed ominous. Is this other organization seeking to destroy the Machine or control the Machine for themselves? Choose its destiny, so to speak?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
That is indeed ominous. Is this other organization seeking to destroy the Machine or control the Machine for themselves? Choose its destiny, so to speak?

Spoilered, but just speculation with this Decima info:

hell, it's possible if they controlled the machine, they could "sell" salvation. Find out that a person could face death or life changing circumstances? Pay us $10,000 to save you.

Or, the opposite: Pay us $1 million to hide your criminal plans.

Become "Fate"
Spoilered, but just speculation with this Decima info:

hell, it's possible if they controlled the machine, they could "sell" salvation. Find out that a person could face death or life changing circumstances? Pay us $10,000 to save you.

Or, the opposite: Pay us $1 million to hide your criminal plans.

Become "Fate"

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-

That'd be intriguing. But I think these people are already very well funded. Unless they want it for that power.


I'd say power, or what if what they have combined with the machine...
Would also allow them to change fates, instead of just noticing when fate would intervene. A computerized version of John and Harold. Think of it like the Adjustment Bureau


Neo Member
Bear, Beecher, Elias, Greer, Quinn and Shaw. Plot arcs for Cole and Root. So much going on this episode and they pulled it off spectacularly.

Not much to say that hasn't been said except again, 3 weeks?!
Bear, Beecher, Elias, Greer, Quinn and Shaw. Plot arcs for Cole and Root. So much going on this episode and they pulled it off spectacularly.

Not much to say that hasn't been said except again, 3 weeks?!


And I was seriously impressed at how they were able to juggle so many different plotlines so clearly and effectively.

You guys think Shaw and John will ever be a thing? I don't see it.

But Shaw and Leon, I see that for some reason. It'd be hilarious.




Wonder if anyone's looked into if "Decema" or however it's spelled, means anything. That's the tech company this Data's going to.

Also, going by Greer's phone timer, 541 is probably hours (if the 50 is minutes and the last 2 digits were seconds), then that's around 22 days. Which, from the airdate of the show on 4/5/2013, puts it around 4/25 and 4/26/2013, and 4/25 is the next episode.

I'm not saying that's the implied date, or if the next episode features "whatever" it's counting down, but I thought it was interesting.

Seems like there are more and more blue screens.

Heh, that wiki page, with the speculation of the episodes blue screens, has some chilling effects. That last bit especially.
If that is the case with the dates, wouldnt it be awesome if they did something in real life like making alot of the pay phones in NYC ring and the machine gives people who answer a code or something to try and figure out.


Neo Member

And I was seriously impressed at how they were able to juggle so many different plotlines so clearly and effectively.

You guys think Shaw and John will ever be a thing? I don't see it.

But Shaw and Leon, I see that for some reason. It'd be hilarious.

I do feel like there was some tension this episode between John and Shaw, I would like to see it though Zoey and John makes more sense.

As for Leon, Shaw would eat him alive.


I do feel like there was some tension this episode between John and Shaw, I would like to see it though Zoey and John makes more sense.

As for Leon, Shaw would eat him alive.
I could see leon and shaw, in the hunt for Root. Shaw might need some tech support. John and Finch see Leons number come up again they go and look for Leon and all thats left is a note from Leon explaining Shaw saved him this time.

I do feel like there was some tension this episode between John and Shaw, I would like to see it though Zoey and John makes more sense.

As for Leon, Shaw would eat him alive.

I honestly don't see any tension between John and Shaw. They're professional as fuck.

But my God, the potential for comedy between Leon and Shaw.

I could see leon and shaw, in the hunt for Root. Shaw might need some tech support. John and Finch see Leons number come up again they go and look for Leon and all thats left is a note from Leon explaining Shaw saved him this time.


Ha, that'd be hilarious. But how would Shaw know?


I honestly don't see any tension between John and Shaw. They're professional as fuck.

But my God, the potential for comedy between Leon and Shaw.

Ha, that'd be hilarious. But how would Shaw know?

I was thinking she was just searching for him so she can force him to work with her or something.
The description for the next PoI's out. That's a nice twist.


“In Extremis” – When a luminary in the world of medicine is poisoned, Reese and Finch have just 24 hours to determine the deadly toxin he was given and find the person behind the attack. Meanwhile, Detective Fusco’s past corruption catches up with him when an informant gives the Internal Affairs Bureau the crucial information they need to send him to prison, on PERSON OF INTEREST, Thursday, April 25 (9:01 – 10:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Two weeks.



Great episode. Really ramping up now. Dat hype.

Will miss
though. Nice guy in a questionable position. His relationship with
the head of HR
could have been a decent sub plot to carry on with, especially should whatsherface learn of said relationship. I guess she still could, ramping up to her delivering the final blow - the revenge if you will - against
. Would be nice, seeing as Finch and John are dealing with THE primary threat.
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