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Phil Spencer - what’s he actually done?


and there are people who keep defending failure...

Yea like your parents


I keed, I keed
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Phil has been in charge for a decade in and this week feels like the debacle of 2013.

Hardware tracking worse that XB1. Premier and marquee XBOX ip have lost all their mindshare. Momentum at an all time low, globally, according to Microsoft's own submissions to regulators. Mindshare has been absent since 2015.

During that time Phil has won countless awards from non gaming entities, for his tenure.
Just brought a great gaming PC, probably going to sell my Series X. I have not done gaming on PC since 2005.

The 360 days were hands down my best years gaming and I’ve supported the Xbox brand since but clearly it’s time to move on.

When the Series S was announced and Xbox series S/X launched with no first party games and the same UI as the previous consoles, I knew something was very off. Any one who has been gaming for a while would know why those moves would be bad but the fact that Phil/Xbox team didn’t know was very revealing of how incompetent they really are .
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If I remember correctly, Spencer joined as there was discussion of selling the brand to Samsung, so in the very least he may have prevented that from happening.


Spearheaded Game Pass, which delivers the best value in the gaming industry. Unbelievable catalog of games.

Led the push to make Xbox ubiquitous, offering players the opportunity to pay on console and PC. This sort of PC support is unheard of in the industry. Not to mention the mobile support.

Led the shift to buying new studios, so we can get more excellent games on Game Pass.

Pushing cloud gaming.

Led's an Xbox initiative to support studios, and allow them to publish games elsewhere, like Everspace 2 was also allowed to publish on Steam, or Ori going to the Switch.

He's leading the biggest value per price in the industry, ever.
I'd love to know what this means.
Xbox One as a platform improved. Game Pass, back compat, One X fixing the weak hardware issues, key GP deals for big 3rd party launches, etc. I didn’t quote the rest of your text because you spent too much time going on and on comparing it to Nintendo and PS3 as if those needed discussion. So here is your answer. If you don’t agree with me I guess it’s a matter of perspective.
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I know we are celebrating a fanboy festival named Microsoft bashing weeks right now, but as a Pc player i'm more than happy with him. All Microsoft games day 1 on pc and they are also super cheap via Game Pass. I'm also pretty sure we wouldn't have PS games on pc without him and also no PS4 BC. People love to forget that his decicions also influenced the competion.


He's one of the few people that has worn a lot of gaming shirts...

so he's repping gaming you know.....


I think he's done a couple of good things:

1. GamePass. It's not for me, for a lot of people seem happy with the bargains.

2. Backwards compatibility.

I'm no fan, but I think Phil does deserve some credit for those things.

He also has a good PR presence. He is able to connect to fellow gamers (well, some of them). He interviews well. He doesn't come off like a dork/suit like Mattrick did.
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He’s great, he wears t-shirts under a jacket which is ballin, and he lets the devs just chill all day and compare hair colours. Bungie staff basically got a 5 year vacation after Halo 4 thanks to him and Bonnie Ross. Best boss ever
if I ever get to a point where I wonder if Phil is doing a good job or not then I’ll just think back to the Xbone early years with shit underpowered hardware, forced Kinect, and almost nothing in terms of first party outside of Gears/Halo/Forza.

As I predicted in the Redfall thread, people will be super quick to dump on Bethesda and MS while forgetting they also just released what is AFAIK the top critic game of 2023 thus far.

Im waiting on Zelda for my Switch and then it will go back to collecting dust.

I got the plat in FarCry Horizon FW and will play the DLC eventually and then… idk, what on a sale for GT7 since it’s GaaS focused.

Xbox is doing fine by me. I respect genuine non warrior opinions of people who disagree, though. It’s obvious MS first party needs to step up.


Gold Member
It doesn't really matter what he did. He still needs to be fired with the rest of senior leadership at Xbox. Too many mistakes.
Are you really that angry about PR speak? I'll give you a hint. The only part of any of those messages that mean anything is the delay. The quality BS never matters. That's not just Phil Spencer. That's the entirety of PR.

I get a bit annoyed at the pedestal he’s put on yes particularly when you look at the actual output. It goes on and repeating itself which I find a bit frustrating because I want them to do much better. The games and platform experience should speak for themselves in a good way.


Less than two decades and we have gone from Fable, Halo: CE, Ninja Gaiden Black, KOTOR, Gears, Half-Life 2, ES4: Oblivion, and Splinter Cell to Halo Infinite, Redfall and Hi-Fi rush. That Gamepass had better be worth it.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I am legit confused by some of these posts here saying he saved Xbox. Saved it from being killed and turned it into a laughing stock?

Saving isnt enough. He needs to provide value to his consumers. He isnt saving some kid from a burning building. He's saving a console so he can continue providing more AAA GOTY caliber games which hes failed miserably to do over the last decade.

I own both the Xbox One and Xbox One X. I paid $1000 to Phil last gen. Him saving Xbox only cost me $500 more than I would have otherwise spent. Bought a Series S for $150. So I am down $650 since he saved xbox with no real games to show for it. Every game I have played from Xbox Studios, I have failed to beat. Forza, Halo, Gears, Ori... and those are the good ones. The last truly great GOTY caliber games I played from MS were Titanfall and Sunset. Both were Don Matrick's investments.

People who are happy that he saved Xbox really need to ask themselves why they are happy MS SAVED Xbox. For gamepass? really, a subscription service? EA and Ubisoft both offer their games for $15 a month on PC day one. Should we now say that EA and UBisoft are saviors? No, we judge both publishers on the quality of their games instead.

If anything, MS buying Bethesda has backfired. They were always getting Redfall, Starfield and Doom, but now the xbox owner is stuck paying for the $8 billion needless fucking purchase. If Jimbo was going after starfield's timed exclusivity then outbid him. Highly doubt it was more than $100 million. Lets say it costs $300 million to get that game on gamepass. Pay that, dont fucking spend $8 billion and then layoff people from 343, Coalition and fucking Bethesda. You barely have enough devs as it is.
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Are you really that angry about PR speak? I'll give you a hint. The only part of any of those messages that mean anything is the delay. The quality BS never matters. That's not just Phil Spencer. That's the entirety of PR.

Yeah, it is kinda weird, I do feel like some people take what they say as almost like a friend talking to them candidly about what the deal is. Every interview, news release, tweet etc from these people should be taken as a pr/marketing agency talking to you, not your friend.


Gold Member
  • XCloud
  • Killed console exclusivity in favour of Play Anywhere
  • Game Pass
  • Saved the Xbox Brand from bankruptcy and increased it's value
  • Expanded the market to other countries and playerbase

He also:

  • Killed Halo
  • Killed Fable
  • Cannabalized Microsoft Studios and completely mismanaged them


He is a master at PR. Really damn good at lying and painting themself as the good guys.

A master at misdirection as well (Sony aren't our rivals, We're buying ATVI for candy crush)

He's a living breathing masterclass at PR.
He’s also weaponized console wars and let the idiot douchebags like Colt, Jez, Gaz, Dealer, etc. do all the dirty work for him while he stays clean because they’d do anything for him….

It’s also quite impressive.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
He did buy these studios but game development right now is a 5+ year cycle so the fruits to that labor haven’t been seen because the acquisitions are recentx
I get tired of seeing this argument. None of these studios were laying dormant when they were acquired. They all had projects going of some sort. MS should have been there to push them over the finish line, but these studios will likely end up blowing through 100s of millions of dollars.


  • XCloud
  • Killed console exclusivity in favour of Play Anywhere
  • Game Pass
  • Saved the Xbox Brand from bankruptcy and increased it's value
  • Expanded the market to other countries and playerbase

He also:

  • Killed Halo
  • Killed Fable
  • Cannabalized Microsoft Studios and completely mismanaged them
I don't agree that he killed Fable.I'd say he shot Fable in the chest and then frantically started performing CPR on the body.....and I guess we're waiting to see how that turns out,lol.


He saved Xbox at the same time under his leadership he is killing it
yep, I’ve pointed this out several times but Phil took over first party studios for Xbox and has overseen the decline of their first-party games and then Xbox as a whole since then

he’s just a really good used car salesman, at least he kept higher ups from shutting the division down but he’s long demonstrated IMO that he’s not the right choice to lead them

the first half of the 360 gen they were running ahead of PS3, under Spencer and Mattrick (and just Spencer since 2014) they’ve fallen behind and then started to get crushed by PS4 & now PS5

edit: dude is like teflon somehow though, when XGS declined under him from 2008-2014 it was all Mattrick’s fault, the fact that it’s never recovered since 2014 is still somehow not Spencer’s fault according to a lot of the sycophants even though he’s now the one in charge & since ~2016 when managed to save Xbox he’s actually had more power than Mattrick ever did
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