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PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 7.0 Million Units (April 6th), 20.5M Software (April 13)


Where does this "PS4 has no games" sentiment coming from. There's over 50 titles already released with many more yet to come.
Denial, they can't bash it for its hardware, sales or price, so they go with something that is subjective, right now its quantity (it shouldn't be subjective but they make it so, by removing indie games, ports and multiplatform games without doing the same to the platform they are comparing it to).

Funny how the greatest Xbox disadvantage last gen (lack of exclusive games) suddenly is a big advantage of Xbox One, I hope its not only because of Ryse, DR3, KI and Forza 5.


Absolutely unreal! Congrats to Sony, they clearly are doing something right here.

Also hope this pushes MS to be competitive. It's a win-win for gamers when competition is strong.
Tomorrow xb1 will be #1 and Titan fall be #1

It would be an earth shattering megaton shock if this were not true.

Microsoft hyped Titanfall from E3 all the way to release, non-stop. Many people were waiting on that game to buy the system, here in the US anyway.

I expected many months of a boost from Titanfall, but I dunno if that is going to occur anymore.


I don't understand how a console with nothing to play on it is selling so well.

This is going to be taken the wrong way, but seriously: Why? Why are people buying PS4's? It's a serious question. There's not that many games on it, and there don't appear to be many coming in the near future. So what's the draw? Is it the relative price? Is it just wanting to own the future?

I'm purely curious, I've got no stock in fanboy hogwash.

Because there are good games out there...it might be shocking to some people but multiplatform games sell consoles just as well as exclusives...
Again and again, Sony has handled the PS4 to near perfection. The best platform deserves to sell the best and that's the Playstation 4.

Doesn't feel like that to me at the moment, spend more time to on the Xbox the last couple of months due to the libraries since launch. I haven't bothered with it much since completing Infamous.
those are really good PS4 numbers for the month of March.

February was fueled by some 400,000+ units sold in Japan so in order to sell another million in March that was likely achieved by making more inventory available in the United States and whatever boost I:SS provided.


Tomorrow xb1 will be #1 and Titan fall be #1

Of course, and by a significant margin. The console was even coupled with an effective pricedrop in form of the bundle, as well as an extensive array of additional deals that included lower prices, gift cards, and more.

It will sell more, and by a significant margin, in my prediction.


Because there are good games out there...it might be shocking to some people but multiplatform games sell consoles just as well as exclusives...


Multiplat games often sell hardware better than exclusives do. NeoGAF is a hardcore centric forum, so exclusives are viewed with greater regard than multiplats.

I bet the annual CoDs, FIFAs, and AssCreeds did more to sell PS3s and 360s than any Halo or Uncharted ever did.


Junior Member
Of course, and by a significant margin. The console was even coupled with an effective pricedrop in form of the bundle, as well as an extensive array of additional deals that included lower prices, gift cards, and more.

It will sell more, and by a significant margin, in my prediction.
Me too, I think it might catch up over PS4 YTD. Maybe LTD but it is quite big gap tho.

Something like 450k vs 270k.
Tomorrow xb1 will be #1 and Titan fall be #1

At this point it's pretty much a done deal, though I doubt the gap will be wide enough for MS to feel comfortable. With the Xbox One's aggressive price drops, pack-ins, universal availability and the release of Titanfall I bet they'd see selling anything less than 50k more than the PS4 as worrying.


hide your water-based mammals
Doesn't feel like that to me at the moment, spend more time to on the Xbox the last couple of months due to the libraries since launch. I haven't bothered with it much since completing Infamous.

The games speak for themselves and I'm glad sales are reflecting that.


What, you think they view at as a monumental success?

Fastest selling XBOX to date ain't to be sniffed at, just the competition are doing far better!

But thus far both your post are coming off as speculation and should be posted that way unless can otherwise be backed up, it's not worth your account for it really is it?


It's too bad Sony didn't trim off its dead-weight divisions a few years ago. Right now it's a "rob Peter to pay Paul" situation within the company. Honestly, I'm more curious about the accessory and software (digital or retail) attach rates than anything. That matters a lot early on, as the cost to make the console is still high.

My two cents on the current war being raged:

We should all phrase the popular statement as "____ has no games I want." That way, it turns less into cramming opinions down each others' throats or arguing about which fanboys said what first. Sure, it's annoying when people make ignorant, blanket statements. The fact that that's what they are to begin with completely invalidates them though.
And when Project Morpheus lands as a real product the PS4 will truly blow up. VR is real and its the next big thing.

Sony has been consistently on message and in tune with what developers and gamers want. Sony deserves to win this generation.
No my post earlier was not confirmed, it was speculation. I didn't post it as a fact. I work at a place that regularly has a Microsoft rep. come in. We were just shooting the shit about products and services of Microsoft.

Also, if Proj. Morpheus is priced higher than $299, count me OUT. $299 is my limit.


We should all phrase the popular statement as "____ has no games I want." That way, it turns less into cramming opinions down each others' throats or arguing about which fanboys said what first. Sure, it's annoying when people make ignorant, blanket statements. The fact that that's what they are to begin with completely invalidates them though.

Are you kidding? How am I supposed to move my goalposts in an effort to prove a nonexistent point?



I expected many months of a boost from Titanfall, but I dunno if that is going to occur anymore.

Don't know if I am just not in tune with the Titanfall crowd but it seems the excitement was front loaded. I don't hear much about it anymore. True?


Are you kidding? How am I supposed to move my goalposts in an effort to prove a nonexistent point?

You could always take a gander at any thread that trolls PC gaming. Lots of good pointers in there in how to downplay that platform. Retool those and you will experience success.


"The Future is PS4 and PS4 is The Future"

lmao that quote is always floating around other forums.

So is ps4 still selling to mostly hardcore fanboy gamers? Or are casuals also buying now?


MS has to try and spin it like they're always winning. Thursday is going to be an amazing barrage of PR nonsense. No company wants to come out and admit they're getting destroyed.

The media is just lazy though. An impossible amount of sites just parroted MS's "fastest selling console" idiocy word for word.

The gaming media (at least in the U.S.) has been defending Microsoft since before & after E3 of last year (including sites like Edge & Polygon), despite what they're trying to do to consumers. But ever since after December, that's completely evaporated.


Me too, I think it might catch up over PS4 YTD. Maybe LTD but it is quite big gap tho.

Something like 450k vs 270k.

I've said it in other threads, but, from a retail (Best Buy, here) perspective, I just... can't see this happening.

I would be stunned if the gap was more than 20-30k in either direction. The XB1 were effectively stagnant until the price cut, and once the price cut came down, they started to sell decently, but not any more aggressively than the month before.

And a week or so into the month we started to get weekly shipments of PS4s, which have sold as excessively fast as they have all year. Stores getting shipments of over 100 PS4s selling out in a day or less, while we'd have shipments of Xb1s still in stock after a week.

If the system was selling that well, do you really think that MS would have authorized retailers to do those kinds of cuts, on bundles that already contain the NEWEST and MOST IMPORTANT advertised game for the system, for free? Isn't another retailer selling the bundle with a free year of Live, too? Within a 3 week period of release, that sort of discounting is almost unheard of, and it is never because of positive momentum.
At this point it's pretty much a done deal, though I doubt the gap will be wide enough for MS to feel comfortable. With the Xbox One's aggressive price drops, pack-ins, universal availability and the release of Titanfall I bet they'd see selling anything less than 50k more than the PS4 as worrying.

They better do more than merely edge out Sony, that is for sure. They shot their wad so to speak, for just a one month burst. They aren't likely to do as well again for quite awhile so it better have been grand.


I'm shocked at the high number considering the lackluster amount of worthy games released for the system so far.
Now that I beat Infamous SS my PS4 is back to being my BF4 machine until the next must have game arrives (Destiny?)
Roughly 20hrs iirc.

Roughly 20 hours 35 minutes from now (6:30 PM EDT). PR/tweets might appear before then. Hard numbers might appear never.

While this might be just estimate, i guess Software sales might be low compared to last year for March?

PJC says March NPD data likely to show "significant" decline due to tough comparison to last year's "busy" launches, and low software spend.
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