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PS5 No enhanced patches?


I’m not fighting just saying I don’t see the PlayStation having a backwards compatibility team that are enhancing older games that the developers have no interest on doing themselves

Well, we don't know that!
Doubtful Sony has tho since I don't think they can do much besides testing of the games.


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
Well, we don't know that!
Doubtful Sony has tho since I don't think they can do much besides testing of the games.
Yes very doubtful I’m gonna say most of Sony games will go the spider-man route and charge you for a new version


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I would have assumed any game that had 60fps or uncapped framerate regardless of Pro/PS5 patch would automatically hit those target framerates.
But in reality they'll have the same frame drops as they had on PS4 and Pro unless they have a Boost Mode option?
Surely Boost mode should be more then that
with native resolution, better processing of graphics and improve framerate
Just seems like it will be a slight improvement over the PS4 Pro


How disappointing.

So as it stands it looks like hardly any games will be enhanced on a per game basis. What this means in reality is that;

- Only games with dynamic resolution will be "enhanced" to reach the resolution cap (which in many cases is less than on the One X version I.e Red Dead Redemtion 2).
- Only games with uncapped or an unstable frame rate will benefit from the increased power.

I honestly find this SUPER disappointing as enhanced patches were my most hyped feature. (Just imagine Uncharted 4 at 4k 60fps!).

Pretty sure I'm done with Playstation now with this and the price increase. Got some serious thinking to do now about whether I still want a PS5.

This is why I said we should be concerned about Sony's silence regarding its backwards compatability plans last week. Some people there told us it was all in hand and not to be worried... 😉

Update: Edited slightly to better reflect it appears only a very small handful of games will be individually enhanced.

Good luck playing PS4 games enhanced on Series X?


Thank you mods for the stealth title change.
I hate it when some people try to make their hypothesis sound like it will be 100% fact.


yea not even sure how much I'm even going to care about this. The only current gen games I'm even planning on playing going forward is Cyberpunk, Far Cry 6 and Yakuza 7, all games with some upgrade coming. Anything last gen that I didn't complete, put it this way.....I didn't even care enough to play it day 1 to really care about such a patch. So I'm sure it will play fine on PS5 (if I even play some of those other last gen games on PS5 btw)


Oh you still play this too? This is like the only multiplayer game I actually play(until Ghost) and it will be my go to on PS5 too till the next Battlefield comes out. So yeah, it would be great to see something happen to this game on PS5 lol.

Not anymore! because of the resolution. it was fine before because im playing on 1080p tv.
How disappointing.

So as it stands it looks like hardly any games will be enhanced on a per game basis. What this means in reality is that;

- Only games with dynamic resolution will be "enhanced" to reach the resolution cap (which in many cases is less than on the One X version I.e Red Dead Redemtion 2).
- Only games with uncapped or an unstable frame rate will benefit from the increased power.

I honestly find this SUPER disappointing as enhanced patches were my most hyped feature. (Just imagine Uncharted 4 at 4k 60fps!).

Pretty sure I'm done with Playstation now with this and the price increase. Got some serious thinking to do now about whether I still want a PS5.

This is why I said we should be concerned about Sony's silence regarding its backwards compatability plans last week. Some people there told us it was all in hand and not to be worried... 😉

Update: Edited slightly to better reflect it appears only a very small handful of games will be individually enhanced.
I don't get this view point really.

Why would backwards compatibility make or break a console purchase? Don't get me wrong, it's always welcome but I will get a next gen console for next gen games not old games that look and run better *coughpccough*. Also this should have never been expected. It was always going to be up to developers, and is the same on both sides of the fence just like when the refresh consoles came out. We didn't automatically get Pro/X enhanced games by default.

I want Sony/Microsoft to focus on new experiences not enhancing previous titles. If you spend your time enhancing old titles it comes across like you don't have anything new to give.

What you seem to want is only found on PC, and is never going to be wide spread elsewhere. Don't get me wrong as every time I get new PC components I boot up F.E.A.R. and see how well it runs but I'm never going to base my purchases off of old games. I purchase new consoles or upgrade my PC primarily for new experiences.
CyberPunk2077 has no PS5/XSX patches, can you imagine? Not getting it till they release it.

I understand this is not the point you're trying to make, but if you're going to buy a next gen console anyway and you could wait it out, that would flat out be the best way to proceed.


I understand this is not the point you're trying to make, but if you're going to buy a next gen console anyway and you could wait it out, that would flat out be the best way to proceed.

I'll play other games, plenty of great games. Will avoid all kinds of cyberpunk2077 videos/threads until they release the patch then buy it. Don't wanna waste my time with last gen graphics.
I'll play other games, plenty of great games. Will avoid all kinds of cyberpunk2077 videos/threads until they release the patch then buy it. Don't wanna waste my time with last gen graphics.

Oh I thought you were making a point about not worrying about patches, which would be valid because it's tricky to hold off on such a game. But yeah man, your plan is very much correct, especially considering that they already announced a next gen version that isn't far off.


Oh I thought you were making a point about not worrying about patches, which would be valid because it's tricky to hold off on such a game. But yeah man, your plan is very much correct, especially considering that they already announced a next gen version that isn't far off.

Yup, you are right as well, my main point is CyberPunk2077 isn't getting the same treat for neglecting next gen consoles. So not gonna buy it soon, not really that excited about it anyway, hope it deserves the hype. Many other games to play anyway.

Honestly, might not touch any PS4 game that I finished anyway, so not really bothered.
Yup, you are right as well, my main point is CyberPunk2077 isn't getting the same treat for neglecting next gen consoles. So not gonna buy it soon, not really that excited about it anyway, hope it deserves the hype. Many other games to play anyway.

Honestly, might not touch any PS4 game that I finished anyway, so not really bothered.

I totally gets you. This whole thread is a look into gaming culture's need for a constant OH SHIT, WHAT? moment as if we don't have like a bazillion of options to play and not nearly as endless time on this planet to do it.


The levels of entitlement in this thread are record breaking.
People want devs to spend months porting their games to ps5, improve them and optimize them... purely because they feel entitled.
The amount of new sales of the old games (that are much cheaper now) wouldn't pay back 2 weeks of the work the devs had, and Sony can only "force" their own studios to do anything, 3rd parties do what they want, Sony can't order them anything.
Ps4 games will work on ps5, that is what BC promises, nothing more.

What I find more ironic is that when a remaster or remake is announced, a whole world of whiny kids cries that they don't want to play old games and studios should be making new games, now that BC has been announced we have whiny kids crying that they want studios to stop working on new games and work on improving old games on a new hardware.


The levels of entitlement in this thread are record breaking.
People want devs to spend months porting their games to ps5, improve them and optimize them... purely because they feel entitled.
The amount of new sales of the old games (that are much cheaper now) wouldn't pay back 2 weeks of the work the devs had, and Sony can only "force" their own studios to do anything, 3rd parties do what they want, Sony can't order them anything.
Ps4 games will work on ps5, that is what BC promises, nothing more.

What I find more ironic is that when a remaster or remake is announced, a whole world of whiny kids cries that they don't want to play old games and studios should be making new games, now that BC has been announced we have whiny kids crying that they want studios to stop working on new games and work on improving old games on a new hardware.


People are just used to getting "free" products without thinking what they actually pay for them.
So they demand this "free" approach from the industry that still hanging on from completely surrender to that bullshit practices.

GTFO and play your mobile shit or got to MS Gamepass while it's still a good option with good full-scale games (no sarcasm - it really is). I expect it to go to shit mobile games practices in 2-3 years when Gamepass focused new games will be released.

Please leave us alone and let us play full-priced games with extra payment for add-ons, DLCs and extra benefits - just don't play them if you don't wanna pay.


The levels of entitlement in this thread are record breaking.
People want devs to spend months porting their games to ps5, improve them and optimize them... purely because they feel entitled.
The amount of new sales of the old games (that are much cheaper now) wouldn't pay back 2 weeks of the work the devs had, and Sony can only "force" their own studios to do anything, 3rd parties do what they want, Sony can't order them anything.
Ps4 games will work on ps5, that is what BC promises, nothing more.

What I find more ironic is that when a remaster or remake is announced, a whole world of whiny kids cries that they don't want to play old games and studios should be making new games, now that BC has been announced we have whiny kids crying that they want studios to stop working on new games and work on improving old games on a new hardware.

You dont know what your talking about. You could use "entitlement" against anything. At the end of the day were all paying our entrance fee in a highly competitive market so anything any side can do to offer value should be considered to lock people into their ecosystem.

It's already been detailed how enhanced patches make money;
1: Its re-released on a digital store. New customers try it out.
2: It encourages game specific DLC sales, both old content and new future content.
3: It generates sales for the sequel (more people have played the first one).
4: It increases brand awareness/engagement (more people are playing the franchise again).
5: People are more inclined to buy a console that has enhancements to their favorite games.

The whole studio wouldn't need to spend months porting a game, in reality it will be a handful of people for a few months unless the upgrade was substantial which is unlikely. Were talking about people going into the code changing the output resolution/fps and fixing any glitches if any occur. Obviously PC this can just be done by the user in the settings. Potentially it could require no developer input ala 360 x enhanced games or PC console emulation (who's games look amazing in 4k).

Never fight for less options that will benefit the end consumer. Consoles are more like PCs than ever before. I don't see fighting for features on one console that the other hasn't got a bad thing. I don't see PC gamers wanting things like Quick Resume a bad thing either. I could maybe see your point had Sony not kept users in the dark until a month before launch. I have no interest in cross play but I didnt go into threads calling people who requested it "whiny kids" or "entitled". Just lowers any argument.
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To be fair, Cerny told us exactly that
.. months before. It's just the warriors who were constantly spinning the story for cheap FUD points.

I'm am very pleased with BC on next gen, very pleased. Nevertheless MS takes the cake.

I don't blame the customer confusion when even Sony didn't get it straight and had to correct itself initially. But yeah the amazing work Microsoft is doing added in with Sonys silence likely set my expectations/hopes too high. PC's defo have consoles beat in this regard. Must be amazing buying new hardware and all your old games substantially benefiting. Maybe one day as consoles keep moving ever closer to PC 😊.


People are just used to getting "free" products without thinking what they actually pay for them.

Funny, isn't it. There is no free BC at all. Whole divisions work for the implementation of BC based gaming. People who could have done and achieved other things to our benefit.

BC is cool and all, as long as I don't know what other possibilities and functions were discarded instead.


Since when is it a freaking birthright for developers to revisit and rehaul their games when a new console comes out? Most of these companies are probably hard at work for the next generation exclusive titles, or make they've since gone out of business or something~ talk about entitlement~ first responder got it right, what's such a big fucking deal about playing a PS4 games with shoehorned RT? yawn~


How disappointing.

So as it stands it looks like hardly any games will be enhanced on a per game basis. What this means in reality is that;

- Only games with dynamic resolution will be "enhanced" to reach the resolution cap (which in many cases is less than on the One X version I.e Red Dead Redemtion 2).
- Only games with uncapped or an unstable frame rate will benefit from the increased power.

I honestly find this SUPER disappointing as enhanced patches were my most hyped feature. (Just imagine Uncharted 4 at 4k 60fps!).

Pretty sure I'm done with Playstation now with this and the price increase. Got some serious thinking to do now about whether I still want a PS5.

This is why I said we should be concerned about Sony's silence regarding its backwards compatability plans last week. Some people there told us it was all in hand and not to be worried... 😉

Update: Edited slightly to better reflect it appears only a very small handful of games will be individually enhanced.

I kind of take the opposite stance. It seems, based on the little we know, that Sony is trying to emulate the PS4 hardware in the PS5 hardware. This, again from what we know, appears to not require a recompile or specific executable provided for all games to work.

There are downsides to the MS approach of having them create a specific executable for each game for BC. I believe the current status is only 100 top xbox one games will work on xbox series at launch.

Worse there are situations where some games under the MS approach never get an executable.


Yes very doubtful I’m gonna say most of Sony games will go the spider-man route and charge you for a new version

Nah that's a rather bold assumption only meant to put the PS5 in a bad light. Look at Ghost of Tsushima, got an fps bump free of charge and there's quite a list of games that have free upgrades. Is there a list already for the XSX? I don't remember seeing one yet but I'm not on top of that tbh


I would have assumed any game that had 60fps or uncapped framerate regardless of Pro/PS5 patch would automatically hit those target framerates.
But in reality they'll have the same frame drops as they had on PS4 and Pro unless they have a Boost Mode option?
Surely Boost mode should be more then that
with native resolution, better processing of graphics and improve framerate
Just seems like it will be a slight improvement over the PS4 Pro

They do not need a boost mode option to do what you describe.
GoT has one but it's a 60fps mode that was 30fps before the option.

Boost mode can't magically add things like better graphics, if a game uses a dynamic resolution then it will run on higher resolution in boost mode, probably the max, 4k even. If it is capped at 60fps but used to drop frames it will now hit 60 always or at least more often.

If the game has a locked frame rate and locked fps and it's optimised to always hit that then no real changes will be visible. To add a higher locked resolution or fps it will need a patch like GoT
every day there's a new thread with concern or fud over the ps5 its hilarious.

games with unlocked frame rates and dynamic res will benefit from the ps5 boost exactly the same as Series X.
if you think MS are patching every game for series X then you are living in the cloud.
DF have already tested BC on series X and have shown, all it is, is stable frame rates etc.

Only gears 5 seems to be getting a patch. But then again GoT is already built to use 60fps on ps5, so seems very similar to me.

Only real difference is series X will be boosting more games, while ps5 will be boosting the 100 most played at first.


I think its just better at this point writing off substantial improvements outside of about 10 games and taking the PS5 for what it is, rather than it isn't. At least the bad news is out of the way now (for those that were hyped about enhanced patches). Yesterday was disappointing but I'm putting it in the wider context of what the PS5 will deliver. I still love the PS4 exclusives and no doubt will on the PS5.

Think best option for me is getting both consoles rather than solely sticking to Sony like I did this gen. No single format has everything unfortunately.
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CyberPunk2077 has no PS5/XSX patches, can you imagine? Not getting it till they release it.

It has support for them tho on release resulting in higher fps and probably resolution. Then later they will release a proper next gen patch with hopefully better textures and effects like shadows and RT


It has support for them tho on release resulting in higher fps and probably resolution. Then later they will release a proper next gen patch with hopefully better textures and effects like shadows and RT

Yeah my understanding is a basic quick patch to use some of the extra power day one and a comprehensive patch alot later on to fully take advantage of the new machines (similar to a remaster).


It has support for them tho on release resulting in higher fps and probably resolution. Then later they will release a proper next gen patch with hopefully better textures and effects like shadows and RT

Sorry, I'm a graphics whore. Even Spiderman remaster didn't impress me. :messenger_sunglasses: Buying plenty of games anyway from PS5 offering, so by the proper release of CyberPunk 2077 PS5 patch I should play it in the best possible form. Latest trailers looked massively downgraded and I'm really not impressed like their early trailers.


How disappointing.

So as it stands it looks like hardly any games will be enhanced on a per game basis. What this means in reality is that;

- Only games with dynamic resolution will be "enhanced" to reach the resolution cap (which in many cases is less than on the One X version I.e Red Dead Redemtion 2).
- Only games with uncapped or an unstable frame rate will benefit from the increased power.

I honestly find this SUPER disappointing as enhanced patches were my most hyped feature. (Just imagine Uncharted 4 at 4k 60fps!).

Pretty sure I'm done with Playstation now with this and the price increase. Got some serious thinking to do now about whether I still want a PS5.

This is why I said we should be concerned about Sony's silence regarding its backwards compatability plans last week. Some people there told us it was all in hand and not to be worried... 😉

Update: Edited slightly to better reflect it appears only a very small handful of games will be individually enhanced.

This is, let's say weird. Did you honestly expect each and every single studio to create a PS5 port of every PS4 game and for that to be released for free? What kind of kool aid are you drinking? That has never happened before and will never happen. Games with uncapped framerates/resolutions will run better using boost mode, just like with the PS4 Pro, just like the Series X.


This is, let's say weird. Did you honestly expect each and every single studio to create a PS5 port of every PS4 game and for that to be released for free? What kind of kool aid are you drinking? That has never happened before and will never happen. Games with uncapped framerates/resolutions will run better using boost mode, just like with the PS4 Pro, just like the Series X.

No not at all. I expected a back compatability team at Sony to be quietly working behind the scenes so when BC was detailed liked yesterday they could say 20-100 games are enhanced on a per game basis specifically for the Ps5 including most first party (with little to no developer intervention needed)

Thinks like Horizon PC port that was rumoured to have a duel purpose of also helping to develop the PS5 version, Bloodborne that was rumoured to be having a PC port, Mark Cernys "top 100 games been enhanced by play time" and Microsofts work on Gears 5 and its 360 4k titles etc all gave me hope.

I mean it is what it is but I think it's a shame we couldn't of had more than a handful of current games enhanced via a patch. Its arguably the older games (especially those that never recieved a Pro patch) that need it more.

Hopefully this is a learning curve for developers and more will release with an higher cap max resolution and higher cap FPS option going forward.
At least with Sony's 'hardware' BC approach I know that if I take the PS4 copy of Girls Und Panzer: Dream Tank Match from the shelf and put the disk in a PS5 - it's going to work.


You're just trolling at this point.

Why respond then. Why did he even mention top 100 games in any context if between now and then all games but 10 will be boosted. Did they suddenly make that much headway if this kind of improvement was all he was referring to? Because that's a pretty amazing increase 100 to 4000 odd.


Gold Member
Why respond then. Why did he even mention top 100 games in any context if between now and then all games but 10 will be boosted. Did they suddenly make that much headway if this kind of improvement was all he was referring to? Because that's a pretty amazing increase 100 to 4000 odd.

He mentioned some of the initial testing done for boost mode. In your head that was enhanced patches. I don't even know what to say.


The actual PS4 code/copies of the game need to be coded to recognize boost mode. This is different than how Xbox does BC where the games don't need to be patched, but MS themselves can essentially inject upgrades.

So there are going to be some "patches", probably Sony games + live service games will do it.
Nope. They will probably do like MS, with selected and tested titles on Firmware. Other games no tested will need a patch, and games from July have to support Boost mode from beginning
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He mentioned some of the initial testing done for boost mode. In your head that was enhanced patches. I don't even know what to say.

Well it is what it is now so it's all good. I'm disappointed theres not more enhanced games but a general boost is better than nothing. 😊
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No not at all. I expected a back compatability team at Sony to be quietly working behind the scenes so when BC was detailed liked yesterday they could say 20-100 games are enhanced on a per game basis specifically for the Ps5 including most first party (with little to no developer intervention needed)

Thinks like Horizon PC port that was rumoured to have a duel purpose of also helping to develop the PS5 version, Bloodborne that was rumoured to be having a PC port, Mark Cernys "top 100 games been enhanced by play time" and Microsofts work on Gears 5 and its 360 4k titles etc all gave me hope.

I mean it is what it is but I think it's a shame we couldn't of had more than a handful of current games enhanced via a patch. Its arguably the older games (especially those that never recieved a Pro patch) that need it more.

Hopefully this is a learning curve for developers and more will release with an higher cap max resolution and higher cap FPS option going forward.

I mean, I agree it would be cool, but you are kind of expecting PS5 ports of PS4 games and that is never going to be economically feasible, since devs would have to go find the source code, update it, compile it on PS5, generate a patch and distribute it. That would never be free either.

I am curious how different games will perform on PS5, but you can't really expect much more other than games with an unlocked framerate/res running better (there is a general boost mode for all games), I think you just had unrealistic expectations.
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At least with Sony's 'hardware' BC approach I know that if I take the PS4 copy of Girls Und Panzer: Dream Tank Match from the shelf and put the disk in a PS5 - it's going to work.

This is still confusing me. Some say the PS5 has nativ/hardware support for PS4 games, other say it's emulation.

If I were to put a PS4 disc into the PS5, will it play instantly or will it be installed from disc or will the game be completely downloaded from PSN before I can play. Which is it?
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