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Reuters: US to change course on Climate Change (pulling out of Paris Agreement)

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You're writing a whole lot to try and convince yourself to feel better about not having turned out to stop this.

I'm glad someone else can see through this shit.

Trump was on 60 minutes shortly after he became president-elect. He was asked point blank if he would repeal gay marriage.

His response was that the issue had already been settled by the supreme court and that there was no reason to revisit it.

Plenty of youtube clips, and articles on the internet covered the interview.

If you think he was lying, or that the republican party will do something to revoke gay rights behind his back. It's perfectly fine for you to say so.

But this isn't an instance of "fake news."

Trump's view on it is irrelevant. He won't be on the court making the rulings. If his SCOTUS pick decides to overturn marriage equality, there's nothing Trump can or will do about it.


Military takeover when tho

Doubt this will happen and not something we would even want to happen. The police are already against minorities and kill when given a chance, can you imagine the military with the weapon power they have?
You're writing a whole lot to try and convince yourself to feel better about not having turned out to stop this.

Anyway, if we pull out, other countries need to start penalizing us with carbon taxes on our exports. It's the only language Trump speaks.

thats all well and good against any normal republican candidate, and had she lost against any other of the 47 people the republicans tried to put up, then so be it. You shouldn't need your fee fee's accounted for and patted on the head to vote against a fascist.

I understand you need to figure a way to make yourself feel better for allowing someone like Trump in power, and you are lashing out, its ok though. At some point someone will make you feel special again and you can have your liberal self righteousness right back front and center

I hope you guys like Trump winning in 2020, because attitudes like this are what will guarantee it.

A billion dollar campaign machine! Every advantage in the book! Still fucking blew it, and even if she did win, the Republicans would still have majority control over the legislative!

P.S. I live in NYC and did vote for her, you dullards.


Trump is personally Pro- gay marriage.

The republican party however, has always been traditionally anti gay marriage. I guess there's the fear that if he appoints to many conservatives into the government they'll try to undermine him to revoke gay rights.

But with the way he has no issues dolling out executive orders, it seems unlikely Trump would let that happen behind his back.

He won't push for anti gay marriage, but he will push for states to decide for themselves.

I feel like the role he is gladly taking on is embracing the "movement" that embraced him. Letting states decide for themselves is exactly what red states want. Blue states don't care because they will just keep the same policies. Red states will finall have their say and representation even though the population is low

It's like letting slavery exist in a few states. He doesn't value the overall ethical goal and instead values American freedom of the people to decide... including choosing to do non ethical, non pc things.

Only if the country collectively moves against republicans in general, this is how it will be for a long while.


Fuck this. Fuckers are going to destroy the entire fucking world. I'm ready to fucking riot, I'm so tired of their goddamn bullshit and it's barely been over a week.

The entire Republican party at this point are global terrorists and Nazis/Nazi sympathizers.

This may well have greater and more lasting consequence than anything else he does.

Fuck Trump so hard.
This. The Paris agreement was possibly Obama's greatest achievement. I can only hope India and other countries don't back out now too. China seems heavily committed, at least.


I hope you guys like Trump winning in 2020, because attitudes like this are what will guarantee it.

Oh shush. People like you voting 3rd party or staying at home will guarantee it. But keep reminding us how awful the Democratic party is, you're doing wonders for making sure Trump is reelected yourself. Republicans do something awful, buh buh, Democrats! Thanks Obama.


This is me every morning in the last 10 days.


No joke, for the last 10 years+ I have kept a limit on my news exposure (beside Gaf), however this fucking guy has me check a few minutes after I wake up, to see what hes done, every day because its always something. Crazy times for sure.

Brownie points for speed, hopefully future presidents follow his velocity but with positive actions and changes in the future.
Military takeover when tho

Why would they though? Trump is going to fund them more than they've been in recent memory. Face it guys, the only people who are going to be hurt by Trump, are the middle and poor classes of the USA and the world.
Oh shush. People like you voting 3rd party or staying at home will guarantee it. But keep reminding us how awful the Democratic party is, you're doing wonders for making sure Trump is reelected yourself. Republicans do something awful, buh buh, Democrats! Thanks Obama.

You put "RESIST" in your NeoGAF avatar. Because that's totally how resisting works in the entirety of political history.

Even if everyone who voted Stein went Hillary, Trump would still be President.

Also Obama's consolidation of executive power helped create the precedent enabling Trump's current abuse, so good luck handwaving that one away.


It's worse than it sounds too. With this action, Trump pretty much negates the ability of any future administration to broker agreements regarding climate. We could elect Captain Planet himself in all of his mulleted glory to press the issue, and other nations could tell us to go fuck ourselves. Why should they be beholden to agreements that the United States can back out of when it's no convenient for them?

This isn't ignorance or stupidity at work here, it's pure vindictiveness. You're looking at the concentrated hatred of the baby boomer generation given voice.
You said he was "pro" gay marriage. Saying the issue is settled is not being for gay marriage. Evan McMullin said that. Jeb Bush said that. They are not for gay marriage. Trump has never once said he supports gay marriage.

that's fair. I guess. He doesn't seem like the type of president that would actually fight to instill gay rights if they didn't have them. Calling him pro gay marriage might be too strong.

Actually even that's not true. While I couldn't see him personally caring whether gay people have marriage equality. I could definitely see him pushing for it as part of his campaign speech in order to pull the LGBTQ vote.
You put "RESIST" in your NeoGAF avatar. Even if everyone who voted Stein went Hillary, Trump would still be President.

Also Obama's consolidation of executive power helped create the precedent enabling Trump's current abuse, so good luck handwaving that one away.

This is the second time at the very least you bring this up. This is bullshit. GOP Congresspeople vowed from day zero to block anything possible from Obama no matter the cost. They openly allowed the government to shut down. Obama had zero choice otherwise there would have been even less progress.

Stop pretending Obama did that because he felt like it. That was the only option available after 2010.
I guess piss baby wants to match the Mexican president's approval rating in a hurry. There is still a way to go from 42% to 12%.

Keep it up orange turd.
This is the issue we need to go in the hardest on. We are killing everyone and that is worse than any issue, even war imo

It won't work though and people won't come together to stop this. What can we really do to bring this issue up to people to really make a stand?

What can the world do, what can other governments do?



You put "RESIST" in your NeoGAF avatar. Because that's totally how resisting works in the entirety of political history.

Even if everyone who voted Stein went Hillary, Trump would still be President.

Also Obama's consolidation of executive power helped create the precedent enabling Trump's current abuse, so good luck handwaving that one away.

Yes, I put Resist in my avatar. What's your point? My way of saying Fuck Trump. Proud of it.

Yes i get it, the Democratic party is shit and has serious issues. It's all there is though. Let's hear it, what do you want people to do exactly? What or who is going to take control away from the Republicans?


I guess the real hope is the market now. Individuals, cities, states. The green movement has already begun.

If more people go green, Trump won't be able to stop it. The market will ultimately decide.


Why are people surprised?

This is not only exactly what he said he would do, but was all but certain after his cabinet picks.

Want things to change? Get people out to vote! If Dems don't show up again for midterm elections then all is lost.
Empty liberal posturing so you can remain dignified losers election season after election season doesn't help anyone and is nothing to be proud of.

And you have no understanding that the GOP intentionally forced Congress to be ineffective, thus forcing alternatives just to have even a small amount of governance possible.


You put "RESIST" in your NeoGAF avatar. Because that's totally how resisting works in the entirety of political history.

Sniping at internet forum posters about "this is how Trump wins in 2020, blame it on Obama and the Dems" is also a textbook example of facilitating political change.
Sniping at internet forum posters about "this is how Trump wins in 2020, blame it on Obama and the Dems" is also a textbook example of facilitating political change.

Calling people out for smug and empty posturing that serves nobody but their own ego actually is, oddly enough. The Democrats have had a blank check of "what else is there" for too long and have failed at every turn.

I expect Republicans to be awful pieces of shit. It's not surprising. When the Democrats, supposed to be the enlightened politicans who "get it," lose time and time again, they're clearly doing something wrong. Instead people in this thread are insisting we learn nothing and everybody suffers as a result as the Republicans rule unopposed.
Calling people out for smug and empty posturing that serves nobody but their own ego actually is, oddly enough. The Democrats have had a blank check of "what else is there" for too long and have failed at every turn.

Yes protesting and supporting the ACLU has been ineffective thus far. The hell are you even talking about.
Military takeover when tho

My fiance's brother is pretty high up in the military, but her entire family (including him) is pretty liberal. That being said; he says most people in the military are conservative, and chances of a coup are pretty much zilch.


This is the second time at the very least you bring this up. This is bullshit. GOP Congresspeople vowed from day zero to block anything possible from Obama no matter the cost. They openly allowed the government to shut down. Obama had zero choice otherwise there would have been even less progress.

Stop pretending Obama did that because he felt like it. That was the only option available after 2010.

utter lack of how the government works lines up directly with whining about feelings and charisma for candidates


Calling people out for smug and empty posturing that serves nobody but their own ego actually is, oddly enough. The Democrats have had a blank check of "what else is there" for too long and have failed at every turn.
Democrats no longer have a blank check for anything. Now Americans get to enjoy "what else is there" while Clinton goes back to sleeping on a bed of money.
My wife is American. Most of my friends are American too. They are all awesome people. So does every good US citizen move to Toronto? Because the ones here are so awesome and not like this at all.


It's fun to ask Trump supporters about what they think about stuff like this and their response.

My friend goes, "he just started his term. Let him do what he has to do and see what happens"



My wife is American. Most of my friends are American too. They are all awesome people. So does every good US citizen move to Toronto? Because the ones here are so awesome and not like this at all.
If an American is willing to move abroad, they're likely not the sort of person who would vote for Donald Trump.


I guess it's time for protests all day everyday for the next 4 years. I get some people not feeling good about voting for an establishment candidate like Hillary, but is this what you really wanted? We are officially on the darkest timeline.


Empty liberal posturing so you can remain dignified losers election season after election season doesn't help anyone and is nothing to be proud of.

It's just my forum avatar friend. I want an anti Trump statement on a forum I communicate on daily, I never said it was going to change the world (though I'll probably keep it indefinitely as it really seems to annoy middleman gaffers as a bonus).

Though stick with the avatar and avoid my question I asked you, what is your solution outside of the Democratic party which is just so terrible according to you, as you keep on attacking Democrats but refuse to put any blame on the Republicans at all?


Calling people out for smug and empty posturing that serves nobody but their own ego actually is, oddly enough. The Democrats have had a blank check of "what else is there" for too long and have failed at every turn.

Well, I guess there's where we differ, because I find protesting to express solidarity with persecuted people, calling my representatives to apply political pressure (I live in Mass. so not much pressure I need to exert anyway), and donating to groups like the ACLU who can challenge Trump's executive orders in court to be way more effective tools of political change. I think that's how past progressive movements have typically accomplished change, too.

But by all means, keep telling us how smug the rest of us are and how you can set us all straight; that's definitely not empty posturing that serves nobody but your own ego.


"Would you like the ham-and-white-bread sandwich or the glass-and-shit sandwich?"

"What about the third option?"

"There's no third option. If you choose neither we'll flip a coin."

"Well I'm not a huge fan of ham, so I'll take my chances."


"Would you like the ham-and-white-bread sandwich or the glass-and-shit sandwich?"

"What about the third option?"

"There's no third option. If you choose neither we'll flip a coin."

"Well I'm not a huge fan of ham, so I'll take my chances."

But her emails.
It's not about America. Trump and his cabinet is literally fucking over the entire world for own personal gain.

Fuck the "8 more years of this" posts. Trump need to be stopped as soon as possible before the damage is completely irreversible.


Eh, why not? Who cares about the health and well-being of 99.98% humans when there are pockets of oil under the ground that need to be drilled up.
"I'll be dead by the time the environment is irreversibly fucked so why should I care?"

To think that Trump supporters actually believe this is so disheartening. The amount of damage Trump and his administration are doing not only to the United States, but the entire world, is going to be devastating if he stays in office. Like, Pence is a lunatic in his own right, but I feel like even he would reel it in a bit.

And this is the real reason Republicans are fully backing Trump. They will seem reasonable relative to Trump by the time he is gone. It's a strategic way to shift political discourse even further to the right by default.
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