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Reuters: US to change course on Climate Change (pulling out of Paris Agreement)

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Politicians don't employ mind control. At the end of the day, it's the voter who makes the decision.

Politicians are what influence voters to go out and vote. Whether you like it or not, that's the reality of our country. A lot of people need some actual inspiration. It doesn't help when the democrat presidential nominee had like zero charisma, and that all the shit polls were telling people that the election was going to be a guaranteed left victory.


If that's the case, why does he need to "pull out" of it?

If it's just an agreement with no sanctions built in, why does he have to say he's "pulling out" of it when he could just flat-out ignore it completely and do whatever he wants regardless?

There must be some sort of consequence prompting him to do this.

it's for the show, it's like Obamacare, Paris Agreement is like the US agreeing with Paris, #MAGA


Trump is personally Pro- gay marriage.

The republican party however, has always been traditionally anti gay marriage. I guess there's the fear that if he appoints to many conservatives into the government they'll try to undermine him to revoke gay rights.

But with the way he has no issues dolling out executive orders, it seems unlikely Trump would let that happen behind his back.

Trump has never, at any point in his life, said he was for gay marriage. Stop posting fake news.
Obviously there are actions we as individuals can take to limit our own contributions to global warming.

Is there any group we can fund as well to make sure renewables and sustainability happen anyways? I'm not talking lobbying, but research, etc.
Trump is personally Pro- gay marriage.

The republican party however, has always been traditionally anti gay marriage. I guess there's the fear that if he appoints to many conservatives into the government they'll try to undermine him to revoke gay rights.

But with the way he has no issues dolling out executive orders, it seems unlikely Trump would let that happen behind his back.

Bu this cabinet is anti-LGBT and his proposed nominees for SCOTUS would argue other wise.


Gold Member
Fuck you Trump, and fuck all of you who either voted for him or couldn't be assed to vote at all. Fuck you for fucking over our planet.


The Paris agreement might not have been enough to avoid the harsher effects of man-made climate change, and now we won't even try for 2 degrees C? I'm pessimistic that the rest of the world can realistically make up for the shortfall now that the U.S. is apparently hell-bent on leaving the accord.
Come one America! I know people from the US. I'm friends with them. How can you let this Orange Wank Mop Head get away with this shit?

This is the pure and absolute version or Fuck You, I've got what I want.


Trump is pro himself. He has no actual leanings on gay marriage, just what whoever is in the room wants to hear. The only thing he has been consistent on is racism, bigotry and inflating his own ego.

Actions are what I'm watching. He picked the most anti LGBT person possible as his Vice President. It's irrelevant if he personally doesn't have animus for LGBT folks.

What are his actions?
Make America Great Again!...

...by surrendering its vanguard position in the collaborative drive to combat (or rather, mitigate at this point) climate change, effectively condemning future generations to come out of wanton selfishness and/or ignorance, and letting China take up the mantle instead.

Rebel Leader

Come one America! I know people from the US. I'm friends with them. How can you let this Orange Wank Mop Head get away with this shit?

This is the pure and absolute version or Fuck You, I've got what I want.

It's the GOP allowing this.

It's party over country for them
Come one America! I know people from the US. I'm friends with them. How can you let this Orange Wank Mop Head get away with this shit?

This is the pure and absolute version or Fuck You, I've got what I want.

We're protesting. Unfortunately, that's all we can do until mid-terms unless some republicans grow a spine, a brain, a heart, or some combination of the three with spine a big part of it.


If that's the case, why does he need to "pull out" of it?

If it's just an agreement with no sanctions built in, why does he have to say he's "pulling out" of it when he could just flat-out ignore it completely and do whatever he wants regardless?

There must be some sort of consequence prompting him to do this.

Part of the reason this got agreed to was that it has no enforcement mechanism built in. I know that sounds like it means it's pointless, but just getting countries agree to a goal in general is hard, and there's about zero chance of countries agreeing to any sort of by-law punishment if they failed to meet requirements for this. Past attempts at agreements have fallen apart in part due to attempts to get enforcement written in.

The enforcement mechanism in practice is international shaming - you fail to abide by the agreement and everyone else will be perfectly happy to bring up your inability to stick to agreements every time you negotiate for anything. That sort of shaming is actually pretty powerful. There's also the idea that Paris could be built upon to add additional enforcement gradually.

Regardless of what Trump does, the US won't 'officially' be out of the Paris agreements until 2020, where a subsequent president could say "Nevermind, we're staying in and will redouble our efforts to hit the goals outlined". Trump can't turn the US pollution levels back on like a valve, and a lot of things dropping our CO2 output have too much momentum for him to hurt (coal is not coming back, solar/wind will keep growing).

That's the tiny silver lining in the giant black cloud of death though. By 2020 we'll still have lost 4 years of progress, the EPA will (probably) be gutted, research efforts that take years will have to be restarted, and so on.

how about those who voted third party?

Fuck them too. Even if your state was 'safe' for Clinton by 20 pts, a third party vote meant you voted for Johnson or Stein, both of which are horribly unqualified people.
i dont give two fucks if they spent a billion dollars by live streaming people taking a shit in the middle of the street, if you didn't vote against Trump you are a god damn moron and I'm not sure how you have the mental capacity to make it out of bed in the morning without falling down.

"Vote against Trump" by voting for someone who showed up smiling and waving alongside the last Republican President, a fucking war criminal, at Trump's inauguration. Ha!

You know who doesn't need to be coddled and massaged and told them how lovely special snowflakes they are in order to push a button? Republican voters, and this is why Democrats can never sustain any momentum.

Politics doesn't work by talking down to people and expecting them to vote for your milquetoast compromise candidate. Politics works by getting people to vote for you, because you're actually going to do them a solid when elected.

Feelings and charisma in a candidate is for losers, as proven this year and in 2000. You want to be coddled, thats fine, go cry in a corner and let the adults figure this out

"The adults" who have lost every election season since 2010. Democrats got two victories out of Obama and have been high off the complete lack of Change to realize what needs to be done. A fundamental platform that creates precedent so shit like Trump never happens again. Having a real backbone on climate change, a crumbling economy, and ending the decades long redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the richest people in America is a start. But nah, you'll run some corporatist shill like Booker and act all smug when he loses.

Fuck you Trump, and fuck all of you who either voted for him or couldn't be assed to vote at all. Fuck you for fucking over our planet.

Are you going to have this temper tantrum until 2020 or are you going to read a history book? The Democrats used to be a proud party, who would even hand out pamphlets titled "Here's what the Democrats have done for us." Instead it's "bbuuuhhh Russia hacked the election, waaaahhh Jill Stein, ugggghhh Trump's not a real billionaire!!" No wonder people don't turn out to vote.
Damn its going to really be tough for the other countries to keep the climate average under the 2C threshold without America's active participation. Is China and India a part of the agreement?
Trump has never, at any point in his life, said he was for gay marriage. Stop posting fake news.

Trump was on 60 minutes shortly after he became president-elect. He was asked point blank if he would repeal gay marriage.

His response was that the issue had already been settled by the supreme court and that there was no reason to revisit it.

Plenty of youtube clips, and articles on the internet covered the interview.

If you think he was lying, or that the republican party will do something to revoke gay rights behind his back. It's perfectly fine for you to say so.

But this isn't an instance of "fake news."


Damn its going to really be tough for the other countries to keep the climate average under the 2C threshold without America's active participation. Is China and India a part of the agreement?

Yes, that's why the Paris agreements were such a big deal. Getting China and India to sign onto anything together is a miracle in itself.

China has said publicly they'll stick to the agreement regardless of what the US does. India...India is a bigger concern. They've squandered their demographic dividend and are eyeballing a ramp up of coal power to get the masses electrified. US pulling out/ignoring the deal could give them the excuse they want to do the same.
Damn its going to really be tough for the other countries to keep the climate average under the 2C threshold without America's active participation. Is China and India a part of the agreement?

Pretty much every country in the world is part of this agreement.

This is obviously bad, but hopefully in 4 years the US will have elected this guy out and pull back in to the agreement.

Great opportunity for China to take charge right now


Honestly economic and technological forces are going to do more to combat climate change than nominal US participation in the Paris Agreement would do. I think the bigger question is whether the US or China will lead the charge in clean energy technological innovation, and thus establish themselves as an energy super power. Given current policy, it's certainly looking like China right now, but either way progress on this front is inexorable, with or without Trump throwing a tantrum.


"The adults" who have lost every election season since 2010. Democrats got two victories out of Obama and have been high off the complete lack of Change to realize what needs to be done. A fundamental platform that creates precedent so shit like Trump never happens again. Having a real backbone on climate change, a crumbling economy, and ending the decades long redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the richest people in America is a start. But nah, you'll run some corporatist shill like Booker and act all smug when he loses.
Reality is the Democrat leadership aren't the ones who pay for an election loss. If in four years they put forward another candidate who loses, oh well, they'll just figure things out like they did under the Bush Administration. They have suffered worse losses and recovered.

You don't vote for a politician for their benefit. You vote for your own and for the people around you. And if you can't be bothered to do that without an "inspirational candidate", then you and the people around you get to enjoy the consequences while they continue to live in gold-plated mansions.


Trump was on 60 minutes shortly after he became president-elect. He was asked point blank if he would repeal gay marriage.

His response was that the issue had already been settled by the supreme court and that there was no reason to revisit it.

Plenty of youtube clips, and articles on the internet covered the interview.

If you think he was lying, or that the republican party will do something to revoke gay rights behind his back. It's perfectly fine for you to say so.

But this isn't an instance of "fake news."

You said he was "pro" gay marriage. Saying the issue is settled is not being for gay marriage. Evan McMullin said that. Jeb Bush said that. They are not for gay marriage. Trump has never once said he supports gay marriage.


Since the big thread in the gaming side said it's not cool to tell Trump voters to go fuck themselves for his actions I guess the most appropriate response is a sarcastic thanks, thanks Trump voters for sentencing (hundreds of?) millions of people to die in an unnecessary future where large portions of this planet become uninhabitable for our species and our ecosystem is destroyed.

I'm sure those high paying upper middle class factory jobs will come back any day now once Trump is done fucking every brown person to death and guaranteeing a global catastrophe.


"Vote against Trump" by voting for someone who showed up smiling and waving alongside the last Republican President, a fucking war criminal, at Trump's inauguration. Ha!

Politics doesn't work by talking down to people and expecting them to vote for your milquetoast compromise candidate. Politics works by getting people to vote for you, because you're actually going to do them a solid when elected.

"The adults" who have lost every election season since 2010. Democrats got two victories out of Obama and have been high off the complete lack of Change to realize what needs to be done. A fundamental platform that creates precedent so shit like Trump never happens again. Having a real backbone on climate change, a crumbling economy, and ending the decades long redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the richest people in America is a start. But nah, you'll run some corporatist shill like Booker and act all smug when he loses.

Are you going to have this temper tantrum until 2020 or are you going to read a history book? The Democrats used to be a proud party, who would even hand out pamphlets titled "Here's what the Democrats have done for us." Instead it's "bbuuuhhh Russia hacked the election, waaaahhh Jill Stein, ugggghhh Trump's not a real billionaire!!" No wonder people don't turn out to vote.

You're writing a whole lot to try and convince yourself to feel better about not having turned out to stop this.

Anyway, if we pull out, other countries need to start penalizing us with carbon taxes on our exports. It's the only language Trump speaks.


"Vote against Trump" by voting for someone who showed up smiling and waving alongside the last Republican President, a fucking war criminal, at Trump's inauguration. Ha!

Politics doesn't work by talking down to people and expecting them to vote for your milquetoast compromise candidate. Politics works by getting people to vote for you, because you're actually going to do them a solid when elected.

"The adults" who have lost every election season since 2010. Democrats got two victories out of Obama and have been high off the complete lack of Change to realize what needs to be done. A fundamental platform that creates precedent so shit like Trump never happens again. Having a real backbone on climate change, a crumbling economy, and ending the decades long redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the richest people in America is a start. But nah, you'll run some corporatist shill like Booker and act all smug when he loses.

Are you going to have this temper tantrum until 2020 or are you going to read a history book? The Democrats used to be a proud party, who would even hand out pamphlets titled "Here's what the Democrats have done for us." Instead it's "bbuuuhhh Russia hacked the election, waaaahhh Jill Stein, ugggghhh Trump's not a real billionaire!!" No wonder people don't turn out to vote.

thats all well and good against any normal republican candidate, and had she lost against any other of the 47 people the republicans tried to put up, then so be it. You shouldn't need your fee fee's accounted for and patted on the head to vote against a fascist.

I understand you need to figure a way to make yourself feel better for allowing someone like Trump in power, and you are lashing out, its ok though. At some point someone will make you feel special again and you can have your liberal self righteousness right back front and center
Can we get back in the Paris agreement after Trump? And is 4 years detrimental?

This is really becoming to much to handle lately. Every day is depressing.


The Paris agreement might not have been enough to avoid the harsher effects of man-made climate change, and now we won't even try for 2 degrees C? I'm pessimistic that the rest of the world can realistically make up for the shortfall now that the U.S. is apparently hell-bent on leaving the accord.

2C has been a pipe dream for a while now. Of course Trump and the boomers will be dead by the time we hit full spend down the shitter so whatever right


This is a fucking disaster.

I just hope other countries buck the fuck up and do this without the US. We're gonna be out of the world scene in any positive way for at least 4 years, these guys gotta take the mantle and not pull out of this shit.


It still boggles my mind how people say they need an "inspirational, charismatic" candidate when us in Colorado voted in fucking Michael Bennet, who could easily be mistaken for a loaf of white bread.
Trump was on 60 minutes shortly after he became president-elect. He was asked point blank if he would repeal gay marriage.

His response was that the issue had already been settled by the supreme court and that there was no reason to revisit it.

Plenty of youtube clips, and articles on the internet covered the interview.

If you think he was lying, or that the republican party will do something to revoke gay rights behind his back. It's perfectly fine for you to say so.

But this isn't an instance of "fake news."

You honestly think Trump gives a shit about gay people when his entire party and cabinet have an evil obsession with oppressing the LGBT community?



This, like the wall tax stupidity, will get shoved up their asses overnight by businesses and trade sanctions.


Trump was on 60 minutes shortly after he became president-elect. He was asked point blank if he would repeal gay marriage.

His response was that the issue had already been settled by the supreme court and that there was no reason to revisit it.

Plenty of youtube clips, and articles on the internet covered the interview.

If you think he was lying, or that the republican party will do something to revoke gay rights behind his back. It's perfectly fine for you to say so.

But this isn't an instance of "fake news."

Why would anyone believe him on this when the exact same reason he gave for not touching same sex marriage applies to abortion (that it was settled via SCOTUS ruling) which they have said they plan to attack aggressively?


This, like the wall tax stupidity, will get shoved up their asses overnight by businesses and trade sanctions.

No, it won't. Other nations will bend over backwards for trade deals. You're still one of the world's largest economies.


Can we get back in the Paris agreement after Trump? And is 4 years detrimental?

This is really becoming to much to handle lately. Every day is depressing.

I really don't think the Paris Agreement will exist in 4 years, and also , and they are already laying down the groundwork for another 4 years for GOP leadership

boiled goose

good with gravy
This will hurt US credibility and influence abroad for generations.

Now agreements mean nothing because they can be broken every 4 years.

This is disastrous.


I'm just waiting for them to reinstate slavery at this point.

Slavery has been legal in the US as punishment for crime.

The 13th Amendment, as enacted, reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction
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