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Rumor: Street Fighter 4 In The Works???



At the San Diego Comic Convention, Udon Comics confirmed something is in the works for the next generation of street fighter. Here's what some people who attended the ultimate street fighter panel had to say.

"I actually attended that panel, so I can confirm what he said is true. It's more like Udon rep answered the question (saying something is in the works), then Capcom USA rep followed up on it, saying Capcom has not forgotten its fans and is working on something. At the end of panel, Udon rep said if you have interesting ideas (i.e. fighting system, not storyline or anything non-technical) for the next SF game, post your ideas on Shoryuken.com."

Anyone who really... REALLY... follows the SF series know that this game has been in the works for a long long time. around the time SF3: 3rd strike was released there was talks that the next street fighter wont be released until 2007 cause of some goofy timeline capcom uses for their games (which explains the constant spin offs of the 90's between SF2 and SF 3).


I really hope capcom doesnt screw this up


...or it could just be another Street Fighter spinoff. Nonetheless, a new Street Fighter game shouldn't come as a shock.


I remember few weeks ago some random guy here (no, it wasn't me) said doing a SF4 would be a good thing for Capcom and you all literally ROTFL'D him to death.

Guess who's laughing now?


Borys said:
I remember few weeks ago some random guy here (no, it wasn't me) said doing a SF4 would be a good thing for Capcom and you all literally ROTFL'D him to death.

Guess who's laughing now?

Yea, I just wandered into my local arcade, which was totally packed, and told them about ... oh wait.


BuddyC said:
...or it could just be another Street Fighter spinoff. Nonetheless, a new Street Fighter game shouldn't come as a shock.

You think? I'd be pretty freaking SHOCKED AND AWED if Capcom suddenly announced Street Fighter IV. It's been 6 years since the last SF3 game...


I'll believe it when Capcom releases screenshots.

Third Strike is one of my favorite games ever, but this series has been so overexposed I honestly do not care if Capcom (or anyone else) ever makes another Street Fighter game.


If they can pull off 3D but have it still feel like 2D mechanics, go for it. If they go with highres 2D sprites, I will make a fucking Capcom shrine!

Hell, I'd be happy with a slightly updated 3rd Strike where they nerf Chun's SA2 to only 1 fucking stock, give Twelve and Sean some useable moves, and maybe put a bit more delay on Ken's SA3. Then it'd be perfect.


SF4. Hmmm. Bring back the 3rd Strike roster sans Twelve (unless they boost up his stamina), Elena (bitch should be cookin' Eddie Gordo some dinner or somethin'), add Guile, Sagat, Blanka, E. Honda, Dhalsim, Balrog, Vega, Bison, Cammy, Fei Long, Karin, Rose, Mika and Cody(just to keep Hugo some company). Gimme hi-rez sprites and the same insane animation. Re-drawn, re-done old school bg's plus entirely new ones. Hell, throw in 2nd Impact bg's as well. Introduce some parry countering, somehow, someway.


MutFox said:
Wasn't it said a while ago that the next SF was going to be made in the US?

Capcom USA holds the street fighter license since Capcom JP sold it to them ( they also hold final fight)

they can let anyone develop it... even the original team in japan... or what's left of it

I think capcom jp sold it to capcom usa because of the comic series with udon. Street fighter is still one of capcom big franchises... so im sure capcom jp will make sure they do street fighter 4 with some justice instead of rehashing sprites.

they had all the time in the world to plan the future of SF so I really... really hope they make SF4 another great title.


works for Gamestop (lol)
here's some info that i posted last year from some capcom focus group (for fighting games). some of the info might be relevant:

-Most partcipants advocated 2D over 3D graphics (and in general, for fighting games)

-Almost everyone wanted online play in some form in future fighting games

-They asked us if we wanted the next SF game to use Viewtiful Joe type cel-shading. 4 or 5 of the 9 partcipants wanted cel shading

-For some reason, they asked us what EA should do to beat Capcom if they were to make a fighting game. The question seem totally out of left field

-They asked us if we wanted graphics like Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, etc. or if we wanted graphics with digitized face photos, like Max Payne (they also mentioned Manhunt and GTA, but I guess they didn't know neither of those two don't use digitzed photos)

-No one liked the idea of having celebrities or Hollywood actors in fighting games. Nor did anyone like Def Jam Vendetta when asked. Everyone liked beat-em-up games though (Final Fight, Aliens vs Predator, etc.)

-When asked what we would want for the next SF game, some suggestions were shitloads of characters, and a theme song for every character. The same person who suggested the theme song idea mentioned MvC2's 'shitty' soundtrack. He didn't like the jazz music :p

they also asked us if we wanted a new Street Fighter game, to which everyone said hell yeah.


I'm really glad Anniversary Collection did well enough to warrent a sequel though. I did my part!

Really all I want are returning characters from 2, 3, and new characters, some fighters that fight nothing like anything we've ever seen before (ie Makoto in SF3), and hopefully they can give us something 'new' we didn't even know fighting games needed. As long as it doesn't go down the Street Fighter EX route I should be happy.


Man, I used to be hardcore into the 2D fighter, but now, it's been squeezed dry. SNK(Playmore, Snk-Neo Geo, whatever) or Capcom hasn't been able to do anything interesting since 1999.

I have no intrest in a new SF because I know (like SNK games), the talent has been spread so thin, that any new game could only dissapoint.


OMG...the possibility of hi-res 2D Street Fighter running at 720p! If MS could secure that then they could keep every other 360 game...I wouldn't be interested in them. Screw this sub-60fps bullshit and shallow, mass-market games - give me Street Fighter any day of the week

Street Fighter forever, dammit!


FFS!! Does it matter how successful it might be? Or is it more important that it might - y'know - be a good game?!
this will be as successful as Street Fighter 3

...and if it plays as good as SF3 then I'll be very happy


Pellham said:
this will be as successful as Street Fighter 3 and Mortal Kombat 4.

Well.....both games were profitable. SF3 series moreso. Look how long Capcom was able to milk SF3 and it's derrivatives.

As games, SF3 was really good, MK4 was mediocre.

Capcom is the king of profiting off of old content. Morrigan's sprite from 1994 is a testament to that.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
jett said:
You think? I'd be pretty freaking SHOCKED AND AWED if Capcom suddenly announced Street Fighter IV. It's been 6 years since the last SF3 game...

I've been hearing for YEARS now that Capcom had always planned to release Street Fighter 4 by 2007, so maybe it's true after all.




I'd love to see Capcom make a leap like they did with SF1 to SF2 in gameplay. I know its not going to happen, but it would be nice.

As far as graphics go, I think if they used cel shading to provide more natural looking hits, it would be cool. So a straight punch to the head would knock it back, while a roundhouse would make the head spin to the side.


sp0rsk said:
as long as they consult the players when making the game it should be good.

Ugh, Capcom just needs to let a team crank out a sequel. I don't like fan appeasement.


I could see the game in 3D... but 2D games never had a good transfer to 3D thanks to balance issues with the new dimension.

Games like KOF: MI & Mortal Kombat 4 prove that you can't make a transition easy.

Capcom should just create street fighter in HD quality... high res 2D sprites, high resolution background, HD quality effects.... advertise the hell out of the game.

and the game will sell.

if Capcom is going to make any cel shaded 3D fighter... it should be rival schools.. the game looks like it should be cel shaded... and next gen cel shaded games should look incredible since they can use higher poly models for the characters.

Design wise... Next Gen Capcom fighters should always be like this:

Street Fighter - High Resolution 2D, Traditional Fighting (Parry System)

Darkstalkers - High Resolution 2D, Fast Paced Fighting (Chain Combo System)

Rival Schools - Cel Shaded 3D, Team Based Fighting

Powerstone - Cel Shaded 3D, Free Roaming Fighting System (Please Bring This Game Back)


Dude, Capcom consulted players when they made DMC2...and look what happened :lol People complained it was too easy...so they removed the whole challenge from the game. This is the kind of game that screams hardcore fighting. Make the combat system simple but deep. Straightforward but flexible.

That doesn't mean make it so hard only a few hundred people can play it, but something at the difficulty level of SF3 is perfect

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
Freedom is the only way yeah,
Terrorist your game is through
'Cause now you have to answer to...
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
What you going to do when we come for you now,
It’s the dream that we all share;
It’s the hope for tomorrow



Where is my goddamn DC vs. Capcom!!

I will take any new Capcom fighter though, really, I have to admit it.


force push the doodoo rock
Sapienshomo said:
Ugh, Capcom just needs to let a team crank out a sequel. I don't like fan appeasement.

no, you see they consult players to make a good game with balance. Sega hires famous japanese players to work with them on all the VF iterations, and look how good they are! If you want a good fighter, if you talk to the people who know your game inside and out then you have a better chance at making a game that is solid.
sp0rsk said:
no, you see they consult players to make a good game with balance. Sega hires famous japanese players to work with them on all the VF iterations, and look how good they are! If you want a good fighter, if you talk to the people who know your game inside and out then you have a better chance at making a game that is solid.

a certain amount of input from true hardcore players is great....but alot of those players also FEAR CHANGE. Its true instead of going forward with from VF3 to VF4 they went 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards. Where are the uneven planes? the dodge button?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
WordofGod said:
Didn't the designer of the SF2 game leave capcom?

Well, for example Yoshiki Okamoto founded Game Republic wich is developing samurai adventure Genji and other ps2/x360 projects; he's also focused on mobile games with is name standing lineup (Okamoto Yoshiki no Game) with Mobgame publishing: the first one should be Yoshiki Okamoto no Ousama Game (Okamoto's King game).


KingJ2002 said:
Powerstone - Cel Shaded 3D, Free Roaming Fighting System (Please Bring This Game Back)

Yeah, why did this one die? It was a tremendous game and had ideas that still haven't been picked up by any other fighter.


Dash Kappei said:
Well, for example Yoshiki Okamoto founded Game Republic wich is developing samurai adventure Genji and other ps2/x360 projects; he's also focused on mobile games with is name standing lineup (Okamoto Yoshiki no Game) with Mobgame publishing: the first one should be Yoshiki Okamoto no Ousama Game (Okamoto's King game).

So it seems SF4 can never be as good as the previous games since none of the original designers are @ capcom. =[


WordofGod said:
So it seems SF4 can never be as good as the previous games since none of the original designers are @ capcom. =[

Well, it's not like anyone could ever top the phenomenon that was SF2. Super game and super sales. Alls I ask is they lock some of those japaneseses into a room and crank out a worth addition.
KingJ2002 said:
Capcom USA holds the street fighter license since Capcom JP sold it to them ( they also hold final fight)

they can let anyone develop it... even the original team in japan... or what's left of it

I think capcom jp sold it to capcom usa because of the comic series with udon. Street fighter is still one of capcom big franchises... so im sure capcom jp will make sure they do street fighter 4 with some justice instead of rehashing sprites.

they had all the time in the world to plan the future of SF so I really... really hope they make SF4 another great title.

WTF?! Why would Capcom JP 'SELL' it to Capcom USA? Capcom USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Capcom Japan.


Capcom needs to make SF4 a 3D game on the same level as Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive but with much tighter gameplay, like you would have with sprites. Capcom USA should work with a Japanese team like Team Ninja, SEGA's AM2 or Digital Rex, or even NAMCO.

SF4 needs to be as great as SF2 was in 1991-1992

I want a direct 3D sequel to SF2, in the same timeline. no SF3 crap, and no SuperSF2.

give me a SF4 that is really a remake of SF2 in 3D, that is my ultimate wish for SF4.


MrAngryFace said:
Doubt it. Capcom has learn its lesson for putting Street Fighter in 3D.

My prediction is that we'll be seeing an original Street Fighter developed entirely by Udon.


C- Warrior said:
WTF?! Why would Capcom JP 'SELL' it to Capcom USA? Capcom USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Capcom Japan.

Because they are seperate companies, with seperate bottom lines. So in essence, Capcom USA would have to pay Capcom Japan to develop a Street Fighter game.


Kabuki Waq said:
a certain amount of input from true hardcore players is great....but alot of those players also FEAR CHANGE. Its true instead of going forward with from VF3 to VF4 they went 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards. Where are the uneven planes? the dodge button?

Innovation for it's own sake doesn't necessarily make a better game. I much prefer VF4 to VF3.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
CO_Andy said:
Doubt it. Capcom has learn its lesson for putting Street Fighter in 3D.

My prediction is that we'll be seeing an original Street Fighter developed entirely by Udon.

Heh. No they haven't. Capcom tried to get Arika to make SFEX4 last year but Arika actually refused.

I heard this SF4 rumor just before E3 (that Udon was involved and they are seeking input from players). Its coming. And my $$$ is on it being 3D but cell shaded to resemble Udon's style.


CO_Andy said:
Doubt it. Capcom has learn its lesson for putting Street Fighter in 3D.

My prediction is that we'll be seeing an original Street Fighter developed entirely by Udon.
Doesn't UDON make comics? Why would they develop a Street Fighter game, or any game?


It does make sense that UDON is involved with SF4 beacuse they havent released the SF comic in quite a while now. Too busy with this game. Hopefully it will be done in glourius 2D.

YAY! My first GAF POST! :D


Doesn't UDON make comics? Why would they develop a Street Fighter game, or any game?

Prolly just doing character designs, many people didnt like most SFIII character
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