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Rumor: Street Fighter 4 In The Works???


Zaptruder said:
shows a blue flash for when you should execute? or after you've exectued correctly? The former is handy, the latter... not so handy.

If you're in training mode and enable the command window (you know, the one that shows you what you've been pushing maybe it's on by default?), it'll flash blue during the frame in moves that can be FRCed.
No generic rage, please. I want it to be fairly light-hearted with no hidden agendas. Maybe someone (Ken?) actually just arranges a World Warrior tournament for the fun of it? There would still be plenty of rivalries without a deus ex demigod boss who wants to kill everyone.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
One thing that I think would be cool, gameplay wise, is if players could go back and forth with the parries like something out of an old kung fu movie. Really make it up close and personal.

P1 does a punch.
P2 parries it. Retaliates with a kick.
P1 parries the kick. Retaliates with a sweep.
P2 low parries the sweep. Counters with some other move. Hits P1.

I think that would make the matches intense as hell.


Ninny Prancer
Just bring back Ken, Ryu, Chun Li, and Geki. I'd like to see Poison/Roxy playable. Other than that, all new characters would be appreciated.
I wouldnt mind if they used a beefed up CPS3 arcade model engine......its a shame that few games were made using this arcade model.


JC10001 said:
One thing that I think would be cool, gameplay wise, is if players could go back and forth with the parries like something out of an old kung fu movie. Really make it up close and personal.

P1 does a punch.
P2 parries it. Retaliates with a kick.
P1 parries the kick. Retaliates with a sweep.
P2 low parries the sweep. Counters with some other move. Hits P1.

I think that would make the matches intense as hell.

Nice on paper, wouldn't work out too well at all I think. Whole ponit of a parry is to punish your opponents mistake, with this they'd have freedom to throw shit out knowing they'd have a way to defend against retaliation. This would also make parries way too powerful and the game way to dependant on them. It would come down to who guessed wrong first in a parry match, and the fights would be a lot more boring I think.


JC10001 said:
One thing that I think would be cool, gameplay wise, is if players could go back and forth with the parries like something out of an old kung fu movie. Really make it up close and personal.

P1 does a punch.
P2 parries it. Retaliates with a kick.
P1 parries the kick. Retaliates with a sweep.
P2 low parries the sweep. Counters with some other move. Hits P1.

I think that would make the matches intense as hell.
You really ought to try Dead or Alive! ^_^;

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Ferrio said:
Nice on paper, wouldn't work out too well at all I think. Whole ponit of a parry is to punish your opponents mistake, with this they'd have freedom to throw shit out knowing they'd have a way to defend against retaliation. This would also make parries way too powerful and the game way to dependant on them. It would come down to who guessed wrong first in a parry match, and the fights would be a lot more boring I think.

They could add moves that can't be parried but require some of the super meter (sort of like Alpha counters) that would prevent the exchanges from going on for too long. Maybe make it so that whoever parries first would get an extra boost in super energy compared to the subsequent parries.

BenT said:
You really ought to try Dead or Alive! ^_^;

I have. Its one of the few Xbox games I enjoy.


JC10001 said:
They could add moves that can't be parried but require some of the super meter (sort of like Alpha counters) that would prevent the exchanges from going on for too long. Maybe make it so that whoever parries first would get an extra boost in super energy compared to the subsequent parries.

You're still making the game way too dependant on the concept though. If you have to require moves in order to keep it from completely breaking, then something is wrong.

If you really want something like that, play Soul Calibur... pretty much has what you're asking for.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Ferrio said:
You're still making the game way too dependant on the concept though. If you have to require moves in order to keep it from completely breaking, then something is wrong.

I don't think so. To me, this seems like a logical extension of the whole parrying concept. Why limit it to just one parry? That's not how it would be in a real fight.

And some moves, like supers (which leave people wide open if parried), would still work the same way. You would not be able to do a parry after a super.

Ferrio said:
If you really want something like that, play Soul Calibur... pretty much has what you're asking for.

Yeah, and Soul Calibur is awesome.

Look, its very easy to look at someone's idea and be like "yeah, that wouldn't work". I'm just tossing some stuff out there. If you were going to advance the gameplay what would you do?


SiegfriedFM said:
No generic rage, please. I want it to be fairly light-hearted with no hidden agendas. Maybe someone (Ken?) actually just arranges a World Warrior tournament for the fun of it? There would still be plenty of rivalries without a deus ex demigod boss who wants to kill everyone.

I agree... but it's unlikely Most likely we will see a new type of M.Bison type character since people didnt like Gill too much.

If there's going to be some returning characters from SF3 it should be selected out of:

Chun Li
Ryu (new gi... it's been 20 years... this guy is entitled to some new clothes)
Sean (a more developed sean, less dan like)

If capcom decides to borrow from Street Fighter Alpha 3 characters they should pick either:

R. Mika
Karin (older of course)


They should really bring back Bison though, I think like Ryu he really does make the Street Fighter series. Or yeah, someone not fucking Gill.


Naked Shuriken said:
I just hope that the new characters wont look like GGX rejects.

Werd. GGX's character designs are fucking vomit-inducing. And so is the sprite work(but that has to do with the artstyle being disgusting, more than anything), despite being hi-res. Looks like one of those fanmade japense fighting games for PC.

/end rant

And...you somehow compared Capcom's designs to Arc Systems' crap, so...

Naked Shuriken said:
SF3 had such shitty designs, damn.

You suck all kinds of ass.



Online Ho Champ
:D I dont know why you guys keep asking for the return of ken

I think the master of CHEESE has proved his point more than enough...basically he will kick poke juggle shoryuken the shit out of anyone....let em be a secret char :p . I honestly like the SF3 3rd strike system but i just wish it was a TAD bit faster like say SNK vs Cap 2 was, i dunno sometimes it felt right and other times it felt a little slow. I think the perfect fit would be 80% SF3 thrid strike and 20% SNK vs Cap 2. Id love to see e honda and sagat come back.


I think Honda would be a great character to return. I don't think there were any characters in 3rd Strike that played like him.
Ferrio said:
You're still making the game way too dependant on the concept though. If you have to require moves in order to keep it from completely breaking, then something is wrong.

If you really want something like that, play Soul Calibur... pretty much has what you're asking for.

If they added in feint attacks this might work, but then who wouldn't do feints all day... how about the character does an attack that doesn't actually hit to fake out the opponent. hah now thats too crazy.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I don't want to see them bringing back a bunch of characters...I want to see all new characters like with SF3. If you HAVE to bring back some old characters, I say do it like this:

Jump the storyline ahead 10 or so years. The new main character is Ken's son, Mel Masters. He plays like a cross between Ryu and Ken. The other shoto to go along with him will be an older and more mature Sakura. Ryu would also be present, taking Gouki's place as a hidden boss character. Give him a bunch of brand new moves. Everyone else will be brand new. They can always go the Remy route and just create new characters with older characters' move sets. :p

What about the SF3 characters? It's time to bring back Street Fighter Alpha. Alpha 4 would feature the SF3 cast alongside the SFA3 cast, with a few new additions. Throw Maki and Eagle in there, and add Poison and Haggar as playable characters.


I just want something new, I'd even settle for sort of new. I don't care if it's 4th Strike, Alpha 4, SF 4 or Star Gladiator 3.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Anyanka said:
I just want something new, I'd even settle for sort of new. I don't care if it's 4th Strike, Alpha 4, SF 4 or Star Gladiator 3.

I'd be happy with Capcom Fighting All-Stars. I'm still amazed they never released it; this is the same company that made Final Fight Revenge for Saturn several years after the system was dead!


Lyte Edge said:
I don't want to see them bringing back a bunch of characters...I want to see all new characters like with SF3. If you HAVE to bring back some old characters, I say do it like this:

Jump the storyline ahead 10 or so years. The new main character is Ken's son, Mel Masters. He plays like a cross between Ryu and Ken. The other shoto to go along with him will be an older and more mature Sakura. Ryu would also be present, taking Gouki's place as a hidden boss character. Give him a bunch of brand new moves. Everyone else will be brand new. They can always go the Remy route and just create new characters with older characters' move sets. :p

What about the SF3 characters? It's time to bring back Street Fighter Alpha. Alpha 4 would feature the SF3 cast alongside the SFA3 cast, with a few new additions. Throw Maki and Eagle in there, and add Poison and Haggar as playable characters.
But I'm sure they also want to bring back old SF2 fans that lost interest over the years. That means some new SF2 people have to come back. If they're going for 20 characters, I say 5 SF2, 3 Alpha unique characters, 5 SF3 characters and 8 new.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
LakeEarth said:
But I'm sure they also want to bring back old SF2 fans that lost interest over the years. That means some new SF2 people have to come back. If they're going for 20 characters, I say 5 SF2, 3 Alpha unique characters, 5 SF3 characters and 8 new.

They've already brought back SF2 characters in Street Fighter EX and Street Fighter Alpha. If those people didn't come back for their other games, they aren't going to be coming back for another 2D fighter released now. Besides, they'll need characters to throw into future upgrades anyway. :)

If Capcom wants a wider audience, then make the next Street Fighter 3D.


That's very true. But I still think a good mix of nostalgia and 'newness', wrapped in a really good looking game could actually bring people back. But maybe I have to face the facts that if it's not 3D, it just can't be popular. Casuals see 2D as ugly no matter how well animated.
as far as returning characters I'd only like to see 2, Chun Li's disciple and Sakura, imo sakura is the new ryu i mean.. she learned raging demon even before Ryu.. evil sakura! Talk about learning talent, she learns moves just by seeing them.


Er... Has SF4 been confirmed? Or has this turned turned into kind of a wish list if the rumor turns out to be true?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Sai said:
Er... Has SF4 been confirmed? Or has this turned turned into kind of a wish list if the rumor turns out to be true?

It's become a wish list thread; the game is just a rumor.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
personally, if they make a Street Fighter 4... they have to remove super moves.

Special moves... fine. Super moves... blah.


Lyte Edge said:
I don't want to see them bringing back a bunch of characters...I want to see all new characters like with SF3. If you HAVE to bring back some old characters, I say do it like this:

Jump the storyline ahead 10 or so years. The new main character is Ken's son, Mel Masters. He plays like a cross between Ryu and Ken. The other shoto to go along with him will be an older and more mature Sakura. Ryu would also be present, taking Gouki's place as a hidden boss character. Give him a bunch of brand new moves. Everyone else will be brand new. They can always go the Remy route and just create new characters with older characters' move sets. :p

What about the SF3 characters? It's time to bring back Street Fighter Alpha. Alpha 4 would feature the SF3 cast alongside the SFA3 cast, with a few new additions. Throw Maki and Eagle in there, and add Poison and Haggar as playable characters.

I agree...SF III was always repeating the message of a "NEW GENERATION" to "FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE" (future of what ? Of 2D fighters !!!!!!!!!!!!)...And SF4 should continue that way. There are certain characters that have to be there since they are basic to the SF world.
They could do a SFZ4 integrating some of the SF3 things and then throw all the old characters there...and then everybody happy.

Besides, I don't believe Bison is death...He can't die !!! Psycho Power can't never die !


I wonder which will come first....

A)Streetfighter 4
B)CPS-3 Emulation

should be interesting to wait and see :)


DopeyFish said:
personally, if they make a Street Fighter 4... they have to remove super moves.

Special moves... fine. Super moves... blah.

hmm...not sure what you mean.

Bob White

hmm...not sure what you mean.

He means moves that use the super bar. Moves that take half health. SUPER SHORYUKEN.....taptaptaptaptaptaptap

I got 15 hits!

I don't think they should be removed, I'd just like to see them toned down even more. Toned down so much that maybe even some characters don't have them.


Special moves are esential, also parrys and taunts

I think the only thing Street fighter need are the back-facing attacks, like DOA.
Isn't it technically impossible to have your back turned in a SF game? Only a few characters have turn around moves.

All I've ever wanted from Street Fighter sequels was for Capcom to take each cast, add a bunch more characters, and bam! Sequel.

Gimme R. Mika in a Street Fighter game that doesn't suck. Yes, I'm looking at you shitty shitty SFA series.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Isn't it technically impossible to have your back turned in a SF game? Only a few characters have turn around moves.

All I've ever wanted from Street Fighter sequels was for Capcom to take each cast, add a bunch more characters, and bam! Sequel.

Gimme R. Mika in a Street Fighter game that doesn't suck. Yes, I'm looking at you shitty shitty SFA series.

But that's perfect, R. Mika was a shitty shitty character.


Yeah, for SF3 they really went overboard with the new characters. A healthy mix of SF2 and SF3 people would be the best. From SFII, you need Ryu and Ken, the SF started with them, it will end with them. Chun Li, sure, as long as they tone her down. The only other returning characters I want are E Honda and maybe Vega, just cause I want each character to have their own 'style' of fighting, and those two styles weren't really in SF3. From SF3, I'd want Dudley back cause everyone loves Dudley, Urien, Makoto and maybe Alex. Oh and Hugo of course, cause he's just mean.

Then the rest, make new characters with their own styles. And please, for the love of GOD Capcom, STORY!!! HAVE A FUCKING STORY!!! I don't like it when the ending has nothing to do with anything (Remy, Elena), or leaves things completely unresolved (Necro). Jesus.

Isn't it technically impossible to have your back turned in a SF game? Only a few characters have turn around moves.
Alex has several (german suplex, sleeper hold, and if you do the hyperbomb from behind he does the 5G hyper-plex). Necro backbody drops you if you grab from behind. I think they have 'from behind' moves cause they have moves that flip the opponent around for a second.


Instead of this crap where they release an "incomplete" game with a small roster like New Generation, Alpha 1 and CvsS1 they need to go all out for the first release instead of counting on an upgrade. They need to take the time to do it right, as if it was their final game. There should be at least 20 characters.

The thing that sucks about the III cast is that we'll probably never see much of them again. I've grown to really like the twins, Dudley, Alex and the others but all you ever see in the versus games is the classics and what are the chances characters like Remy are going to be in IV? I still can't believe Alex, Yun and Urien are in CFJ.

Also, if they're going to use Yun they need to use Yang too. It's like having Ryu in and not Ken. It must be because everyone loves Genei Jin.


Anyanka said:
Also, if they're going to use Yun they need to use Yang too. It's like having Ryu in and not Ken. It must be because everyone loves Genei Jin.
:lol Sarcasm right? That's the most unbalanced move in the game. If they know how to use it, they can take out 30-40% of your health, and then 5 seconds later, they have the special again.
Anyanka said:
Instead of this crap where they release an "incomplete" game with a small roster like New Generation, Alpha 1 and CvsS1 they need to go all out for the first release instead of counting on an upgrade. They need to take the time to do it right, as if it was their final game. There should be at least 20 characters.

The thing that sucks about the III cast is that we'll probably never see much of them again. I've grown to really like the twins, Dudley, Alex and the others but all you ever see in the versus games is the classics and what are the chances characters like Remy are going to be in IV? I still can't believe Alex, Yun and Urien are in CFJ.

Also, if they're going to use Yun they need to use Yang too. It's like having Ryu in and not Ken. It must be because everyone loves Genei Jin.

It's incomplete because they only see the flaws once its been played the sequels fix the problems based on the feed back of the previous games. I'm sure they wanted the first iteration to be perfect.. it doesn't happen that way though.

I agree that something needs to be done so that people aren't so reliant on landing supers.. like all fighting games are like that build bar and use it.. repeat. Make it nearly useless or slightly stronger/different properties then regular moves.
Well i just want street fighter 4 and now

Mayor McCheese said:
I'm still waiting for Nintendo Vs. Capcom. This would be great for fanboys and haters alike!

Forget that just gimme jump super stars vs smash brothers rev's killer app!


LakeEarth said:
:lol Sarcasm right? That's the most unbalanced move in the game. If they know how to use it, they can take out 30-40% of your health, and then 5 seconds later, they have the special again.

That's why everyone loves it. Well at least Yun players love it.

Oh, and Remy is so much cooler than Guile it's not even funny. Guile is stale, boring and has the worst haircut in fighting games outside of Paul Phoenix. Plus if they fought Remy would kill him. He'd flood the screen with charge partitioned LOVs so much that Guile would swear it was a Rainbow edition hack.


Anyanka said:
Oh, and Remy is so much cooler than Guile it's not even funny. Guile is stale, boring and has the worst haircut in fighting games outside of Paul Phoenix. Plus if they fought Remy would kill him. He'd flood the screen with charge partitioned LOVs so much that Guile would swear it was a Rainbow edition hack.
Hehe, true. I had a video of a Remy vs Hugo fight where Hugo has no health left, so the Remy starts throwing out so many LOV's it is insane. Unfortunetly the Hugo he was facing was YSB's (a beast) and parries them all and grabs them. So amazing stuff on both sides.
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