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Rumor: Street Fighter 4 In The Works???


you've got Ken, Yun, Yang, Remy, and parrying, then i'm straight. That's all the basics for a SF I need, feel free to add new chars, but good like they added for SF3.
I want a direct 3D sequel to SF2, in the same timeline. no SF3 crap, and no SuperSF2.

give me a SF4 that is really a remake of SF2 in 3D, that is my ultimate wish for SF4.

Okay, people like this should be permanently locked away from Shoryuken.com, GAF, and anywhere where they might have an impact on SF4.

People who obviously haven't been playing Street Fighter (or any fighter?) for the last ten years since it went out of fashion only want the same old. They're the ones who write stupid reviews of SF2 re-re-re-re-re-re-releases and praise them (especially the "arcade perfect" SNES version), while they look down on games like Street Fighter Alpha 2, Alpha 3 or Third Strike as "another Capcom rehash". Yes, we all read the reviews of these games when they were new, scorn and contempt were all they got.

I want Capcom to do something really new. Heck, I want them to throw out everyone but Ryu, make him twenty years older (see Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage 2) and make a super-tight gameplay system (see not SS:WR2). Get Senri Kita (oh, see SS:WR2 again) or Akiman or Ikeno or any other of the artists they actually still have, to make 20 brand new cool characters.

Sure, it will take 5 years for the hardcore to embrace it and 10 years for the casuals to actually like it (and buy the re-re-releases), but that's the Street Fighter 4 I want.


SiegfriedFM said:
Okay, people like this should be permanently locked away from Shoryuken.com, GAF, and anywhere where they might have an impact on SF4.

People who obviously haven't been playing Street Fighter (or any fighter?) for the last ten years since it went out of fashion only want the same old. They're the ones who write stupid reviews of SF2 re-re-re-re-re-re-releases and praise them (especially the "arcade perfect" SNES version), while they look down on games like Street Fighter Alpha 2, Alpha 3 or Third Strike as "another Capcom rehash". Yes, we all read the reviews of these games when they were new, scorn and contempt were all they got.

I want Capcom to do something really new. Heck, I want them to throw out everyone but Ryu, make him twenty years older (see Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage 2) and make a super-tight gameplay system (see not SS:WR2). Get Senri Kita (oh, see SS:WR2 again) or Akiman or Ikeno or any other of the artists they actually still have, to make 20 brand new cool characters.

Sure, it will take 5 years for the hardcore to embrace it and 10 years for the casuals to actually like it (and buy the re-re-releases), but that's the Street Fighter 4 I want.

So the game with the rubber man, the electric hulk, a mysterious masked guy and the gay Russian, most of them shooting fireballs, was any more realistic than the game with the purple haired psychic, the wannabe Japanese and a huge cannon hidden in a Buddha statue, or a game with a Russian electric rubber man, a mysterious masked guy, a really old guy and a experimental cyborg thingie? :lol

Besides, Street Fighter 2 had no story. It had loads of BACK story, which Capcom then built on and expanded with Alpha (and then left for dead with SF3), but within SF2, pretty much nothing officially happens.


Oh man, I never expected such a witty and thought-out comment. I should have expanded on my ideas a bit more.


Whatever it is I'm hoping that they
1- Advance the timeline.
2- Have an older Sakura in it.
3- Wouldn't mind having proper endings either. (CG! but preferably hand drawn anime)


SiegfriedFM said:
Okay, people like this should be permanently locked away from Shoryuken.com, GAF, and anywhere where they might have an impact on SF4.

Hear hear

Make the game for people who enjoy playing video games, not tourney whores and jaded fucks who can't play anything new
The street fighter series is ok, street fighter II arcade version is still the king tho. Well, hold up, street fighter the movie is the best street fighter game ever made in my opinion, but Part II is close second.






U.2.K. Tha Greate$t said:
The street fighter series is ok, street fighter II arcade version is still the king tho. Well, hold up, street fighter the movie is the best street fighter game ever made in my opinion, but Part II is close second.






I'd hope for SF4 to be placed even more in the future.

A grown up Makoto.
A grown up Ibuki
A grown up sakura (there's your ryu replacement)
The child with Chun Li
Mel (Ken's son)

I hope to see a few returning faces from SF3 atleast.
SiegfriedFM said:
So the game with the rubber man, the electric hulk, a mysterious masked guy and the gay Russian, most of them shooting fireballs, was any more realistic than the game with the purple haired psychic, the wannabe Japanese and a huge cannon hidden in a Buddha statue, or a game with a Russian electric rubber man, a mysterious masked guy, a really old guy and a experimental cyborg thingie? :lol

Besides, Street Fighter 2 had no story. It had loads of BACK story, which Capcom then built on and expanded with Alpha (and then left for dead with SF3), but within SF2, pretty much nothing officially happens.
Still, both the characters and the backstory smed more palpable to me. I could kinda connect with the characters. Alpha seemed more detached, Like Jesus/Rose and freaks like Sodom/Karin.

3 was off the deep end though, IMO. I guess it may be because I didn't connect to the characters.The endboss seemed like he had little backstory, or explanation as to how he came to be.

I'd personally take only the good chars from 2, 3, Alpha, andEX (there were a few!) and add a few new characters to make a sequel.
belgurdo: I'm a member of SRK, but I only hang in the storyline and Udon threads. So obviously, seeing new characters and a new storyline would be my main interest. If it has tight gameplay, I'll just be happier to announce it as fighting game of the decade.

But a remake of SF2 is something that COULD easily be done if Capcom only looks for sales and nostalgia. Thing is, we've had X versions/rereleases of the original game already, plus CvS1-2 and SFA3 had most of the original cast with the option to play with mostly the original rules. Capcom has already done this a million times, and frankly, if the big bad 20th anniversary game turns out to be another remake of SF2, I'll burn my entire Capcom collection in public.

Bluemercury: I specifically remember Dreamcast magazines giving it a 75-80ish score, saying more or less: "Okay, cute pixels, but we want THREE-DEE! None of this SNES crap!"


Hates quality gaming
WordofGod said:
So it seems SF4 can never be as good as the previous games since none of the original designers are @ capcom. =[
Okamoto left before Street Fighter Zero came out.

Since then, people like Noritaka Funamizu were in charge of SF for all of the Zero and SF3 titles. If an upcoming SF4 sucks, it won't be because certain people weren't there for development.


Bluemercury said:
I dont understand how can anyone say SF3 is a rehash, heck Third strike is probably the best streetfighter ever............

SF3 was hated when it came out, largely because it wasn't SF2 and people saw the de-emphasis on OMG 75% DMAGE SUPARS and the like as "a step back." Then it started getting a lot of rotations in tourneys after the DC died and suddenly people that only spent five minutes on the game loved it


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Screw Street Fighter 4, I want Alpha 4. I understand the technical brilliance of 3rd Strike, but I'm just not that much into games anymore.


Bluemercury said:
I dont understand how can anyone say SF3 is a rehash, heck Third strike is probably the best streetfighter ever............
The reviewers that said it was a rehash probably just picked Ryu, beat the game on 1 star and called it a day :lol
not really sure what they can improve upon besides parrying.. its like the ultimate gameplay mechanic that fits SF's style a huge poke fest. For SF4 to really be the successor it needs to atleast have the same thing that SF3 has which is good animation and the parry system. Genei-Jin gave Yun an advantage of 'different' gameplay juggle mechanism. Maybe they'll incorporate something like custom combos as alpha (and cvs2 Agroove) fans like that.

Although alot of recent games revolve too much around building meter then depleting it, they should make supers less useful in that aspect. Maybe require super meter for parries? So it doesn't boil down to turtle+throwing. There should also be something that the players can do besides waiting/dancing around too much. More canned attack strings or atleast some kind of chain ability.

As for major gameplay change.. what about move cancel type deal so at the cost of super meter you could recover instantly.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
heidern said:
What happened with that rumour going round that Streetfighter 4 would be targeted to the DS?

That's the first I've ever heard of it.

And I would probably commit hara-kiri if that ever happened (after burning down Capcom's offices on both sides of the Pacific of course).


I barely perfected repetitive uppercuts while using the genei-jin super art. Hooray for me, for I shall win next sundays tournament and go onto the championships with my Yun skills.


Keep practicing that Genei-Jin. Yun isn't close to top tier without being able to use his super well (unlike Ken who's still a machine even without his SAIII).


i'm kinda scared though too, seeingo n hwo I don't know these people and their own skills. I'll probably use my best character Ken and cause he's a shoto, then maybe remy and i've got to practice right now with yun and yang.

Still got to perfect that in air ex hurricane kick to uppercut combo they do in the tournament videos.


anotheriori said:
not really sure what they can improve upon besides parrying.. its like the ultimate gameplay mechanic that fits SF's style a huge poke fest. For SF4 to really be the successor it needs to atleast have the same thing that SF3 has which is good animation and the parry system. Genei-Jin gave Yun an advantage of 'different' gameplay juggle mechanism. Maybe they'll incorporate something like custom combos as alpha (and cvs2 Agroove) fans like that.

Although alot of recent games revolve too much around building meter then depleting it, they should make supers less useful in that aspect. Maybe require super meter for parries? So it doesn't boil down to turtle+throwing. There should also be something that the players can do besides waiting/dancing around too much. More canned attack strings or atleast some kind of chain ability.

As for major gameplay change.. what about move cancel type deal so at the cost of super meter you could recover instantly.

I've always been warying about custom combos. Seems everytime their implimented they turn out incredibly fucking strong, even if they are difficult.

Chain combos, meh I'm pretty happy with Capcom's moderate use of them in SF3.

THe move cancel would be nice (ala GGXX), but who knows how well it'd work especially due to no chain combos.


I think if they finally bring SF2's graphics into 2005 -- large hi-res sprites like GGXX -- and make minor tweaks to 3rd Strike's gameplay, SF4 would rock.
G-Fex said:
I still can't get roman canceling.
its pretty simple.. its basically move cancel. it adds alot of variety into combos and possibly setups for feint like moves, like Sol uppercut xx command throw or something.
Ferrio said:
I've always been warying about custom combos. Seems everytime their implimented they turn out incredibly fucking strong, even if they are difficult.

Chain combos, meh I'm pretty happy with Capcom's moderate use of them in SF3.

THe move cancel would be nice (ala GGXX), but who knows how well it'd work especially due to no chain combos.

yeah CC are almost always broken i think they need to do like SvC(?) or kof2002 where additional move cancels kills the custom bar faster.
yeah but in sf3 some people have worthless ones.. (Ryu)

How bout this, chains that get progressively harder and possibly doing more damage like take for instance (i think Yang) short xx forward xx roundhouse chain. Instead give it 3, 2 and 1 frame cancels.

Hrm.. on second thought its hard to make it 'better' without making it needlessly complex.


G-Fex said:
same move twice to cancel correct? I see, it'll be harder to pull off than I thought.

No, just hit any 3 buttons together (not dust though).

False Roman Cancels only during certain frames.
Regular Roman cancels pretty much whenever.


24fps animation is too much to ask for.

But when considering how long the game would be in development for...I don't think it would be.


I'd just like to see them use high quality cel shaded 3D assets with 2D gameplay.

That way, they can beef up the animation quality, along with larger/more variable sized character sprites.

The increased power in the newer consoles can easily pull off much more natural looking animation, where the hair, clothing, limbs, etc don't clip each other, while moving/flowing as you'd expect them to..

As far as gorgeous 3D models go, they might want to hire or consult this guy...

CO_Andy said:
Doubt it. Capcom has learn its lesson for putting Street Fighter in 3D.

My prediction is that we'll be seeing an original Street Fighter developed entirely by Udon.

I would so love for this to be true

I remember awhile ago one of the higher ups at capcom said that if they ever made a SFIV that it would be 2D to keep with the series

I'm sorry but SF is a 2D series, a 2D fighters gameplay just doesn't transfer over to 3D, some games/genres just do not make the jump over well

each series (SF2,SF3, and Alpha) has had it's distinct look to it and I think the Udon look would work perfectly for it, especially in full on high res like the Guilty Gear games ohhh hells yes I say

my wish list for SFIV

-High Res 2D graphics
-SF3 or better level of animation quality
-Online play on all home consoles
-A good mix of new and returning characters I don't need ALOT (i personally though Alpha 3 and MvC2 had too many characters) just a good selection
-A gameplay jump like you saw in SF3

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
xexex said:
Capcom needs to make SF4 a 3D game on the same level as Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive but with much tighter gameplay, like you would have with sprites. Capcom USA should work with a Japanese team like Team Ninja, SEGA's AM2 or Digital Rex, or even NAMCO.SF4.

This is not Street Fighter.


xexex said:
Capcom needs to make SF4 a 3D game on the same level as Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive but with much tighter gameplay, like you would have with sprites. Capcom USA should work with a Japanese team like Team Ninja, SEGA's AM2 or Digital Rex, or even NAMCO.

SF4 needs to be as great as SF2 was in 1991-1992

I want a direct 3D sequel to SF2, in the same timeline. no SF3 crap, and no SuperSF2.

give me a SF4 that is really a remake of SF2 in 3D, that is my ultimate wish for SF4.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Honestly, I just want SF4 to be in hi-res 2D, none of this 3D stuff, it's been proven before that SF style gameplay does not work in 3D. Bring back a lot of the SF2 characters, and get rid of some of the SF3 characters with silly char designs (Oro, Twelve, Urien - look more like Marvel characters), add some new ones or ones from older games - some more Darkstalkers guys should get their due instead of Capcom always pimping out Morrigan (my original joke was that they need to make a SF4 with all new, hi-res sprites, but put Morrigan as a secret character with the same old sprite still in there). Throw in some other guys as well, like that chick who's always with Hugo (the one that belgurdo used for his avatar for a while), and maybe some new ones (Dante?) Keep parrying of course, maybe add more refinements to the gameplay style. Personally, I'd like to have access to all 3 of my supers instead of being locked into one specific one for the match. Keep the bonus stages, the ones in SF3 were *HILARIOUS*. Oh and online play should be obvious.


G-Fex said:
and three buttons during say...a gunflame?

That's a FRC. The input window is 2-3 frames, the training mode should give you a blue flash when you execute to show you the timing iirc.


(my original joke was that they need to make a SF4 with all new, hi-res sprites, but put Morrigan as a secret character with the same old sprite still in there)

Haha that'd be hilarious.

But yeah I just want some old SFII characters, some SFIII characters, and some new characters that fight differently then anything we've seen before. Make sure no character wears a thong for the love of god. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!

Though I know Oro will be in this since he's supposedly the next "superpowerful being" that can actually put the boots to Akuma. He also supposedly beat Ryu in Second Impact (not that it was actually in the game or nothing).

EDIT - That's another thing I need, characters that actually connect to the story of the game. I know they can't all connect to the story, but in SF3 it seems like the only two characters that had anything significant to do with Gill was Alex and Yun. More story to the game, meaning intro to each character and an ending that actually amounts to something would be a big plus.

Just for example, in Remy's ending there's a girl in a crystal who he "finds"...that's it. Nothing about Gill. Nothing about Alex (who he faces before Gill). Nothing about who the woman is. Nothing. Why was Remy even there? I'm hoping they actually put some thought into each character, give them a reason to be there.


blackadde said:
That's a FRC. The input window is 2-3 frames, the training mode should give you a blue flash when you execute to show you the timing iirc.

shows a blue flash for when you should execute? or after you've exectued correctly? The former is handy, the latter... not so handy.


They should definitely advance the timeline. The fighters are past their prime. Make it darker, more hardcore.

-- Ryu: older and meaner. Being a 40-year-old virgin will do that to you.
-- Ken: CEO of Ken Industries. Like Iron Man. Maybe augments his aging body w/ robotics, nano-technology, something.
-- Chun-li: older but still fine as hell. Still kicks ass.
-- Blanka: found a partial cure so he's less feral, more intelligent and human looking.
-- Vega: lost his mind and is a deranged psychopath. He was going that route anyway. Attach the claw to his hand so it'll never fall off.
-- Balrog: lost his title to a buster. His son now fights in the UFC circuit.

Make this SF for the heads, for the people who was playing SF since SF1. If it was up to me, I'd bring back:

Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Blanka, Vega, Balrog, Sagat, Zangief, Hugo, M. Bison, Fei-Long, Akuma, Alex, Makoto, Dhaslim/Necro, Cammy, Guile (SF2T), Gen (SF1), Birdie (SF1)

Oh yeah, a Zangief vs. Hugo match isn't optional, you gotta bring back both.

You can't bring back everybody because it would be hard to balance the game, then we'd have another SF4 3rd Strike. Keep it tight and focused. Bring back parries definitely. Hopefully this'll happen in my lifetime....


oniman said:
They should definitely advance the timeline. The fighters are past their prime. Make it darker, more hardcore.

-- Ryu: older and meaner. Being a 40-year-old virgin will do that to you.
-- Ken: CEO of Ken Industries. Like Iron Man. Maybe augments his aging body w/ robotics, nano-technology, something.
-- Chun-li: older but still fine as hell. Still kicks ass.
-- Blanka: found a partial cure so he's less feral, more intelligent and human looking.
-- Vega: lost his mind and is a deranged psychopath. He was going that route anyway. Attach the claw to his hand so it'll never fall off.
-- Balrog: lost his title to a buster. His son now fights in the UFC circuit.

Make this SF for the heads, for the people who was playing SF since SF1. If it was up to me, I'd bring back:

Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Blanka, Vega, Balrog, Sagat, Zangief, Hugo, M. Bison, Fei-Long, Akuma, Alex, Makoto, Dhaslim/Necro, Cammy, Guile (SF2T), Gen (SF1), Birdie (SF1)

Oh yeah, a Zangief vs. Hugo match isn't optional, you gotta bring back both.

You can't bring back everybody because it would be hard to balance the game, then we'd have another SF4 3rd Strike. Keep it tight and focused. Bring back parries definitely. Hopefully this'll happen in my lifetime....

Hopefully it doesn't happen within mine....
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