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Rumor: Street Fighter 4 In The Works???

Assuming Crapcom takes off the MS training wheels next gen and gives Playstation gamers an on-line Street Fighter, I'll gladly give you some Remy lovin'! :p

Fortunately I was well out of high school before goths and emo kids. :D


LakeEarth said:
Hehe, true. I had a video of a Remy vs Hugo fight where Hugo has no health left, so the Remy starts throwing out so many LOV's it is insane. Unfortunetly the Hugo he was facing was YSB's (a beast) and parries them all and grabs them. So amazing stuff on both sides.

Just the other day I had a series of like 30 matches against a Hugo player and that kind of situation came up constantly. Hugo is by far my favorite opponent to face when I'm Remy.


I think different books say different things. Like in All About Capcom Hugo and Andore had two seperate sections and didn't mention them being the same, but in that SF Eternal book it says Hugo was in final Fight(but doesn't say he was Andore). It's like the "is Mike in SF1 Balrog" debacle. An eternal mystery.

They don't give you enough characters to make a gamertag on xbox live. I want to be "It Could Be Bunnies" but it won't fit.


The canon plot guide on gamefaqs says Hugo and Andore are not the same person, and that Mike in SF1 is infact Balrog/Bison(JP).
Street Fighter 3 was pretty crappy, was probably the worst selling and least popular Street Fighter title ever. Even EX-3 sold more copies... geez...
WhippinSean said:
Street Fighter 3 was pretty crappy, was probably the worst selling and least popular Street Fighter title ever. Even EX-3 sold more copies... geez...

crappy? WTF?!

Ex3 sold more? i hope not :(


He may be refering to SF3: New Generation, which despite how impressive the graphics were, was a bit underwhelming. I know he couldn't be refering to the insane greatness of 3rd Strike.


MoxManiac said:
Remy is bottom tier garbage :p
Remy is an expert's character. Only a master can use him to his full potential. Like Hugo, he's low tier, but in the right hands they can destroy. With Remy, you gotta remeber one thing : NEVER GET IN CLOSE!!! He's got horrible stamina and a huge arsenal of pokes and projectiles. He's all about spacing.

And yeah, New Generation was pretty crummy, compared to expectations. And for the record, SF:AC sold pretty well, I'm really really hoping for a 2D fighter resurgence.


It's funny, I've had the most success with Remy against the better 3rd Strike players in my area and they're notable folks over at SRK.


Hates quality gaming
WhippinSean said:
a) Street Fighter 3 was pretty crappy, was probably b) the worst selling and c) least popular Street Fighter title ever. d) Even EX-3 sold more copies... geez...
a) Wrong
b) Wrong
c) Wrong
d) Wrong


WhippinSean said:
Street Fighter 3 was pretty crappy, was probably the worst selling and least popular Street Fighter title ever. Even EX-3 sold more copies... geez...

Shut the fuck up and go back to making your shitty ass videos.


When is this JAMMA show supposed to be?I wanna know if it`s real or not before i get my hopes up

btw i like the sf story so is the eternal challenge book worth getting? i want to get it but if its crap i`ll skip it
G-Fex said:
SF3 is better than SF2 ever was.

There I said it.

That's because it is. Unless you haven't played fighters for half a decade since all that SF2 variations and too clouded with nostalgia, there is simply no way I can take anyone seriously if they are remotely fighting game genre fan. Going back to any of the SF2 games after SF3 is like a slap in the face!


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
The only that I expect from Street Fighter 4 is the same jump that the saga had from Street Fighter Alpha series to Street Fighter III series, more animations per character, a more complex game system an a new art.


I hated alpha with a passion. til I discovered the long forgotten SF3 a few years ago and got it on Dreamcast.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
That's because it is. Unless you haven't played fighters for half a decade since all that SF2 variations and too clouded with nostalgia, there is simply no way I can take anyone seriously if they are remotely fighting game genre fan. Going back to any of the SF2 games after SF3 is like a slap in the face!

You know, there are still a lot of serious Super Turbo tournaments still being held. Evo, Super Battle Opera, counting for Apex rankings etc. ST is clunky by modern standards but still holds up as being a very solid game, and a fast one at that.
blackadde said:
You know, there are still a lot of serious Super Turbo tournaments still being held. Evo, Super Battle Opera, counting for Apex rankings etc. ST is clunky by modern standards but still holds up as being a very solid game, and a fast one at that.

Yeah, I admit they hold up pretty well and I go back to them from time to time, but to say SF3 sucked is just too much. The worst I can give SF3 was that Capcom went a bit too nutty freako with the character designs.
I say make it similar to Powerstone or Smash Bros, increase the move set of the original characters. Make the environments destructible, and just make the game have a lot of depth with a little complexity aswell.


ST is still great. In fact I've played Hyper quite a bit more than 3S on Anniversary Edition. It was only recently that I switched to S3 as my main game.


That might he too radical of a change though. It'd basically be switching genres. You might pick up a few new fans but you'd be risking alienating the hardcore fanbase which Capcom needs. Just look at New Generation. They took out all the classics and everyone freaked out.
Anyanka said:
That might he too radical of a change though. It'd basically be switching genres. You might pick up a few new fans but you'd be risking alienating the hardcore fanbase which Capcom needs. Just look at New Generation. They took out all the classics and everyone freaked out.

The attempt(s) Capcom has made to revitalise the series has failed, maybe they can use the same approach as Smash Bros. I'm not talking about gameplay similarities, but make it a 4 player multiplayer game(optional). Keep it 2D, but use polygon characters. Keep the same movesets, just add somethings that make the multiplayer more meaty.
OG_Original Gamer said:
The attempt(s) Capcom has made to revitalise the series has failed, maybe they can use the same approach as Smash Bros. I'm not talking about gameplay similarities, but make it a 4 player multiplayer game(optional). Keep it 2D, but use polygon characters. Keep the same movesets, just add somethings that make the multiplayer more meaty.

no ... just no


OG_Original Gamer said:
The attempt(s) Capcom has made to revitalise the series has failed, maybe they can use the same approach as Smash Bros. I'm not talking about gameplay similarities, but make it a 4 player multiplayer game(optional). Keep it 2D, but use polygon characters. Keep the same movesets, just add somethings that make the multiplayer more meaty.

Ever played Isuka? 'cause ... yeah.
I'd be all for a 3D Street Fighter so long as Capcom uses some wacky new technique that allows for really cool looking visuals.

Add on-line play standard in all versions and things will be well. It's a hard sell for a game who's main feature is versus play to not have an on-line component in this day and age.


Look, if you want a 4 player fighter with weapons, play that type of game. Street Fighter isn't that type of game, and if you want Street Fighter to have those options, then it will have to be in Street Fighter : Party Edition or something, not SF4. Street Fighter has always been about one on one (or in the case of the Marvel franchises, tag fighting), hand-to-hand fighting which takes a mixture of knowledge of the game, quickness of the hand, and outsmarting your opponent (not just who knows the bigger combo) to get your victory. The second you introduce party items, weapons you can just pick up on the stage, blah blah, the game becomes a different kind of fighter. And like I said before, if you want that kind of fighter, they're available.


XenoId said:
When is this JAMMA show supposed to be?I wanna know if it`s real or not before i get my hopes up

btw i like the sf story so is the eternal challenge book worth getting? i want to get it but if its crap i`ll skip it

can somebody answer my questions?


Damn, you gotta see this one Necro vs Urien fight I have, I'll upload it when I get home. It's called "Rated R for RAPE", and the Urien just gets double perfected on. And these were professional guys too. I've learned a lot from that video (learning Necro's corner juggles, he's a beast with them).

I'm actually looking at getting an arcade stick (yes, again) and I'm wondering what's the best? The two that have been sticking out are the MASstick and the Real Arcade Pro since they use real parts (for the most part). Expensive as fuck though.
LakeEarth said:
Look, if you want a 4 player fighter with weapons, play that type of game. Street Fighter isn't that type of game, and if you want Street Fighter to have those options, then it will have to be in Street Fighter : Party Edition or something, not SF4. Street Fighter has always been about one on one (or in the case of the Marvel franchises, tag fighting), hand-to-hand fighting which takes a mixture of knowledge of the game, quickness of the hand, and outsmarting your opponent (not just who knows the bigger combo) to get your victory. The second you introduce party items, weapons you can just pick up on the stage, blah blah, the game becomes a different kind of fighter. And like I said before, if you want that kind of fighter, they're available.

Where the fuck did you read weapons and party, in any of my post. I'm just talking having a four player option. I didn't say a damn thing about weapons and bigger combos. It wasn't a suggestion to make the game into another Smash Bros, but add a similar four player option. In my post I said keep the original move set, aswell adopt polygonal 2D graphics approach.


There's no reason to be paranoid about things like four-player support. Leave it up to those that know what they're doing to decide whether or not it'll be in the game. Did people bitch about Dramatic Battle in A3? (Well, at least, those that weren't already bitching about A3 in the first place)

Ever played Isuka? 'cause ... yeah.

Isuka was a rush job attatched to an already-existing game.


I say make it similar to Powerstone or Smash Bros
That's what I read and when I think those games I think party fighters.

But just forget it, it don't matter, Capcom will do there thing. If history with Alpha and SF3 repeats itself, it will be 'okay'. Then a year later they come with a 'second' part which will be great, and then a year later a 'third' part will come out which will be technically better then the last, but some people won't accept the change (that last part more Alpha than SF3). And I'll probably love it.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
SFA2 is better than 3 in many ways, but I see no reason why 2I would be considered better than 3S. It is the best game ever.


Yeah like I said, unlike the SFA2/3 debate, the 2i fans are definetly in the minority, but a few people have told me how they prefer 2i since 3rd Strike is 'too slow'. I don't think I've ever played 2i (I played a SF3 in the arcades that was either 2i or 3s but I can't remember which it was since it was before my huge 2D fighter kick) so I can't be a judge, but I love 3s so much. I've never been this obsessed about a game ever, I don't think, even when I was in love with SFII.

(checks) One more post and I'll have double what anyone else has in this thread. I won't post for a while :lol
For one thing 2i had a more difficult parrying system the one that Cvs2 uses, where the parries are dependant on the timing of the attacks rather then a continuious rhythm.
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