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Senior Concept Artist at 'Naughty Dog' shares concept art inspired from upcoming game.

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I mean, it depends on the setting. In a realistic setting like TLOU, having your female characters modelled like 2B or Lara Croft is just downright incongruous. It only works in fantastical settings.
I mean, there literally is one in Abby's base, though? And they have enough food to supplement the workout regimes if they feel confident enough to even attempt working out with weights in the first place.
I was referring to "realistic settings" and "fantastic settings", not TLOU and Abby specifically since that was just your example.
I couldn't let that comment stand because the argument that the realistic setting called for buff butch women is ridiculous. "Lara Croft"-like is achievable (for the most part, especially the modern version) for most women simply by being the right age, eating enough but not too much and having average DNA (lookswise).
If your realistic setting has enough resources for women to gain enough muscle mass to be buff, it has more than enough for pretty women to exist within the setting.

Just smear some dirt, blood and sweat on a pretty face and it will fit right in with whatever dystopian nightmare you cooked up.

Did you play tloup2 and see where Abby is stationed?
I did not and that's not the point, but it's nice that ND went through the effort of providing a fitting environment.
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I'm just happy that this is looking to be a new IP.

I know some were hoping their next title would have a sci-fi aesthetic, but the last couple titles had them create a lot of new assets with a focus on flora, foliage, and natural landscapes.
With that in mind it would make sense they would shift all of that work into a "traditional" fantasy setting.
I can already imagine large castles, fortress, and dense forests. The environmental artists at Naughty Dog are phenomenal.




Also, does every single fucking Naughty Dog related thread topic need to be derailed by the same tired discussions about wokeness, SJWs or female characters not being hot enough?
Even when the thread is about new positions being open some people on Gaf always find a way to turn it negative.
This new title might not even have the same directors. I swear Druckmann lives rent free in some of your heads...
I am someone who wasn't the biggest fan of TLOU2's story
Felt like a big waste of time with that ending
However, the SJW, Abby too muscular, etc. never clicked with me and I don't get it
The problem with that is it lumps people like me with people who send death threats and complain every time there are far too many minorities or some themes are too liberal, etc.

Changing topic
I think ND can and will release two different IPs this generation. One sci fi and one fantasy. A sci fi IP has been teased for too long just like TLOU was for it not become a thing.
Savage Starlight
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The character looks kinda cool but the setting looks as vanilla as anything out there doing fantasy. If they are going to unshackle themselves from real timelines they could at least try to do something a little more unique? like, i don't know, something that at least looks distinctive?

I mean, common' ! Berserk it's super gritty and has always looked super unique, i hope this concept art are not that representative of the setting if they are going for fantasy. On the other hand...ND making a melee combat game? fuck yeah i'm inn like Flynn, i want the dodge animations system of TLoU2 in one like yesterday.


The character looks kinda cool but the setting looks as vanilla as anything out there doing fantasy. If they are going to unshackle themselves from real timelines they could at least try to do something a little more unique? like, i don't know, something that at least looks distinctive?

I mean, common' ! Berserk it's super gritty and has always looked super unique, i hope this concept art are not that representative of the setting if they are going for fantasy. On the other hand...ND making a melee combat game? fuck yeah i'm inn like Flynn, i want the dodge animations system of TLoU2 in one like yesterday.

Dark western fantasy is always going to be LoTR GoT dragons and trolls. The creative twist nowadays would be to sprinkle in a heavy dose of gritty looking women.


Gold Member
Yeah that first photo makes me think of Senua’s Sacrifice, Horizon Zero Dawn, and more recently Valhalla. The gameplay will have to be the deciding factor. I’m saving From Software a seat with this type of setting.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Well they need to fap on something, if they can’t get a woman. I really tired of this whole “woke” bullshit. Play the fucking game you want and shut the fuck up.
You hit the nail on the head. How in the world did this even become a thing with virtual characters


Looks generic as fuck. At least be creative with the armor design.

This looks like they just watched a bunch of game of thrones and vikings and had a total lack of creativity.


I think all of you should be far less concerned with how the next ND game looks than you should be with the creative direction the plot takes.

What ruined TLOU2 for so many was the ridiculous focus on bleakness, the generic revenge plot, and the asinine idea of putting fun on the backburner in a videogame.

The game is bound to be pretty, with a mediocre to awful plot/characters.
I think all of you should be far less concerned with how the next ND game looks than you should be with the creative direction the plot takes.

What ruined TLOU2 for so many was the ridiculous focus on bleakness, the generic revenge plot, and the asinine idea of putting fun on the backburner in a videogame.

The game is bound to be pretty, with a mediocre to awful plot/characters.
I enjoyed the game and I think it deserves GOTY
However, the story could have been executed better and I am not a huge fan of some parts of its execution like the buildup to Joel's scene (silly when you consider Joel and Tommy's character from the first game)and don't get me started on that horrible ending
After everything I went through with both Ellie and Abby, the ending made everything feel like a huge waste of time
But I kind of knew it would happen after playing as Abby for so long
I had a lot of fun from a gameplay perspective and I did enjoy a good amount of other parts of the story
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Character designs look amazing. Day 1 if this ever becomes something. Solid team.
It's obvious Neil and maybe some others on the team are inspired by game of thrones. I wonder if this game will embrace brutality and major character deaths like that series did. ND with that level of brutality and Neil's bloodlust could lead to an amazing story and fun melee. No character would be safe and you don't know what would happen next. One thing I can't critique is how fun TLOU2's combat is. Now imagine ND going all out on a combat system? An open world action rpg with ND level set pieces? Now with the PS5 and that Kraken thing, the set pieces will be unlike anything we have ever seen. Imagine the boss battles?

Don't forget about that sci fi game they are working on. The set pieces will be unprecedented for that too. They've been teasing Savage Starlight since forever. I expect a game within a sci universe from ND along with this fantasy action rpg
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Writes a lot, says very little
It's obvious Neil and maybe some others on the team are inspired by game of thrones. I wonder if this game will embrace brutality and major character deaths like that series did. ND with that level of brutality and Neil's bloodlust could lead to an amazing story and fun melee. No character would be safe and you don't know what would happen next. One thing I can't critique is how fun TLOU2's combat is. Now imagine ND going all out on a combat system? An open world action rpg with ND level set pieces? Now with the PS5 and that Kraken thing, the set pieces will be unlike anything we have ever seen. Imagine the boss battles?

Don't forget about that sci fi game they are working on. The set pieces will be unprecedented for that too. They've been teasing Savage Starlight since forever. I expect a game within a sci universe from ND along with this fantasy action rpg

Completely agreed, I enjoy their approach to storytelling as I like that feeling that no one is safe.

With Neil taking over that studio and us knowing they are 2 teams now, I wonder how bigger their budget is going to be for a large open world RPG type game.

I don't want to get into any reactionary type thing but I also wonder if Sony feels pressured to have something in that space.


I think all of you should be far less concerned with how the next ND game looks than you should be with the creative direction the plot takes.

What ruined TLOU2 for so many was the ridiculous focus on bleakness, the generic revenge plot, and the asinine idea of putting fun on the backburner in a videogame.

The game is bound to be pretty, with a mediocre to awful plot/characters.
"Generic revenge plot", really? Watch Dogs 1 has a truly generic revenge story, not this game, which isn't even about revenge.

Sorry, but you didn't get it, so you can keep that ignorant shitty opinion of yours to yourself.
I though they are doing Horizon sketches for a moment.
Setting looks interesting but after TLoU II I feel like characters will be generic as fuck netflix type heroes.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
That would make sense if tlou part 2 didn’t just deliver some of the best third person shooter stealth gameplay of last gen that had only MGS V to rival it.

The stealth sections were good, for sure, my favourite part of that game. All the combat is absolutely bang average and is there to service to the narrative, which is the core reason for TLOU's success across both games. People seem to get great animations confused with great gameplay, I genuinely saw someone call the melee combat "perfect" here once. But all combat/stealth sections are still sandwiched between a lot of mashing triangle to loot and watching the plot unfold - again, there's nothing wrong with that, it's that kind of game, but let's not pretend otherwise.

It's what ND have been doing for 13 years now, Uncharted just replaces triangle mash looting with X mash climbing sections. And I love Uncharted - people get hyper defensive when you call ND games what they are, but they're good at what they do. But it is mostly watching things unfold. Same with modern Rockstar games.


"Generic revenge plot", really? Watch Dogs 1 has a truly generic revenge story, not this game, which isn't even about revenge.

Sorry, but you didn't get it, so you can keep that ignorant shitty opinion of yours to yourself.

The entire plot of the game revolves around the theme "revenge bad". Ellie's primary motivation is revenge, Abby's motivation was revenge, it's all about the cycle of revenge which has been done better, with a more satisfying conclusion.

You don't get to tell people whether or not they get to have an opinion you don't get to decide whether they qualify to have an opinion either. You are no authority on anything. Grow up and learn to accept that people aren't going to feel the same way you do about the things you like.

Jesus people act like such babies over games.
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There’s quite the nerve in here of ugly people saying what’s ugly. That’s right, the majority of you aren’t conventionally attractive. And you know this. Even if your in your relationship with your average to ugly partner. That’s the matter of the truth.
No, we just hate ugly women in western games.


And do you see here. See how someone used that one unattractive character from Assassins Creed Odyssey to push their agenda now. You all fuckin know that game has an abundant of pretty woman in it. So get fucked with this. Not really as important but these games are set in places where make up isn’t a thing either.

And some of you please shut up about Amy Hennig and how “nothing good came after she left”. You all started to see flaws and small problems with Uncharted 3 calling it ‘Uncharted 2 but in the dessert’. I’d love her back. But stop clouding reality like you don’t know that Neil worked on Uncharted 1 and 2. Then went on to The Last of Us which again huge impact. Uncharted 4 huge impact. And if you wanna talk about gameplay don’t be acting like Any Hennig had it any better.


Gold Member
Concept art is fucking nuts but not nearly as nuts as this thread. Some of you need serious help. Y’all won’t be happy until we get full on Golden Axe. Women storming a wyvern in thigh high boots and a thong.
There’s quite the nerve in here of ugly people saying what’s ugly. That’s right, the majority of you aren’t conventionally attractive. And you know this. Even if your in your relationship with your average to ugly partner. That’s the matter of the truth.

And do you see here. See how someone used that one unattractive character from Assassins Creed Odyssey to push their agenda now. You all fuckin know that game has an abundant of pretty woman in it. So get fucked with this. Not really as important but these games are set in places where make up isn’t a thing either.

And some of you please shut up about Amy Hennig and how “nothing good came after she left”. You all started to see flaws and small problems with Uncharted 3 calling it ‘Uncharted 2 but in the dessert’. I’d love her back. But stop clouding reality like you don’t know that Neil worked on Uncharted 1 and 2. Then went on to The Last of Us which again huge impact. Uncharted 4 huge impact. And if you wanna talk about gameplay don’t be acting like Any Hennig had it any better.
You didn’t know Neil is ruining gaming and has already ruined ND nevermind the fact ND is more popular now than they have ever been. People like the one you quoted don’t let a little thing like reality interfere with their agenda
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
I was referring to "realistic settings" and "fantastic settings", not TLOU and Abby specifically since that was just your example.
I couldn't let that comment stand because the argument that the realistic setting called for buff butch women is ridiculous. "Lara Croft"-like is achievable (for the most part, especially the modern version) for most women simply by being the right age, eating enough but not too much and having average DNA (lookswise).
If your realistic setting has enough resources for women to gain enough muscle mass to be buff, it has more than enough for pretty women to exist within the setting.

Just smear some dirt, blood and sweat on a pretty face and it will fit right in with whatever dystopian nightmare you cooked up.

I did not and that's not the point, but it's nice that ND went through the effort of providing a fitting environment.
Ok good atleast you admitted it. They were stationed in a stadium, had more than enough food due to farming etc and had the sportscenters gym and equipment that the players would have used. Its a full fledge gym.
Fantasy games seem to be all the rage these days huh?

No, we just hate ugly women in western games.


Bruh don't fap all you want but I don't care, Debra Wilson was hella funny on MAD TV.

I agree tho it'd be a good thing if Western games kinda gave us more hot sexy women alongside what they love to give us already. Hot sexy women need representation too!
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Concept art for Bitcher: The wild Cu*t

Im all in for a medieval fantasy game by Naughty Dog. Curious to see if they go for open world or keep going for linear action/adventure.
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