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Senior Concept Artist at 'Naughty Dog' shares concept art inspired from upcoming game.

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NaughtyDog Defense Force
No, we just hate ugly women in western games.


Some of you guys have some serious issues.


Gold Member
No interest in playing as a female, it diminished my enjoyment of control for me, and that was a cool game.

Also ever since Hennig left the stories have been shit, not interested in some female empowerment kill all men viking story.


It's cool. I like the design of the first two. The third is alright, I just hope it's not the player character. If it is, I will just pretend the armor hides a womanly body :messenger_smirking:. Well, I'm also fine playing as a mountain troll.

In a realistic setting like TLOU, having your female characters modelled like 2B or Lara Croft is just downright incongruous. It only works in fantastical settings.
The same is true for these "muscular butch women". There are no fitness centers and supplements in the wild.

Anyway, this is a game with dragons, so I expect better (than TLOU).
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I'm just happy that this is looking to be a new IP.

I know some were hoping their next title would have a sci-fi aesthetic, but the last couple titles had them create a lot of new assets with a focus on flora, foliage, and natural landscapes.
With that in mind it would make sense they would shift all of that work into a "traditional" fantasy setting.
I can already imagine large castles, fortress, and dense forests. The environmental artists at Naughty Dog are phenomenal.




Also, does every single fucking Naughty Dog related thread topic need to be derailed by the same tired discussions about wokeness, SJWs or female characters not being hot enough?
Even when the thread is about new positions being open some people on Gaf always find a way to turn it negative.
This new title might not even have the same directors. I swear Druckmann lives rent free in some of your heads...
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It's cool. I like the design of the first two. The third is alright, I just hope it's not the player character. If it is, I will just pretend the armor hides a womanly body :messenger_smirking:. Well, I'm also fine playing as a mountain troll.

The same is true for these "muscular butch women". There are no fitness centers and supplements in the wild.

Anyway, this is a game with dragons, so I expect better (than TLOU).
I mean, there literally is one in Abby's base, though? And they have enough food to supplement the workout regimes if they feel confident enough to even attempt working out with weights in the first place.



Did we play the same game? These are incredibly well-crafted, realistic detailed character models much of which are based/inspired by real people. And part of being realistic is that they are not visually 100% attractive like most humans. They have uncanny humanistic flaws like butt-chins and that's part of the appeal. I can only wish that more AAA realistic games would put this amount of detail and effort into making character models memorable.

And anyway, "good looking" women is subjective.

But what's not subjective is the fact that these are well-crafted, life-like and memorable character models -- and maybe that scares you.

Some people here seem to completely forget that a game is developed by a team of people, and not one guy.
It's one thing to dislike the writing or director's approach, but to condemn an entire studio based off the creative choices of one person is absurd.
The hate boner for Druckmann have made some people completely unreasonable to the point they reduce all of the creative and technical hard work by a team of skilled, passionate artists, designers & coders to being trash. All because they didn't like the direction certain characters were taken in one title.

It's gotten ridiculous. Nearly every thread related to Naughty Dog is now typically full of detractors and critics needing to make it known how much they hate their games.
I understand expressing your criticism when the topic calls for it, but if you're obsessively hating on a game based on a few pieces of concept art by one of the many artists working at a studio, you probably need to take step back and relax.
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Some people here seem to completely forget that a game is developed by a team of people, and not one guy.
It's one thing to dislike the writing or director's approach, but to condemn an entire studio based off the creative choices of one person is absurd.
The hate boner for Druckmann have made some people completely unreasonable to the point they reduce all of the creative and technical hard work by a team of skilled, passionate artists, designers & coders to being trash. All because they didn't like the direction certain characters were taken in one title.

It's gotten ridiculous. Nearly every thread related to Naughty Dog is now typically full of detractors and critics needing to make it known how much they hate their games.
I understand expressing your criticism when the topic calls for it, but if you're obsessively hating on a game based on a few pieces of concept art by one of the many artists working at a studio, you probably need to take step back and relax.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The Naughty Dog "no gameplay" post rears its head 🙄

I'm struggling to find these games where you watch most of it

Hey, if you read "most of it not really playing a game" as "no gameplay", that's on you. I love ND games (generally), I've completed literally every single one from Crash 1 onwards, but I'm not about to pretend that holding a direction and tapping X to climb for hours on end in Uncharted is riveting gameplay. Same with rubbing up against furniture and tapping triangle in TLOU. They're (very intentionally) Hollywood level blockbusters, you stare at them because they look great, and then you play the gunfights/stealth sequences. Same as something like RDR2, which was my GOTY, but you do spend most of it pressing X to horse while listening to an audiobook. There's nothing wrong with it, but don't pretend it is what it isn't.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Some people here seem to completely forget that a game is developed by a team of people, and not one guy.
It's one thing to dislike the writing or director's approach, but to condemn an entire studio based off the creative choices of one person is absurd.
The hate boner for Druckmann have made some people completely unreasonable to the point they reduce all of the creative and technical hard work by a team of skilled, passionate artists, designers & coders to being trash. All because they didn't like the direction certain characters were taken in one title.

It's gotten ridiculous. Nearly every thread related to Naughty Dog is now typically full of detractors and critics needing to make it known how much they hate their games.
I understand expressing your criticism when the topic calls for it, but if you're obsessively hating on a game based on a few pieces of concept art by one of the many artists working at a studio, you probably need to take step back and relax.
This needed to be said 💪

If this turns out to be a new Naughty Dog IP it'll most likely be an amazing game and another masterpiece for the studio


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
No interest in playing as a female, it diminished my enjoyment of control for me, and that was a cool game.

Also ever since Hennig left the stories have been shit, not interested in some female empowerment kill all men viking story.
Playing as a female made Control a worse game for you?? This sounds like a personal issue... no offense


Gives off Witcher vibes. That's more than fine with me; I'm always down with decent dark-fantasy, and I still think NaughtyDog can deliver.

Rules out any chance that the next game is a new Uncharted tho, doesn't it? I feel conflicted, it's easily one of my favorite game franchises - but it has had it's day and Indiana Jones is on the horizon. At least with U4 they retired the franchise on a high note.
ND doing fantasy? About time. They're gonna have to pull something really interesting off though considering it's a ND game and you'll spend most of it not really playing a game, there's a lot of other fantasy shit people can go play instead.
That would make sense if tlou part 2 didn’t just deliver some of the best third person shooter stealth gameplay of last gen that had only MGS V to rival it.
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Can't remember the last time a high class AAA studio tackled a medieval-western fantasy setting, particularly with a history in narrated, high budget storytelling such as ND.
Maybe there is BioWare with Dragon Age, but they don't play on the same level as ND when it comes to motion capture, visual world building and obsessive attention to detail.

At the very least, it will appeal to a large and often dedicated sword-and-shield audience, which their usual franchises might not appeal to. If handled right it will sell easy as water in a desert with how little competition there is on the market. Hell, it will sell tons on reputation alone.


Cretinously credulous
Was hoping for Sci-fi.
Playing Valhalla right now so kinda had my fill of norse characters and setting etc.


Neo Member
Sounds like they're finally getting round to their High-Fantasy game they wanted to make before benching it for Uncharted.


I’d like to see the girlfriends of those who call the actress of Shenmua ugly. Like seriously. Are you all dating top models?


RSI Employee of the Year
Why the fuck do u play games to be attracted to polygons?

What is wrong with y'all? I knew before opening this thread that ya weirdos would already be crying about a female concept art.. lol.. not everyone wants to pander to you, sorry snowflakes!

Well they need to fap on something, if they can’t get a woman. I really tired of this whole “woke” bullshit. Play the fucking game you want and shut the fuck up.
I live in the North, women who have a choice are much fancier than this.
yeah 3 women cool but since it is Naughty Dog I do not even care anymore and I always see the "wokeness"
It's becoming hard not to see beyond this given all the trouble they cause (they're not the only ones, but I don't see any white supremacy groups--other than the wokes--making "art" openly promoting their view).

What a time to be alive!

If you're down south I hope everything goes well enough tomorrow and that you guys find some way to give the voice to the regular people stuck in the middle of this social media induced mess.


This is just some old art.
Saw some guys joking with the "old news" in reddit (this appeared there to).

Anyway, not gonna judge a game based on some unrelated artwork.
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Neo Member
They didn't go far enough.
I wont buy anything else from ND until ALL characters are 100% transgender. Anything less is 110% problematic.
....uhm, NAZIS!
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
What!? Are you blind or just dishonest?
10 to 2 there are more games that stare male characters than females, give me a list and I guarantee I can give you a list twice as big
It's cool. I like the design of the first two. The third is alright, I just hope it's not the player character. If it is, I will just pretend the armor hides a womanly body :messenger_smirking:. Well, I'm also fine playing as a mountain troll.

The same is true for these "muscular butch women". There are no fitness centers and supplements in the wild.

Anyway, this is a game with dragons, so I expect better (than TLOU).
Did you play tloup2 and see where Abby is stationed?
I’d like to see the girlfriends of those who call the actress of Shenmua ugly. Like seriously. Are you all dating top models?
Nah, they hate women so much they'd rather play a game of pocket pool.
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