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Shadowrun Returns |OT| Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.


So, I picked this up to play again. I think I left off about 3-4 missions in.

I'm in the hallway to my safehouse, and I go in and use the closet. I forgot how terrible the UI for the game is, and I fail to put on the correct clothes like 5 times in a row until I realize I need to click on the picture of the clothes for the bottom button to work.

Then, I go to my dresser, and I now have 5 duplicated sets of clothes in my stash... due to me "putting back" clothes I wasn't wearing. Hmmm... well, that should have been caught by QA.

Anyhow, the only thing in my dresser is a deck, so I head out the door. Before I get out the door, there is a thing at the bottom of the screen that says "I BETTER GET MY GUN FROM MY DRESSER BEFORE I LEAVE". Seeing how I had already had my gun before I went into the safehouse, and there was no gun in the dresser, I leave anyways.

I wander around the streets, and the only two places I can go are into the shanty mall or the bar. The bartender has a dialog icon over him, but clicking it does nothing. There is a staircase in the mall, but if I try to go up it the guy yells at me and says it's closed. I've talked to every merchant in the mall as well, and all they are doing is selling stuff.

WTF am I supposed to do now? I have no quest (under my quest it says soimething like "MEAN STREETS- Gangs fight over the mean streets"... just some description text of the area I'm in).

That's it. I think it's bugged?

It sounds like you are playing a user campaign. I can't remember the name of which though. You had two lockers side by side with the get your gun icon? one opens your stash and one does the quest objective. You may want to start a new game in "Dead Man's Switch" the developer made campaign. While it has some flaws it is on a level of polish beyond any of the mods I have tried.
Great, it didn't crash once in 4 hours of gameplay and now it's frozen my pc 4 times in the same area. The mission is Coyote's Crusade, every single time I complete the first fight at the bouncer area it crashes.

Yeah it seems once I pass the area with the Dwarf and Elf guards it always crashes. Great.


Define full-fledged? There's quite a bit content out already.

New update, apparently the Linux version is out.

I don't know anyone with it, but I'm sure someone here does.


From the brand new Kickstarter update: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1613260297/shadowrun-returns/posts/646403

We’re pleased to announced that the Linux version of Shadowrun Returns is now available on Steam and in the Download section of your HBS account (which you’ll find here). From this point on, Linux will receive updates at the same time as the Windows and OSX versions of the game. Thanks to all the Linux Beta Testers for their feedback. Much appreciated!

In addition to Linux support, version 1.1 of Shadowrun Returns has moved from Beta to release and the game will automatically update the next time you launch it on Steam. As mentioned in our last update, we also added quite a few new editor features in this release in anticipation of the Berlin campaign. You can find the entire change log here. Our next big code update will feature expanded save game functionality.

Looking forward to the release!
Beat the game this morning. A decent effort by the studio. Found the plot, particularly how everything concludes pretty unsatisfying. That said, I definitely did enjoy the urban fantasy/cyberpunk world the Harebrained team put together. I rolled a female human shaman that I named Autumn. Maxed out charisma and willpower and focused on spellcasting, summoning and spirit control. Died once and failed a undercover mission on one occasion.

As far as indie RPGs that have system requirements that are easy on basic systems, anybody have any recommendations? I bought Bastion recently, so that's what I'll be playing next.


As far as indie RPGs that have system requirements that are easy on basic systems, anybody have any recommendations? I bought Bastion recently, so that's what I'll be playing next.

Check out:

To the Moon
Might and Magic Clash of Heroes (awesome puzzle/rpg hybrid)
Costume Quest
Binding of Isaac
Rogue Legacy
Torchlight 2

and then there are 4 Ys games on steam that are also worth checking out.
Good Guy Microsoft:

Hey Everyone!

We just want to send out a quick update to share some good news. Thanks to a new agreement we were able to negotiate with our partners at Microsoft, Harebrained Schemes is pleased to announce that we are now able to release fully DRM-free versions of Shadowrun Returns and future expansions such as Berlin.

The DRM-free versions of SRR and Berlin will continue to be fully supported. You'll be able to download all game patches, use the Shadowrun Returns editor and experience user-generated content downloaded from third-party sites such as Nexus.

We’re starting work to get Shadowrun Returns available on GOG.com right now - not sure how long that will take but we’ll let you know as soon as we have an answer.

We’re very excited we’re finally able to offer Shadowrun DRM-free to everyone and look forward to making it available!

Take care,



Still haven't received my Physical Copy of the game, shirt or ID. Been in contact with them. They said it was shipped out on September 17th and then never left the shipping facility. Hope they find it or ship me a new one soon. I want my boxed copy.


Still haven't received my Physical Copy of the game, shirt or ID. Been in contact with them. They said it was shipped out on September 17th and then never left the shipping facility. Hope they find it or ship me a new one soon. I want my boxed copy.

Yeah, I've had my package arrive in the UK, it really should have hit NJ.

Good Guy Microsoft:

This suggests to me - possibly incorrectly - that it sold rather better than anticipated; it suggests that HBS gained more negotiating muscle than they had previously.

Or it might just be Microsoft being really nice, of course!


The amount of shit that Harebrained got for not doing this earlier was incredibly stupid and unjustified.

Nope. DRM is a huge deal, it's the difference between owning and renting a game. Especially as the game only existed because people gave them $1.5 million upfront to make it.

Not to mention, the hassle of having to deal with Steam (I think it's a hassle anyway)


Nope. DRM is a huge deal, it's the difference between owning and renting a game.

Not to mention, the hassle of having to deal with Steam (I think it's a hassle anyway)

And yet Steam sales remain infinitely more popular than GOG's. Don't get me wrong, I don't like DRM either, but if it's a dev's limitation, that's what it is.


I think with Shadowrun the problem was more about lying to the backers about DRM until after the funding was complete than it was about the DRM itself.


Beat the game this morning. A decent effort by the studio. Found the plot, particularly how everything concludes pretty unsatisfying. That said, I definitely did enjoy the urban fantasy/cyberpunk world the Harebrained team put together. I rolled a female human shaman that I named Autumn. Maxed out charisma and willpower and focused on spellcasting, summoning and spirit control. Died once and failed a undercover mission on one occasion.

As far as indie RPGs that have system requirements that are easy on basic systems, anybody have any recommendations? I bought Bastion recently, so that's what I'll be playing next.
Check out Spiderweb Software's games. Fantastic writing, fun combat.

Word of warning though: they're pretty old school. Some complicated systems, super barebones visuals, no voice acting. Straight out of the 90's. But they're a lot of fun.

Check out Avernum: Escape from the Pit and Avadon: The Black Fortress.


Harebrained is a tiny studio negotiating with the owners of the IP who just so happen to be MICROSOFT to even get to make the game in the first place. The legal environment the game was made in is insanely convoluted and that has to be taken into account to be at all reasonable.


Harebrained is a tiny studio negotiating with the owners of the IP who just so happen to be MICROSOFT to even get to make the game in the first place. The legal environment the game was made in is insanely convoluted and that has to be taken into account to be at all reasonable.

While I agree, it's fair to suggest that they may not have gone to enough effort to convey those limitations to the backers.


Oh my god.


Here’s the official scoop:

BERLIN. The Flux-State: a stable anarchy enforced by an ever-shifting coalition of megacorps, political factions, and savvy power players. A place where almost anything goes and the right connections can be the difference between success and starvation. Dangerous jobs abound and there’s no better place to earn a quick payday - provided you live long enough to spend it. For you and your team of battle-scarred runners, it’s just another day in the Free City of Berlin.

But a new threat is rising, one that could mean untold chaos and devastation. The only clue: whispers of the DRAGONFALL, a long-forgotten event from the earliest days of the Awakened world. As you find yourself drawn into a maze of veiled dangers and strange machinations, you will come face-to-face with a grim spectre of the past… and alter the course of Berlin’s future.


Experience a New Full-Length Campaign: Return to the “Tech meets Magic” future of Shadowrun as you and your team of runners get drawn into a treacherous conspiracy. Operating out of an offbeat central hub neighborhood, you’ll choose which missions to accept and how you’ll approach them while navigating the dark underbelly of “the Flux”.

An Exciting New Locale: Shadowrun: Dragonfall transports runners to the Free City of Berlin, a thrilling Shadowrun setting full of gorgeous new hi-res environments, a diverse new cast of characters, and a new soundtrack by the composer of the original Sega Genesis Shadowrun game, Sam Powell.

Command Your Team: Lead a small team of shadowrunners, each with their own outlook and backstory. Each member of your team is designed to play an interesting role during missions and has a unique set of skills, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

New Weapons, Cyberware, Enemies & More: Try your hand at the long-range sniper rifle, devastating grenade launcher, or stun-inducing taser. Chrome yourself out in the latest cyberware and take on deadly new enemies - including new magical creatures like gargoyles and fire drakes. Dragonfall brings a host of new items, characters, portraits, and improvements to the Shadowrun Returns experience.

Save Anywhere: You can save your progress at any time during the game. This functionality will also be added to the original Shadowrun Returns “Dead Man’s Switch” campaign.

New Game Editor Features: A wide range of enhancements to the game editor for community content creators - including a scripting system to better control lighting, tracking mission objectives in the main game UI, placing exploding barrels, and allowing players to input keypad passwords and custom text strings in conversations. In addition, content creators will be able to use all of the new Berlin environment art, items and characters in their own stories along with assets from the original Shadowrun Returns campaign.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall will be released January 2014 for Windows, OSX, and Linux and will be free to Backers. You’ll get the same number of Steam keys you received for the original game via our Backer website and details about how you’ll get your DRM-free version will come in a future update. Dragonfall will launch at $14.99 and we’ll also release the Shadowrun Campaign Pack on the same day. The campaign pack contains the original game and the Dragonfall expansion in one package for only $24.99. We think it’s a great way to get new players into Shadowrun.

And finally, here’s a new wallpaper for y’all. We can’t wait to show you more Dragonfall over the next two months!

Talk to you soon,



Ok, guys, good news on the save feature.

Now just please add controller support a la Xcom. Pretty please? I've owned this game since launch since I was a backer but held out because I wanted save anywhere and controller support. One down, one to go.


Ok, guys, good news on the save feature.

Now just please add controller support a la Xcom. Pretty please? I've owned this game since launch since I was a backer but held out because I wanted save anywhere and controller support. One down, one to go.

Boy are you missing out...


Real saving/loading will elevate this game from "decent" to "really good". And together with the DRM free release and the Dragonfall campaign supposedly being more non-linear I am now really happy with my contribution to the original KS campaign.


Whoever is managing the Schemes team is damned good. They got a KS out in about a year, and it was a quality game. Out of all my KS games these guys are the only to have released still. (they were one of the 5 earliest though)


Did this game turn out to be good? I quit after about 3 hours playing it.

I think it's good. It has it's fair share of issues: many of the systems are somewhat (ok, very) underused in the original campaign, it's a lot more linear than I would have liked and the saving was a huge downer. However, the art and music are great, the writing is good, it adapts the Shadowrun lore well, the locations are interesting and the tactical combat and encounters are surprisingly competent (if slightly repetitive).

With fixed saving and a more open campaign it could even be great.


A more open campaign and save anywhere sound great.
Did this game turn out to be good? I quit after about 3 hours playing it.
I enjoyed it a lot but I don't remember that opinion changing much as the hours went on. I think you may have a really good idea of what the game is like 3 hours in.


I wonder if deckers can get any more love or if I'm going to have to go with some other class in DragonFall. Deckers were so borked in Dead Man's Switch that they had to resort to giving you special decker NPCs to control when the level design called for it.


hm, do I need to buy dragonfall for the save feature in dead mans switch?
I'll definitely pick this up again, I liked it a lot, but I cant properly enjoy a game like this wittout the possibility to save anytime.


hm, do I need to buy dragonfall for the save feature in dead mans switch?

It's possible, but I suspect it's unlikely. It depends on their plans for user-designed modules; if the intent's for stuff that uses Berlin features to be playable on Vanilla, Vanilla will probably be upgraded to cover all eventualities. If they're intending that you'll need Berlin to play Berlin content, there'll probably be some UI in the menus to ensure that it's clear what expansions you need to play a given module.

There's a small other possibility, which is that save anywhere is low-level enough that it needs to be compatable with Vanilla *anyway*.

The question boils down to: What is Dragonfall? Is the purchase price for the campaign alone, or is it for the full 'expansion kit' incorporating the toolset too?


How is the Matrix in this game? Does it feel like the SNES Shadowrun game or is it more in depth like the Genesis version?

Didn't play the SNES or Genesis games, but the Matrix in the game is very much like the rest of the combat levels. Your decker jacks in from some node and appears in a turquoise glowy level with turn based combat just like the rest of the game but with teleports to different areas (all very linear though). Enemies have the same kind of damage/shield/heal skills that your character does (which is governed by how many points you put into your INT and how much money you sink into equipment) and your purpose is to get past them to the end of the level which has the module that you're trying to hack to achieve some purpose in meatspace (like steal some data or open a door or turn a turret on/off etc.). If you take too long to do this then another round plays out in the real world with your character attached to the node and unable to help while the rest of the team probably holds off enemies.

It's fun but it's kind of obvious that they didn't really balance for it. You don't need a decker in a lot of the levels and in the few that do the game makes sure to provide you with one. Additionally if you focus on your decking skill you'll be pretty useless in the real levels while being overpowered in the few matrix sections to the point that sections that characters in the game will describe as being very hard requiring a master decker to survive will be a cakewalk. The game is incredibly generous with level up points (called karma) so you can dual class and being a pure decker means your character is almost always the weakest link of the team which isn't the best feeling. I ended up being a decker/rigger so that I wouldn't feel like a complete wet noodle.

Heck all the cybernetic enhancements in the game were there for combat classes and so I was kinda bummed that I didn't have the option of getting any augs to help with the decking or the rigging. My guy just had the datajack and nothing else by the end which wasn't what I expected at the start.

I'll probably roll a different class in DragonFall unless they make some pretty significant changes. Though it seems like the Dragonfall campaign will be more character driven anyway so you might have a set team and not build your own like in Dead Man's Switch. We'll see.


Save anywhere means I'm actually going to finish the first campaign. I lost an hour of progress to a bug at the end of a level and haven't played since.


On one hand, I'm glad to be able to play the expansion so soon. On the other hand, I hope it doesn't feel rushed. The good news is that they already had an engine to work on that only needed tweaks for this.


On one hand, I'm glad to be able to play the expansion so soon. On the other hand, I hope it doesn't feel rushed. The good news is that they already had an engine to work on that only needed tweaks for this.
One thing that has to be said for Harebrained is that they stuck much closer to their schedule than most other kickstarter projects I backed. Probably a smart idea in that regard to make your major stretch goal an expansion.
i like this game if only dialog decisions had more impact on the story and you can take much more different routes on things...and people were not so static in one spot all the time it would be fantastic for me but im enjoying the game now for what it is.


One thing that has to be said for Harebrained is that they stuck much closer to their schedule than most other kickstarter projects I backed. Probably a smart idea in that regard to make your major stretch goal an expansion.

That is true. But a company like Obsidian or Larian have been around and made some awesome games, so a 4-6 month delay won't worry me that much. The Banner Saga is an entirely different situation. I was disappointed with how delayed the single player portion of the game has been, but from trying out the multiplayer, I at least know the combat is decent. I was the most skeptic about Shadowrun Returns but decided to back it anyway. Some disappointments adie, they delivered a fun game and will soon have an expansion. Not many other projects will manage to do the same thing.


i like this game if only dialog decisions had more impact on the story and you can take much more different routes on things...and people were not so static in one spot all the time it would be fantastic for me but im enjoying the game now for what it is.
I think a lot of that is also down to engine restrictions, and particularly the limited save game system. If so, the expansion campaign could be better in that regard.


lol dragonfall is such a dumb name

glad about the end of throwaway companions and the weird save system, hope they tune up the classes a bit more and add some more free roaming for maximum awesomeness
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