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SHENMUE 3 Kickstarter (PC/PS4) Thread 2: New KS Record at $6.3m


Preeeeetty much.

Then again, the cursive in the Shenmue logo isn't hard to read at all. I dunno. I just chalk the papyrus font up to good intentions crossed with culture differences.

I had no doubt in my mind that logo wouldn't last the duration of development, and the most recent update confirmed that.
Preeeeetty much.

Then again, the cursive in the Shenmue logo isn't hard to read at all. I dunno. I just chalk the papyrus font up to good intentions crossed with culture differences.

I had no doubt in my mind that logo wouldn't last the duration of development, and the most recent update confirmed that.

It's pretty likely Yu read an article somewhere about it, and just figured his target audience also had trouble reading cursive. I mean, he's not American or a native English speaker so the cultural concern makes sense.


It's not that bizarre. In an interview with some fan sites, Yu basically says he likes it because he's heard that in English speaking countries like America, cursive is less used and harder to come by and thus harder to read for people who don't and haven't learned cursive. Hence the more simple font. Don't like the decision but I mean, it makes sense.

Hm so we'll probably be getting a brand-new bespoke logo?


I could be wrong but it sounds like a slightly variant of a song that appeared in Shenmue 2 or maybe it was an unused track.

I am sure I might be corrected.
I'm 99% sure it's an original track, but it just has a lot of Shenmue music 'signatures', like the erhu, the tabla, woodblocks, etc.
People have been asking for that for a while. Since they decided to go it alone rather than use a service like backerkit, they (Awesome Japan) probably don't have the infrastructure and knowhow to properly link their store to your kickstarter pledge.


We live in hope. Last we heard of backer upgrades it was "it's coming eventually".

At this point you might as well just buckle up and wait for the game/game-related KS updates.


Backer Kit have plans that are free to use so it makes little sense not to use them.

They have one time fees and transaction fees but its a small cut and would have solved A LOT of work for them and people could have been upgrading their pledge for months by now.


speaking of, when did they say the backer stuff might ship? just occurred to me, im hyped for an art book i'd not be able to look at till the game's done, for fear of spoilers!


speaking of, when did they say the backer stuff might ship? just occurred to me, im hyped for an art book i'd not be able to look at till the game's done, for fear of spoilers!
Not sure it has ever been touched on, but 'nothing ships until the game comes out' would seem like a general sensible rule and is likely in place here.

As for not using something like Backerkit, who knows. Awesome Japan are unpredictable at best and outright lazy at worst.

The good thing is that the game seems far removed from their influence and is shaping up just fine.


We've passed the $6.6 million mark, and now stand at a lofty $6,600,896, with 72,350 backers.

Also, if you haven't heard it already, Ryuji Iuchi snuck a possible Shenmue III demo track onto Soundcloud.

The Soundcloud track from Ryuji Iuchi is absolutely beautiful and so Shenmuesque!

In the description, it says "private demo music for that demo movie's scene".
Now... considered English is not Ryuji Iuchi first language, doesn't "demo movie's scene" sounds like "trailer" to you? ;-)


Neo Member
The Soundcloud track from Ryuji Iuchi is absolutely beautiful and so Shenmuesque!

In the description, it says "private demo music for that demo movie's scene".
Now... considered English is not Ryuji Iuchi first language, doesn't "demo movie's scene" sounds like "trailer" to you? ;-)

It may be, but I guess this is a demo because Susziki asked him to do the new version of it, and Ryuji just loved the result of this "experiment" and what's why he uploaded it on soundcloud


Not sure it has ever been touched on, but 'nothing ships until the game comes out' would seem like a general sensible rule and is likely in place here.

As for not using something like Backerkit, who knows. Awesome Japan are unpredictable at best and outright lazy at worst.

The good thing is that the game seems far removed from their influence and is shaping up just fine.

agreed! i only said it cause other KS ive backed have shipped things out before the game, like ToeJam & Earl!
Interview reminded me of that open world fatigue article and how Shenmue is about the intimate and the personal. Yu's words in that article adds to that argument.
Interview reminded me of that open world fatigue article and how Shenmue is about the intimate and the personal. Yu's words in that article adds to that argument.

If you remove out all the assumptions of the funding fud from the video, I really like this analysis of Shenmue franchise and why it's so special in terms of design and how it resonate with so many people deeply.



That interview is pretty great for getting an idea of Yu's concept for Shenmue III's open world.

YS: Conversely, when you’re with someone with whom you get on well... when you are with your girlfriend, you’ll be closer together, right? So if we introduce a new “intimacy” parameter setting, for example we could set the distance between characters according its value. If the game contains many of these subtle but natural experiments then I think it will make for a much more believable world. It will give the game a more gentle feeling. Right now I’m working on overlaying these kind of subtleties.

Shenmue was always good at creating the lived-in feeling game worlds strive for now, same with the 'world-building' aspects of giving even minor characters and places backstories, but this seems on a whole other level of making you believe you're actually there.



Hello Everyone,

This month we are happy to announce a new member to the Shenmue III team—Toshihiko Masada. Toshihiko stands on the forefront of the animation industry, with experience as Animation Director, Animation Choreographer and Artistic Director. His work on “The New Batman/Superman Adventures” won him an Emmy award in 1997.

For Shenmue III, Toshihiko will be doing the storyboarding for the cut scenes that will appear in the game. Today we would like to give a look into some of the work going on at this stage.

During the storyboard process, what will be in the scenes, and how that material will be depicted is carefully thought out. Especially important here will be the depth perception of the shots to ensure proper depth cueing, and from what/whose perspective the shot will be taken. Another key point that will be focused on will be to bring out Shenhua’s personality, showing her charm, free-spirited nature and childlike innocence.

This process is and an important one so the ideas and context of the scenes are fully conveyed to the rest of the production members.

At the storyboard stage, the characters are given their expressions, which will be augmented with changes to the background to effectively bring home those traits.


Taking charge of the real-time movie storyboards is Toshihiko Masada.


Breathing life into the story, Toshihiko makes Ryo run with the wind at his heels.


The depth perspective and camera work unique to 3D games are added into the storyboards as well.


Everything from slight changes in expression to cuts of whole cities, the world of Shenmue III begins to materialize here.

First of all:

- Whoah, Toshihiko Masada has some real pedigree. I know the update mentions his work on The New Batman/Superman Adventures (he also worked on Batman/Superman TAS, Batman Beyond, etc), but he was also a key animator on Akira and Howl's Moving Castle.

- Heh. The Hello Kitty Dreamcast is a cute touch. Seems smart to have it hooked up in the centre of the office too.

- Nice to see Yu getting hands-on with the directing over these last two updates. His Shenhua mug from this old interview made a reappearance too!

- This is the third shortish Kickstarter update in a row, but I'm actually quite enjoying the non-nonsense approach. It's showing the very meat-and-potatoes aspects of creative and technical design in video games.

And finally, while I don't think Shenmue III will be at a conference this year, it's clear this is the calm before the storm of new screens/video. After all, it's nearly been a year since this crazy ride started. It'd be fitting to get another glimpse at it on the anniversary of the series' rebirth.

This is the kind of update I like and was hoping for. I want to have them go into a little bit of detail about everything as they happen, show a few rough drawings here and there, and reveal as little as possible. I hope they are documenting things more in the background. I'd love to purchase a documentary on the development once this is all over and I've had a chance to experience the final product.

Edit: that picture makes me laugh because I imagine them throwing gang signs.


This is the kind of update I like and was hoping for. I want to have them go into a little bit of detail about everything as they happen, show a few rough drawings here and there, and reveal as little as possible. I hope they are documenting things more in the background. I'd love to purchase a documentary on the development once this is all over and I've had a chance to experience the final product.

Edit: that picture makes me laugh because I imagine them throwing gang signs.
I'd be down for a documentary too, but I don't think they're making one. It's all hands on deck for development, and that goes for the budget too.

And yeah, Cedric seems to have made throwing up the "three" hand sign a thing, and Yu seems to have picked up the habit too.

The anniversary can't come soon enough. The game has looked markedly improved each time we've seen it (reveal in June, update in October, MAGIC in February).


Small but nice update. I'm sort of torn in the fact I would like to experience Shenmue III like I did with the originals, oblivious and unaware of development. Yet outside of some spoilers in earlier Suzuki discussion I have happily gobbled up any information.

Recently playing and completing Uncharted 4 made me wonder in a parallel universe what Suzuki and AM2 could produce if they were given development time and budget as they were in the original games.


Small but nice update. I'm sort of torn in the fact I would like to experience Shenmue III like I did with the originals, oblivious and unaware of development. Yet outside of some spoilers in earlier Suzuki discussion I have happily gobbled up any information.

I pre ordered S2 and forgot all about it so one day I got home from school and had it there to play.

Like you I'm thinking of going dark, I can beat 3 and just dig in to this stuff after.


Small but nice update. I'm sort of torn in the fact I would like to experience Shenmue III like I did with the originals, oblivious and unaware of development. Yet outside of some spoilers in earlier Suzuki discussion I have happily gobbled up any information.

Recently playing and completing Uncharted 4 made me wonder in a parallel universe what Suzuki and AM2 could produce if they were given development time and budget as they were in the original games.

man, i couldn't help but think of shenmue everytime uncharted 4 switched to one of the slow walking chapters where you don't do anything but look at items while the 2 characters talk

shenmue 4. ys net and naughty dog


Small but nice update. I'm sort of torn in the fact I would like to experience Shenmue III like I did with the originals, oblivious and unaware of development. Yet outside of some spoilers in earlier Suzuki discussion I have happily gobbled up any information.
I don't think you need to be too worried about spoilers from the updates so far, they're playing things pretty close to their chest to avoid giving too much away.

Even if some supposedly big moments have been given away, the fact they were talked about so casually makes me think there's more to it than that.
Have they sent out that questionnaire where they ask you what platform of the game you'll want and what name to put in the credits etc.? I remember Playtonic sending them out pretty early for Yooka-Laylee and I don't remember getting one for Shenmue.


Have they sent out that questionnaire where they ask you what platform of the game you'll want and what name to put in the credits etc.? I remember Playtonic sending them out pretty early for Yooka-Laylee and I don't remember getting one for Shenmue.
Nah. They usually come at the end of development. Yooka-Laylee is an exception, not the rule.


Ideally you want the surveys fairly late since details change. Most Kickstarters learn this the hard way. Backerkit was made to solve this somewhat. The advantage of having them early is though you can control production of rewards.


Ideally you want the surveys fairly late since details change. Most Kickstarters learn this the hard way. Backerkit was made to solve this somewhat. The advantage of having them early is though you can control production of rewards.
Mm. Doesn't seem to be a right or wrong way to do it.

Unrelated to that;

I've been seeing one or two people kind of sneering that they're doing the cutscene storyboards now, like they've been slacking or something.

If you paid enough attention to the project that you know what they're doing now, why ignore that they've been doing intensive test driven development for like the past year? Everybody's an armchair game dev these days.
All I have to add is that those new screenshots from Monaco in February were just stunning. Outstandingly beautiful and a significant improvement from the early test shots they released. I was extremely impressed. The game looked beautiful. Couldn't post at the time so thought I'd share my belated impressions.

Hope new screens and media are coming soon! Cedric's latest tweet gives me hope. Looks like they have more promo planned.


Hope new screens and media are coming soon! Cedric's latest tweet gives me hope. Looks like they have more promo planned.
Oh definitely. An update to celebrate the anniversary of the Kickstarter is a dead lock at this point, IMO.

Yu said in February they hoped to share Ryo and Shenhua's new models as soon as possible, so I'm guessing that'll be the primary content of an anniversary update. Secretly hoping for a glimpse at Baisha or Chobu, but YSnet seem keen to avoid spoilers for those environments.


man, i couldn't help but think of shenmue everytime uncharted 4 switched to one of the slow walking chapters where you don't do anything but look at items while the 2 characters talk

shenmue 4. ys net and naughty dog

I definitely felt like the
Drake's attic, Mansion flashback, and epilogue scenes
were all inspired by, if not a direct tip of the hat to, Shenmue.


I definitely felt like the
Drake's attic, Mansion flashback, and epilogue scenes
were all inspired by, if not a direct tip of the hat to, Shenmue.
I haven't played Uncharted 4 myself, but I do know the sequences you're referring to.

It was pretty cool to see moments like that in such a big game. No idea if Shenmue actually inspired those sequences, but it definitely lends credence to my long-standing theory that mainstream game design has caught up to accommodate character and story driven gameplay that Shenmue pioneered.


Mm. Doesn't seem to be a right or wrong way to do it.
Basically most Kickstarters find that while having information early helps production somewhat that benefit is diminished by having to update details throughout the year and having to respond to tons of backer messages and nagging. It's much easier to send the survey late.


Basically most Kickstarters find that while having information early helps production somewhat that benefit is diminished by having to update details throughout the year and having to respond to tons of backer messages and nagging. It's much easier to send the survey late.
Hahaha. Running a Kickstarter must be such a nightmare sometimes.

But yeah, I'd personally see a late-ish survey working out better for Shenmue III.

I'm actually quite excited to see what the physical rewards look like. Cedric Biscay said sometime in February (maybe?) that they had prototypes already made and would share pictures when appropriate.

Personally, I'm hoping the Slacker Backer website remains open for the foreseeable future so I can save for a replica Ryo jacket. Insert Coin did a jacket a while back, but I wasn't really interested because it wasn't as accurate as I was hoping.

Fuck it, if I hit a big enough payday between now and the closing of the slacker backer site I'd probably try going for the original Ryo jacket from the Shenmue promotion events back in 1999 too. Then again, maybe it's better nobody gets it so Yu keeps it instead.
Fuck it, if I hit a big enough payday between now and the closing of the slacker backer site I'd probably try going for the original Ryo jacket from the Shenmue promotion events back in 1999 too. Then again, maybe it's better nobody gets it so Yu keeps it instead.

It's time to go to the docks and play some big or small.


It's time to go to the docks and play some big or small.
One of my fondest Shenmue II memories is going with a bunch of cash (like $6000 HK) with the intention of losing it all so I don't automatically trigger the Ren meeting later on (gotta get dat Brawling Uppercut move), and somehow ending up with more than I went in with.

Then I blew it all on arcades and capsule toys, just like real life.


Now that they're doing the story board I think we can generally assume a few things.

1. The plot is for the most part finalized.
2. The script is also in a near complete state.
3. The most important maps/locations are modeled.
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