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SHENMUE 3 Kickstarter (PC/PS4) Thread 2: New KS Record at $6.3m

Now that they're doing the story board I think we can generally assume a few things.

1. The plot is for the most part finalized.
2. The script is also in a near complete state.
3. The most important maps/locations are modeled.

I know nothing about this sort of thing but pretty cool if you're right. Seems like good pace. Also, love your tag :D


Now that they're doing the story board I think we can generally assume a few things.

1. The plot is for the most part finalized.
2. The script is also in a near complete state.
3. The most important maps/locations are modeled.
You're most likely right on all counts.

Yu said during a MAGIC Monaco interview that the story was about 95% done, which the script likely fell under the umbrella of.

We know they had some assets for Baisha modeled as early as last October, we know the Guilin woods were being worked on in November, and we've seen plenty of Bailu Village in the prototype. Chobu is the only one we haven't seen anything of. Seeing how it's a more urban environment, I guess that location is more asset-driven and has taken longer to put together, but I think it's safe to say they're all in some state of completion at least.


Mr Biscay knows the art of "teasing"... hyped!


I want to know more about what Yu is doing with those figures. He's probably having them fight but it looks like they're about to make out.


How good is that dreamcast there? You can guarantee they're playing through the games and using them as direct inspiration whilst designing shenmue 3.

So good


I'm very excited for 3 despite never playing the previous entries. Would love to see more at E3 and a HD collection would also be most welcomed.


Oh? Maybe there will be something something gameplay at E3 after all?
Nah, Cedric later tweeted that right now the answer is no [to showing gameplay at E3]. He also said not to expect it soon either. It's nice to see they've got a playable prototype build though.

Here's a translation of what was written on the whiteboard in the background, provided by Shenmue Dojo member Switch.


So what we can gather:

- They opted for Xsens for their motion capture suit.

- They seem to be attempting a system to automatically generate faces for NPCs, rather than modelling them all by hand.
It would certainly save them a lot of money if they can automatically generate faces. I just hope they aren't too generic. I guess as long as there's enough NPCs that stand out everything is fine.


Nah, Cedric later tweeted that right now the answer is no [to showing gameplay at E3]. He also said not to expect it soon either. It's nice to see they've got a playable prototype build though.

Here's a translation of what was written on the whiteboard in the background, provided by Shenmue Dojo member Switch.


So what we can gather:

- They opted for Xsens for their motion capture suit.

- They seem to be attempting a system to automatically generate faces for NPCs, rather than modelling them all by hand.
Is that dynamic face modelling thing been done before and done well?


Is that dynamic face modelling thing been done before and done well?
Pretty sure Bethesda games generally do the same to generate most of their NPCs. Done well depends entirely on the art direction, though I assume it's much easier to achieve higher standards now than when it was used in, say, Oblivion.
So we can expect great density of people in Chobu?

The random generations of faces seems like a evolution of the magic maze tech use to create building and rooms in Shenmue 2 isn't it? It seems way more difficult to get convincing results


So we can expect great density of people in Chobu?

The random generations of faces seems like a evolution of the magic maze tech use to create building and rooms in Shenmue 2 isn't it? It seems way more difficult to get convincing results
Evolution in spirit only, because the tech is 15 years more advanced now, and being applied to NPCs over environments.

As for density, I think Yu said they had plans for over 200 NPCs, though I can't directly remember the source (probably a February interview).
I just don't want to see a million people with the same face who all say the same thing like in TES. I know the budget's limited but I hope they do something convincing. 200 seems like a good number where everything can still be fine-tuned without it being overwhelming.

YsNet probably isn't reusing much of the old code base so I'm excited to see what they implement.


I just don't want to see a million people with the same face who all say the same thing like in TES. I know the budget's limited but I hope they do something convincing. 200 seems like a good number where everything can still be fine-tuned without it being overwhelming.

YsNet probably isn't reusing much of the old code base so I'm excited to see what they implement.
Agreed, it was the biggest disappointment in S2 that so many NPCs were characterless.


Agreed, it was the biggest disappointment in S2 that so many NPCs were characterless.
To be fair, that kind of worked for Shenmue II's size. Felt nicely disconnected from the original's home town feeling where you had established relationships with everybody. Most of the NPCs feeling anonymous helped towards building that fish out of water atmosphere where you're a stranger in a foreign land.

You've still got some character in the NPCs though. Shenmue II's supporting cast is pretty robust, and it's really cool that a few of them are optional to meet (Izumi and Eileen for example, best goddamn sidequest in the whole game). Even some more generic NPCs have character traits, like the darts rivals, the two butchers who hate each other, the capsule toy collector, the sushi chef from Japan, etc.
I think it works in Shenmue 2 as well. Ryo's in Hong Kong, shouldn't be able to speak the language, and most of the people there have no reason to be interested in or want anything to do with him. It works because Ryo isn't important at all. He's certainly no Dovahkiin. For all intents and purposes, they're anonymous people going about their business and serve only to flesh out the city as massively inhabited.

Chobu is meant to be a lot smaller, something like Dobuita, so it should be reasonable if there is some amount of uniqueness to them. Also, Ryo is coming into himself in this one and should be able to have an impact on the community. I know it's asking for a lot, but I hope what we get is a slight improvement on Dobuita.


Haven't been following the kickstarter for a while so sorry for asking, but have they shown Ryo's redesign face yet?


Haven't been following the kickstarter for a while so sorry for asking, but have they shown Ryo's redesign face yet?
Not yet. As of February Yu Suzuki said he'd hope to show us soon. I think we'll probably get it on the inevitable anniversary update that'll happen in around two weeks time.


To be fair, that kind of worked for Shenmue II's size. Felt nicely disconnected from the original's home town feeling where you had established relationships with everybody. Most of the NPCs feeling anonymous helped towards building that fish out of water atmosphere where you're a stranger in a foreign land.

That's good point, I have never spoken to the rival butchers, which points to the expanded scope making it harder to see the interesting details.
Still I hope the inhabitants of Guilin in S3 have their own lives and are all distinct. That would lead to a far smaller number but could lead to fun moments seeing people migrate from on area to another like they would in real life.
I just don't want to see a million people with the same face who all say the same thing

Well, we should accept the fact that this game is being made on a very tight budget and adjust our expectations, at least on the presentation front.


That's good point, I have never spoken to the rival butchers, which points to the expanded scope making it harder to see the interesting details.
Still I hope the inhabitants of Guilin in S3 have their own lives and are all distinct. That would lead to a far smaller number but could lead to fun moments seeing people migrate from on area to another like they would in real life.
I think at least smaller areas like Bailu would trend more towards unique NPCs with their own quirks and schedules. Baisha might end up being like that too, because the tulous are quite community-based. Then again, the tulous
might be enemy strongholds instead, so that's up in the air.

The anticipation leading up to E3 is going to be intense. I'm not 100% sure they actually will do an anniversary update for the launch of the Kickstater, but it'd definitely make sense to do so.
Well, we should accept the fact that this game is being made on a very tight budget and adjust our expectations, at least on the presentation front.

But with a good automatic face generator and a larger pool of text to dip into it should be possible to have something at least at S1's level. The technology and research of today is infinitely better than it was in the late 90s. While it might be difficult to have tons of unique voiced audio, it shouldn't be difficult or expensive to have lots of unique faces.

I'm not going to be too upset if we don't get a lot of unique looking NPCs but I wouldn't count it out because the tools are so much better now.

I think at least smaller areas like Bailu would trend more towards unique NPCs with their own quirks and schedules. Baisha might end up being like that too, because the tulous are quite community-based. Then again, the tulous
might be enemy strongholds instead, so that's up in the air.

The anticipation leading up to E3 is going to be intense. I'm not 100% sure they actually will do an anniversary update for the launch of the Kickstater, but it'd definitely make sense to do so.

I still kind of hope they announce that all the money was spent on Ferraris and wine at E3.


I have to say I wasn't sure things would work out, but everything seems to be coming along so nicely.
Development seems to be progressing steadily and naturally and the impression I get from the little updates is everyone is happy working on the game.
Yu must be really good at managing his staff, I'm sure we won't read about, or feel like there were issues during development with this one.


I have to say I wasn't sure things would work out, but everything seems to be coming along so nicely.
Development seems to be progressing steadily and naturally and the impression I get from the little updates is everyone is happy working on the game.
Yu must be really good at managing his staff, I'm sure we won't read about, or feel like there were issues during development with this one.
It's probably a bit early to assume there won't be problems down the line, but I think they've done a really good job so far at living up to the expectations of fans. It doesn't feel like an unfocused pastiche like Mighty No. 9 seems to be.


Possibly, but Bailu Village is said in Japanese as (and forgive the inaccurate spelling) Hakka-son.

Looking at the high res version of the office picture, you can see a structure that resembles a Chinese bell tower more than a tulou, and we know Bailu has a bell tower based on some of the MAGIC Monaco video. By that reasoning, it's probably Bailu Village they're looking at.

Could be an early cutscene. Good place for a late title-card, actually. After leaving the cave and reaching that clearing, Shenhua could point Bailu Village out to Ryo, and the camera reveals the wide view seen in the picture, and boom, the text "SHENMUE III" appears.


How many rooms do tulou/hokka have?

Gonna need that magic room generation if theres a lot and there are multiple buildings.

There ones that have stores and homes and hotels right? In such a tight space for a community I can imagine there could be a lot of royalties, jealousies, plots against others. Itd be awesome if there were some sidequests where Ryo could mend broken relationships. Or if people are to stubborn and being violent, Ryo can use his martial arts..
How many rooms do tulou/hokka have?

Gonna need that magic room generation if theres a lot and there are multiple buildings.

There ones that have stores and homes and hotels right? In such a tight space for a community I can imagine there could be a lot of royalties, jealousies, plots against others. Itd be awesome if there were some sidequests where Ryo could mend broken relationships. Or if people are to stubborn and being violent, Ryo can use his martial arts..

True love doesn't exist in the world of Shenmue. If Nozomi leaves and Yukiko and Kurita break up there's no hope for anybody.


True love doesn't exist in the world of Shenmue. If Nozomi leaves and Yukiko and Kurita break up there's no hope for anybody.

I'm not necessarily talking about romantic relationships. For example two former best friends have a shop right beside each other, one day one of the shops items go missing and seemingly show up in the other. There are accusations of theft, but neither shop owner are willing to admit wrong doing. There on out both shop owners have become petty towards one another and actively try to prevent each other from getting customers and they do all sorts of rude things in secret to harm one another personally. Ryo could over time obverse this fued and talk to each owner, and teach the virtures of peace he's learned so far. One owner might and accept and concede and offer peace will the other becomes engaged, tells Ryo to fuck off and starts a fight...


How many rooms do tulou/hokka have?

Gonna need that magic room generation if theres a lot and there are multiple buildings.

There ones that have stores and homes and hotels right? In such a tight space for a community I can imagine there could be a lot of royalties, jealousies, plots against others. Itd be awesome if there were some sidequests where Ryo could mend broken relationships. Or if people are to stubborn and being violent, Ryo can use his martial arts..
I think Shenmue III's period setting means the tulou won't be as touristy as they are now. Chobu has been put forward as the location full of shops and hotels anyway, and I don't expect them to repeat that location trope.

Besides, we're still unsure if the tulou are
a Chi-Yo-Men stronghold or not. It could be like Kowloon where you're mainly hiding out in the surrounding rural village to make your way into the Yellow Head building.


Double post, but:


Provided by Switch at Shenmue Dojo. The image on screen with a brightness and contrast adjustment.

Doesn't look familiar to anything we've seen of the game yet. Lots of mountains and farmland, check that bridge though!


I hope to see the first official trailer at E3.
It would be really nice to get on the same stage a year later to show the fruits of their work to the world (and to all the people who have helped them with their money :p).


I hope to see the first official trailer at E3.
It would be really nice to get on the same stage a year later to show the fruits of their work to the world (and to all the people who have helped them with their money :p).
Not happening, unfortunately. Shenmue III's producer has been saying since February that they have no plans to show the game at E3, and reiterated that yesterday after telling us they've got some form of playable build.

Besides, the game hasn't been in production for a full year yet. It's just too early to show something on an E3 stage. Next year is more likely.


Not happening, unfortunately. Shenmue III's producer has been saying since February that they have no plans to show the game at E3, and reiterated that yesterday after telling us they've got some form of playable build.

Besides, the game hasn't been in production for a full year yet. It's just too early to show something on an E3 stage. Next year is more likely.

Ah that's too bad, but yeah they shouldn't show it until they're confident with it.
There are already far too many ''concerned'' people about this game having the production values of an indie game and not being a proper Shenmue sequel :D


Ah that's too bad, but yeah they shouldn't show it until they're confident with it.
There are already far too many ''concerned'' people about this game having the production values of an indie game and not being a proper Shenmue sequel :D
Personally, the production values argument always looked shallow when it became apparent how many Shenmue-alumni were coming back for III. These aren't a bunch of nobodies, they're the people who helped make Shenmue a totally unique, detailed experience back in 1999.

The argument has only been further weakened by talented new hires like Toshihiko Masada and Kid Nocon joining the development.
Trailers take too much manpower to make. While a trailer might provide a boost to the slacker backer campaign, I'd rather they just devote all their effort to making it. It seems like things are only just starting to hit full gear anyway.
I believe the arrangement is this: Sony is publishing the PS4 version. Shibuya Productions is publishing the PC version. Sega loans it out and retains the rights to any merchandise, remasters of earlier games, and the ability to have control over future entries in the franchise.


Not happening, unfortunately. Shenmue III's producer has been saying since February that they have no plans to show the game at E3, and reiterated that yesterday after telling us they've got some form of playable build.

Besides, the game hasn't been in production for a full year yet. It's just too early to show something on an E3 stage. Next year is more likely.

I wouldn't be so sure about no Shenmue 3 trailer at E3.


Cédric Biscay's answer is far from being absolute.
Probably NO gameplay, but I have the feeling we will get a new trailer with (finally) the new Ryo's model. I secretly hope we will see some xsense motion capture, maybe from a cutscene within the trailer.


How many rooms do tulou/hokka have?

Gonna need that magic room generation if theres a lot and there are multiple buildings.

There ones that have stores and homes and hotels right? In such a tight space for a community I can imagine there could be a lot of royalties, jealousies, plots against others. Itd be awesome if there were some sidequests where Ryo could mend broken relationships. Or if people are to stubborn and being violent, Ryo can use his martial arts..

@ShenmueForever on Twitter posted those screens some time ago, about the Tulou.





Some interesting facts about those fortifications.


Trailers take too much manpower to make. While a trailer might provide a boost to the slacker backer campaign, I'd rather they just devote all their effort to making it. It seems like things are only just starting to hit full gear anyway.

Wasn't part of the agreement with Sony that they would provide assistance for things like trailers?
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