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SHENMUE 3 Kickstarter (PC/PS4) Thread 2: New KS Record at $6.3m


I'm surprised we were able to raise an additional 300k after the end of the campaign. That's pretty impressive. Come on guys, let's raise another 400k :D

Just goes to show there's continued interest in helping fund Shenmue III. There's usually a nice enough boost after the game gets shown, so fingers crossed this month's update gives us another glimpse.


Congrats on making this happen, everybody. We saved Shenmue.


I can't wait for Shenmue III! :)

I'm so happy that I was able to contribute to the Kickstarter.

Does anyone know why the game didn't make it to E3 this year? :(
I wish they would announce a tier between 600 and 1900 that's interesting. I'm not interested in the message tier and don't feel comfortable dropping that much for the laser engraving no matter how awesome it is. I might just get another 500 tier once I start my new job. I'd definitely like to help out more though.

I can't wait for Shenmue III! :)

I'm so happy that I was able to contribute to the Kickstarter.

Does anyone know why the game didn't make it to E3 this year? :(

The game's coming along but they don't have a demo ready or enough for the type of trailer that Sony was looking for. There's reason to believe we might get an updated image of Ryo soon though. I'm hoping they might have something small for TGS this September. We'll see. Magic demo was a pretty neat teaser. I'm looking forward to more but I don't want them to divert too much resources to a trailer if it could be better spent on actual development.


Does anyone know why the game didn't make it to E3 this year? :(
Pretty much what Laevateinn said.

They're only 10 months into development, and devoting time, money, and resources towards any vertical slice they could show at E3 would be to the detriment of the finished game. They made the right choice to sit this one out. Honestly, I hope they stay submerged from game conventions until at least PSX.

Considering the snide, shitty comments some people made about clearly prototype materials, I wouldn't be surprised if they sit on their hands until there's something fully formed to show off.

Still, it's (technically) anniversary day. Every chance we could all get an email alert at some point in the next 48 hours or so. It was the 15th in Los Angeles when the Kickstarter was launched, but the 16th in territories like Europe, Japan, etc. We'll see what happens in the next two days.

It'd be interesting if the update hit at the time the KS was announced in LA time, so that gives us around 20ish hours from now.


If it's up to the team running the Kickstarter, then I guess we won't see anything for a while. :(
AJ like to leave it until the last minute, so I'm expecting it on the very end of the month on June 30th. Thankfully, that's only a mere two weeks away. It'll be here before we know it for certain.

As for confirmed Shenmue III/Yu Suzuki appearances on the calendar, and I don't think this has been talked about yet, MAGIC Monaco 2017 seems to be the next opportunity for the game to show.

Should be good for new screens/video, and general information about the game. Of course, I hope they show something before that, but I wouldn't mind riding out the next 8 months with just a few new screenshots and some nuts and bolts development info.
I'm not disappointed that it wasn't at E3 (though it felt like some stuff was missing from Sony's conference) I do hope to see something at PSX or so.


Remastering from the ground what amounts to basically 15 hours of game makes sense. Consistent character models, one engine running all of the stories with newer versions of the gameplay, etc.
Hm? Are you talking about a possible Shenmue HD? Because it'll never happen like that.

SEGA has total ownership over Shenmue and Shenmue II.

YSnet is licenced to create Shenmue III and beyond.

The two are highly unlikely to converge in such a way. SEGA isn't going to give Shenmue the Kiwami treatment.

Edit: Nevermind, saw you changed your post. It was never going to make E3, due to only being 10 months into development. PSX showing or not, there's always the Kickstarter updates to wait for! Although they've been playing their cards very close to their chest in terms of game content.


I never expected a demo but a small video clip and Sony talking about their PayPal option may have given them a nice boost in funds.


I never expected a demo but a small video clip and Sony talking about their PayPal option may have given them a nice boost in funds.
Nah, that wouldn't fit in at an E3 press conference, and given parts of the games media completely bungled the reporting on Sony's role in the game, I doubt mentioning the PayPal would go down well at all.
I'm not fussed on the game not being at E3 either. In fact I've pretty much checked out and am just waiting patiently for the game to come out now. I obviously read all the news and updates still but it's nice to relax and just know the game is in good hands and actually happening.

Shenmue is my favourite series of all time and even though I'm not participating in this thread much anymore I'm beyond excited for the game. They can give as much or as little info about the game before it's released and I'll still be just as hyped as I am now.


Kickstarter Update - First Anniversary

A pretty info-lite update, but it does contain a video message from Yu that shows off some of the MAGIC Monaco footage in direct feed, along with some unseen concept art. Cedric did say earlier in the month they were going to give the game a little more time in the oven before they show it off again, so I'm not sweating a lack of new footage or screens.

Interesting information -

Apparently the prototype has been in development since only the start of 2016. Makes it even more impressive they had a traditionally playable slice of the game ready for when Cedric went to Japan for a project meeting.

The update also contains a reiteration that surveys won't be sent out for a while, and that backers will be contacted when this happens.

Anybody with Japanese reading skills want to have a try translating any of this?

I can make out a few characters but it mostly looks like scribbles. I suck so much at handwritten Japanese.

Edit: one thing that does stand out is in the upper right corner in red(brown?) it says four gods and some scribbled hiragana which I think might be a reference to the leadership of the Chi You Men or something else?


I can make out a few characters but it mostly looks like scribbles. I suck so much at handwritten Japanese.

Edit: one thing that does stand out is in the upper right corner in red(brown?) it says four gods and some scribbled hiragana which I think might be a reference to the leadership of the Chi You Men or something else?

Shenmue Dojo's Switch is on the case. He's done great with other whiteboard writing in the past, so hopefully he'll have a better idea of what's on there.

i hope the character's faces are changed from the launch trailer.

i almost shed a tear watching the kickstarter update video i found in my inbox =)
They've definitely made it a priority to improve the character models. They haven't shown them again just yet, but we know that it's just a matter of time before they do.


Thought you guys might enjoy this episode of Back in my Play I did with Ryan Payton. Lots of insights on Shenmue 3 development and Dreamcast memories including lots of Shenmue 1/2.

Thanks for this.

It's been pretty well received by the Shenmue community.

The stories behind how Shenmue III came to Kickstarter and how Yu and Ryan became friends are particularly interesting and inspiring.


I'm getting antsy for any news on when I can expect to receive my Lan Di statue from First4Figures.

Sorry. Wasn't sure where to post this frustration. Haha.


Neo Member
Seems like another great addition to the team. I wonder why he waited so long to join though - maybe just committed to another project?

Okayasu left the team after 70% of Shenmue 2 was complete, and set up his own game studio studiofake Co. Ltd. According to the company website, they are established since September 2000, working on 3D games, flash games and background visuals for pachislot machines. I'm guessing Okayasu is finally freed up from his commitments for the time being and help out with the Shenmue 3 team.


Seems like another great addition to the team. I wonder why he waited so long to join though - maybe just committed to another project?
It's possible. It does seem like their hiring philosophy is to bring people in when needed instead of having them on-staff from the start, which is smart to keep the costs down, so maybe they weren't needed until fairly recently as the game started leaving the prototype phase.

Either way, it does allow Yu to concentrate more on creative direction by lessening his overall workload, which is very exciting all the same.


Either way, it does allow Yu to concentrate more on creative direction by lessening his overall workload, which is very exciting all the same.

True. I find that quite often the creative visionary behind a project needs someone senior to push back and keep the team focused otherwise they go off into too many directions exploring too many ideas. If Keiji Okayasu fits that role for Suzuki then it's a great addition.


Seems like another great addition to the team. I wonder why he waited so long to join though - maybe just committed to another project?

Off topic but how does Krejlooc keep getting banned? He's pretty much the best contributor on this whole website.
He has an extremely short temper.


True. I find that quite often the creative visionary behind a project needs someone senior to push back and keep the team focused otherwise they go off into too many directions exploring too many ideas. If Keiji Okayasu fits that role for Suzuki then it's a great addition.
Okayasu isn't in that role, as he reports to Yu and does delegated tasks from his workload, but we do know that the project has an advisory board that is chaired by Ryan Payton to help keep things in check and ensure the game is made appropriately within the confines of its budget.
I cannot contain myself with this latest update. Reading the Dojo and I'm so excited and child like reading everyone's thoughts. I'm so happy seeing gameplay of III. The details are all there. It really is Shenmue even if it's just a sneak peak. The cloth blowing in the wind, the blue subtitle font, the watch, the mouth icon...all the details.
Not sure if anyone cares, but will be streaming Shenmue II in widescreen from the very beginning starting in about 5 minutes (I know, what a heads up!) lol.

Also not the correct day for #SaveShenmueHD ( come on SEGA >_< ) but I was busy :p


A friend of mine and myself just started a Shenmue podcast. Only on Soundcloud for now.
Please let me know what you think. :)


While I appreciate the effort, it shocks me how ill prepared people are before starting a podcast. Have a concrete theme and clear idea of what you want to discuss. Throwing around ideas of what you want to cover and debating what sort of release schedule you may want have doesn't have any place in the middle of the podcast.


Had a bad day. Yu's positivity made it all better. Thanks for posting.

Glad you're feeling better.

On another note. I'm not sure when we'll see more. Part of me just wants them to keep plugging away until they are damn near complete and then release info. I also want a remaster of 1 and 2 for current gen consoles.


Quick question that I really should know, but have backers paid yet? I don't ever remember the money coming out of my account and if not, how exactly can this game be considered funded?
Kickstarter collects money when the campaign ends if the campaign reached its goal. If you didn't have money withdrawn, your transaction may have failed and you might not actually be a backer. If you did the slacker backer, that is taken immediately.

Trojan X

Love how Yu doesn't promise things he can't keep.

First person I thought of was Peter Molyneux. Kim Justice did an excellent Rise & Fall of Peter Molyneux feature on his Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAuvaAGnqQw&list=PLbQabA7N5NN9j9OncDOnV8ErKyzHj8IMx

People from the industry - NEVER promise anything you know for sure that is not scheduled or penciled down to be done internally. The results proven by Peter can be disastrous.

2017 is around the corner but I don't want Yu Suzuki to rush, the team should take their time to ensure Shenmue III to be a masterpiece. .
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