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SHENMUE 3 Kickstarter (PC/PS4) Thread 2: New KS Record at $6.3m

Trojan X

Quick question that I really should know, but have backers paid yet? I don't ever remember the money coming out of my account and if not, how exactly can this game be considered funded?

Yes. Money was withdrawn from my account within a week after campaign completion.


Video 1:26...Isn't that a Black Xbox 360 controller ?
Yeah. They're developing on PC, so...

It'll come to Xbox eventually.

Anyway, great update. The animation looks surprisingly smooth- I guess they've already done some motion capture.

Seems like they're really getting stuck into production now. Exciting!


Double post but:

High quality version of the update video: http://shenmue.link/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Backer_0826_2.mp4?_=1

A few screengrabs courtesy of Gromber at the Shenmue Dojo:


(Note the PS4 pad - I guess they've started working on the console version?)



(The downwards arrow is interesting; it may be a placeholder or a hint that the QTEs may be a little more like Heavy Rain? Also, check out the Shenmue The Movie DVD and original soundtrack at this guy's desk.)
Double post but:

High quality version of the update video: http://shenmue.link/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Backer_0826_2.mp4?_=1

A few screengrabs courtesy of Gromber at the Shenmue Dojo:


(Note the PS4 pad - I guess they've started working on the console version?)



(The downwards arrow is interesting; it may be a placeholder or a hint that the QTEs may be a little more like Heavy Rain? Also, check out the Shenmue The Movie DVD and original soundtrack at this guy's desk.)

They do both at the same time. I just hope the PC version will be 60fps.


That's what Yu Suzuki said when asked about the framerate. :p
Honestly I don't see any particular reason to cap the framerate on PC, unless it's seriously tied into the logic of the physics or QTE timers- but given they're using UE4 instead of a custom engine I really doubt that'd be an obstacle.

This video is a treat for freaks like me who like to pause the video and analyse the details.

The rock fall sequence seems to be part of the Baisha section of the game, judging from the name displayed on the monitor. There's also something mentioned about the Free Battle idle pose on the screen, so maybe there's a clifftop battle?

Also, the UE4 file appears to be named Proto_Shenmue3. This could be a holdover from prototyping and not actually an indication they're still in prototype stage.

The Bailu Village sequences seem the most complete, judging from the "levels" tab in UE4. That's not a huge surprise, as that's what Cedric got to play when he dropped in for a progress update in June.

Man. Shenmue III is starting to feel actually real now.


Awesome. Loved this simple dev room video. Really cool when you actually see people working on Shenmue 3 like that.
It's a pretty effective video IMO, and it seems they'll probably be continuing the 'Dev Room' series seeing how they marked this as volume one.

Low on spoilers, reassuring about the work happening, but enough little details for superfans to get excited about. I definitely prefer this approach to the more polished, commercial style update videos from other Kickstarters.
I really want some words from Suzuki telling us how he compare this development cicle under Unreal 4 with the Dreamcast's Shenmues development.

It's nice to see Shenmue 3 shaping up nicely :)


I really want some words from Suzuki telling us how he compare this development cicle under Unreal 4 with the Dreamcast's Shenmues development.

It's nice to see Shenmue 3 shaping up nicely :)
It'll be nice to see a Shenmue III postmortem when the game is done, but I think Yu has commented several times already that UE4 has made development a lot easier than Shenmue/II on Dreamcast.

I can't remember the exact quote, but he definitely remarked that a lot of the functions and features they had to create custom software for with the original games can now easily be done within UE4.

You can tell they've definitely made quick progress with the engine, seeing how Yu revealed they only started properly prototyping in January.


Basic graphics are to be expected, right? Maybe we could get 60fps on PS4.
There was an interview last year (Dualshockers, maybe) with Yu Suzuki, where I think he said the PS4 version would run at 30. That could change in development obviously, but if they were setting out at the start of development to hit 30 they'll probably not tempt fate by attempting 60.


A question for fellow backers- do we set the delivery address for physical rewards in the yet-to-be-sent survey? I think I'd set up my workplace as the delivery address at the time my pledge was taken but we changed premises at the beginning of last month. I really don't want my PS4 copy heading to the wrong building.


This is nothing. A new story on same old info we heard before. Licenses touted as reason for not porting or remaking. Okay, sure Sega.

They are probably talking about in-game product/company licenses. And yeah, they have talked about that before. I frankly don't think Shenmue 1&2 are not going to happen. At least not before Shenmue 3 release which is a great shame.


Sega are crazy.
They should have green lit the Shenmue I and II HD project the moment Shenmue III hit it's Kickstarter goal and they saw the demand.
Yes, its maddening. The opportunity to cash in on all the press attention generated by the Kickstarter is one that you'd have to be insane to waste.

One weeps for present day SEGA, as one must weep for so many of these Japanese dinosaurs that are a shameful shadow of their former glory.
What happened? Who's been picking on you? :mad:

No one. : )

I didn't think it would happen, but I'm just a little sick of discussing general videogame stuff at the moment.

Recently I've been posting less, but you can still find me around if you know where to look. I do appreciate the concern though.....

No one. : )

I didn't think it would happen, but I'm just a little sick of discussing general videogame stuff at the moment.

Recently I've been posting less, but you can still find me around if you know where to look. I do appreciate the concern though.....


You just go through phases man. I get tired and burned out on posting too sometimes but I find that every few months or so I feel up for it and re-engage.

Give it time. :) Hope to see you return in the near future.



YS Net is recruiting for #Shenmue3 developers at today's Unreal event in Yokohama. English translation posted soon. (source)

Translation: (from phantomriverstone.com)

The Leaflet Contents (Translation)
Recruitment for members of the development team
Shenmue III
We are recruiting for team members to create Shenmue 3 with us.

Unreal Engine 4 has been adopted for the development in his project. In preparation for the full production phase scheduled next year, we are now revving up the engine.

This is a game that has fans the world over, and I think you will find the work rewarding.
Applications are welcomed from people who have strong feelings for the game, and those with a wealth of experience with game creation.
Development experience of high-end games using UE4
Development experience of games targeting the world market
You love Shenmue!
If the above apply to you / take your interest, by all means please apply.
Together with Yu Suzuki and the development team, let's create Shenmue 3!

Application Requirements:




YS Net is recruiting for #Shenmue3 developers at today's Unreal event in Yokohama. English translation posted soon. (source)

Google translator:

Does this mean they've officially started using the original (superior) font for the title instead of the naf one they've been using up until now?


Oops, didn't see this thread had updated. Posted the same info in the community thread, with Switch's translation of the leaflet.

But yeah, in the context of their production plan released last October/November, when they begin the 'Production' stage it's the step before before debug. Of course, the plan was vastly simplified for Backers just so it was easy to understand, and 'Production' could take more than the year of development they'll have left going into 2017, but it's encouraging to know they've made serious progress on the prototype since the start of the year.

The Shenhua model looks better, though it's still very similar to the E3 2015 one. I think, given the costume error is still present, it's an improved but outdated model.

The background looks great, however. I'm 99% sure it's Bailu Village they're showing, and it's looking far better than it did in February.

The screenshot wasn't meant to be for the general public nor press (hence why it's not on the Kickstarter), and likely wouldn't have gotten out if it weren't for eagle-eyed fans on Twitter and Switch himself going to the UE4 convention the leaflet was being distributed at, so it's not exactly a 'glamour shot' and there's no way of knowing how old the assets are.

Either way, I think the image and the information in the leaflet are pretty encouraging all the same.
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