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Shooting at GOP baseball practice, multiple injured incl/ Maj. Whip Scalise


Half the country doesn't vote, but it's definitely got to the point where you need a violent uprising.

Don't shoot, vote.

I imagined a precariat revolt once the jobs cult culture thing imploded. The GOP is offering us Early Access with their AHCA plan.

This is deeply concerning. We're not a smart bunch. If people try to shoot up pizzerias for fake ass conspiracy theories, this could unload an entire state of crazy.


I'm surprised this sort of stuff doesn't happen more often. Isn't this the whole reason America allows people to carry guns? To rise up against a tyrannical government?


Killing people slow fast whatever speed you like is unacceptable. Should be no "but" at the end of a statement like "what he did was wrong". I see that in this thread and similar threads in the past 6 months. Its why I dont post here very much.
Show me the dead people? Show me were those congressmen and women harmed anyone?

Cowards like you and your rhetoric, calling them terrorists because of their opinion, is the reason shit like this happens. Its illiberal and disgusting.

Once you dehumanize them you might as well just start killing them right?
My dude, climate change? Trying to repeal Healthcare? Treating minorities and LGBT citizens like doormats? Helping out the militarization of the racist police force? Increasing the wage gap even further? Refusing to give working Americans a living wage? Refusing to make common sense gun laws? Endorsing private prisons?

It's not just an opinion and the only cowards here are the people who refuse to see the GOP for what they actually are. I don't even own a gun and never plan to really, if one crazy liberal kills a single congressman throughout all of this it'll barely be a blip on the radar compared to all of the other gun violence in this country the GOP permits. Saying that the GOP are straight up evil doesn't give my consent to murdering them in cold blood either Jesus christ.

Getting called a coward because I'm not blinded by both sides bullshit and one crazy liberal in my entire lifetime shot a congressman lmao


I literally had someone ask me what the difference was between repealing the ACA and this. A few posts up, a person said the GOP was worse than ISIS. Below him, someone agreed.

Look, I understand what led to this. Shit, my first post in this thread was about that. If this was a discussion on how this ended up happening, I would be fine with it. But there are tons of posts that are a hair away from excusing it.
That's not justification. Justification is saying that because the GOP is repealing the ACA that this guy was morally in the right to go shoot people up. NOBODY IS SAYING THAT THIS WAS OKAY.
You keep saying people are excusing terrorism, but everyone has said the shooter is also committing a morally wrong act.
No one is excusing anything. They're telling you violence is nearly inevitable in times of great political polarization and a perceived governmental threat, of which the GOP certainly qualifies as now.
And this.
I'm surprised this sort of stuff doesn't happen more often. Isn't this the whole reason America allows people to carry guns? To rise up against a tyrannical government?
If you listen to the more insane right they carry guns to protect themselves against antifa and liberals who want to force them to cross-dress, and to rise up against anyone threatening to remove their favored politicians.


The Autumn Wind

US gun crime is crazy high compared to other countries, but it's also falling compared to the last few decades and I believe is lower than any time since 1965 (and lower than the 20s or 30s when US and European gun laws were similar. The availability of guns is not predictive of rates of gun crime.
How about showing a chart with total gun deaths, and then compare that to gun deaths per capita per year in other countries. That graph is such cherry picking. And don't a lot of these graphs like to start with 1993 since it was an outlier year to give the appearance of a large drop?


I'm surprised this sort of stuff doesn't happen more often. Isn't this the whole reason America allows people to carry guns? To rise up against a tyrannical government?

That's the point, but politicians use that rhetoric to keep people buying guns. If they were honest about it, they would be saying the threats against their lives could be justified.


I don't really see anyone endorsing what he did. I see a lot of people who aren't going to lose sleep over it.
Yeah. I don't feel much sympathy for these guys after years of cultivating and encouraging violent dissidence.


They have celebrated the ability of the American people to rise up to tyranny for so long—and now they must deal with the consequences of that. We have a president who has hit a 30% approval rate in record time. Blisteringly quick work. He began his appointment having lost the popular vote and at historic disapproval numbers, in a highly polarized environment. The GOP asked for this. Not figuratively. I am not being selective or sarcastic. They literally, unequivocally asked for this. This is the bed they made. Now they must lie in it.

And holy fucking shit, someone actually got mad in this thread that we were dehumanizing the GOP! The GOP is dehumanizing me as a bi citizen as we speak, it's in their party platform! Nothing's stopping them from dehumanizing people who aren't straight, white, rich males, they can change at any time. Meanwhile we're dehumanizing them for pointing out their policies and opinions (which again can change at any time unlike somene's skin color or sexuality) are going to - and have - killed millions.

Now that is some fucking irony.


I don't really see anyone endorsing what he did. I see a lot of people who aren't going to lose sleep over it. There's a difference.

I'm going to lose sleep over this. A rise in violence like this is absolutely terrible.

But again, Republicans and the right have been working to undermine civil discourse and have contributed to an environment where people are more likely to take such actions.

I don't expect the sleep well for the next few years, in all honesty.

This country is divided, but all Republicans seem to want to do is divide it further to serve their short-sighted political ends. God, I wish they'd just step back the craziness a bit. No one wins when people in this country start turning violent.
Up to.

Of course not all 23-24 million will die. And certainly not immediately. People will die though. Certainly more than 0, which is how many people this shooter killed.

This shooter was wrong. Repeal of the ACA is also wrong, and will kill more people.

The realistic estimate is around 20k deaths (I've seen higher).


And holy fucking shit, someone actually got mad in this thread that we were dehumanizing the GOP! The GOP is dehumanizing me as a bi citizen as we speak, it's in their party platform!

Now that is some fucking irony.

Haven't you heard? The GOP just have different ideals and beliefs than we do. It's not their fault their beliefs happen to include that you're a sexual deviant undeserving of the same rights they are.


And holy fucking shit, someone actually got mad in this thread that we were dehumanizing the GOP! The GOP is dehumanizing me as a bi citizen as we speak, it's in their party platform! Nothing's stopping them from dehumanizing people who aren't straight, white, rich males, they can change at any time.

Now that is some fucking irony.

People who don't see the GOP as a party of violence either lack the critical and intellectual toolset to see this -- I accept this view, as the GOP preys on the precariat -- of they have cognitive dissonance.

Can't be anything else.
Haven't you heard? The GOP just have different ideals and beliefs than we do. It's not their fault their beliefs happen to include that you're a sexual deviant undeserving of the same rights they are.
I just edited but I'll repost it here too.

Nothing's stopping them from dehumanizing people who aren't straight, white, rich males, they can change at any time. Meanwhile we're dehumanizing them for pointing out their policies and opinions (which again can change at any time unlike somene's skin color or sexuality) are going to - and have - killed millions.

Give. Me. A. Break. I don't think that poster understands what dehumanizing actually means.


I mean
When the president's son is saying “To me, they’re not even people.” about the other side it's obvious we're fucked. I don't know what the solution is.
This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.
How about showing a chart with total gun deaths, and then compare that to gun deaths per capita per year in other countries. That graph is such cherry picking. And don't a lot of these graphs like to start with 1993 since it was an outlier year to give the appearance of a large drop?

Do you even know what cherry picking means? It's gun deaths for twenty+ years? I could include suicides, I could include all crime or all violent crime. This isn't some BS point statistic manipulation.

If you're going to call me a liar, at least have the intellectual rigor to show it.

The US is literally in its least violent period since the mid-60s, which was itself the least violent time in the 20th century. US crime has exceeded Europe for well over a century.
This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.

Do yourself a favor and just be an independent individual. Both sides have extremists and ideologues which will infuriate you and demand mob mentality. Treat each vote as a an independent decision instead of who has the R or D next to their name.

That's how I see it at this point.
This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit
Lol they don't want to have a conversation with me because I don't fit their model citizen of being a straight, white, rich, male.

That's cute that you think people in here are condoning this shooter or the antifa violence though. Maybe instead of typing up an essay about how pointing out how Republican policies are garbage and kill people is against liberal values, you could have spent some time to read the posts and the context they're in.

Also yeah, the right has had a lot more violent terrorists than the left in America but one leftist radical shooter and now the entire party is over?


This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.

I didn't see anyone lambasting Republican voters as awful.

The party is not the people. The party is violent, awful, and abhorrent.

I also noticed how you ignored that the alt-right has fueled similar crazies. Did you happen to ignore someone shot up a pizza parlor?


I didn't see anyone lambasting Republican voters as awful.

The party is not the people. The party is violent, awful, and abhorrent.

I also noticed how you ignored that the alt-right has fueled similar crazies. Did you happen to ignore someone shot up a pizza parlor?

... You're a pretty intelligent guy.

Is this really your take away? Did you read the entire post?


How is being anti-fascist a bad thing now? No one is excusing the shooter's behavior, full stop. They're simply pointing out why this happens.


This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.
okie dokie
This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.

Incredible irony in this post. Decry liberal vitriol with the longest, most vitriolic rant in the thread.
Do yourself a favor and just be an independent individual. Both sides have extremists and ideologues which will infuriate you and demand mob mentality. Treat each vote as a an independent decision instead of who has the R or D next to their name.

That's how I see it at this point.
I vote for the person and not the letter as well. It's just every time I've voted I have yet to see an R candidate who isn't demonstrably worse than their Democratic competitor.


This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.

The irony. Delicious.


... You're a pretty intelligent guy.

Is this really your take away? Did you read the entire post?

I saw much of what he said about antifa and that kind of "weaponized leftism," but maybe because I've only been active in the last few pages, so I didn't see any of this.

I've seen people mostly talk about what's brewed us to this moment. Talking about that isn't saying this is "just." I mean, any violence is really showing something has broken in regards to discourse.

The issue here is it's more nuanced than a dude shooting up politicians. It's that for a great deal of people, they actively feel elected officials are trying to harm their lives.

And they're not wrong. That's what makes today's events so frightening to me: I don't see this in the same vein as a terrorist shooting up a gay club or a religious crazy shooting up an abortion clinic. This has direct ties to a political party and how they think and have acted for many, many years.

Nah a good portion of them are.

I would argue that on a culture or a party that has preyed upon precarity and made single-issue voters out of many. They have many tools to do this, with religion being the easiest tool to use.

We are all products. I take great concern at one political party solely invested in the production of division, conflict, feels above facts, and violent ideals that get sugar coated to the people they represent. In a sense, they've groomed the "deplorables," though I hate that term.


I didn't see anyone lambasting Republican voters as awful.

The party is not the people. The party is violent, awful, and abhorrent.

I also noticed how you ignored that the alt-right has fueled similar crazies. Did you happen to ignore someone shot up a pizza parlor?

I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.
How is being anti-fascist a bad thing now? No one is excusing the shooter's behavior, full stop. They're simply pointing out why this happens.

Some people seemed to excuse them and were banned for their effort, as well they should be. Understanding the mind of a terrorist, a would-be revolutionary, a reactionary element, or heretofore violent individual starts with motive, and it's easy to see what the motives might be from the cesspit we've gotten since Trump was elected, and as the GOP refuses to govern -- mostly because we're politically in opposition.

There really is no condoning the act. It is what it is. Any attempt is mere justification. Oftentimes that's enough for people, and then this shit happens. And then keeps happening.
I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.
There's a cop or racist/anti-muslim shooting almost weekly in North America it seems and the president and Republicans are dead fucking silent.

So please spare me the rhetoric (not to you,just in general)about how the reason the right doesn't compromise with the left is because of leftist violence.


I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

I mean, I pretty much only ever see crazies from the right wing enacting violence against minorities. Both in a political sense and a physical sense. It's been a problem for decades now.
I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.
Mainstream media mirite


I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

Feel free to present examples. Hell if it's worthy enough I'll even make the thread for you.


Everytime you say "That's horrible, but..", you do condone this type of shit. You can argue whatever the fuck you want about why you're doing it, but it is just a fucking excuse


I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

That's a fucking lie.
Why Is the media making such a big deal over him being a Bernie sanders fan, and why are they making it sound like Bernie sanders is responsible for his behavior forcing him to make a statement condemning his actions? Bernie shouldn't be held responsible for anything this lunatic did
Everytime you say "That's horrible, but..", you do condone this type of shit. You can argue whatever the fuck you want about why you're doing it, but it is just a fucking excuse
Yeah removing all context and painting the GOP as a perfectly great party who could never radicalize anyone against them is a much better tactic than understand the reasoning while condemning the action you're right.
I would argue that on a culture or a party that has preyed upon precarity and made single-issue voters out of many. They have many tools to do this, with religion being the easiest tool to use.

We are all products. I take great concern at one political party solely invested in the production of division, conflict, feels above facts, and violent ideals that get sugar coated to the people they represent. In a sense, they've groomed the "deplorables," though I hate that term.

Racism and bigotry are right up there with religion as tools for manipulation. In any case, I understand why they're awful, but that doesn't change my opinion of them being awful. Which is a similar theme in this thread. I understand why this happened today but don't condone the shooting. I understand why riots occur and don't condone those either.

Everytime you say "That's horrible, but..", you do condone this type of shit.

I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

Make enough posts to be a member and you can make your own threads about it.
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