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Shooting at GOP baseball practice, multiple injured incl/ Maj. Whip Scalise


Yeah removing all context and painting the GOP as a perfectly great party who could never radicalize anyone against them is a much better tactic than understand the reasoning while condemning the action you're right.

"Blah blah motherfucking blah I excuse violence blah blah motherfucking blah"


I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

Don't knock being crazy until you try it.
Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.[/B]
Before you are banned, which you deserve, let me just be the first to say "bye," and that you are probably the most vitriolic, angry person in the entire thread, and in no position whatsoever to lecture people about reasonable discourse, opening dialogue, wanting to engage productively, or showing respect towards people you disagree with.
I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

Sooooo.... which right-wing rag(s) is your normal hang-out?


I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

Well, that's anecdotal: I have seen far more right-wing crazies, and I am talking "social policy is COMMUNISM AND FUCK YOU" in that they've normalized the shit out of our problems crazy.

I'm sure that there are crazies and fringe folk on the left. One of the reason you likely see right-leaning absurdity talked about here is because many shrug off that segment of the left: antifa is a waste of space, and only does small-scale harm to some of the more right-leaning movements like you see unfold on t_d and their conspiracy theories. Think more on scale: which group holds more delusions? One sinks faster than the other if you were to weigh them and compare...

If we were to compare the two, one is outrage culture manifested mixed with the fears of normalizing neonationalism, and another conspiracy theory and ignore-ance manifested against natural change that is seen as done by evil globalists. One is worse than the other, because one pivots more from reality into illusion.

Racism and bigotry are right up there with religion as tools for manipulation. In any case, I understand why they're awful, but that doesn't change my opinion of them being awful. Which is a similar theme in this thread. I understand why this happened today but don't condone the shooting. I understand why riots occur and don't condone those either.

Fair enough. I will stand on my futile stone throne of hoping reason prevails! I am sure the futility you allude to will still happen, however.


There's a cop or racist/anti-muslim shooting almost weekly in North America it seems and the president and Republicans are dead fucking silent.

So please spare me the rhetoric (not to you,just in general)about how the reason the right doesn't compromise with the left is because of leftist violence.

Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.
Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.
Bless your heart.


Everytime you say "That's horrible, but..", you do condone this type of shit. You can argue whatever the fuck you want about why you're doing it, but it is just a fucking excuse

No that is what you are projecting. Anybody with any cognitive skills look at an ENTIRE situation for cause and effect. They don't go "That's bad, no more questions!"


This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.

Thank you, every time I come into this thread I just see as much hate for the right as the right hates the left. This thread shows that some here are no better than the right when it comes to figuring out how to come together and fix the problem. Instead of having a, " fuck them they're lost and crazy" mentality, we should work with them to figure out a plan to keep crazy shit like today from happening. Yeah, I don't like republicans much, and I absolutely loathe the president, but if we don't work together this country will continue to fall apart, and it will be both sides fault when that happens.
Thank you, every time I come into this thread I just see as much hate for the right as the right hates the left. This thread shows that some here are no better than the right when it comes to figuring out how to come together and fix the problem. Instead of having a, " fuck them they're lost and crazy" mentality, we should work with them to figure out a plan to keep crazy shit like today from happening. Yeah, I don't like republicans much, and I absolutely Louth the president, but if we don't work together this country will continue to fall apart, and it will be both sides fault when that happens.

"Both sides are the same."
Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.

There's policy against making those sort of threads. You want off-topic filled with "so and so got raped today" threads? That's a bit fucked up, no?

(also, your Trumpian agenda is showing)


Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.

That's because those "smaller" ones are shock articles, purely created to shock and anger the reader, with no real context in a larger sense. Those types of threads are actively discouraged here because there is no discussion to be had. You don't see random threads about white people gang raping young girls or boys either...for good reason.
Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.

Sounds like we need our own Breitbart style "Black Crime" section.
Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.
I mean this sincerely, fuck you and your racist shit.
Thank you, every time I come into this thread I just see as much hate for the right as the right hates the left. This thread shows that some here are no better than the right when it comes to figuring out how to come together and fix the problem. Instead of having a, " fuck them they're lost and crazy" mentality, we should work with them to figure out a plan to keep crazy shit like today from happening. Yeah, I don't like republicans much, and I absolutely Louth the president, but if we don't work together this country will continue to fall apart, and it will be both sides fault when that happens.
How do you propose to work with a party who will never work with you and won't come together to make policies that will stop things like today's attack from happening? Seriously, honest to god give me your suggestions. They have the power now and could make any gun control bill they wish and get it passed. Obama tried to work with them for 8 years and they refused. So what do you want the left to do?

Also would you agree that the right usually hates the left for things they can't change (skin color, sexuality) as compared to the left who hates the right because of their specific policies?
Thank you, every time I come into this thread I just see as much hate for the right as the right hates the left. This thread shows that some here are no better than the right when it comes to figuring out how to come together and fix the problem. Instead of having a, " fuck them they're lost and crazy" mentality, we should work with them to figure out a plan to keep crazy shit like today from happening. Yeah, I don't like republicans much, and I absolutely Louth the president, but if we don't work together this country will continue to fall apart, and it will be both sides fault when that happens.

Were you born yesterday? Obama tried his damnedest to get bipartisan support for legislation. Working together died when we elected a black man.


Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.

Perhaps, as unfortunate as it is, it's just so normalized it's not a blip on a lot of users rader?

I mean, if we were to cover every mass shooting in America, we'd have an OT for just that. It happens so much there's no shock factor, and thus no awareness to it.

Furthermore, never rely on one site for information. Not every site covers every thing. If it did, I'd make weekly OPs on the problems of precarity!


Is it only terrorism when it happens to the GOP or by muslims?

Right right wing terrorists shoot, bomb, stab, and impale minorities and people on the left for explicitly partisan reasons yet it's always #notaterrorist #lonewolf. Shit we got one white supremacist who was caught making bombs just yucking it up proto-terrorist style and he walks because of reasons.. right? I forget the specifics. I'm done paying attention to the specifics because it's always the same with certain people.

So yeah. Just asking.

Shame that this happened and I hope this terrorist gets what they got coming to them but this subject has already been made hyper partisan and I'm cringing at how people are twisting themselves into knots to frame this into their favor.
This thread is literally appalling as fuck.

Page one reaction: holy shit!
Now: Republicans are pieces of shit

Yeah. Keep on keeping on and constantly wondering why nobody wants to have a conversation with you from across the aisle. Keep on wondering "why oh why did this guy crack! We will never know!" when the vitriol and hate are on full display and twisting the minds of some readers.

You aren't "left" anymore. You're not "progressive" anymore. You're not "liberal" anymore. You're authoritative, fascist, illiberal and regressive the way some of you talk.

I don't even tell people I'm liberal anymore when we have fucks like you prancing around. When we have groups like Antifa throwing fucking M80s into crowds, mortars and large explosive fucking fireworks - into goddamn crowds.

I'm fucking embarrassed to be left of center. Nobody wants this kind of vitriol. Nobody. People are sick of that shit from the right and now the left is well on its way to douchebagdom.

You don't have to coddle anyone on the right. You can resist. You can do it without this much hate.

Nobody will want to sit down with you and work shit out when attacks like this, around people getting fucking shot, are how the topic progresses.

That's not fucking healthy. At all. People were fucking shot by a crazed lunatic on the left. Combine that with all the bullshit from far left groups like Antifa and you think people will fucking listen to you? You think people will give a fuck about your problems?

The fuck is wrong with some of you? If you can't susped the vitriol and hate, even though fucking deserved, for just ONE fucking 24 hour cycle after a politically motivated shooting spree - you are beyond worth anyone's fucking time.

Now is the time when you want to be better than them. Fucking do it, ffs. You're feeding right into their bullshit FB comments and literally making sure that they aren't lying about you. You're making sure they are correct by acting as they accuse you of acting.

This fucking cunt shooter is the product of this kind of vitriol. It's the product of a zillion conspiracy theories and charges that never seem to fucking materialize but are constantly parrored by the "left".

How about you stop acting like them? How about being the fucking sane one in this little bubble for a change? Or how about stepping out of that little bubbly safe space of self-affirmation and patting each other on the back for sharing the same thoughts and step the fuck outside of that bubble and NOT press right back up against it when you do? How about stepping back and taking a look at all the bullshit going down that the "left" keeps on doing like wanting to stop free speech by throwing motherfucking explosives into fucking crowds and see how any rational fucking human being who might be less in the know views those actions, this rhetoric, this absolutely deplorable fucking vitriol. Or are you too chicken shit to view what you say and what you do and what you stand for from the fucking outside for fear you might see yourself turning into your worst enemy?

Get a grip, people. This is absolutely maddening to see the group I used to align myself with go off the fucking deep end. This is where you fail. This is where you will die trying (figuratively).

You can't save the far right but you can pull people to you from closer to the center but they don't want to deal with batshit lunacy. I don't fucking blame them. This is undeniable fucking lunacy.

People shot so instead of looking at what the fuck happened and seeing how this vitriol can contribute to these acts you just pile on with more hate and vitriol.

Grats, we are here now. The right started to swerve into the ditch and over time instead of being proactive we just hit the gas and helped them drive right the fuck off the cliff and now we are going with them.

The "left" is done if it keeps this up. I'm not going down with it. I believe in honest to goodness liberal and progressive values. I've changed minds before. Not everyone can be pulled closer to the center from the right but God fucking dammit this type of behavior in this thread makes shit WORSE. It fucking does. Nobody with a brain wants to sit down and converse with some kinds that are on display in this thread.

Again, just one fucking 24 hour cycle let's not be absolute shitbags and literally show in spades what the right accuses us of being. 24 goddamn fucking hours.

we tried to be civil for eight years and all we got was "Obama is a Muslim terrorist" and "he's no angel" get off your high horse.


Is it only terrorism when it happens to the GOP or by muslims?

Right right wing terrorists shoot, bomb, stab, and impale minorities and people on the left for explicitly partisan reasons it's always the #notaterrorist #lonewolf.

"A troubled young man/person/loner...."


good credit (by proxy)
Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.

So are we supposed to make a thread every time someone does something bad, or only every time a muslim/terrorist/illegal/non-white person does something bad? Have you actually looked at statistics on how often people do bad things?

The fact that you're very specifically concerned about the instances of non-white people doing bad things is very telling.
Thank you, every time I come into this thread I just see as much hate for the right as the right hates the left. This thread shows that some here are no better than the right when it comes to figuring out how to come together and fix the problem. Instead of having a, " fuck them they're lost and crazy" mentality, we should work with them to figure out a plan to keep crazy shit like today from happening. Yeah, I don't like republicans much, and I absolutely loathe the president, but if we don't work together this country will continue to fall apart, and it will be both sides fault when that happens.

The difference is the right is actively trying to make people's lives worse to enrich themselves and their donors. The left just wants to take away your racism and homophobia and promote equality. If you can't see the difference there is no hope for you.


Feel free to present examples. Hell if it's worthy enough I'll even make the thread for you.

Dont worry about it. Someone else mentioned the muslim rapist articles and that those kinda threads arent allowed here due to policy. If thats true I guess thats why I dont see them here.


Gold Member
I won't be getting in the middle of the back and forth going on these last few pages but my reaction to today's shootings has been a mix of sadness, disappointment, and anger.

Three shootings today all made the news: This one in Arlington, the UPS one in San Francisco, and one outside the Barclay Center in Brooklyn. I'm sad for the victims and disappointed in general. But what pisses me off is that every single one of us here knows what's going to happen after this. Absolutely fucking nothing.

These shootings will dominate the news cycle for a few days, maybe a bit longer, and we'll have the usual blame game and partisan political bickering until our short attention spans focus on something else. Then it will be pushed into the recesses of our collective memory and heaped upon the pile where EVERY OTHER public shooting since Columbine resides.

I hate that I'm so goddamn cynical about this but I've watched these kind of shootings happen time and again over the last 18 years and in every case little to nothing happened. I mean for fucks sake, there are still a lot of people who actually believe Sandy Hook was fake news. Then the next shooting rolls around and the process repeats itself.

British journalist Dan Hodges' tweet from almost exactly two years ago regarding the lack of progress on the issue of gun control after Sandy Hook hit the nail on the head.



Whats the latest on his condition? I heard things haven't gone as well as hoped after surgery.
Currently critical condition, yeah, he had complications from surgery. Wasn't supposed to be a big deal which is why Trump and the other reports before he had it said he'd be fine.

The one Congressional aide who was supposed to have the more dangerous surgery (hit in the torso area) apparently recovering fine.

One of the injured officers got released already.
This will not be a winning strategy for Jeb!/benji 2020.

And I was going to make you campaign manager.

Only Jeb! would mimic a failed Clinton slogan. I would hope as his running mate you advise against this and hire the honorable Christopher Christie to run your campaign.


People are missing that the issue here is not whether the GOP are criminals but whether they deserve due process of law.

Whether the government can be relied upon to deliver that due process is another, more problematic question.
People are missing that the issue here is not whether the GOP are criminals but whether they deserve due process of law.

Whether the government can be relied upon to deliver that due process is another, more problematic question.
Maybe you forgot to quote a post but this thread is about a congressman and other innocent people being gunned down by a crazy person.
People are missing that the issue here is not whether the GOP are criminals but whether they deserve due process of law.

Whether the government can be relied upon to deliver that due process is another, more problematic question.

The GOP is an organization made up of millions of individuals. How are they all criminals and what crime did they all commit?


How do you propose to work with a party who will never work with you and won't come together to make policies that will stop things like today's attack from happening? Seriously, honest to god give me your suggestions. They have the power now and could make any gun control bill they wish and get it passed. Obama tried to work with them for 8 years and they refused. So what do you want the left to do?

Also would you agree that the right usually hates the left for things they can't change (skin color, sexuality) as compared to the left who hates the right because of their specific policies?

My takeaway.


good credit (by proxy)
No its not. I've been lurking here for a long time. What about the Idaho raping from a few weeks ago. Gang of muslim immigrants gang raped a 5 year old. Seems pretty big but not a blurb here.

A gang of muslims raping a 5 year old is "the other side"? Please define what "the other side" means.


Only Jeb! would mimic a failed Clinton slogan. I would hope as his running mate you advise against this and hire the honorable Christopher Christie to run your campaign.
I've been considering Barron Trump to be honest. I'm hoping to assemble a campaign team that can also defeat the Monstars if necessary. (They messed up by wasting two of their power steals on Shawn Bradley and Muggsy Bogues. And where's the three point shooting?)


Honorary Canadian.
It seems, if this thread is any indication, the left needs to decide if they want to be pacifist objectors (Gandhi) or militant objectors ok with people getting hurt/killed.

I honestly understand where both sides come from but I don't see any successful move against a common foe (hard line fascist, social conservatives) until we at least understand that both sides exist on the left.


No its not. I've been lurking here for a long time. What about the Idaho raping from a few weeks ago. Gang of muslim immigrants gang raped a 5 year old. Seems pretty big but not a blurb here.

Was there something to actually debate or discuss with that? Because I'm not seeing it.


Honorary Canadian.
No its not. I've been lurking here for a long time. What about the Idaho raping from a few weeks ago. Gang of muslim immigrants gang raped a 5 year old. Seems pretty big but not a blurb here.
Do you at least have a link to the article from a reliable source?


The difference is the right is actively trying to make people's lives worse to enrich themselves and their donors. The left just wants to take away your racism and homophobia and promote equality. If you can't see the difference there is no hope for you.

I think people are getting confused on when I say both sides are the same. I don't mean that they are the same in what they do in politics or what core beliefs they have, but that neither want to work toegether because they hate each other. It's a never ending cycle of hate, just like revenge. Yeah, president Obama tried this for eight years and it didn't work, but at least he tried his best and in the end he and the base look like civil and understanding people compared to the right where that acted like children. But what I'm seeing now that we don't have someone who tries to work with each side of the table, we start to lose what made us look civil. I think a lot of it comes from trump and his dangerous ignorance and I do support some refusal to work with this guy because of it, but when it comes to people getting hurt like this congressman, it just doesn't feel civil to not want to work together to help keep something like this from blowing up into a divided country.
Would it alarm you that I think the GOP is worse than ISIS?

This is a "check your privilege" situation. If you spent just one day living under ISIS rule you'd very quickly realise how stupid this statement is.

It doesn't alarm me though. It just makes me laugh and roll my eyes at how silly you sound.


No its not. I've been lurking here for a long time. What about the Idaho raping from a few weeks ago. Gang of muslim immigrants gang raped a 5 year old. Seems pretty big but not a blurb here.

Are you suggesting this was a partisan rape?

I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.

Oh... yeah you are. The fuck is wrong with you. Go away alt account.


The Autumn Wind
I seen far more crazies on the other side over the past 6 months and barely any of it gets reported here. Its become a given that I see something bad about the left in the news and come here to never see it discusssd once. Similar to CNN and the like.
Did Hannity tell you how angry to be?
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