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Shooting at GOP baseball practice, multiple injured incl/ Maj. Whip Scalise

Ive seen a ton of muslim/terrorist attack news articles over the past 2-3 months and next to no topics about them on Gaf. Suprised me at first but I got used to that being the norm here. Sure the big ones get topics but alot of the "smaller" ones never a nod. Like gang of muslims or illegal south americans rape a young girl or boy. Happens alot but you wouldnt know it if you only visited here.

Yeah, I'm sure people go to an internet forum about video games for all their news.
I dont agree with the left on most things. Its why I never post here as do most people who are not left. This place is 99% left with threads containing posters spewing tolerance of hate, violence towards people of opposing ideas, with other like (hive) minded people. So whats the point. Hasnt been a civil discussion with conservatives here in a minute because they all feel its a waste of time. I guarantee there are alot of them here lurking like me since Trump got elected. But since they dont post it gives the feeling that the left are winning. Its really hard to talk to people here. I see the same stuff in this thread I've been seeing and will probably see until Trump gets taken out. So with that I say...payce

So, all we've learned from your sudden presence here is that there isn't enough threads about Muslims and nasty illegals raping children. GOT IT.

The_Donald, Voat and the Drudge Report appreciate the effort, kiddo.


I dont agree with the left on most things. Its why I never post here as do most people who are not left. This place is 99% left with threads containing posters spewing tolerance of hate, violence towards people of opposing ideas, with other like (hive) minded people. So whats the point. Hasnt been a civil discussion with conservatives here in a minute because they all feel its a waste of time. I guarantee there are alot of them here lurking like me since Trump got elected. But since they dont post it gives the feeling that the left are winning. Its really hard to talk to people here. I see the same stuff in this thread I've been seeing and will probably see until Trump gets taken out. So with that I say...payce

Stop supporting white supremacy.


I dont agree with the left on most things. Its why I never post here as do most people who are not left. This place is 99% left with threads containing posters spewing tolerance of hate, violence towards people of opposing ideas, with other like (hive) minded people. So whats the point. Hasnt been a civil discussion with conservatives here in a minute because they all feel its a waste of time. I guarantee there are alot of them here lurking like me since Trump got elected. But since they dont post it gives the feeling that the left are winning. Its really hard to talk to people here. I see the same stuff in this thread I've been seeing and will probably see until Trump gets taken out. So with that I say...payce

So instead of having a civil discussion about why you believe a (false) article about rape by Muslims has anything to do with the "left," you use the victim complex to equate all of the "left" with intolerance because we don't tolerate intolerance.

This forum is 99% "left" as you say because we don't put up with intellectual dishonesty, false equivalence and bigotry. Good luck positioning your right-wing argument without using one or all of those strategies.

Good fucking riddance.

Big One

I dont agree with the left on most things. Its why I never post here as do most people who are not left. This place is 99% left with threads containing posters spewing tolerance of hate, violence towards people of opposing ideas, with other like (hive) minded people. So whats the point. Hasnt been a civil discussion with conservatives here in a minute because they all feel its a waste of time. I guarantee there are alot of them here lurking like me since Trump got elected. But since they dont post it gives the feeling that the left are winning. Its really hard to talk to people here. I see the same stuff in this thread I've been seeing and will probably see until Trump gets taken out. So with that I say...payce
There's been many discussions with conservatives on GAF actually, they just tend to get banned cause ultimately their core views is based on homophobic, racist, and other stupid shit that is not only against the rules on GAF but is morally inapprehensible.



US gun crime is crazy high compared to other countries, but it's also falling compared to the last few decades and I believe is lower than any time since 1965 (and lower than the 20s or 30s when US and European gun laws were similar. The availability of guns is not predictive of rates of gun crime.

First off, that graph is missing suicides and accidents, including suicides and accidents by gun 23.2 per one hundred thousand were injured, and 10.6 people per hundred thousand died to guns in 2013.


Second, people getting shot by guns has not gone down nearly as much as that graph shows, in fact it has remained flat for the past decade and is down about 25% from 1993, the thing that has changed is that less people die when they are shot because hospitals have gotten better at treating gunshot wounds.

Just because he liked Bernie or a democrat doesn't make this crazy. Its crazy because this dude is a lunatic, and they vote for all different kinds of people.

I meant based on the info that he ran a fb page and posted those anti-trump pics from those anti-trump subreddits on reddit. That often make there way onto gaf.
He was clearly obsorbed and not right.

edit: I just made a pun by mistake
I hope this is a one off incident and not the start of a trend.

This is not a one off incident mass shootings in the US are a thing. I mean their was another one in San Francisco today at a UPS facility and 4 people died there but this is the bigger story because of the political motivation. When people actually start holding their representatives accountable and get gun laws and mental health laws changed then things might change but as of now this will be just another incident in a long list of mass shootings in the US.
So instead of having a civil discussion about why you believe a (false) article about rape by Muslims has anything to do with the "left," you use the victim complex to equate all of the "left" with intolerance because we don't tolerate intolerance.

This forum is 99% "left" as you say because we don't put up with intellectual dishonesty, false equivalence and bigotry. Good luck positioning your right-wing argument without using one or all of those strategies.

Good fucking riddance.

You have to realize, this is no longer left wing or right wing; we are dealing with insanity. Continuing to believe in something that is false, pointed out as false, and has evidence disproving the notion should be enough. Yet, they continue to not "believe" in factual evidence.

Facts don't care if you believe in them or not, they exist and in most cases, are universally accepted as true after being proven.


I dont agree with the left on most things. Its why I never post here as do most people who are not left. This place is 99% left with threads containing posters spewing tolerance of hate, violence towards people of opposing ideas, with other like (hive) minded people. So whats the point. Hasnt been a civil discussion with conservatives here in a minute because they all feel its a waste of time. I guarantee there are alot of them here lurking like me since Trump got elected. But since they dont post it gives the feeling that the left are winning. Its really hard to talk to people here. I see the same stuff in this thread I've been seeing and will probably see until Trump gets taken out. So with that I say...payce

"Oh shit! They caught me posting fake news and are going to ask for actual evidence or facts. BAIL OUT!!"


Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.
Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

Stop posting fake news unrelated to the thread and babbling like the village idiot.
Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

You can be all those things and still be a special kind of stupid. It's not exclusive to race or origin.
I think people are getting confused on when I say both sides are the same. I don't mean that they are the same in what they do in politics or what core beliefs they have, but that neither want to work toegether because they hate each other. It's a never ending cycle of hate, just like revenge. Yeah, president Obama tried this for eight years and it didn't work, but at least he tried his best and in the end he and the base look like civil and understanding people compared to the right where that acted like children. But what I'm seeing now that we don't have someone who tries to work with each side of the table, we start to lose what made us look civil. I think a lot of it comes from trump and his dangerous ignorance and I do support some refusal to work with this guy because of it, but when it comes to people getting hurt like this congressman, it just doesn't feel civil to not want to work together to help keep something like this from blowing up into a divided country.

You're still not getting it, you can't work with people who don't even view you as human, unless you are rich white and male your views don't matter to the right. Psychoward put it best, the right hates the left for who they are the left hates the policies of the right.

Big One

Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.
Dude pretty much everyone is racist, lol. Doesn't matter who you are or what your ethnicity is, everyone is capable of being racist even against their own.

But what exactly do you disagree about the left? You're being way too vague. No wonder no one is having a discussion with you about your views when you aren't presenting them.


This is not a one off incident mass shootings in the US are a thing. I mean their was another one in San Francisco today at a UPS facility and 4 people died there but this is the bigger story because of the political motivation. When people actually start holding their representatives accountable and get gun laws and mental health laws changed then things might change but as of now this will be just another incident in a long list of mass shootings in the US.
Hey buddy, I do. I consistently refuse to vote for anyone who doesn't support complete repeal of all gun prohibition. And substance prohibition. And monopoly distribution of alcohol. And all sorts of other stuff.

They never seem to care much.

I meant based on the info that he ran a fb page and posted those anti-trump pics from those anti-trump subreddits on reddit. That often make there way onto gaf.
He was clearly obsorbed and not right.

edit: I just made a pun by mistake
Plus, all his domestic stuff:
The gunman who attacked members of Congress on Wednesday morning ... had run-ins with the law for domestic violence and shooting.


In 2006, he was arrested for domestic battery and discharge of a firearm after he punched a woman ”in the face with a closed fist," according to a police report reviewed by The Daily Beast. When the woman's boyfriend walked outside of the residence, Hodgkinson allegedly aimed a shotgun at him and later fired one round.

Hodgkinson was also ”observed throwing" an unnamed minor ”around the bedroom," the police report said. Police identified the girl as his daughter. After the girl broke free, Hodgkinson followed and ”started hitting her arms, pulling her hair, and started grabbing her off the bed."

When a woman tried escaping with Hodgkinson's daughter in a vehicle, Hodgkinson reached inside and ”turned off the ignition," the report said. ”James then pulled out a possible pocket knife and cut [her] seatbelt."


In June 2006, police were dispatched to Hodgkinson's home in response to a domestic dispute that began when Hodgkinson allegedly hit a woman's dog while it slept in her driveway, according to a police report.

Hodgkinson also repeatedly called the police to report people on his lawn. In February 2005, he called police to claim juveniles had driven drunk on his property; although there was no damage to his property, he requested extra police patrols in the area. In August 2006, he called police to report a vehicle doing a donut in his yard overnight. In January 2007, he called the police after his neighbors' trash company allegedly turned around on his driveway. In February 2007, he called police to report a car driving on his lawn.
Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

Seriously, who's snowflake is this? Voat, is that you?


Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

black and asian people can still be racist LMFAO

what is this


Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

The persecution complex continues. This is actually pretty fun to watch. Please, continue to show that Trump supporters just whine all day without bringing any factual information to the table.


I dont agree with the left on most things. Its why I never post here as do most people who are not left. This place is 99% left with threads containing posters spewing tolerance of hate, violence towards people of opposing ideas, with other like (hive) minded people. So whats the point. Hasnt been a civil discussion with conservatives here in a minute because they all feel its a waste of time. I guarantee there are alot of them here lurking like me since Trump got elected. But since they dont post it gives the feeling that the left are winning. Its really hard to talk to people here. I see the same stuff in this thread I've been seeing and will probably see until Trump gets taken out. So with that I say...payce

I understand that you want a civil discussion between the left and right, but coming into a very liberal discussion board and posting fake news articles and expecting people to pity you isn't going to work and help the discussion.


Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

Ha ha, that'll show 'em! My master plan has come to fruition. *Maniacal laugh

Seriously can the adults have a conversation now?


You're still not getting it, you can't work with people who don't even view you as human, unless you are rich white and male your views don't matter to the right. Psychoward put it best, the right hates the left for who they are the left hates the policies of the right.

See my last post on the subject, I clarify your argument.


Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

Or, you know, you can back up your opinions up with evidence in an attempt to carry on a conversation. You can't say it's our fault when you aren't doing your part.
Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

Just because your Black and Asian doesn't protect you from being a racist.. what..

What are you trying to do in here anyways?


Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

Should I PM you the articles I see about a black asian man raping someone, or do you want me to make threads about them for the sake of political parity?

The Kree

Just because your Black and Asian doesn't protect you from being a racist.. what..

What are you trying to do in here anyways?

Say something idiotic, get the forum to turn on you, then reveal your minority ethnicity to prove that lefties have the capacity to be hateful.

That's what counts as some kind of victory in a conservative fuckboy's head on the internet. Happens at least twice a week.
sucks for those who were harmed, anyone who supports this violence should be questioned, nobody should be happy or glad someone they disagree with got shot. advocating violence is not the way to go!


Dude pretty much everyone is racist, lol. Doesn't matter who you are or what your ethnicity is, everyone is capable of being racist even against their own.

But what exactly do you disagree about the left? You're being way too vague. No wonder no one is having a discussion with you about your views when you aren't presenting them.

Thanks for the civil response. I dont wish to go down this road as others have many times before. Alot of idiots on the right have been banned by some of the regulars on here. I recognize some of the usual names. People who say things not worthy of a ban either at the very least have their post history searched like someone hired a PI. I guarantee thats why most of the unpopular views here arent represented. Its hard to get a Gaf account and most people would just like to discuss games. For those who would like to dabble in PoliGAF on the right are fearful of losing their account or being targetted all the way to the Gaming side.

Its a big risk for righties. Not much real risk for the lefties. So you can see why no one barely speaks up about conservative views here.

I originally only came in here because I kept seeing people justify why those republicans got shot. But but...


Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.
So black and Asian people are immune to posting fake news? Seriously your just embarrassing yourself


Gold Member
Say something idiotic, get the forum to turn on you, then reveal your minority ethnicity to prove that lefties have the capacity to be hateful.

That's what counts as some kind of victory in a conservative fuckboy's head on the internet. Happens at least twice a week.

I'm just surprised he hasn't been banned yet. Almost half of his entire post history is contained in this thread, the rest have all been one-and-done shitposts, almost all equally inane as his posts in here.

The whole "I'm black and asian" thing reminded me of the same kind of people who say bullshit like "I'm not racist, I have black friends".
Thanks for the civil response. I dont wish to go down this road as others have many times before. Alot of idiots on the right have been banned by some of the regulars on here. I recognize some of the usual names. People who say things not worthy of a ban either at the very least have their post history searched like someone hired a PI. I guarantee thats why most of the unpopular views here arent represented. Its hard to get a Gaf account and most people would just like to discuss games. For those who would like to dabble in PoliGAF on the right are fearful of losing their account or being targetted all the way to the Gaming side.

Its a big risk for righties. Not much real risk for the lefties. So you can see why no one barely speaks up about conservative views here.

I originally only came in here because I kept seeing people justify why those republicans got shot. But but...

Oh I see. Silent majority then! There is a secret group on GAF that would love to post but don't because of fear of being banned? That's what your going with?


Yes but there are a few here.

Who is advocating it? You're not the first person here, but all people have done is likely understand what fueled this case of violence.

That doesn't mean they accept violence. I understand why Syria is in a civil war, but I am not comfortable accepting the needless deaths, for example.


good credit (by proxy)
I dont agree with the left on most things. Its why I never post here as do most people who are not left. This place is 99% left with threads containing posters spewing tolerance of hate, violence towards people of opposing ideas, with other like (hive) minded people. So whats the point. Hasnt been a civil discussion with conservatives here in a minute because they all feel its a waste of time. I guarantee there are alot of them here lurking like me since Trump got elected. But since they dont post it gives the feeling that the left are winning. Its really hard to talk to people here. I see the same stuff in this thread I've been seeing and will probably see until Trump gets taken out. So with that I say...payce

Stop supporting white supremacy.
Why Is the media making such a big deal over him being a Bernie sanders fan, and why are they making it sound like Bernie sanders is responsible for his behavior forcing him to make a statement condemning his actions? Bernie shouldn't be held responsible for anything this lunatic did

Because dirty laundry sells and political scandal (especially when its connected to something violent) brings in views/clicks. Doesn't have to be relevant or even true so long as its eye catching. Not that this is anything new, unfortunately; just always comes as a shock to people when it's targeting someone they support or like or respect.

Bing bing bong bing!

Trump will be gone soon though so dont worry. Winning.

By the way I'm black and asian with an immigrant parent. Call me racist or nazi or whatver words you guys call everyone on here not seeing your side.

Well, if people weren't taking your views seriously before I'm sure that'll definitely help them see your side of things. Try at least going out with a little dignity next time. Of course your not the only right-leaning poster here. Most of us just aren't dumb enough to make ourselves look like assholes in a thread about people being shot...
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