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//: SK Telecom StarCraft II Proleague 2014 – Protoss Hard at Work

Aww TerrOR poor guy. GG WP to both teams. Way better than MVP. Prime I think is the better team honestly.

See you next week Proleague. Put back some Terrans in the lineup. Besides just Flash, Maru and TY.


You can tell Kal played Brood War. His play is way more tactical compared to your run-of-the-mill Protoss nowadays. I can't remember the last time I've seen a Forge added on to complement a Gateway proxy... like Wolf said, that was like a throwback to Brood War.

That game was absolutely brilliant. If all PvP's were like that it would be an amazing matchup. That engagement from rain is one of the best i've seen as well. The huge concave, the zealot drop off and warpin, picking up the immortals to change and just good unit positioning. Beautiful to watch.

Totally agreed. Rain and Creator played each other quite a bit toward the end of Wings of Liberty and I love that we get the opportunity that we see it again in SPL. Two of the safest macro-oriented Protoss out there. Watching neither of them overcommitt in the early game and losing because of an engagement neither of them should've taken was refreshing to watch.


Fantasy Proleague Standings - Round 1, Week 1


Congrats to Mairu! dat perfect anti-team ;)

Poor zargle... ByuL on the anti... ;_;

I don't know about ya'll, but I'm looking forward to using all my trade points whenever next week's lineups are out. :p


Come on SKT, let Fantasy play please. I hope at least they are saving him for a potential Fantasy-Flash match next week.


Come on SKT, let Fantasy play please. I hope at least they are saving him for a potential Fantasy-Flash match next week.

Yeah, it's a damn shame. The new Bo5 format along with the addition of Soulkey and a bunch of other lower key players stepping up for them while FanTaSy has just been falling off hard probably means the only chance we have of seeing him is at the Round 1 Playoffs. :(

Is IM gonna play MVP at all this season? ;/

I want to see King of Wings.

I was hoping we'd at least get to see him once a week... ;_;

Guess they want to savor whatever is left of his wrists.
Man I know TY might have screwed me over but dang did Classic do a number on my FPL. ;_;

Flash and Soulkey underperformed for me but Jila was a great investment. Flash played one match only though so can't blame him along with Soulkey. Jila was the one to beat Soulkey anyways lol.

Really wish Prime would bring Eins with them so I could get a point or 2 from him appearing.

PLEASE EINS! Get as good as Maru.

Its going to be Prime vs MVP. The 2 losing teams at the bottom will finally have a win. The question is if Prime or MVP will be the one to go up. Jin Air can't afford to lose vs KT Roster or they will drop near MVP/Prime and same for CJ vs Samsung.

GL HF to all of us on our FPL.


That $5 SPL subscription still going strong even into 2014 now.

Can't remember the last time I've gotten so much bang from his buck.

Jin Air vs KT starting now.

1) sOs vs TY
2) Rogue vs Flash
3) Cure vs Zest
4) Maru vs Stats

Are bold your winners? You must have some ridiculous amount of faith in Cure. Zest has pretty solid PvT and Cure has been horrible in HotS... I traded for him in FPL only because Bbyong wasn't getting any play time this week. lol
Fantasy Proleague Standings - Round 1, Week 1


Congrats to Mairu! dat perfect anti-team ;)

Poor zargle... ByuL on the anti... ;_;

I don't know about ya'll, but I'm looking forward to using all my trade points whenever next week's lineups are out. :p

I knew I was avoiding this thread for a reason.... >_<


Are bold your winners? You must have some ridiculous amount of faith in Cure. Zest has pretty solid PvT and Cure has been horrible in HotS... I traded for him in FPL only because Bbyong wasn't getting any play time this week. lol
Nah, they're the ones I'm rooting for :) Don't remember much of Cure lately but I thought he played some great games in the last SPL.


Nah, they're the ones I'm rooting for :) Don't remember much of Cure lately but I thought he played some great games in the last SPL.

Yeah, he was amazing for a short period of time last season. I'm definitely rooting for him! :D

Proxy Siege Tank... I've seen it all.


Lol that turret is so saucy.

I'm really going to regret having my sleep so fucked up when it's back to work on Monday. But on the plus side, I get to watch some PL live!


If I just started watching StarCraft last week and somebody told me that sOs won BlizzCon not two months ago, I would probably straight up tell you that you're full of shit.
;_; SOB! Should have traded TY for someone instead of Classic for Yongwa. Maru you are my hope for canceling out the points lost. That and Flash winning his match.

Also screw TY for making TvP look balanced. Half those drops shouldn't have worked if sOs wasn't allergic to Stalkers like most Protoss are nowadays. Stalkers good vs Tanks and Marauders. Sure Marauders are good vs Stalkers but both do bonus damage vs armor.

Like what I've seen TY do on screen is something I can do 1/3 of the time. sOs chose a shitty composition as well. No Stalkers or Immortals? Stupid overall. sOs might be a new jjakji lol.
If I just started watching StarCraft last week and somebody told me that sOs won BlizzCon not two months ago, I straight up say you were full of shit.

Pretty much. He had 0 answers for the Vikings since he took forever to rebuild his Cybernetics Core and couldn't get Colossi that fast since he was only on one Robo because of it too.


Pretty much. He had 0 answers for the Vikings since he took forever to rebuild his Cybernetics Core and couldn't get Colossi that fast since he was only on one Robo because of it too.

He's waaaaay too good to lose all his colossi to just 2 vikings.

2 more vikings a couple of minutes after the initial pair of vikings though, time to GG.

I love when Flash just cruises like that. He's like a big stack poker player just bullying his opponent off the antes in heads up, just relentless.
YEAH Flash! But damn Jin Air needs to win one asap! Cure please win so Maru can play.

Lol At the roach play. The muta switch was a fail as well. His upgrades were crap along with his banelings thanks to investing banelings.
YEAH Flash! But damn Jin Air needs to win one asap! Cure please win so Maru can play.

Lol At the roach play. The muta switch was a fail as well. His upgrades were crap along with his banelings thanks to investing banelings.

I was shocked he got ranged attack unless he was going Swarm Hosts. He was basically dead when he committed to a second Roach attack.


Hell yeah, Cure!! You're the man! :D

That proxy Barracks into Bunker contain to delay the natural so long was cute. I thought Zest was gonna kill him at the point where he let that Pylon stay up in his natural for so long. He found it at the last possible second.
Are Protoss players playing badly to avoid a nerf? Like WTF that was shitty by Zest.

Anyways Maru gets to play so I'm happy. More points for me if he wins. Flash canceled out TY thankfully.


Aww yiss time for my man Stats, pls take out this prince sausage.

Edit: Wow, that's the worst drop defense I've seen in HOTS so far.
Alright wtf is this shit? So happy about Maru and mech but are toss players just throwing the games? Like holy shit that was terrible games from all the protosses. Tomorrow we will see for sure.

Ace match, who will it be? Maru vs Flash please!


LOL Zest!?

KT doesn't care about winning confirmed.

Unless Zest has some super special build prepared on Yeonsu they are going to regret not sending out Flash or TY.
ROFLMAO Zest of all people vs Maru?

Thats sending the lamb to the slaughter. TY or Flash would be the better choice.

GO MARU! Get me more points!


Good lord, Zest, quit being such a little bitch. Every other ace player hasn't complained about glares or anything else and now even with 13k viewers he's dragging this shit out.
Pretty cool idea from zest there and i think it should have worked. Not sure how he managed to lose all those sentries so quick, good targeting from maru but zest could have prevented it. Maru almost threw it away as well, probably should have got a few more widow mines to shut that attack down all together (or just not moved out randomly when the game was won).


I dont watch live events too much, but every single TvP I have seen lately has had a Blink Stalker all-in. Seems to be the new 4 gate.
Damn Zest not bad but Holy shit Maru!

Sad part is that Maru almost lost just due to how MSC can abuse Time Warp with a Blink combination.

Going to sleep since none of my members are on Samsung or CJ and Sora alone isn't enough to keep me up.

I find it sad how the Protoss losses were due to their own mistakes and the Terrans pretty much going over the limit to beat them. At least imho. sOs killed himself with HT Archon vs Marauder heavy comp with no anti armor in the form of Immortals. His drop defense was non existent thanks to no Stalkers.

Zest lost to a bunker contain of all things when a PO should have easily won him the game from the failed cheese.

Stats showing the most terrible drop defense since sOs in the first map.

Then Zest gets pwned by Maru's micro which he almost won if he actually bothered to attack properly with his forces or just contain when he saw the attack wasn't working.


I dont watch live events too much, but every single TvP I have seen lately has had a Blink Stalker all-in. Seems to be the new 4 gate.

Sadly, almost every map in any of the current map pools essentially encourages it with the way mains and naturals are structured.
Sad part is that Maru almost lost just due to how MSC can abuse Time Warp with a Blink combination.

Damn you guys can whinge about anything. He nearly lost due to stupidly overcommiting when he didn't have to. He should never have went onto the map and lost all those units and he should have stayed in his base until he had a bigger army and then just rolled zest.

You don't really have to try and talk down the terran wins. Tonight's results aren't going to suddenly affect the direction blizzard is taking in terms of balance.


Not sure how Reality thought he could just go mech and turtle while letting a Zerg go on 7 fucking bases.

What a dumb way to lose a game.

Edit: Ok, this got way closer than I ever imagined it could've gotten. Reality with some sick positioning, defense and unit composition.




I'm so sorry I ever doubted you, Reality!

For everyone who missed it: CJ vs Galaxy, Game 1, Hydra vs Reality. Get on dat VOD.


Missed it live, so watching the vods... what's up with this terran domination? Way to throw away your upcoming buff, guys.
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