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STEAM | September II 2014 - Ride the Lightning

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Shingeki no Ethan. Or maybe Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End of Ethan Carter.

wow i need to play this game. are there any jump scares or people chasing after u like amnesia etc?
It's pretty good.

-The user has control over the internal rendering resolution (I played at 8192x4096)
-There are fixes to make widescreen work perfectly
-Setting up a controller with an external program like J2K takes two minutes

-Depth of field renders at a low res and can't be disabled (SH2 doesn't have this issue).
-Real-time shadows render at a low res that can't be improved (SH2 doesn't have this issue or it isn't as obvious).

Separate from the port, I think the games narrative is weak compared to SH2's and the reuse of some SH2 assets is a bit of a cop-out.

Here is the full set of SH3 shots I took when I replayed it a couple weeks ago. 117 total.

Didn't Team Silent do the PC port for 3? Your shots look great. That game ages so well.

I'm up to the Hospital in SH2 (which probably isn't all that far), and I feel like I'm fighting the camera much more in 2 than I did in the original. I'm definitely enjoying it though. It's one of few games where the David Lynch comparison is actually apt (specifically with the apartment being straight from Blue Velvet).


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So part of what I get to do as the administrator for Enhanced Steam is look at all the cool things that people suggest I add to the extension. Usually it's just text like "Please add a link here to do this thing plz" and sometimes it's even an image.

This morning in my inbox I had a bit of code that was submitted to Github from mouse0270 that made a section for Playfire rewards on applicable game pages:

There are a few technical details I'll have to overhaul (such as gathering and caching this data from the Enhanced Steam API server) but it should be ready for the next release.


So part of what I get to do as the administrator for Enhanced Steam is look at all the cool things that people suggest I add to the extension. Usually it's just text like "Please add a link here to do this thing plz" and sometimes it's even an image.

This morning in my inbox I had a bit of code that was submitted to Github from mouse0270 that made a section for Playfire rewards on applicable game pages:

There are a few technical details I'll have to overhaul (such as gathering and caching this data from the Enhanced Steam API server) but it should be ready for the next release.

Oh nice


This morning in my inbox I had a bit of code that was submitted to Github from mouse0270 that made a section for Playfire rewards on applicable game pages:

Interesting. Since Playfire has mainly gone with new release games or niche games that it has on sale, it's not been as big a draw for me, but having that info in Enhanced Steam is still pretty sweet. :)

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Didn't Team Silent do the PC port for 3? Your shots look great. That game ages so well.

I'm up to the Hospital in SH2 (which probably isn't all that far), and I feel like I'm fighting the camera much more in 2 than I did in the original. I'm definitely enjoying it though. It's one of few games where the David Lynch comparison is actually apt (specifically with the apartment being straight from Blue Velvet).

I'm glad I'm finally playing them.

Yeah, TS did the port for 3, but 2/4 were farmed out IIRC. I'm working through SH4 ps2 emulated at the moment and that game has a lot more issues than 3 unfortunately. The PC port has a lot more hoops to jump through and the pre-rendered cutscenes run at 15 fps. The PS2 version runs well in PCSX2, but has some odd graphical glitches that I haven't been able to fix (some real-time shadows missing) and the widescreen implementation there is odd.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
650 is enough even for that as long as it's something reasonably power-hungry like 970s or lower.

True. I'm looking at a review of the PSU he mentioned now and it seems I underestimated how much power it could be reasonably expected to continually provide.
What great posters we have... they love to follow all the rules.


That new bundlestars is totally worth the $3.50... and I already have Freakin' Meatbags.


Square Enix Collective
There is no point, it's a nonsense service that makes no sense and benefits no one.

The stated premise of it is that you submit your idea to Collective, and benefit from free feedback from viewers. This feedback helps you decide whether to continue to crowdfunding or not. If you do continue to crowdfunding, Square Enix has a sponsored page on IndieGoGo, which will bring you more visibility (one project from Collective has tried this, it didn't come remotely close to hitting its target goal). In exchange, they act as a sort of hands-off publisher and get a cut of your sales in the end.

The problem is:
- The feedback isn't useful
- No one cares about Collective
- No one cares about IndieGoGo
- Square Enix isn't contributing a value add

So far, here are the stats on Square Enix collective
- 8 projects have received poor feedback and not continued on
- 7 projects have received positive feedback but are apparently not positive enough because they have not continued on and are marked archived
- 6 projects have received positive feedback and have not yet been archived or continued on
- 4 projects are currently awaiting feedback
- 1 project went through IndieGoGo through Collective and failed to be funded and is now "archived"
- 1 project went through Kickstarter through Collective and was a smash success
- 1 project is now on Kickstarter through Collective

Sorry to see you think so - Collective is an experimental platform, so we're constantly assessing feedback and changing things to try and improve. Certainly, following the first campaign which failed (World War Machine), we spent a few weeks adjusting a bunch of things to try to ensure teams have the best chance possible - which included adding Kickstarter as an option. Which, yes... GAF called, so good feedback.

Moon Hunters was a definite improvement, but we're by no means complacent - and each game is different.

Do people care about Collective? That's not for me to say, as far as I'm concerned the developers and their game ideas are the most important thing. But as to whether or not we add value, that's certainly something we're trying hard to ensure.

If you get onto the Feedback phase, it doesn't cost anything - and if the community is lukewarm to your idea, in the worst case it could save a lot of time, money and heartache to get that feedback.

If we support a team through crowdfunding, the 5% we ask of funds raised (if successful) is never going to be a big number - but it helps us cover some of the costs involved and keeps that initial Feedback phase free for everybody.

And if we distribute a game, we do specific stuff in return for that 10% of net sales revenue - QA, getting the game on Steam, handling all the sales and admin. If devs don't see the value in this, they don't have to choose us to distribute - like Kitfox with Moon Hunters (who have already shipped a game on Steam in Shattered Planet).

So it's there is devs think it can be useful, and we only ask something in return once the dev has what they need. It's all clear upfront, there are no hidden costs. We don't take any IP, or lock people into deals they don't want. Genuinely, we're trying to make this a good thing, and make it fair.

ModBot said:
Instructions for FiveElementNinja:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 7 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (FiveElementNinja, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible

The Sun At Night -- MB-104B6B034C4DEF81 - Taken by Jadax
Huntsman: The Orphanage -- MB-5A52E3B01F75D918 - Taken by lukiluk
Hero of the Kingdom -- MB-0308C03F6BE43114 - Taken by Chairmanchuck
Thomas Was Alone -- MB-87D0607E0DCE8355 - Taken by hepburn3d
Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars -- MB-A7201E5BBF6A55F1 - Taken by crazyrabbits
Freaking Meatbags -- MB-6C956BE6F0E608EA - Taken by topyy
Dreaming Sarah -- MB-0E1B6E7824850192 - Taken by agniswarm


With the game less than three weeks out I think it's safe to say that if it were going to be pre-purchaseable at all it'd be pre-purchaseable right now.

I don't know why I need to preorder this so much. I guess I won't be able to accept that it's a real thing and is happening unless I have it in my library.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Idle master work is over, all of my 150 games with cards is done, i feel empty =(


OKAY, obviously I've missed a huge something or other, but I'd never heard of this Idle Master utility until just now?

Man, I may have to try this thing out tonight, part of me is afraid of getting banned from Steam or something though.... o_O


OKAY, obviously I've missed a huge something or other, but I'd never heard of this Idle Master utility until just now?

Man, I may have to try this thing out tonight, part of me is afraid of getting banned from Steam or something though.... o_O

Nope, you wont get banned for using Idle Master

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I also tried Far Cry 4 today, PS4 version. Excluding elephants, it looks the same stuff from 3, to me :S

Yeah it was pretty amusing how the recently released weapon trailer had something like 85%+ of the weaponry just repeated from FC3. All I care about is my favorite assault rifle returning though. I will use that the whole game because it looks so damn hot.

Avast was okay last time I checked. MSE wasn't. Could've improved of course, things change fast in the av-world. Avira is good again for example.

In my experience people who need more than MSE need to take a good hard look at their internet using habits/abilities.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
OKAY, obviously I've missed a huge something or other, but I'd never heard of this Idle Master utility until just now?

Man, I may have to try this thing out tonight, part of me is afraid of getting banned from Steam or something though.... o_O

Even assuming idling were against the rules, it's pretty much impossible for Valve to know that you're not actually in-game, plus people had been using SAM and the steam_appid.txt trick to idle for well over a year. Here's the thread.


In my experience people who need more than MSE need to take a good hard look at their internet using habits/abilities.

I don't know, malware has become very sneaky and mean, we've moved far beyond 'don't visit bad websites'. MSE is better than nothing but often ends up dead last in reviews. It also in my experience is a cpu-hog and not as fast as it should be when scanning.

It's all I use and I'm still here!

You could be a spam-bot built by this weird actress to garner some attention. 'Look, someone on NeoGAF likes me! Pls give me the role. Any role.' ;)


And if you kill it you can never progress the story forcing you to restart? Seems like quite the design flaw.

One of the larger criticisms you can make against Shadow is the amount of instant failure states built into the game.

It does encourage you to exploit the mechanics to accomplish a mission. For example, to draw out a warchief I needed to hold onto his favorite underling for 20 seconds. Problem was, he was surrounded by hundreds of orcs in a massive stronghold.

First attempt, I jumped in and tried to just go the combat route. I was quickly surrounded, and had a couple captains join the fight, killing me and failing the mission.
The second try I attempted to distract all of the orcs by using wildlife. I unleashed the deadly flies and Caragours on the orcs, but the target ran away in fear and I failed.
The third attempt I went the stealth route. I killed off the archers, then exploded some barrels to distract the army. During the confusion, I managed to lead the target into a corner and made him squeal until his Warchief showed up. Best part was, this warchief was scared of fire, and with half the stronghold up in flames I made short work of him.

The random nature of the game coupled with the instant failure states can make an experience potentiall frustrating, but gives you a good feeling when you puzzle out a solution. Also makes it difficult to lock down a difficulty for the game.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Nope, you wont get banned for using Idle Master

Even assuming idling were against the rules, it's pretty much impossible for Valve to know that you're not actually in-game, plus people had been using SAM and the steam_appid.txt trick to idle for well over a year. Here's the thread.

Thanks. Yeah I just found the thread and read it over, seems like an awesome utility. Gonna try it out tonight.

Heck, if I make enough from the cards then I may just buy Shadows of Mordor now instead of waiting until I get a better graphics card!


Hasn't MS discontinued support for MSE?

No, afair they announced the end of support for the XP version but it hasn't happened yet.

On W8.1 at least, it's not (in the shape of Defender). It's quick to scan and doesn't hog up any resources.

Defender, CCleaner + NoScript, so far so good.

Does it not take ages anymore to show file icons in large folders? Drove me insane and that's been an issue since the very first version. I also don't like that the daily updates clutter up Windows' update history but that's probably just me.


Played just a bit more of Mordor.
There's one mechanic that I really like that i wasn't even aware of.
It's cool how you can go to power struggles and if you want just wait and see how it goes.
For one captain I just let his own units do him in, while another I waited until he fled from a hunt and then interrogated him. Really look that if you want to wait and be patient you can actually benefit from it.
Why do people kept recommending MSE? It has been the baseline for anitvirus tests for a long while.

Because it's super lightweight and super unintrusive? In this one test, which states that Windows Defender stumbles on Malware tests, Windows Defender managed to only catch 97% of 60000 malware samples. But the truth is that that is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than average, at least somewhat savvy computer user needs.

For the ones that download my_cat.jpg.exe from their junk mail, no antivirus is enough to stop. For the very few unlucky ones, too bad, the 0-day most likely didn't care if you were running Avast or NOD32 or MSE, you got fucked.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a garbage dump. No other rules apply, you may claim as many as you want (there are no limits or throttles), and keys you win won't be counted as wins for your record. Do not SELL these keys for a profit.

Eve Online Industrialist Addon -- MB-0CEDC8F5353FCB9F
Eve Online Explorer Addon -- MB-78CB7F8FDF0107F2
Eve Online 30 day Trial -- MB-BE7A50221B2A17AC - Taken by Monosukoi
Eve Online Colonist Addon -- MB-48AE9F807B92BB94
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