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Straight up... The combat in The Last of Us Part II is completely and entirely unmatched.


Gold Member
I didn't say it was realistic but ye it's heavier. If you can't see that idk what to say.

And if you think the combat animations in OP's vid is *realistic*, especially the reactions on pyisical hits then you're confusing hollywood movies and reality. But tbh it's prolly what ND was going for and I'm not denying their craftmanship here, but that vid was a very bad case for the hyperbolic praise of it's combat.
I don't know how many people you killed with melee weapons but it look pretty realistic to me, onestly more realistic and heavy than some action scenes you find in cw trash like arrow (except the first season were action scenes were good) or even budget films where there is not even physical contact, and sure as hell heavier and more realistic than any of the games on your list.

Weight\realism is not only the initial animation of the hit, it is also how enemy reacts, how weighty are the bodies when they die, how good the ragdoll is, how varied and good are the precanned death animations before physics and ragdoll take the charge, how precise is the gore, the sound design when you hit someone, the direction where and how the dead body falls following the kinetic force of the killing blow etc.

Tlou2 is top tier in almost all of these categories, it straight up look like a snuff movie for sociopaths, not even hollywood use this level of realism in their kills that often, you don't see the mofos killed by john wick gurgling to death in total desperation like in tlou2. (although i only watched the first movie)
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Yeah it's amazing seeing those two NPC's play the same arm-burning animation just slightly desynchronized

The Last of Us Part 2 is a demonstration of how good PlayStation exclusives are
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Gold Member
Every game does not have to be gritty and realistic but for a game with it's setting it fits. It is supposed to feel like a brutal and bloody fight for survival and ND utterly nails that feel. I also like the story just as much but I know that is a controversial take.


There's absolutely nothing false about my comment. If OP stated that TLoU2 has the best animations in combat, I would agree - but executing combat is nowhere near perfect, even on max sensitivity it feels sluggish. That's not an opinion btw. Comparing to a lot of other TPS it's not that good.
It's not the case at all on ps5 tho
30 seconds is all i need to make my case.

but since this is a forum for discussion...

Please name a game that blends as perfectly; intensity, brutality, realism, visceral nature, hit reaction, enemy AI, controls, animation, physics, graphics, NPC voice acting, dialogue and feel as well as this game does. Theres none.

The simplicity of the controls, the verticality of the environments, the feel of the weapons. Perfection. People who despise the story are even praising the combat, its truly special.

That blood spray at 45 seconds in. Jesus christ. When I play other games it feels like im in Day Care.

GOAT combat.

btw theres literally thousands of vids I could have posted this was just one i had saved recently. if you dont like the video just play the game on a high difficulty. :messenger_peace:

Yeah. I didn’t like the first last of us, combat was boring and pacing was horrible. The only thing that kept me playing was Ellie and the story.

The last of us part II whoever is just amazing to play. Combat is excellent and everything else about the gameplay. I took 40 hours to finish it and I wasn’t bored for a single second.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
It checks every box, and hits them out of the park, technically. But it's still not fun to me. Can't explain it.


There are only one type of human encounter though. They walk in the open, can't execute hiding or prone either. Developers could have bring something new like 2 person slowly walking while being back to back. Or even crawling ennemies .

Some type of maneuver a human would actually do to survive. Not walking in the open like dumbasses, individually separated making as much sound as you can.
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You can play the predator almost perfectly in this game.

Another underrated thing are the sliders. ND made it so that you can play at the hardest setting with the normal mode crafting drops, you can disable AI visibility when being prone, etc. You can essentially tweak it to your liking.


Gold Member
Theres literally no weight or impact to the combat. Enemies just stand there and get hit, they don't react in any special way to getting hit. You two find games in which you press more buttons to be better "combat".

Feel, spectacle, weight, impact, AI, dialouge, etc all go into making combat feel and play great. Its not just about how many combos your character can pull off.

You guys are stuck in the 90s.


Am I missing something? It's literally quicktime events.

I can just open video of Dishonored kill montage and it blows this out of water. But I guess it's a matter of taste.
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If you wince with that shit, i don't know how can you even play tlou2 without regularly puking your soul out since the difference in fidelity/realism is night and day.
Not really, a wince is a just an initial, involuntary reaction made visible.
it's like going
Shocked Ice Cube GIF

When seeing a fine hottie, or someone getting kicked in the head; I'm not so desensitised that the violence in Valhalla doesn't elicit any kind of response from me, and honestly I hope I never will be.
But in the end it's all fake, just like what's happening in tlou is still fake, it's the same reason why horror movies are never "scary" or whatever to me, because I know it's just a story and nothing can jump out of the screen to get me; I know I'm playing a video game where nobody actually gets hurt, it's just fancy animations/performances, so the response will still be just that same initial, involuntary response, and then it's business as usual because it certainly doesn't look at all like time I saw someone get stabbed and die right in front of me.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Am I missing something? It's literally quicktime events.

I can just open video of Dishonored kill montage and it blows this out of water. But I guess it's a matter of taste.
What the hell are you talking about? There’s no Qtes. And lol at dishonored being mentioned in a GOAT combat discussion thread.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Maybe the video in OP is a very bad case for it but how can this be considered visceral when it's slow, clunky and animations carry no weight whatsoever?

Some people have low standards.
Show me something better


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
What the hell are you talking about? There’s no Qtes. And lol at dishonored being mentioned in a GOAT combat discussion thread.
I woulnd't say QTE (lol wat) but it sure felt kinda simple in the gameplay side of it's execution. Wasn't the only thing added since the first one a dodge button?

Just my 2 cents but I think there are far better combat systems out there. Want melee? Play Dark Messiah, Elderborn or Dragon's Dogma. Want shooting? Play anything else.

The visuals and brutality were ballers tho, no point discussing that.
Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Hell Titanfall, Titanfall 2, Ninja Gaiden and its sequel.
I can think of a bunch of games that have Tier 1 combat.

But im guessing what you are asking is which game that is exactly like the last of us has combat as good as the last of us?
Because, you know there are so many the last of us clones out there for us to apples to apples compare it to.

P.S Did that chick jump down like 2 stories like it was nothing.

P.P.S Reminds me of aggressive Splinter Cell gameplay:

Welp time to play this.


What the hell are you talking about? There’s no Qtes. And lol at dishonored being mentioned in a GOAT combat discussion thread.
Guess what are those close combat animations? They are "mash button" when enemy is nearby for close combat animation. Wow, there's no prompt so it suddenly isn't a glorified quick time event? I swear people will eat even shit if it had ND logo on it.

I guess people don't see the difference between triggering close combat animations and engaging realtime combat where you are in as much control as possible. They are completely different philosophies with it's pros and cons.

Imo, TLOU seems like a borefest after seeing this...

Calling TLOU the goat combat game is so laughably subjective that I won't even continue to engange in this dumb thread.

And a lot of these ND fanboys actually have the audacity to call RDR2 clunky where they feel out of control and restricted while they mash their buttons for those seconds long close combat animations in TLOU.
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It was honestly difficult to move on from The Last of Us Part 2.

After TLOU2, the next game I played was the brilliant Ghost of Tsushima, but I couldn’t see how good Ghost was for awhile. TLOU2 was something special that transcended games, and Ghost of Tsushima was a great ‘game.’

I’m not sure what set TLOU2 apart. GofT has fantastic graphics, atmosphere, story, characters, controls feel great, audio, music… but it felt somehow like a step back. I think it may have come down to the fluidity of animation and the somber realness of the voice acting cast.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Guess what are those close combat animations? They are "mash button" when enemy is nearby for close combat animation. Wow, there's no prompt so it suddenly isn't a glorified quick time event? I swear people will eat even shit if it had ND logo on it.

I guess people don't see the difference between triggering close combat animations and engaging realtime combat where you are in as much control as possible. They are completely different philosophies with it's pros and cons.

Imo, TLOU seems like a borefest after seeing this...

Calling TLOU the goat combat game is so laughably subjective that I won't even continue to engange in this dumb thread.

And a lot of these ND fanboys actually have the audacity to call RDR2 clunky where they feel out of control and restricted while they mash their buttons for those seconds long close combat animations in TLOU.

Again, for the millionth time… Those “qtes” you speak of literally only happen in scripted events, never during moment to moment gameplay. So you’re grasping at straws. There’s no qtes during gameplay.

TLOU2 moment to moment gameplay is so sublime it has you thinking it’s a qte. It’s like you’re winning the argument for me.

And Wow, could you find a more generic and unimpressive video to post? Lmao. No weight, retarded as fuck AI, weapons lack heavy feeling, gameplay doesn’t look intense. Just a bunch of combos. Yay. Back to the 90s we go

Raise your standards.


There are only one type of human encounter though. They walk in the open, can't execute hiding or prone either. Developers could have bring something new like 2 person slowly walking while being back to back. Or even crawling ennemies .

Some type of maneuver a human would actually do to survive. Not walking in the open like dumbasses, individually separated making as much sound as you can.
The WLF group uses dogs that can sniff you out and prevents you from camping. The Scars have brutes. Enemies also use cover to hide when they know ur location, and do flank manuvers when they are in groups.
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The gunplay in TLOU is horrendous feels antiquated like Rockstar games, but as a game the art,animation and graphics are top notch and rarely matched only people to do it better is the A.I and ragdoll in RDR2 but suffers poor gunplay just like TLOU.


All those things I listed go into making the ACTUAL COMBAT feel better. People still think great combat is just about LOOK AT THEM COMBOS in 2022?

Standards have been raised. Its not about that anymore. Every game does that, only a few blend together the things I listed in ADDITION to combos, etc. And none better than this game.
Go play Sekiro and talk to me about standards being raised. TLoU2 is great for a tradditional third-person, over the shoulder camera game, but it doesn't hold a candle, combat wise, to games like Seikro, Nioh, Ninja Gaiden, etc. or hell, even Doom Eternal.

Your so-called raised "standard" is as arbitrary as the list you compiled to crown it. If you polled gamers on the best combat in video game history TLoU2 wouldn't place in the top 50 of all time.


Go play Sekiro and talk to me about standards being raised. TLoU2 is great for a tradditional third-person, over the shoulder camera game, but it doesn't hold a candle, combat wise, to games like Seikro, Nioh, Ninja Gaiden, etc. or hell, even Doom Eternal.

Your so-called raised "standard" is as arbitrary as the list you compiled to crown it. If you polled gamers on the best combat in video game history TLoU2 wouldn't place in the top 50 of all time.
Eh I disagree. I had a lot more fun with The Last of Us Part II's combat than I did with Sekiro's and Doom's.

They're each pretty different games tho and this stuff is subjective, of course.
The gunplay in TLOU is horrendous feels antiquated like Rockstar games, but as a game the art,animation and graphics are top notch and rarely matched only people to do it better is the A.I and ragdoll in RDR2 but suffers poor gunplay just like TLOU.

Give an example which third person game is better than TLOU2 in Gunplay.
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Gears 5.

You can learn wall bouncing and other pro level techniques in it. Far more deeper combat system.

TLOU2 is doesn't have any hidden layers. You can't improve / keep playing in it.
Ultimate Warrior Wrestling GIF by WWE

I asked for gunplay not movement, and as your prime example you lift up a game with very limited movement options.

Can't make this shit up. 🤡
Ultimate Warrior Wrestling GIF by WWE

I asked for gunplay not movement, and as your prime example you lift up a game with very limited movement options.

Can't make this shit up. 🤡


Never thought anyone would have audacity to go against Gears 5 gunplay, that too with TLOU on their side.

Just one word: gnasher.

It completely changes how you approach tight situations. So satisfying to turn enemies into pulp from point blank range.


Honestly in my opinion gameplay wise nothing else compares, the animations are the holy grail here. Makes everything just flow and feel so natural. Photomode and combat in this game make for some absolutely gruesome shots it's soooo good.
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