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Straight up... The combat in The Last of Us Part II is completely and entirely unmatched.


30 seconds is all i need to make my case.

but since this is a forum for discussion...

Please name a game that blends as perfectly; intensity, brutality, realism, visceral nature, hit reaction, enemy AI, controls, animation, physics, graphics, NPC voice acting, dialogue and feel as well as this game does. Theres none.

The simplicity of the controls, the verticality of the environments, the feel of the weapons. Perfection. People who despise the story are even praising the combat, its truly special.

That blood spray at 45 seconds in. Jesus christ. When I play other games it feels like im in Day Care.

GOAT combat.

btw theres literally thousands of vids I could have posted this was just one i had saved recently. if you dont like the video just play the game on a high difficulty. :messenger_peace:

In terms of third person realistic melee/close quarters I’d agree - the animation is on another level
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You still have to press a button just to cover behind an object while it happens automatically in TLOU when you're in a couch position.
Well it might work in TLOU (and the tomb raider games that did that mechanic first), but that doesn't mean it's a good idea in all games.
Having the game decide for you when you are in cover or not can be detrimental to the gameplay; don't see it working out well for something like gears for instance, they'd have to completely uproot the core mechanics and could wind up with something that doesn't feel like gears anymore.

But it's hard to take you seriously when you say Resident Evil 6 has better combat when it has some of the worst controls of any third-person action game within the past 11 years. The movement is god awful and that was one of the main problems people had with the game. lol
First time I'm hearing that complaint, yes people have had problems with the game itself, but mechanically I've only heard about camera and FOV issues, and the aiming laser being weird while shooting.
Otherwise I've only heard people liking RE6 mercenaries, and that's nothing but non-stop combat.

Also the enemy ia was brilliant, they make feints, they bait you to do a counter, they even hide and ambush like in that famous fake tlou1 reveal.
Ah shit I forgot about that game, I remember how they would also use the momentum of getting hit to take another swing at you; those fuckers actually had me on edge in combat.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Well it might work in TLOU (and the tomb raider games that did that mechanic first), but that doesn't mean it's a good idea in all games.
Having the game decide for you when you are in cover or not can be detrimental to the gameplay; don't see it working out well for something like gears for instance, they'd have to completely uproot the core mechanics and could wind up with something that doesn't feel like gears anymore.

And that's why Gears hasn't taken a leap in gameplay. It has to stay the same to keep the competitive fanbase happy.

There are many other TPS games and they're still very clunky or don't have depth as far as mechanics.

First time I'm hearing that complaint, yes people have had problems with the game itself, but mechanically I've only heard about camera and FOV issues, and the aiming laser being weird while shooting.
Otherwise I've only heard people liking RE6 mercenaries, and that's nothing but non-stop combat.
There's a reason why people think RE6 is one of the worst RE games out there.
or don't have depth as far as mechanics.
What depth? Automatic cover isn't mechanically deeper than cover you 100% control yourself, in the end it's the same function and ymmv on where it works best.

There's a reason why people think RE6 is one of the worst RE games out there.
Sure, and there's a reason why people like RE6 mercenaries, those reasons don't have to be mutually exclusive.


Just completed it (first time) yesterday on PS5.
Great story and atmosphere, but the combat and overall controls are it's Achilles heel. It's easy to feel that ND focused the controls around 30fps - it's sluggish, slow and has some heavy deadzone, making it hard to move naturally and aim guns without feeling you're triangulating in every instance.
The QTE's also takes you out of the combat and into a button mash situation.

I get why they did it with a story-driven game, but to say it's some of the best combat in gaming is simply just false.
As false as your comment


Writes a lot, says very little
I am always impressed at the level of detail in their animation with each release.

ND is where I go to be impressed by modern animation in gaming.

It's a fucking shame they're one of the few to do it at that high of a level. AC used to hold a candle up until Unity, everything after that was canned animations all around.

Facts. Semi OT, but I wonder if they'll do a remake of Unity as I feel them doing remasters of 1 and 2 and 3 last gen would make a remake or remaster that actually played right of Unity this gen.

In terms of pure violence, I've never seen anything like The Last Of Us 2, where knee caps are being blow off, people are hopping around, shot in the throat and trying to breath, bombs blowing up half of their bodies and them dragging themselves etc. Twas fucking intense and games need to show more of what guns REALLY do to people. I'd argue the most ignorant thing about gun violence in gaming, is they don't truly show what REALLY happens when someone is shot. If its rated M, let them see what really happens from that so no one can argue in court that Billy thought nothing bad would happen if he shot Timmy lol

DForce DForce Agreed 100%, RDR2 really is the only game that comes close to this and we really shouldn't have 2 games doing this in the AAA space.

We know what guns do to people, many of those games are rated M...there is no excuse. Who are they scared their going to offend? lol
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I do enjoy the brutality but it does kinda wear on you near the end. Especially Ellie's knife animations, pretty gruesome stuff.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
What depth? Automatic cover isn't mechanically deeper than cover you 100% control yourself, in the end it's the same function and ymmv on where it works best.
Tell me where I mentioned cover mechanics on my list. I only mention clunky controls in a lot of third person games and cover shooting is one of them.

Try paying attention.

Sure, and there's a reason why people like RE6 mercenaries, those reasons don't have to be mutually exclusive.

You really have no credibilty.

You can't say people liked RE6 mercenaries and not know that many people who played RE6 didn't like the controls.


NO other games come close to what TLOU2 and Red Dead 2 did. They are simply not replicable games. Gamers don't appreciate it though, they'd rather bitch and complain about voluntary crunch and support half-baked trash like Halo and Cyberpunk.


Gold Member
NO other games come close to what TLOU2 and Red Dead 2 did. They are simply not replicable games. Gamers don't appreciate it though, they'd rather bitch and complain about voluntary crunch and support half-baked trash like Halo and Cyberpunk.
Honestly I like RDR2 and there is a lot to love about it but TLOU2 sort of ruined it for me. After showing how to do realistic animations right I find it hard going back to RDR2 with it's slugishness.


There's a reason why people think RE6 is one of the worst RE games out there.
Yes because the game itself is a clusterfuck in terms of structure, balance and tone but the core mechanics are extremely solid. I don't know what you're talking about when you say "most people" had a problem with movement, that's news to me, people had issues with the QTEs, the sparse ammo not being coherent with the pure action focus, the ridiculous Michael Bayesque atmosphere, the gameplay scenarios etc.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
30 seconds is all i need to make my case.

but since this is a forum for discussion...

Please name a game that blends as perfectly; intensity, brutality, realism, visceral nature, hit reaction, enemy AI, controls, animation, physics, graphics, NPC voice acting, dialogue and feel as well as this dialogue and feel as well as this game does.

shogo mobile armor division is very traumatic.
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So do you actually want people to list games with better combat or did you just want to list a bunch of word salad to jerk off to?

Cause, like, in the title you say "combat" but in the actual OP, you list a shit ton of arbitrary words that aren't combat. You've basically invented this criteria that no other game can match by making it as specific as possible.

Yes, based on the completely arbitrary standards you used in the OP TLoU2 is the best, but based on ACTUAL COMBAT it's not even close to the best.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Yes because the game itself is a clusterfuck in terms of structure, balance and tone but the core mechanics are extremely solid. I don't know what you're talking about when you say "most people" had a problem with movement, that's news to me, people had issues with the QTEs, the sparse ammo not being coherent with the pure action focus, the ridiculous Michael Bayesque atmosphere, the gameplay scenarios etc.
The controls were worse than 5 and 6.

If this is news to you, then you likely haven't been around RE fans for that long.


As false as your comment
There's absolutely nothing false about my comment. If OP stated that TLoU2 has the best animations in combat, I would agree - but executing combat is nowhere near perfect, even on max sensitivity it feels sluggish. That's not an opinion btw. Comparing to a lot of other TPS it's not that good.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
So do you actually want people to list games with better combat or did you just want to list a bunch of word salad to jerk off to?

Cause, like, in the title you say "combat" but in the actual OP, you list a shit ton of arbitrary words that aren't combat. You've basically invented this criteria that no other game can match by making it as specific as possible.

Yes, based on the completely arbitrary standards you used in the OP TLoU2 is the best, but based on ACTUAL COMBAT it's not even close to the best.
All those things I listed go into making the ACTUAL COMBAT feel better. People still think great combat is just about LOOK AT THEM COMBOS in 2022?

Standards have been raised. Its not about that anymore. Every game does that, only a few blend together the things I listed in ADDITION to combos, etc. And none better than this game.


There's absolutely nothing false about my comment. If OP stated that TLoU2 has the best animations in combat, I would agree - but executing combat is nowhere near perfect, even on max sensitivity it feels sluggish. That's not an opinion btw. Comparing to a lot of other TPS it's not that good.
Is better than every single TPS and is not up for debate.
Every single TPS you press R3 that's your melee. Same animation everytime.

Go on tell me one single player that plays better than tlous 2. Go on


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Is better than every single TPS and is not up for debate.
Every single TPS you press R3 that's your melee. Same animation everytime.

Go on tell me one single player that plays better than tlous 2. Go on
It doesnt even boil down to difference of opinion, that dude is just flat out wrong. Standards have been raised. If I see the same animation for every fucking thing in combat nowadays the game just feels lazy


Is better than every single TPS and is not up for debate.
Every single TPS you press R3 that's your melee. Same animation everytime.

Go on tell me one single player that plays better than tlous 2. Go on
Both Spiderman games has better movement controls. All Gears of War games has better shooting controls. Every Quantic Dream games has better QTE's.


When the AI begs for their life like at the end of that clip, what happens if you don't kill them?

Do they go full "NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE" mode like in Skyrim?
Try paying attention.
Take your own advice, I was specifically talking about the automatic cover, it's even the point of my first reply to you.
You really have no credibilty.

You can't say people liked RE6 mercenaries and not know that many people who played RE6 didn't like the controls.
...mercenaries is nothing if the game doesn't control at least adequately, since it's non-stop action, if the controls were as bad as you say, then there's no way people would like playing RE6 mercenaries at all.
But sure go with an ad hominem to justify your view as the only one that's right.
The controls were worse than 5 and 6.
The controls of 6 were worse...than 6? If you mean 4 and 5, that would still be a matter of taste, plenty of people hate the "tank controls" in the first 5 RE games, it's why RE5 even had a custom control setting to allow strafing.
people had issues with the QTEs, the sparse ammo not being coherent with the pure action focus, the ridiculous Michael Bayesque atmosphere, the gameplay scenarios etc.
Yes, this is what you heard and hear when people say RE6 is a bad game, not "awful controls".


Both Spiderman games has better movement controls. All Gears of War games has better shooting controls. Every Quantic Dream games has better QTE's.
Tlous 2 doesn't even have QTE.
I love gears as much as the next guy but lol
In b4 "this pony is full of shit"
Get some receipts

Edit:And lol I'm the 3.61% who completed hivebusters
Step your game up instead of being in every Sony thread shitting on it
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You know every instance in TLoU2 where you're attacked and need to button mash square? - that's a QTE.
That's not a qte lol
Quick time event who have to press a sequence of buttons to complete a challenge. You can disable button mash in the menu that's not qte. Is like calling pressing a button repeatedly to open a door qte lol


That's not a qte lol
Quick time event who have to press a sequence of buttons to complete a challenge. You can disable button mash in the menu that's not qte. Is like calling pressing a button repeatedly to open a door qte lol
If there's an animation where you can't move the "camera" and need to hold or tap a button to do stuff - it's a QTE.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
If there's an animation where you can't move the "camera" and need to hold or tap a button to do stuff - it's a QTE.
it literally never happens in moment to moment gameplay. only in scripted events. yall are reaching hard.

impressed by video gamey ass video games - and yes, that is a bad thing. 💩
First game in a long time for me that I felt like replaying segments right after beating them or died purposely just to retry. I didn't have to think much about what I had to do, it was very fluid. The tense moments, great visuals and animation really made the experience what it is and the combat being pretty much perfect makes it easy to play over and over.


It happens everytime you need to hold triangle to open a door. That's a QTE.
What you talking about. You press triangle to open a door you don't hold lol
The only occasion you hold triangle is to open a jammed door that's leads to a new area for the obvious reason loading. This dude.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Take your own advice, I was specifically talking about the automatic cover, it's even the point of my first reply to you.
No, you mention cover mechanics because I mention it. You picked it out for a reason.

...mercenaries is nothing if the game doesn't control at least adequately, since it's non-stop action, if the controls were as bad as you say, then there's no way people would like playing RE6 mercenaries at all.
But sure go with an ad hominem to justify your view as the only one that's right.

Yeah, go with the "people liked mercenaries mode so that means the controls weren't bad" route.

That's not how it works.

I watched Maximilian Dood earlier this year and he talked about how the mercenaries mode was fun despite the controls being bad.

You can easily search google to see people bashing the controls. It's not made up, you're just completely clueless.

And no, I'm not saying people don't like the mechanics because some people do. You're make some claim that this is your first time hearing about it. If this is your first time, then you haven't been around the RE community for that long.
The controls of 6 were worse...than 6? If you mean 4 and 5, that would still be a matter of taste, plenty of people hate the "tank controls" in the first 5 RE games, it's why RE5 even had a custom control setting to allow strafing.
The controls were smoother in RE4 and 5 and there's no denying that.
video gamey ass video games
brb, throwing out my movie ass movies and book-ey ass books.
Should prolly get rid of my bikey ass bike and phone ass phone too.
I watched Maximilian Dood earlier this year and he talked about how the mercenaries mode was fun despite the controls being bad.
Oh shit, not maximilian dood, the word of your god has spoken so you must be right.
You can easily search google to see people bashing the controls. It's not made up, you're just completely clueless.
You can easily google search anything to confirm your own bias, it's literally called confirmation bias., but sure go with an ad hominem again, that will earn you more internet points..
The controls were smoother in RE4 and 5 and there's no denying that.
If you hate tank controls, then it's easily "deniable".
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