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Super Mario 3d All Stars coming this September 18th Until March 31st


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
This probably shouldn’t be $60.

like $20 ea. for 3 I remastered games.
Fucking Nintendo. And I’m still going to buy them because I’ve never played Sunshine and am super nostalgic for SM64.
These should just be released as part of online.


I went to bed at 7am, and I wake up and all hell has broken loose lol.

What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo? this FOMO shit is ridiculous. I already drove down the road to gamestop and preordered a copy, but still...this is just stupid.

Also...this collection seems lazy compared to the previous comments I read. This is not an "all stars" collection, this is a bunch of ports. Super Mario All Stars on SNES had redone graphics, which is what I felt like early buzz implied, at least for some of these games. Super Mario 64 especially could use it. But nope...same ol, same ol. Not even a remaster of the Super Mario 64 DS version, which is what I would have preferred, because it had more content, but is hampered by the shit controls. Lazy cash grab by Nintendo.

Still gonna buy it of course, but just wanted to vent a bit.


Party! Party! Party! Loads of Mario! Party over here!

.......... wait. Before I buy it, we’ll be able to redownload it after March if something goes wrong?


Gold Member
Nintendo need a COVID19 test ASAP as charging $60 and time limited release window are clearly symptoms of the Caronavirus.
Hope vaccine arrives in time.
Fuck me! Im going to pick this up day one!! Nintendo cant keep getting away with this!!!
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Nintendo need a COVID19 test ASAP as charging $60 and time limited release window are clearly symptoms of the Caronavirus.
Hope vaccine arrives in time.
Fuck me! Im going to pick this up day one!! Nintendo cant keep getting away with this!!!

Nintendo are doing the right thing, charge what you can. Its up to the buyers if they buy it at that price.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
This was expected for some time, but the package Nintendo presented feels half-hearted and incomplete. Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario 3D World are the obvious omissions, although the latter has also been announced as a standalone release. This raises the obvious question as to why the other titles weren't also released separately. It's possible that may happen sometime next year. The "limited release" that conveniently ends with the fiscal year is a clear tell.

Another big question is whether these titles will be rebuilt from the ground up to take advantage of Switch's hardware power, or if these will be the original games run through an emulator. Given that we're talking about Nintendo, I'd bet on the latter. I'm still slightly miffed that they dumped the Super NES Super Mario All-Stars onto a Wii disc instead of recreating those titles with the NSMB engine, which would have been fan-freaking-tastic.

I really don't want to play Super Mario 64 on a N64 emulator. I'd much rather play it running on the Mario Odyssey engine. Wouldn't you? The weird thing is that NIntendo would clearly make more money if they followed that route. Being arrogant cheapskates only hurts them in the long run. Then again, half the Switch library consists of reissues of older titles, all of which became big hits. So it's not like Nintendo is being cheap for no reason.

If history is any guide, we are now at the point where Nintendo's superstar game designers are becoming bored with their console and want to move on to the next machine. The problem is that console generations are becoming longer and longer, as hardware power reaches a plateau and videogames look perfect in the eyes of most consumers. There's no "next generation" comparable to past eras like Gen-4 and Gen-5. If your company is used to running by a big checklist, that's going to be a problem. Sooner or later, you'll be expected to come up with new songs, and the truth is that you've been coasting on your old hits for years. You've become the band that plays two nights at the state fair, blasting out "Freebird" for the ten-millionth time, and then slacks off at home for the rest of the year.


Gold Member
I already drove down the road to gamestop and preordered a copy, but still...this is just stupid.

I am sure you have your reasons for going there, but I implore you to consider other, safer, more customer-friendly options.
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I am sure you have your reasons for going there, but I implore you to consider other, safer, more customer-friendly options.
It’s mostly cuz it’s like right across the road from me, and I’m friendly with the people who work there.

there have been situations where they haven’t had games I preordered sent to them, and the manager who personally go to another store for me and get it and give me a discount.


Who wants to play Sunshine and Mario 64 again? lol

I never played Galaxy so I will wait until they do the duo pack with Galaxy 2. Obviously it's coming at full price next year. Nintendo are smart.


I really don't want to play Super Mario 64 on a N64 emulator. I'd much rather play it running on the Mario Odyssey engine. Wouldn't you? The weird thing is that NIntendo would clearly make more money if they followed that route. Being arrogant cheapskates only hurts them in the long run. Then again, half the Switch library consists of reissues of older titles, all of which became big hits. So it's not like Nintendo is being cheap for no reason.
No. Why would Nintendo waste their time remaking SM64 with a new engine. I would prefer they just make a new game.

this collection doesn’t bother me, but I’m not obsessed with complaining about Nintendo like a lot of people are. It’s 20 bucks each for a port of a amazing game(at least in 64 and Galaxy’s case, can’t speak for sunshine), expensive but not obscene.


Dont buy it? Feels simple.
Personally i like options so to wish we had less choices feels odd?
Because it's not that simple? People still would like to play the games, but they would like a higher quality product. Why is that such a hard to understand concept?

They're basically being emulated, and games like Super Mario 64 have been available to buy in multiple forms on literally every console of Nintendo since the Wii. A lot cheaper too. At this point, people were hoping they were doing something a little more elaborate with it for their big "35th anniversary".

Especially when you call it 3D All Stars, which implies a connection to the original All Stars, which was a remake of 4 games.


Lot of Low Effort posts from Saddos who apparently built up some dream release in their COVID addled brains and are sad that they only made half their wishes come true
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Anyone mad you can't buy Super Mario All-Stars on the shop?
Very much so. I hate the SNES and NES libraries being tied to stupid Switch Online. I have it at the moment, but some day...I'm not gonna wanna pay for it. I would have preferred another physical release, even something low effort like the one they put out on the Wii would have been nice.
I went to bed at 7am, and I wake up and all hell has broken loose lol.

What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo? this FOMO shit is ridiculous. I already drove down the road to gamestop and preordered a copy, but still...this is just stupid.

Also...this collection seems lazy compared to the previous comments I read. This is not an "all stars" collection, this is a bunch of ports. Super Mario All Stars on SNES had redone graphics, which is what I felt like early buzz implied, at least for some of these games. Super Mario 64 especially could use it. But nope...same ol, same ol. Not even a remaster of the Super Mario 64 DS version, which is what I would have preferred, because it had more content, but is hampered by the shit controls. Lazy cash grab by Nintendo.

Still gonna buy it of course, but just wanted to vent a bit.
"THIS IS STUPID AND LAZY! Here's my money, Nintendo." That'll show them?

But they are upscaling the graphics to HD (960x720 for 64 and 1920x1080 for Sunshine and Galaxy) so at $20 per game it seems fair enough, in my opinion.
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Hmmm.. I was going to buy this later on, but hearing limited run, I just pre-ordered it. I wonder why they decided to do the limited run though? :/

And, yes - I enjoyed Sunshine. It was hard and often frustrating - but I also 100% collected all the stars and all on GC. Hope it is 1080p & locked 60fps - as I think original GC version was about 30fps? And while I didn't mind Galaxy's SD gfx, it would be glorious to see in full 1080p. :D

Codes 208

Gold Member
I already drove down the road to gamestop and preordered a copy, but still...this is just stupid.
I didn’t even consider GameStop would be taking pre-orders due to it being limited and having only a couple shipments.

so I went to my GameStop and nabbed a pre-order as well.

Codes 208

Gold Member
I noticed this video. Looks like the resolution, framerate, AA and certain assets (like the 2d texture effects, like Mario’s eyes, in sm64) have been increased considerably. I wouldn’t be surprised if all three games ran 1080p (with sm64 running the general equivalent at 4:3)
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I noticed this video. Looks like the resolution, framerate, AA and certain assets (like the 2d texture effects, like Mario’s eyes, in sm64) have been increased considerably. I wouldn’t be surprised if all three games ran 1080p (with sm64 running the general equivalent at 4:3)

Yeah, it was confirmed. These are the updated resolutions:

Super Mario 64
  • TV Mode: 960×720
  • Table Mode / Handheld Mode: 960×720
Super Mario Sunshine
  • TV Mode: 1920×1080
  • Table Mode / Handheld Mode: 1280×720
Super Mario Galaxy
  • TV Mode: 1920×1080
  • Table Mode / Handheld Mode: 1280×720


Already pre-ordered. Still have the original games and systems(WiiU no more Wii for galaxy)so it'll be fun to do a comparison.

Codes 208

Gold Member
Yeah, it was confirmed. These are the updated resolutions:

Super Mario 64
  • TV Mode: 960×720
  • Table Mode / Handheld Mode: 960×720
Super Mario Sunshine
  • TV Mode: 1920×1080
  • Table Mode / Handheld Mode: 1280×720
Super Mario Galaxy
  • TV Mode: 1920×1080
  • Table Mode / Handheld Mode: 1280×720
I can live with this.
Nintendo has a history of releasing the games as-is (the Eshop version of SM64 for example is at the og resolution of 240p) and even the tablet mode runs a higher resoltuon than sunshine’s/galaxy’s 480p

and in the video I didn’t notice any stuttering, especially at parts where the gamecube had issues so the framerate looks pretty solid
Was Sunshine native 4:3 on the GC or did it have a 16:9 option as well? (I remember some GC games having that option unless I'm wrong)

Codes 208

Gold Member
Was Sunshine native 4:3 on the GC or did it have a 16:9 option as well? (I remember some GC games having that option unless I'm wrong)
I believe it was a static 4:3 (though it was 480p) widescreen support wasn’t really implemented heavily until the Wii.
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It was a fun game. It didn’t feel as epic as Mario 64 to me at the time. My biggest complaint was the camera. I’m sure that as people play it, that complaint will arise again since it likely hasn’t been touched.

Adding a blue coin counter and what stage/shine you missed them in would be a huge QoL addition.


Also noticed that you NEED detached joy cons to play on the SWITCH LITE

It’s very confusing but I think what’s going on with the asterisked bit is: if you want to play with Joy-cons and you own a Lite, you’ll have to buy some Joy-cons. It’s not saying you can’t play Galaxy on the Lite otherwise.


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I'm kinda disapointed about two things. Why the fu** Mario 64 look like that... it would be so much more interessting to have a full remake like Spyro or crash (don't even talk about the price) and where is Galaxy 2 ???

Still happy to be able to play Galaxy with a real controller though


Nintendo truly are the most rotten company out of the big three. Fucking pathetic they get a pass for this bullshit just cus they make childish comfort food games made for brainlets


This has to be more than being lazy right? I know this year is messed up, but this is such a lazy cash grab. It will sell millions regardless. But really, very little work went into this collection. This is starting to remind me of 2010 and Nintendo pulling away from the Wii..
Limited sale, why ? Just why ?...
Prediction: they are going to sell them individually after the initial period. Mario64 will be 19.99, Sunshine and Galaxy will be 29.99.

Really is too bad this seems to be about as low effort as possible. Is this the big game for the switch this holiday? Is there another game they're going to reveal next month? I hope so. Nintendo's output has been pretty shitty this year


I hope the camera movement controls have been update in mario 64, they can be limited in movement and range, particularly indoors.


Put my preorder in. Looking forward to chilling with Sunshine. It's got it's flaws but man, I love the vibe of that game. After that I'll probably just do some 1:38 64 speed runs for a laugh.


Prediction: they are going to sell them individually after the initial period. Mario64 will be 19.99, Sunshine and Galaxy will be 29.99.

Really is too bad this seems to be about as low effort as possible. Is this the big game for the switch this holiday? Is there another game they're going to reveal next month? I hope so. Nintendo's output has been pretty shitty this year

They’ve got Pikimin 3 and the Mario’s lol all ports

They already made such an insane killing off Animal Crossing you can see they give zero fucks about the holiday 🤣


My friend who is a Nintendo fanboy who hates Sony wants all Sony losers to be reminded that Nintendo is the richest company in Japan. And that all PlayStation games get discounted to $10 within a year of release. And that Nintendo games are fun and spark joy, therefore they retain their value.

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