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Super Mario 3d All Stars coming this September 18th Until March 31st


My friend who is a Nintendo fanboy who hates Sony wants all Sony losers to be reminded that Nintendo is the richest company in Japan. And that all PlayStation games get discounted to $10 within a year of release. And that Nintendo games are fun and spark joy, therefore they retain their value.

Thanks Clarissa



Hmmm.. I was going to buy this later on, but hearing limited run, I just pre-ordered it. I wonder why they decided to do the limited run though? :/

It's not just limited physically either. They won't sell the game digitally either after March.

It's how Nintendo uses their titles carefully to keep their value high. With these games no longer for sale after a certain time, they can use them again and they'll still be valued highly.

It reminds me of how Disney used to treat their movies on VHS. Release them for a limited time and put them back into the "Disney vault".


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Game looks really great. But why does Nintendo ony release this games for a limited time it makes no sense.
My friend who is a Nintendo fanboy who hates Sony wants all Sony losers to be reminded that Nintendo is the richest company in Japan. And that all PlayStation games get discounted to $10 within a year of release. And that Nintendo games are fun and spark joy, therefore they retain their value.

No, reason why Nintendo games wont get discounts is because Nintendo is greediest company of the three, and also that gives them so much money which leads into richest company of japan.

And why they sell? Because they have been making so slow/bad hardware for years that any other kind of games than their childish mario&friends-style of games just dont work on the system, which leads into situation where there is only like 5-10 "quality" games to choose from, and then those same games sell year after year.

Mario odyssey were literally the most depressing and anxiety causing game I have played in 10 years, somehow it just felt like someone had robbed my childhood, raped it and this game were the depressing mutant child of those. Which is weird as it should be the best game ever, but I just hated it, repetitive and boring + somehow so empty/shallow like most of mario games are.

This collection sounds worth of getting in collector sense + could become expensive item if it is really limited run, also that game&watch mario system looks really nice, and old 2d marios are much better than any 3D ones.

My opinion is that mario as in concept just dont have enough meat over its bones to be more than what 1,2,3, world + world2 offered. when they become 3D games it just made them feel wrong and shallow


Gold Member
I imagine Nintendo executives driving around with those brass balls dangling from their trailer hitch. Im a fan of their games, but come on. Freaking Activision did a remake trilogy for Crash for less.


I imagine Nintendo executives driving around with those brass balls dangling from their trailer hitch. Im a fan of their games, but come on. Freaking Activision did a remake trilogy for Crash for less.
Crash isn't Mario. Crash was basically dead before the remake, he was worthless unless they did something big.

Like it or not, Mario is a big and valuable IP that doesn't need a full remake compilation at a cheap price to get attention and ship units.


Already preordered for my collection (and perhaps a sealed investment to cash in later on), and will also buy the digital version for my kid to actually play.

Any word about special packaging, or pack ins like a coin or something for the physical release?


Gold Member
Crash isn't Mario. Crash was basically dead before the remake, he was worthless unless they did something big.

Like it or not, Mario is a big and valuable IP that doesn't need a full remake compilation at a cheap price to get attention and ship units.
More power to you if you're cool with bare minimum. Nintendo is one of the biggest developers in the world, surely they could have put more into this collection. Im not going to brush it off just because its Nintendo, nobody would be defending this if it were Microsoft/Sony or any other big time publishers.

Nintendo proving once again that profitability is their number 1-2-3 goals over anything else.


Prediction: they are going to sell them individually after the initial period. Mario64 will be 19.99, Sunshine and Galaxy will be 29.99.

Really is too bad this seems to be about as low effort as possible. Is this the big game for the switch this holiday? Is there another game they're going to reveal next month? I hope so. Nintendo's output has been pretty shitty this year

Im hoping that’s the case, because if they do, then they’d almost certainly release Galaxy 2 with those.


Game looks really great. But why does Nintendo ony release this games for a limited time it makes no sense.

Because they know how to do whatever it takes to keep their value high. It sucks, but stuff like this helps them charge 2 to 3 times what competitors are charging.

Maybe they'll sell them individually layer at $30 each. Maybe they'll make a N64 or GC mini and think they'll sell better. Or use Mario 64 to push more online subscriptions with an eventual N64 app on Switch. Maybe they don't know yet, but want these in their backpocket.

A limited release now could mean demand for these games years from now is actually even higher than it is now.
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Doesn't Switch have digital triggers like most recent Nintendo controller stuff? How will fludd work nicely?

It'll be a worse experience.

And with Sunshine, that's saying something

Nintendo proving once again that profitability is their number 1-2-3 goals over anything else.

Unless you think they've done something illegal or unethical, this is a weird criticism of any business.
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Gold Member
If i preorder the digital version today is the preload already available? If not, does the system automatically download it once it is (after i bought it)?


Unless you think they've done something illegal or unethical, this is a weird criticism of any business.
No it's not. Imagine you hire a contractor to re-roof your house and they prioritize profit over quality. Will you be like 'oh well, they are supposed to care first about profit'?
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No it's not. Imagine you hire a contractor to re-roof your house and they prioritize profit over quality. Will you be like 'oh well, they are supposed to care first about profit'?

Well that seems unethical -- a poorly-finished roof will cause the customer problems down the line. What's unethical about 3D All-Stars?


Well that seems unethical -- a poorly-finished roof will cause the customer problems down the line. What's unethical about 3D All-Stars?
Just the artificial scarcity in my opinion but you can't straight up say 'a business should always prioritize profit' because that's just not reality. A business that doesn't care about their customers and/or quality will eventually gain a nasty reputation and won't survive.

I think it's harmful for consumers to be so anti-consumer by putting a corporations profit before consumer interests.


Just the artificial scarcity in my opinion

I think the guy I quoted was criticizing the quality of the ports rather than the limited release. I can't really view either as unethical: one is a matter of anticipated return on investment (and Nintendo did make improvements); the other is a promotional gimmick that we see all the time.


I think the guy I quoted was criticizing the quality of the ports rather than the limited release. I can't really view either as unethical: one is a matter of anticipated return on investment (and Nintendo did make improvements); the other is a promotional gimmick that we see all the time.

Artificial scarcity is ok because it happens all the time?


I wonder if it's limited because they will release remasters of the games next year. And we all buy the games twice.


Gold Member
Yes, that's called running a business.
Haven't stopped other publishers from both giving more and making healthy profits. I guess those standards only apply to everybody but Nintendo.

I wish we could go back to the time when gamers cared more about their own financials, rather than a mega corp. This cancer of coporate cheerleading/appolgists thinking has to swing back to reality sooner rather than later.


Big disappointment: No M64 widescreen
Medium disappointment: Sunshine and 64 still at 30fps
Minor disappointment: No mention of Metroid Prime 4


Haven't stopped other publishers from both giving more and making healthy profits. I guess those standards only apply to everybody but Nintendo.

I wish we could go back to the time when gamers cared more about their own financials, rather than a mega corp. This cancer of coporate cheerleading/appolgists thinking has to swing back to reality sooner rather than later.

What I want and what I expect are not the same thing. A business should operate in the manner that ensures the most profit over the long-term.

Now, if they want to go against that to give me more stuff and take less money, I'll be happy. Demanding that is just being ignorant in the ways the world works


Screams "market test"...at least to me.

You just answered your own question, it's a tactic to make you preorder :)

Well, I guess I am the sucker then.. lol.
I have bought original 3DS at full launch price too. ($249) ... at least they gave out those Ambassador VC games, but still.... ;)

Maybe next time, I won't be so gullible... (looks at George McFly...)


Gold Member
What I want and what I expect are not the same thing. A business should operate in the manner that ensures the most profit over the long-term.

Now, if they want to go against that to give me more stuff and take less money, I'll be happy. Demanding that is just being ignorant in the ways the world works
I get that. Nintendo can do both is what im saying. Out of the big three console makers, you get less while paying the same or more compared to the others. And doing long-term profit schemes doesn't shield you from criticism.



I don't have the technical know-how to assess this; but it seems to me getting older games to run at 60fps is essentially a hack since everything was scripted according to the target frame rate at the time. I'm at least fairly sure this is the case for Mario 64, and less sure about Sunshine. Point being, I think that kind of modification represents a line Nintendo is philosophically unwilling to cross with its own games.

Edit: yeah, see https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2015/02/07/game-modification-60-fps-hacks/

Secondly, a small game patch is applied. This actually makes the gameplay run half speed at 30 FPS. Thirdly, Dolphin's audio timings are modified to run at half speed; so the game also sounds normal at double speed.
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I get that. Nintendo can do both is what im saying. Out of the big three console makers, you get less while paying the same or more compared to the others. And doing long-term profit schemes doesn't shield you from criticism.

Yeah, but don't you think Sony and MS wished their games sold for $60 instead of $20 several years after release?
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