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The All-Star Break is over! The NEW MLB Thread - This half we get stickied for sure!

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goddamit, Griese!
I was hoping Dotel was gonna blow it in the 9th there =p

we're 1-14 in the colliseum in our last 15 games there. can you say owned?


a paper in arizona is saying that randy only wants to go to the yanks and gammons said that he would either go to the yanks or the cardinals but the cards cant afford him.
Joe said:
cards cant afford him.


All we need now is that cubs somehow fuck up the deal and Steinbrenner to be the evil man that he is and take him out of the NL, away from my ()&*%(& astros.


One of these days the FOX is going to refuse to air the world series if the yanks are in it.... I'm sick and tired of seeing them in the world series. Yankees are ratings killers... unless they are playing the Red Sox.


Yankees swallow.

But how bout My BRAVES, BITCHES?


"Hello, I'm Marcus Giles. I have the power of flight, and also the ability to single-handedly will this team to a 13th straight Division Title only to lose in the first or second round of playoffs. Sucks to be you, Philly!"


Mashing said:
One of these days the FOX is going to refuse to air the world series if the yanks are in it.... I'm sick and tired of seeing them in the world series. Yankees are ratings killers... unless they are playing the Red Sox.

yes, people hate the yankees. which is exactly why they break records where ever they play.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Joe said:
yes, people hate the yankees. which is exactly why they break records where ever they play.

If you build it....the sheep will come.


Raoul Duke said:
"Hello, I'm Marcus Giles. I have the power of flight, and also the ability to single-handedly will this team to a 13th straight Division Title only to lose in the first or second round of playoffs. Sucks to be you, Philly!"


It's true.


goddamit, Griese!
hahahaha, poor Matt Clement. Only run support he gets are what he drives in himself.

man would I be pissed if I were him. now come STL, get another win tonight...


Eminem said:
haha, no chance. We(Chi Sox) haven't even played you guys yet. I still find that ridiculous that we haven't played a division opponent over halfway into the season.
But yeah, we'll mop the floor with your pitching.

I'm not too sure about that. Detroit had like 25% of their wins last year from us, even though they had a much crappier team. I'm a bit worried, to be honest.

I think this series against Oakland right now will prove whether or not we're still the same old underachievers or if Ozzie really has changed things around. 1-14 in Oakland in the last 15 games? Please.


goddamit, Griese!
joe250 said:
I'm not too sure about that. Detroit had like 25% of their wins last year from us, even though they had a much crappier team. I'm a bit worried, to be honest.

I think this series against Oakland right now will prove whether or not we're still the same old underachievers or if Ozzie really has changed things around. 1-14 in Oakland in the last 15 games? Please.

Man, Loaiza got screwed against Detroit last year. Simply screwed.
Again, not looking good in Oakland right now....though it's only in the 3rd. I don't know what it is about the A's that we can't beat =\


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH THIS STROS TEAM STILL SUCKS MY ARSE! 5-0 padres so far and the stros cant even get one run....they're the masters of singles and stranding runners now.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
What a joke..bases loaded and no outs and they cant even get a run in :|


Matrix said:
What a joke..bases loaded and no outs and they cant even get a run in :|


I turn the TV on and I see bases loaded...bagwell up.

I'm like...time for a turn around! LET'S GO HOUSTON!

....then he fucking pops up (or Ks, who cares now)

Everett...needs to hit the weight room...:(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Its time they either sit Bags or trade him *not sure anyone would want his old ass* If the Rockets can get rid of Hakeem *who actually won something for us*,the Stros can do the same,imo.

Also Brad isnt calling great games anymore or thowing runners out.He also happens to be one of the worst hitters to ever grace the game,so give Chavez a chance to start everygame Garner..It cant be any worse.


Matrix said:
Its time they either sit Bags or trade him *not sure anyone would want his old ass* If the Rockets can get rid of Hakeem *who actually won something for us*,the Stros can do the same,imo.

Also Brad isnt calling great games anymore or thowing runners out.He also happens to be one of the worst hitters to ever grace the game,so give Chavez a chance to start everygame Garner..It cant be any worse.

Sit bags, no one would ever trade for him.

1B - Vizcaino
2B - Biggio
3B - Kent (Fuck you, I don't care what you want)
SS - Everett
CF - Beltran
RF - Lane
LF - Berkman
C - Ausmus catches for Clemens/Oswalt/alt. Munro starts
- Chavez catches for Miller/Pettitte/alt. Munro starts

1. Oswalt/Ausmus
2. Clemens/Ausmus
3. Pettitte/Chavez
4. Miller/Chavez
5. Munro/Ausmus
6. Oswalt/Ausmus
7. Clemens/Ausmus
8. Pettitte/Chavez
9. Miller/Chavez
10. Munro/Chavez
11. Oswalt/Ausmus
12. Clemens/Ausmus
13. Pettitte/Chavez
14. Miller/Chavez
15. Munro/Ausmus
16. Oswalt/Ausmus
17. Clemens/Ausmus
18. Pettitte/Chavez
19. Miller/Chavez
20. Munro/Chavez

1 - Oswalt
2 - Clemens
3 - Pettitte
4 - Miller
5 - Munro
Bagwell/Ensberg/Lamb available to play 1B/3B
Palmeiro backup OF
Possibly bring up Chris Burke or Willie Taveras


It's a good thing the Stros got Phil Garner in there instead of Jimy Williams! Look at how well the team has responded!!!

And your head coach for the 2005 Houston Astros, GRADY LITTLE!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
It's a good thing the Stros got Phil Garner in there instead of Jimy Williams! Look at how well the team has responded!!!

And your head coach for the 2005 Houston Astros, GRADY LITTLE!

WTF he's coached one game and had one pratice with the team...ALL THE BLAME IS ON THESE SORRY ASS PLAYERS!

PS...Little isnt coming to Htown you douche baby bear fan :p
PSS - your teams sucks much ass too


Mrbob said:
It's a good thing the Stros got Phil Garner in there instead of Jimy Williams! Look at how well the team has responded!!!

And your head coach for the 2005 Houston Astros, GRADY LITTLE!

You can't undo 2 1/2 years of Jimy-isms in 1 day.
Hell, it took Boston til last year to get anywhere since Jimy left.

Phil will get them going. ....

Phil...Phil Phil Phil...Phil Phil Phil
Phil...Phil Phil Phil...Phil Phil Phil
Phil...Phil Phil Phil...Phil Phil Phil
Phil...Phil Phil Phil...Phil Phil Phil

Phil's the man...going to work...
Got his ball, got his fungo...
Was retired, but now he's back on his feet...
Just a man...and his will to keep the Astros alive....

Phil's the man of the hour...
He's the king of his clubhouse.
Rising up to the challenge of Jimy-isms....
He's the last known good Astros, Can he change back this team?
He knows one day he's up to become....World Series champion...


Dusty the Blow(outyourarm)man...had a very healthy staff...
With Wood's fastballs and Prior's nasty curves...and Zambrano with an arm of stone.....
Down to Chicago...came Dusty to coach the Cubs....
Now they tear their muscles and sneeze out their backs...
All the while the Cubs fans cry....


Cubs fans cry tears of joy.....knowing that this has been a disastaer of a season injury wise....Dustiny has fought through it all...with the leadership of this great man he has lead us through troubled times nearly unscathed only a game out of the wildcard....dustiny is here to stay and lead to the promised land shall he.....amen.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
It's official,Miguel has gone crazy :(


Barry Zito went 7 innings allowing 1 run today, last Sunday he went 8 allowing 2. Can we say he's back?!

A's are undefeated after the break, holy crap!!!!


goddamit, Griese!
Mrbob said:
Cubs fans cry tears of joy.....knowing that this has been a disastaer of a season injury wise....Dustiny has fought through it all...with the leadership of this great man he has lead us through troubled times nearly unscathed only a game out of the wildcard....dustiny is here to stay and lead to the promised land shall he.....amen.

LMAO. lead them through troubled times? He caused all the goddamn injuries because his dumbass overworked all his pitchers. All he's doing is trying to avoid single handedly ruining the Cubs season. And right now he's failing at that.


ConfusingJazz said:
So...um....your mother is still a whore!

He's just jealous that soon his Reds will be below the Astros, and that his Sonics finished well below .500...and his Redskins will fall even further in the NL East. While the Texans can only go up.


Until now I've been a huge Carlos Delgado fan. But if he won't let us trade him to a contender (I'm not sure what he's thinking), in exchange for some younger talent in return, I will be very unhappy. He's saying that he wants to stay a jay....this year. But we don't need him around if he's just going to bolt after this season. We can't get in the playoffs this year, so let's get something for him.


pixelated said:
sigh I'm glad I'm not wasting anytime watching the stros anymore.... but doesnt bags have a no trade clause

I wish no trade clauses would cancel each other out....

Bagwell for Delgado. D:


Except that one of those players has talent :p

Much as it pains me to watch a team (continue to) rebuild....We should trade him for young pitchers or some good prospects.


Eminem said:
Man, Loaiza got screwed against Detroit last year. Simply screwed.
Again, not looking good in Oakland right now....though it's only in the 3rd. I don't know what it is about the A's that we can't beat =\

He sure did get screwed - if I remember correctly I think he lost like 2 games against Detroit 1-0. Cost him the Cy Young.

Same old story against Oakland last night. We just can't hit there, or really anywhere lately. Thank god the Twins keep losing.

Thomas out 8 weeks - we're gonna have to pick up another bat real soon.


goddamit, Griese!
yeah, twins drop two in a row to KC, lol.

Yeah, Thomas out for 8 hurts. Hopefully Borchard starts adjusting soon. He showed power in the minors. Hopefully he can bring it to the majors as well.
WILLIE MO! Now hitting .290 with 12 homers. He hasn't even begun to untap his power either. Almost all his bombs are line drives.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Read these words and always remember them...

The Cubs will not make the playoffs this year and they will never ever win a championship while any of us are alive.

Past history shows us that the Stros and Cubs are two of the saddest fucking teams in all of baseball...this is fact.

I'm selling my astros/mets tickets as soon as possible,I'm sick of watching the stros fail over and over.Even if they somehow win the wildcard *pfft yea right* they would be knocked out of the first round like usual due to the fact they cant hit for shit when pressure is on them and in this seasons case even in a regular game.Now the starting pitching is going to shit,its a fucking joke and if I were Mclane I would trade the whole team except for maybe 4 players.

As for the Cubs...your fucking manager is a joke *just like the stros*,your pitching is solid,but goddamn Dusty will ruin all of them before their careers are over.Your hitting is just as shitty as the stros right now and lets face the truth here..they're not playing up to the standards you Cubs fans have put on them and if I were you I would start looking forward to next season.Talk all the shit you want about the Stros cause in the long run it wont matter,both of our teams are going nowhere fast this season.

PS- You pitched like utter shit Douchewalt >_<


The Cubs are the only team in the Central who havent had their string of lucky wins yet. The Cards started a losing streak today, as far I'm concerned. The playoffs are ours, whether we limp there or not.


Yeah but if the Cubs fall short of the playoffs I can pull out the injury card. :p But I won't have too because THEY ARE WINNING THE CENTRAL! RAMIREZ IS BACK TOMMORROW, PRIOR IS GONNA BE OK WOOOO!

What can you pull out? The underachieving card?! :D


R. Ordonez ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 .164

Please, get Gonzalez back, trade for Garciaparra, put Grudz at short, anything!!! How can Dusty possibly be batting him second?!?! The whole point of the top two spots is to get on for the home runs, instead all we get are solo shots.
You know a team has hit rock bottom when a rookie named Bucky Jacobsen is scoring all your runs. For a while I was able to seek comfort in the fact the Astros had assembled a World Series-caliber team, but they're almost as big of a joke as my Mariners now. :(
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