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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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Hey guys Jamaican reporting in, seeing as I have been to US a few times (actually currently there now) there are a few things that I am still unable to understand one of them is why are some folks saying its not Politically Correct to say Black guy?

I ask this because I got stop by the police once for riding without a light on my bicycle and when I told her I was Jamaican about roughly 5 second later I hear her calling in and reporting me as an African American which I found ridiculous lol when I ask some of my white coworkers they told me saying "Black" is frowned upon.

we live in an era where whites are afraid to say Black but wanna say nigga so bad



So you gonna come ridin on Jandro eh?




So. Made a doctor's appointment so I can get the needed antibiotics to kill this infection. Still feverish and weak with no appetite. I've ate like once since Thursday.


So. Made a doctor's appointment so I can get the needed antibiotics to kill this infection. Still feverish and weak with no appetite. I've ate like once since Thursday.

Are you at least keeping up your fluid intake? If not, please try and force something down.
So, I watched Outcast since some of you were talking about it being good/crazy. Have you guys who were talking about it ever actually seen the Exorcist? Outcast just re-uses setups and scenes from that, but less gross, less vulgar, less terrifying, less crazy, less everything. It adds in some family abuse stuff, but that's about it. I liked the lead, and a couple of the characters, though.


I don't know, I really liked that first episode, i'm not claiming originality but for what it's going for I thought it well executed. The set up of the lead looking like a complete maniac and a huge family abusing monster is interesting.


also hersheys cocoa powder is straight booty ass.

fuck hershey fucking up my goddamn motherfuckin cake i will kill a nigga

Trader joes has the best cocoa powder.

So, I watched Outcast since some of you were talking about it being good/crazy. Have you guys who were talking about it ever actually seen the Exorcist? Outcast just re-uses setups and scenes from that, but less gross, less vulgar, less terrifying, less crazy, less everything. It adds in some family abuse stuff, but that's about it. I liked the lead, and a couple of the characters, though.

I always found the Exorcist boring af. Like I love slow atmospheric horror movies, but I didn't see a point for most of the movie.


its a good movie to keep people from having kids. the car scene only seals it.

Awwws I liked him.
This little nigga pushed the girl out of the tree house for bullying him for not having a dad: cool

Yelling at the mom and blaming her for your dad dying: Nah nigga, get out

The constant screaming: no

I really don't like him

This movie also got me legit shook, thank god it's broad daylight outside
I don't know, I really liked that first episode, i'm not claiming originality but for what it's going for I thought it well executed. The set up of the lead looking like a complete maniac and a huge family abusing monster is interesting.

I don't hate Outcast at all; it just feels kind of neutered. I just wasn't wowed like everyone else yet. That can change in later episodes, though. The Exorcist comparison is mainly like-
you've got the older priest and younger man duo, you've got the demon in a child trying to toy with them, you've got the demon contorting the child's body except far less dramatically and creepily (I'm a wuss but that contortion scene in the movie made me put that movie away for a while), and you've got the slime/sucking essence visual that's kinda similar.

What Outcast is missing is the most horrific and disturbing and sickening element of possession fiction, which is that the demon violates the host's body. Right now the show has nothing new to offer, outside of the abuse angle, but I'm interested to see where it goes. It's obvious it wants to go to new territory.
On that Frank Nero verdict (Freddie Grey): Of course the white cop was found not guilty. Mark my words, if any of those cops are found guilty, it'll be the black ones. Especially the driver.


the lawyer's statement was interesting though. and even though it started with the white cops and their version of "general policing" they're not going to put that under indictment. (even though the eyes of 'true justice' might take it into consideration anyway). they arrested him and roughed him up, but the 'story' is that the ride injured him. unless they were going to push that he was already mortally wounded when they put him in the van, the arresting officers would probably only get snagged on something if they lied to cover anything up. and that may still bear out in the other trials I'm guessing.


Steve on AMerica Dad is doing a cover of Trapped in the closet.

On that Frank Nero verdict (Freddie Grey): Of course the white cop was found not guilty. Mark my words, if any of those cops are found guilty, it'll be the black ones. Especially the driver.

That blue wall only extends so far


Draymond really got away with it huh, GSW slowly approaching Patriots status to me.

I hate the Pats

He's one more flagrant foul from getting an auto-suspension, anyway, so he's really going to have to toe the line for the rest of GSW's post-season run. Hope he learns from it, but I don't see losing $25k being much to a guy like him now.
So. Made a doctor's appointment so I can get the needed antibiotics to kill this infection. Still feverish and weak with no appetite. I've ate like once since Thursday.

I feel for you bruh, this ear infection is still kicking my ass. I got antibiotics, pain meds, ear drops, sudafed, and shit keeps coming back like the 2014 Seahawks in the 4th Qtr. I had to stop getting prescribed anti biotics due to the bacteria potentially becoming resistant to them. I'm trying to schedule an appointment with a specialist.


Gotham was even better than usual tonight, best foot forward for the season finale. We in that Hush territory now.

We got that Croc.
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