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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


a Master Ninja said:
I tried to buy "The Orrery", but the download keeps failing.

Yeah, I felt like firing up Oblivion earlier and the same thing kept happening to me.

I wish I'd stop deleting DLC from my HDD. Every time I consider doing so I manage to convince myself that I'll never play the game again.


a Master Ninja said:
I tried to buy "The Orrery", but the download keeps failing.

I have the same problem, I also can't download The Wizard's Tower either. I'll try again tomorrow and if it still doesn't work I'll have to find someone to complain to.
Deathcraze said:
I have the same problem, I also can't download The Wizard's Tower either. I'll try again tomorrow and if it still doesn't work I'll have to find someone to complain to.

How long is this sale on for? I'm hesitant to buy anymore while this is borked, but I also don't wanna miss out on the deal.


Son of Godzilla said:
Is any of the DLC worth buying?

The Wizard's Tower features its own spellmaking and enchanting altars, as well as a device with which an Atronach familiar scripted to follow the player around and provide aid can be created. Also included are nodes allowing teleportation to all the Mages Guild halls.

Oh yeah, and a nice view from the top.


Can't believe I never bought the Fighter's Stronghold, but that DID come out kind of stealth-like. I wouldn't mind a large castle to own for my lower level characters. For literally, what?, a dollar or even less? I'll buy that.

Speaking of which, I've been nostalgic over this thread and re-read the first 45 pages of it. :lol


I'll just post this here again since I didn't get an answer in the other thread:

So despite hating Oblivion when I played it on release, I'm thinking about playing it again on the 360. What I want to know is: is there actually a way to build a character where I won't have to babysit his skills all the time to ensure that I'm not under/overlevelled stat-wise for my actual level? I don't want to have to think about that stuff while I'm playing...


Zeouterlimits said:
I hope that if some poor ignorant idiot buys it that he/she will be refunded...

it's not like it's against the law to raise prices, whether it is for a joke or not

that said, maybe they would.. i doubt it though


Doodlebug said:
Anyone still having problems while attempting to download DLC, specifically The Wizard's Tower and The Orrery?

Glad I'm not the only one. I can't download the Fighter's Stronghold. It was my last piece of DLC to buy, but for some reason I kept forgetting about it (I had moved on to WoW after Shivering Isles).

It just gets to 1% and stops.

I thought it was my connection, but right afterward I downloaded Dish Washer Samurai.


Doodlebug said:
Anyone still having problems while attempting to download DLC, specifically The Wizard's Tower and The Orrery?

I'm still having problems, made a post about on the official forums where some others are also having trouble but whether anyone reads it is another matter entirely.


Ledsen said:
I'll just post this here again since I didn't get an answer in the other thread:

So despite hating Oblivion when I played it on release, I'm thinking about playing it again on the 360. What I want to know is: is there actually a way to build a character where I won't have to babysit his skills all the time to ensure that I'm not under/overlevelled stat-wise for my actual level? I don't want to have to think about that stuff while I'm playing...

You don't want to think about stats while playing an RPG?


Tobor said:
You don't want to think about stats while playing an RPG?


I don't want to min/max powerlevel and babysit my stats, no, something you should not be required to do in any RPG.


Ledsen said:

I don't want to min/max powerlevel and babysit my stats, no, something you should not be required to do in any RPG.

And you don't have to do it in this game. At all. I never min/maxed my first time through and had no problems.


Tobor said:
And you don't have to do it in this game. At all. I never min/maxed my first time through and had no problems.

Well I know for a fact that if you don't choose your major skills carefully you run the risk of levelling too fast, getting crappy stat multipliers and not being able to keep up with the enemies at higher levels. That's why I'm asking if someone knows what skills are the safest to pick as majors, ie those that don't level up too fast or too slow. Of course this depends on ones playstyle, but there are still some skills that are safer to pick than others. This is all because of Bethesda's incredibly bad idea of rewarding you (with stat multipliers) for using your minor skills more than your major skills. Probably the most counterintuitive levelling system ever created.
Ledsen said:

I don't want to min/max powerlevel and babysit my stats, no, something you should not be required to do in any RPG.

I think my buddy just played with the difficulty slider. I'm a huge min/maxer myself so I couldn't tell you exactly.
Ledsen said:
Well I know for a fact that if you don't choose your major skills carefully you run the risk of levelling too fast, getting crappy stat multipliers and not being able to keep up with the enemies at higher levels. That's why I'm asking if someone knows what skills are the safest to pick as majors, ie those that don't level up too fast or too slow. Of course this depends on ones playstyle, but there are still some skills that are safer to pick than others. This is all because of Bethesda's incredibly bad idea of rewarding you (with stat multipliers) for using your minor skills more than your major skills. Probably the most counterintuitive levelling system ever created.

What I've done is have my character concept in mind, select the relevant major skills, and just play. So far it's worked out well. I think the trick is making sure to develop some supplementary skills and abilities...like Alchemy for Poisons. I kind of see it as a Guild Wars character build: you have two or three main skills, two or three support skills, and one or two utility skills.

In Oblivion, you use that concept for all of your Majors. For my Shadowstalker, my main skills were Block and Blade. My support skills were Alchemy, Athletics and Acrobatics. And my utility skills were Sneak and Security.

I don't think I ever had to babysit my stats, really. I just chose my concept and went with it.

Come to think of it...the character building reminds me a LOT of Guild Wars. Even down to how a pure combat character with no support skills is at a major disadvantage. I started a new Boxer class last week. Was supposed to be pure combat (Hand to Hand). I'm already seeing issues, and I've now started developing Alteration and Alchemy...and may ultimately pick up Blunt.

So I don't think absolute babysitting is necessary. I think if you just approach the game and character building in a very common sense kind of way, you'll be fine.
To you people that played FCOM, is it any good? I'm afraid that it will be cheesy, like 30 robbers attacking you all at once from all sides and you hack them all to pieces. Would you recommend it?


According to a member of the BethSoft forums, there are no longer any problems to be encountered when attempting to download the aforementioned Marketplace items.


+1 Bethesda for the Horse Armor price doubling :lol

I actually had 40pts left over and bought the Spell Tomes. I know I'll never use them but it was the only Oblivion DLC (besides the Armor of course) that I didn't have.


Melhisedek said:
To you people that played FCOM, is it any good? I'm afraid that it will be cheesy, like 30 robbers attacking you all at once from all sides and you hack them all to pieces. Would you recommend it?

Sounds interesting. I will look at it when I reinstall the game.


Doodlebug said:
According to a member of the BethSoft forums, there are no longer any problems to be encountered when attempting to download the aforementioned Marketplace items.

Thanks for the heads up, downloads are indeed working. Can't wait to get stuck in to all this content. :D


Found my CE copy last weekend and created a new character for the first time in two years. My last two TES characters were stealthy fighters: a Dark Elf "ninja" in Morrowind and an Imperial "Vampire Hunter" in Oblivion. My "main" is Benjamin, a master of Speechcraft, Sneak, Lockpicking, Acro, Athletics, Blade, and Light Armor.

So I decided after 2 years of playing a tank in a certain MMO I wanted to play a big, heavily armored warrior. I started a Nord Berserker, but old habits die hard. I still made him an expert in sneak and speechcraft as well as heavy armor, swords, blunt, athletics and acrobatics. I know I should have had block and armorer, but I'm a bad person.

Deathcraze said:
Thanks for the heads up, downloads are indeed working. Can't wait to get stuck in to all this content. :D

No doubt, I can't believe I missed the Stronghold. I used to be one of the more obsessed people in this thread (just look at my post count here). Family life kept me from Oblivion for a long time (and a newly found WoW habit).

But for old times sake I dusted off "Benjamin" and will be taking him to his huge new castle. :D


So I was walking in Best Buy and saw the PC GotY edition for 19.99. I bit. I think I'll enjoy it better this time now that I have accepted that this game will not play well with a controller.

Now. I'm trying to figure out what mods to install. Yeesh, what a mess it is. Anyway... I was looking around and found this

Bethesda said:
We're getting ready to do something else with Oblivion this year, because it is still selling and retailers still like it. If we weren't talking about that game, they'd only be focused on the [newer] things. But we stay on top it. I think that owes to our sales guys who stay on top of it and don't want to let it just die.

Read the rest of the interview here

Looks like it was a good decision to buy it again =)


Wouldn't surprise me; they recently posted on bethblog that the Xbox Live activity levels have come back up to late 2006 user numbers as of like a month ago.


I installed Oblivion to give it another shot with mods this time. What are good graphic mods so the game doesn't look so outdated?

I grabbed the Qarl's Texture Pack III, which improves buildings/rocks/dungeon textures and I'm grabbing FCOM tomorrow and doing the whole 2 hour install guide thing. Besides that should I get the Natural mod for lighting? What about for actual "people"? Are there mods that make NPCs look better? I figure FCOM will take care of good looking armor/weapons/monsters. So that just leaves lighting and people I think.
so what platform offers the best Oblivion experience?

I bought it on direct2drive a while back, but haven't played it on my PC yet.

I have a 360, PC, and PS3.
I prefer playing the game with a dualshock, but the PC version is the only one with mods and thus the definite version.

Take a look at the recommended mods before you start playing. A lot of people hate the default leveling system, so unless you're a veteran you probably want to replace it with something more dynamic. If you have a good computer you'll probably also want to install some texture upgrades.
JodyAnthony said:
so what platform offers the best Oblivion experience?

I bought it on direct2drive a while back, but haven't played it on my PC yet.

I have a 360, PC, and PS3.
If you already own it on PC then go with that, you get the benefit of custom mods also unlike the console versions.
JodyAnthony said:
so what platform offers the best Oblivion experience?

I bought it on direct2drive a while back, but haven't played it on my PC yet.

I have a 360, PC, and PS3.

PC, if you have some decent horsepower, offers the best experience, by a mile. The mod community has turned Oblivion into something awesome.

If you don't have a PC with enough oomph, go with the 360 version if you want every single bit of additional content. (The PS3 has the major one, the Knights of the Nine, built-in, and you can buy Shiverring Isles, but doesn't have smaller stuff like the Orrery, ect.) Go with the PS3 version if you want smoother play and slightly better graphics. But if the thought of never being able to open that one door in the Mage's Tower just burns at you, get the 360 version.

Either way you go, you'll probably have lots of fun if you like WRPGs.
a Master Ninja said:

And they actually did it!

:lol How did I miss this?


JodyAnthony said:
so what platform offers the best Oblivion experience?

I bought it on direct2drive a while back, but haven't played it on my PC yet.

I have a 360, PC, and PS3.

Having played both I would say PC if you're fine with keyboard and mouse controls. As long as you have a decent rig it will run better and you could use the many mods to enhance the gameplay. The gamepad support is horrible on the PC. If you want to use a pad then go console.

Best buy has the PC GotY edition for $19.99 if you can find it.


J-stiq says that Greg Keyes is writing some Elder Scrolls novels. It's them, so take it with a grain of salt, but cool if true.

The Elder Scrolls series is known for its large amount of in-game reading material. Oblivion and Morrowind both had dozens of books to read through when you weren't busy playing the games, a lot of which were based on the rich history and mythology of the Elder Scrolls universe. Bethesda has just announced that, starting this fall, you'll be able to find books based on the Elder Scrolls games in the real world, too.

These books are to be written by New York Times bestselling author Greg Keyes, who authored the Age of Unreason Tetrology and three Star Wars books in the New Jedi Order series. The first of the two Elder Scrolls book, The Infernal City, takes place after the events of Oblivion, during a time when a mysterious floating city is causing Tamriel's residents to rise again as undead. You know, that old chestnut.

Frankly, while I consider myself a literary snob and would normally never read a book based on a videogame, I will be reading these.


I finally have a good PC and can run Oblivion so I picked it up. I have a question though. I started modding Oblivion and all the mods I have work fine. The only problem is the pop-in of grass,trees,etc.. It is really bad. My PC can handle pretty much anything I can throw at it. I have 4GB of ram, GTX260 graphics card, and and intel core 2 duo @3.8Ghz. Is there a way that I can reduce the pop-in? It really sucks, and it has made me stop playing the game :(

Edit: I had to mess with my settings again. For some reason my settings don't save. So I have to fix them every time I play. No big deal at least there is less pop-in, but is there a way to further reduce pop-in? Also are there mods that make Oblivion run smoother?


there is joy in sucking dick
I'm trying to decide whether I should get the GOTY edition for the PC or PS3. Is the PS3 version some horrible goblin or something? I noticed its $10 less than the 360 version (which is going for $29). I may shell for the 360 version if the game has better framerate over the PS3 version.

Edit: Just looked it up, wow, totally forgot about that debacle. Guess I'll get the PS3 version.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
so, as far as mods go, which are the ones that you guys would install right away when you're getting into oblivion again? i've just now started playing the pc version and i wanted to know what the absolute best ones were...


Neo Member
BlueTsunami said:
I'm trying to decide whether I should get the GOTY edition for the PC or PS3. Is the PS3 version some horrible goblin or something? I noticed its $10 less than the 360 version (which is going for $29). I may shell for the 360 version if the game has better framerate over the PS3 version.

Edit: Just looked it up, wow, totally forgot about that debacle. Guess I'll get the PS3 version.

if you do get the ps3 one just watch out for the vampire glitch .. other than that its a great version


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
bengraven said:
I want a good NPC replacer mod. Make it so GAF.
what would they get replaced with? or do you mean just different textures?


Neo Member
OLyonnais10 said:
if you do get the ps3 one just watch out for the vampire glitch .. other than that its a great version
wich vampire glitch, i didn t remember any vampire glitch but maybe its because y played the game long time ago can you refresh my memory please i really want to know/remember, =)


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Just started the 360 version in the last few days, being a vampire is pretty annoying. I don't really see any advantages in it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
user_nat said:
Just started the 360 version in the last few days, being a vampire is pretty annoying. I don't really see any advantages in it.
If you ever get to level 40 or more (why should you, lol), the game'll get pretty damn tough. Vampire helps a lot.

There are many different advantages and disadvantages:

0-24 hours (first day): +5 Attribute/Skill Bonus, 5% Resist Normal
Weapons, HS

24-48 hours (second day): +10 Attribute/Skill Bonus, 10% Resist Normal
Weapons, HS, VS

48-72 hours (third day): +15 Attribute/Skill Bonus, 10% Resist Normal
Weapons, HS, VS, RoT

72+ hours (fourth day onwards): +20 Attribute/Skill Bonus, 10% Resist
Normal Weapons, HS, VS, RoT, EoS

Attributes that gain bonus: Strength, Willpower and Speed

Skills that gain bonus: Acrobatics, Athletics, Destruction,
Hand-to-Hand, Illusion, Mysticism and Sneak

You also get Resist Disease 100 % and Resist Paralysis 100 % regardless
of your level of vampirism.


Subete no aware
Oh yeah, I was thinking about starting up again - is there a good leveling guide out there? I remember the whole system was just pretty arcane when I first played it a couple of years ago.
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