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'The Last of Us: Remastered' coming to PS4, July 2014, [1080p, targeting 60 fps]


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Wait, so you expect others not discuss a game which has been on the market for 12 months because you chose not to play it during this period of time?

1. There is a reason why we have spoiler tags here
2. a little spoiler warning would have helped
3. I bought the game on day 1 and also finished it the same day so i'm obviously not talking about me


Regardless of when they achieved 60, and it wasn't just when these tweets happened obviously, I don't really see your point. Practically nothing on PS4 is perfect 60, if it's not, why is that a source of concern? If you only play games that never dip, I don't know what you're playing other than maybe Resogun.

No need to put words into my mouth, I never said I only play perfect 60 fps games. I simply wish to see some damn media to see how well this remaster will hold 60 fps. I will most likely not buy this if it fluctuates like, let's say, the Tomb Raider remaster, but if it's a very stable 60 fps, then sure.

The tweets imply nothing of the sort, and your original claim was that they were hyping up the game rather than showing it.

Semantics; I thought my point of them needing to show some stuff instead of talking through Twitter was clear, but apparently not. And yes, I am aware that private Twitter posts by ND employees shouldn't necessarily be taken at face value, but seeing as how Twitter makes it obvious they're ND employees, the comments will be scrutinized. That is, regardless of how "private" their comments are in the context, readers will always connect them to the product that they're going to sell soon.

And I don't agree about the tweets not implying anything of the sort since I feel some of the recent 60 fps tweets scream "my God, we actually pulled it off (this late)!". Still, don't know if it's a discussion worth having.


extra source of jiggaflops
Are you saying events like E3 should be canceled because games are unfinished? That would mean Uncharted 4 and Zelda, just to name a few, should have not been shown due to each game being unfinished.
Maybe he is talking in the context of a game that gets a resolution and frame-rate bump that was released 12 months ago and has over 20 full playthroughs on YouTube.

But no, he must say E3 should be canceled and games we never saw anything of before should not release any media to keep the consumer in the dark while he says you should pre-order the games now.

1. There is a reason why we have spoiler tags here
2. a little spoiler warning would have helped
3. I bought the game on day 1 and also finished it the same day so i'm obviously not talking about me
So nice of you to look out for the other cats that aren't good with computers. The ones that don't know about YouTube.
Am I the only person who thinks it is weird that Naughty Dog/Sony hasn't shouted from the rooftops about how good the multiplayer is before release? I know that the main focus is on the single player story and just how great it is, but I find it somewhat baffling at how little pre-release attention the multiplayer has received both times the game has released. I figured that this time around they would at least be trumpeting the mp a lot more now that a lot of people have already seen how great the single player component is.


No need to put words into my mouth, I never said I only play perfect 60 fps games. I simply wish to see some damn media to see how well this remaster will hold 60 fps. I will most likely not buy this if it fluctuates like, let's say, the Tomb Raider remaster, but if it's a very stable 60 fps, then sure.
So you only play games if they're 'very stable 60fps', or you are just only willing to play this specific one if it is?


So you only play games if they're 'very stable 60fps', or you are just only willing to play this specific one if it is?

This specific one, since I would never throw more money at a remaster of a game I've played through many times. I'd say it would essentially need to be like a Criterion remaster for me to reconsider it, and that's why I'm eager to see some media early (even screenshots of the up-rezzed assets could suffice, though I still wanna see a performance analysis). With Tomb Raider, I knew what I got myself into since I read the DF analysis beforehand.


extra source of jiggaflops
This specific one, since I would never throw more money at a remaster of a game I've played through many times. I'd say it would essentially need to be like a Criterion remaster for me to reconsider it, and that's why I'm eager to see some media (even screenshots of the up-rezzed assets could suffice). With Tomb Raider, I knew what I got myself into since I read the DF analysis beforehand.
Then wait for the DF analysis for this title, too?


1. There is a reason why we have spoiler tags here
2. a little spoiler warning would have helped
3. I bought the game on day 1 and also finished it the same day so i'm obviously not talking about me

So this anger you're displaying is out of sympathy for people who may not have even known there were major spoilers in that thumbnail had you not said anything? That's really weird, especially since the spoiler you're talking about was included in the last trailer. Go take a nap or something, you sound tired.


Then wait for the DF analysis for this title, too?

Obviously I will, which I edited into my reply. I don't see why my comments seem so out there or read as inflammatory to some when I feel my earlier point (about not showing anything at all so close to the release date) is still valid to me.

Let's put it like this, if I was remastering one of the most critically acclaimed games in recent history and saying pretty much all art assets etc. are improved, I would certainly like the fanbase to see what can be expected well before the actual release.


extra source of jiggaflops
Obviously I will, which I edited into my reply. I don't see why my comments seem so out there or read as inflammatory to some when I feel my earlier point (about not showing anything at all so close to the release date) is still valid to me.

Let's put it like this, if I was remastering one of the most critically acclaimed games in recent history and saying pretty much all art assets etc. are improved, I would certainly like the fanbase to see what can be expected well before the actual release.
So in the end this is not a question of whether or not they will actually reach the technical specification that you deem necessary for you purchase. Because you will check Digital Foundry.

But your concern is whether or not Naughty Dog and Sony are good at communicating the improvements to their potential audience?

It warms the cockles of my heart that you are looking out for them. :-D


Shut up, i can't wait to fulton your ass in MGSV: TPP.

Fulton recovery should be a part of every open-world game from this point forward. Why kill hookers to get your money back in GTA when you can send the hooker back to your hideout with your money safe inside her pocket/purse/orifice?


Reading this thread makes me want it to be 1st August already... Gonna be great to play at for the 1st time (never got round to it on the PS3)


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

Because the US an EU versions are different (censored gore) Can say an EU player player with a US player?
You could in the PS3 versions, EU players just saw the censored executions while NA players saw the uncensored ones.


Let's put it like this, if I was remastering one of the most critically acclaimed games in recent history and saying pretty much all art assets etc. are improved, I would certainly like the fanbase to see what can be expected well before the actual release.
And clearly Sony disagree with your marketing strategy.

Releasing media for a game has nothing to do with 'proving' anything, or satiating the audience, it's designed to cause the maximum amount of sales, if Sony don't think releasing footage will benefit the game's performance, they won't.


So in the end this is not a question of whether or not they will actually reach the technical specification that you deem necessary for you purchase. Because you will check Digital Foundry.

But your concern is whether or not Naughty Dog and Sony are good at communicating the improvements to their potential audience?

It warms the cockles of my heart that you are looking out for them. :-D

I guess you can read it like that if you want to, I'd rather read it like them not showing anything this late is perhaps a cause for worry, which connects back to my comment about expecting a Criterion-like remaster.

But hey, I did say I am pessimistic and may be expecting too much, no need to defend ND's honor.

And clearly Sony disagree with your marketing strategy.

Releasing media for a game has nothing to do with 'proving' anything, or satiating the audience, it's designed to cause the maximum amount of sales, if Sony don't think releasing footage will benefit the game's performance, they won't.

Of course I understand this point, but as a gamer and potential buyer, should you be accepting this approach? I understand you may post this from an objective/neutral point of view, but I feel that if I am to put aside some cash for this game, I want to know more. And yes, the easiest answer is "just wait for the DF analysis".


Dreams in Digital
And clearly Sony disagree with your marketing strategy.

Releasing media for a game has nothing to do with 'proving' anything, or satiating the audience, it's designed to cause the maximum amount of sales, if Sony don't think releasing footage will benefit the game's performance, they won't.

Naughty Dog have already said they're going to struggle to demonstrate the improvements over the internet because of the compression you tend to get in video, so I'd assume they're not showing gameplay because it won't do it justice.


extra source of jiggaflops
I guess you can read it like that if you want to, I'd rather read it like them not showing anything this late is perhaps a cause for worry, which connects back to my comment about expecting a Criterion-like remaster.

But hey, I did say I am pessimistic and may be expecting too much, no need to defend ND's honor.
That last line really annoys me.

I've been vocal about not pre-ordering anything or buying stuff before you're convinced it satisfies whatever you (the general you) deem is necessary.

So my position would be: wait until the game is released and if you think the technical specs must be of a certain requirement, then Digital Foundry will do their analysis and if you think it's up to your personal standards you buy it.
If you're concerned about the gameplay and you're convinced the game is so much different from the 20 playthroughs on youtube, then wait until it's out and watch livestreams of it.

You still think that is defending ND's honor now? Maybe I just do this because I find certain posts to be ridiculous, which makes me want to respond. If anything I want to defend intellectual honesty and there is some mighty concern trolling going on which is absurd.


That last line really annoys me.

I've been vocal about not pre-ordering anything or buying stuff before you're convinced it satisfies whatever you (the general you) deem is necessary.

So my position would be: wait until the game is released and if you think the technical specs must be of a certain requirement, then Digital Foundry will do their analysis and if you think it's up to your personal standards you buy it.
If you're concerned about the gameplay and you're convinced the game is so much different from the 20 playthroughs on youtube, then wait until it's out and watch livestreams of it.

You still think that is defending ND's honor now? Maybe I just do this because I find certain posts to be ridiculous, which makes me want to respond. If anything I want to defend intellectual honesty and there is some mighty concern trolling going on which is absurd.

Agreed, that last part came off as attacking though it popped up because I felt interrogated or labelled as a concern troll, which has definitely not been my intention. I just find it hard to understand why me being sceptical towards the lack of any media this close to release causes so many reactions. But I guess I'll leave it here, don't want to rile up peeps anymore.


A month...pretty stoked. I didn't play this before selling my PS3. Practically know next to nothing about the story or even the gameplay mechanics. Going in blind as a bat....can't wait.

Also don't get why lack of media relates to something could be wrong. We've seen plenty of games get plenty of coverage and still be delayed. That's just going with this gen.


I guess you can read it like that if you want to, I'd rather read it like them not showing anything this late is perhaps a cause for worry, which connects back to my comment about expecting a Criterion-like remaster.

But hey, I did say I am pessimistic and may be expecting too much, no need to defend ND's honor.
Criterion rarely release 'evidence' of the quality of their transfers, sometimes in fact, all you get is small images of a frame or two. Certainly they're not putting out scenes of films in 2k RAW.

Of course I understand this point, but as a gamer and potential buyer, should you be accepting approach? I understand you may post this from an objective/neutral point of view, but I feel that if I am to put aside some cash for this game, I want to know more. And yes, the easiest answer is "just wait for the DF analysis".
'As a gamer' I don't feel like I have to own a game day one. If I'm not convinced I'll enjoy something, I am completely fine with waiting a couple of days to see how something is received. I've preordered this, because I want the game on PS4. If it were 30fps, I'd have still bought it.

I want them to do whatever they think is best for the product, so they can make as much money as possible, and have greater resources and stability to continue making the products they want to.

There's been some very very strange posts surrounding this release. From the stance that of course everyone has to preorder it, but how dare they not release footage, or how dare they charge full price, or how dare they not give discounts to PS3 owners. I really don't understand any of it. Someone is offering a product, no one is being forced to buy it.

That is the very essence of being the consumer, don't give them your money till you know you want their product.


extra source of jiggaflops
Agreed, that last part came off as attacking though it popped up because I felt interrogated or labelled as a concern troll, which has definitely not been my intention. I just find it hard to understand why me being sceptical towards the lack of any media this close to release causes so many reactions. But I guess I'll leave it here, don't want to rile up peeps anymore.
Be as skeptical as you like. Revel in it.

I just don't agree that them releasing any game footage proves anything. If you want to know the technical specs of a game, you wait for Digital Foundry.

This is how it has always been and this is how it should always be. The job of the publisher is to sell you on the game, so what they put out should be taken with a humongous grain of salt.


I'd be in the dick
I have no doubt in their technical prowess.

UC4 makes the rest of the industry look like they're licking windows.
This accurately describes my reaction to seeing it at 60fps.



Are you saying events like E3 should be canceled because games are unfinished? That would mean Uncharted 4 and Zelda, just to name a few, should have not been shown due to each game being unfinished.

Don't be obtuse. Of course I'm not saying E3 shouldn't happen. Just that some games perhaps shouldn't have to be shown early. I'm saying that the expectations in this thread are way overblown for a Remaster. The best time for them to show it off is when it's done and not before. They can't win if they show it off now.

I don't know why the hell people want them to take time away from making it there Brest they can in order to show is something we can all see in a month's time.


extra source of jiggaflops
I don't know why the hell people want them to take time away from making it there Brest they can in order to show is something we can all see in a month's time.
While I agree with the kernel of this whole thing that it doesn't matter one bit to show it off now because nobody is being fooled into anything here. This game is already out and them putting out a gameplay sequence doesn't affect development at all.

However it's not like the programmers would take a day off to record the footage.
Saw Arne's clarification post above, and sorry to go slightly off topic, but I figure this thread is the best place for an answer: Do any other Naughty Dog team members post on GAF, and if so, what are their usernames?
I've never heard of this French event.
We haven't gone gold yet.
We're still making updates to live code every day.
I, at least, can tell the difference between the PS3 version and the PS4 version from the opening sequence of the game.

One month away, can't wait to double dip to re-experience the game for the 7th time!


I absolutely can't wait to do the OT and go through this game all over again, almost exactly one year later. It will be interesting to hear the opinions and experiences of people playing it for the first time contrasted with those of us who were there day 1 last year.


Just woke up.

You know what, reading some of today's posts in this thread reminded me about something that I never even gave any thought to.

The Last of Us: Remastered and the GTA V remaster, PSN digital downloads OR PS4 retail releases.

There is no decision for me to make, gonna be physical disc retail release for both games, for me.

Edit: Who else will be experiencing both of these games for the first time ever with the PS4 Blu-ray retail releases ?
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