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The Last of Us: Remastered MP |OT| For the love of god please stop running.


So I'm convinced my copy is 'censored', but I'm not sure why considering I'm in North America. Not a big deal at all, just thought it was odd.
How's semi-auto these days? Reliable?

Getting tired of Frontier Rifle.

As reliable as ever and the (much) faster killer of the two. As fun a weapon as the Frontier Rifle is, it loses to the Revolver, a 0-point weapon, on body shots. >.>

There's literally no gore, blood splatters aside. When an enemy gets blown up by my bombs, they don't get de-limbed or anything like I've seen on YouTube. Just some blood splatter and they fly a little.

Just checking: Is the gore option enabled? Is there an option at all? If yes to both, that would be strange. Just to be extra sure, do a Special Execution with any of the shotguns.


I never played the multiplayer on the PS3 because it wasn't very good in terms of performance. I got Remastered last week and finally put in some serious time with the multiplayer and aside from the listen mode and micro-transactions, it's pretty damn good. I was getting destroyed when I first started, 1 down and 6 deaths type of bad. But after understanding how to play it, moving strategically around the map and getting in good positions, I'm usually in first place. I've been destroying fools with my silenced hunting rifle.

Is there any way to unlock guns that you can buy? I want to make a custom class with the variable rifle but I have to buy it? What? Can I not unlock that somehow? Other weapons can be unlocked a certain amount of gear but all it says is "Purchase" underneath it. Please tell me there are ways to unlock all this stuff without paying for it?

The sound in this amazing. All of the weapons sound so 'meaty' and are satisfying to shoot. And that 60FPS. What a difference it makes compared to the PS3 version.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
There's literally no gore, blood splatters aside. When an enemy gets blown up by my bombs, they don't get de-limbed or anything like I've seen on YouTube. Just some blood splatter and they fly a little.

The Euro / Aussie / NZ versions are all gore-restricted and slightly censored.

The US version is the only game with full gore in Factions MP (I'm in NZ, I am also sad re: this :( ).

TBH, it's pretty lazy of ND to lump New Zealand in with the Euro and Aussie versions, our censorship laws are much more flexible than Germanys (which dictated the Euro censorship) and Australia's (which are mental as they ban/censor everything).

We should have got the US version really.. oh well, at least the Campaign still is gore-enabled!


Unconfirmed Member
Good times ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Unconfirmed Member
Good times can still be had

Factions has changed. Playing in a group is just boring steamrolling 20-0.

And when playing alone the only challenge is to get thrown in a running game with 10:20 tickets and try to turn the match around before your random teammates use up all the respawns and leave, while youre facing a full enemy squad using shorty/shotgun in 1vs4 situations.

Even though I win most rounds its more frustrating than fun after a few matches. I'll stick to tournaments and fn ladder for now..

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Åesop;150996110 said:
Factions has changed. Playing in a group is just boring steamrolling 20-0.

And when playing alone the only challenge is to get thrown in a running game with 10:20 tickets and try to turn the match around before your random teammates use up all the respawns and leave, while youre facing a full enemy squad using shorty/shotgun in 1vs4 situations.

Even though I win most rounds its more frustrating than fun after a few matches. I'll stick to tournaments and fn ladder for now..

I can only dream of getting that good... I normally come in 2nd or 3rd in parts in supply raid, and haven't even touched Survivors or Interrogation yet... but then again, I'm only L5 and have only been playing since Wednesday.


I played tonight for the first time in several weeks. They should rename the mp from Factions to "Molotovs and Shotguns"

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I'm absolutely LOVING my latest loadout:

Enforcer (no large gun)
Gunslinger 2
Reviver 1
Crafter 1
Damage Marker 1

....it suits my semi-aggressive playstyle so much, I'm in love.

Have gone from last, 2nd to last to 1st or second quite often, and enjoying the game much more now that I've found a loadout that suits my playstyle (I call it the Dirty Harry). The Crossbow has been a revelation, snipe-take cover-run round corner-enforcer in face.


I'm absolutely LOVING my latest loadout:

Enforcer (no large gun)
Gunslinger 2
Reviver 1
Crafter 1
Damage Marker 1

....it suits my semi-aggressive playstyle so much, I'm in love.

Have gone from last, 2nd to last to 1st or second quite often, and enjoying the game much more now that I've found a loadout that suits my playstyle (I call it the Dirty Harry).
I suggest changing gunslinger 2 into scavenger 1 and turning Damage Marker 1 into Damage Marker 2. Gunslinger is useless since it depends on you dying and spawning. And Damage marker 2 will help you rack up points faster for that crossbow.

Gray Matter

Just finished playing my first game since like October. Still intense as the first day. Went 8-8-2. Not bad after a 4 months hiatus.

Gray Matter

Playing on PS3 because I no longer have PS+ and needed a TLoU fix lol. This game is just too good. 60 FPS really is a big difference


This must mean I'm getting a lot better.

Message: fuck u u sad cunt

Makes me laugh every time.

My personal favourite is the one where someone called me out on "playing dirty". I was dirty shivving a lot in that match admittedly, but after I just said to him that he needed to watch his back more often he told me I was "the loser of all videogames" lol.


Anyone playing on PS4 looking for a decent teammate who communicates and isn't a dickhead can add me. PSN name is xGumbie

I'm on most nights randomly between 8-10 central time. I'm usually down to play even if I'm in another game so just send an invite.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I suggest changing gunslinger 2 into scavenger 1 and turning Damage Marker 1 into Damage Marker 2. Gunslinger is useless since it depends on you dying and spawning. And Damage marker 2 will help you rack up points faster for that crossbow.

Cool mate, will give that loadout a go.
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