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The Last of Us: Remastered MP |OT| For the love of god please stop running.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Question TLoUGAF, if I play nearly exclusively with the Tac Shotgun and Burst Pistol... am I now a scrub?

I find it suits my aggressive playstyle much more so than the aforementioned Enforcer+Crossbow combination.

I'm also using Reviver1/Crafter1/Fortitude2/Explosion2.. dropping Nail Bombs left right and centre, loving that enhanced blast radius.

Can't live without Reviver/Crafter in any build, or Fortitude2 as I can't count how many times the faster crawl/bleed out has saved me.


Unconfirmed Member
Question TLoUGAF, if I play nearly exclusively with the Tac Shotgun and Burst Pistol... am I now a scrub?

Tac Shotgun / Shotgun / Shorty / Bomb Expert are considered scrub weapons by most of the community. Burst Pistol should be fine

Just bought it for mp. What's the best gun to date?

On the lower levels it almost doesnt matter. But once you get used to the game and especially if you play against good/ experienced teams it usually comes down to either Hunting Rifle, Semi-Auto or Burst Rifle.

Best Purchasable/ Special Weapons are Shotgun, Assault Rifle and Military Sniper. But using Special Weapons (especially the shotgun) is also considered scrubby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Done with all the single-player trophies, how long will it take to get all the multiplayer trophies for someone who hasn't touched multiplayer?

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Why do you care about internet strangers? Why is their opinion important to you? Play however you want to play.

It's not approval I'm after, just a fun loving piece of commentary.

This is based upon me originally hating the Tac Shotgun as I was meh with it... but now, it definitely rules my roost in terms of damage dealing and fun.

It's one of those weapons that grows on you with time, and once it blooms.. it's like Christmas has come to Cordyceps.
This may be an odd question, but how is that shiv special execution done? I'm not talking about a shiv execution, just the one performed on a downed character. Is it not available on PS3? Because I could have sworn I saw it once.
I used to think the 9mm wasn't very great. Lately I've been using it to force myself to go for headshots more often and I'm starting to like it more. It's pretty solid early on in a match since it doesn't need upgrades and no one has armour. My current strategy is to start a match with it and then switch over to an Enforcer once I have enough parts to upgrade it twice.

This may be an odd question, but how is that shiv special execution done? I'm not talking about a shiv execution, just the one performed on a downed character. Is it not available on PS3? Because I could have sworn I saw it once.

Ground shivs aren't available on PS3, assuming the description on the store is accurate. Maybe you got it mixed up with the new stealth shiv?


I'm fucking horrible at this game now. I tried playing again recently and just got my ass handed to me every match. It was right after playing a bunch of the new Unreal Tournament alpha on PC so I think that fucked up my console aiming.
I'm fucking horrible at this game now. I tried playing again recently and just got my ass handed to me every match. It was right after playing a bunch of the new Unreal Tournament alpha on PC so I think that fucked up my console aiming.

You could try playing support, that way you can still be helpful without relying on your rusty aim.
Ground shivs aren't available on PS3, assuming the description on the store is accurate. Maybe you got it mixed up with the new stealth shiv?

Weird, because I thought I saw it in a game I played a while back. Maybe it was that pistol-bludgeon thing, though? Anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Really enjoying it so far. Except for when I hit one of those stupid event challenges and ran to the computer to figure out what to do. When I got back, I had been booted out of a game (that hadn't started when I left), with 2/3 days left to get all 15 Launcher kills (never saw that gun before) for 100% of my clan. Needless to say I had to start again.

Anyway... Has anyone tried to play today? I've only gotten into 1 matchmaking game in 2 hours. Everything is empty.
What kind of loadouts do you guys use it in? It sounds like I might have to give it another shot.
I paired it with semi+shorty. It's basically my "not very good at one thing" loadout. I really like having a little bit of everything. Fast heals, decent revive speed, fast crafts, free shiv, second chance, and that's just a few.


I use Jack of All Trades with the silenced tac shotgun, revolver, and machete. It's too convenient to have all that stuff with one skill. Definitely not going back.
I paired it with semi+shorty. It's basically my "not very good at one thing" loadout. I really like having a little bit of everything. Fast heals, decent revive speed, fast crafts, free shiv, second chance, and that's just a few.

I use Jack of All Trades with the silenced tac shotgun, revolver, and machete. It's too convenient to have all that stuff with one skill. Definitely not going back.

Interesting. Thanks for the tips.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Just realised I'm basically using Jack of All Trades but choosing the individual skills with Silenced Tac Shot and Silenced 9mm... might try the above build, sounds beast!


New multiplayer update, here are the patch notes:
ndi-edaly said:
We just pushed out a live update with the following changes. Version number is 1.06.027 (PS4) and 1.11.027 (PS3).

  • Fixed weapon-switching exploit for Shorty and Hunting Rifle
  • Fixed Lone Wolf distance on High School (was using a larger distance than it should have been, so Lone Wolf wasn’t going active as often as it should have). Now uses the same distance as Bill's Town and Bus Depot
  • Fixed rendering dropouts on Dam and Checkpoint (PS4-only). In a couple cases this required adding some new objects.
  • Fixed smoke bomb exploit on Suburbs
  • Fixed invisible bomb placement location on Water Tower

Balance changes:
  • Frontier Rifle upgrades decreased to 300 / 600 from 400 / 800
  • Frontier Rifle accuracy increased
  • Purchase Shotgun loadout point cost increased from 3 to 4
  • Purchase Shotgun ammo cost increased
  • Launcher loadout point cost decreased from 4 to 3
  • Launcher ammo cost decreased
  • Military Sniper ammo cost decreased
  • Assault Rifle ammo cost decreased
  • Specter ammo cost decreased
  • Specter gets 1 extra bullet per purchase
  • Flamethrower ammo cost decreased
Survival Skills
  • Lucky Break loadout point cost decreased from 2 / 4 / 5 to 2 / 3 / 4
  • Second Chance loadout point cost decreased from 2 / 3 to 1 / 2
Pre-set loadout changes:
  • Jack of All Trades level 2 now has Brawler 2 (was Brawler 1)
  • Commando loadout now has Brawler 2 (was Brawler 1)
  • Support loadout uses the Enforcer instead of the burst pistol
  • Suppression loadout has Collector 1 and Damage Marker 2 instead of Hawkeye and Explosive expert

Interrogation Mode Fast Victory Bonus:
  • Added a parts bonus for players who win an Interrogation match quickly, to help counteract ‘farming’:
  • Winning with more than 8 minutes left on the clock (i.e. winning in under 7 mins) gives 6000 bonus parts
  • Winning with more than 7 minutes left on the clock (i.e. winning in under 8 mins) gives 4000 bonus parts
  • Winning with more than 6 minutes left on the clock (i.e. winning in under 9 mins) gives 2500 bonus parts
  • Winning with more than 5 minutes left on the clock (i.e. winning in under 10 mins) gives 1250 bonus parts
Note that since these parts are awarded right as the match ends you may not see the popup appear, especially if there are other parts being earned at that time, but they will still be reflected in the scoreboard.

Matchmaking updates
  • Server now returns more matches in every search stage; this should result in more matches which fit the search criteria (latency / language / KDR / etc.) and lower matchmaking times. We’ll be monitoring the stats to see how it performs.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes server would return matches which would not fit the current party size



Balance changes sound promising, also never enough matchmaking improvements in this game.

Need to get back to it soon.


R.I.P my medic/shotty loadout. Oh well, crybabies got their way.

"Hey, let's nerf this one thing while buffing everything else! This definitely won't kill it. Nope."

Remember the FAL-SS and GMAL? LOL.

Now everyone's gonna complain that everyone is using automatic weapons.

What a fucking joke.

A range of the PAID FOR SHIT has been given more advantages (with decreased costs), yet the shotgun has had BOTH its cost and ammo cost increased?

Fuck you ND. Scumbags.

Oh, I get it - to those who say its because the shotgun was overpowered....AND THEY ONLY JUST realized this after 21 MONTHS of 'BALANCING'....fucking microtransaction scumbag company.

Looks like all the bitches who don't mind paying to win got their fucking way. Sorry to be a little shit but I kind of hope the bottom falls through the game now and numbers degrade so much, there won't be enough players to matchmake decently. I also hope it leaves a sour taste for many who look to buy ND games in the future. Why do I say this? This is my answer to all the people who'll come on here saying its NOT PAY TO WIN and there is NO ADVANTAGES even though the majority of them HAVE BOUGHT THE WEAPONS AND USE THEM lol! I've spent near £100 to play this game and I aint happy that I'm almost forced to PAY TO WIN. I won't do it because I love my hobby and the £100 I spent wasn't a fucking free to play game.

Not pay to win?...

- It only cost you in-game money which you couldn't then spend on armour or upgrading other guns, making it even more expensive against people with armour...

- It only cost an arm and a leg to buy ammo for it...

- It only worked within 12 feet unlike the Tactical Shotgun which took decent health off people from the OTHER END of the map, NEVER MIND within 12 feet...

- Contrary to belief, REALLY close up, it was poor to use (even
with full sensitivity) compared to say the Tactical Shotgun...

- It didn't have a fire rate like a Tactical Shotgun (easiest gun in the game to use) or Frontier Rifle. Due to this, even IF you had more than 2 shotgun bullets (which are now going to cost an arm, leg and now bollock), the Tactical Shotgun if upgraded could beat a 1on1 guy (both have armour) because it would be able to fire enough bullets quicker than the shotgun could down you...

- It couldn't be upgraded AND THIS IS WITHOUT THESE GUNS BEING ABLE TO BE UPGRADED (something you don't lose if you die)...

- Let's not forget, to use a Shotgun, you have to BUY it in-game AFTER you earn points, unlike the PAID FOR WEAPONS (which CAN EVEN be upgraded before you start with a booster, UNLIKE the shotgun)...

- Oh I forgot, I can use the PAID FOR WEAPONS if I want. I have no disadvantage to this either.....NOT!! wtf?

I'd love to buy UC4 second hand...


Unconfirmed Member


Is the multiplayer still strongly active?

I've already played through the PS3 version, but I just bought the remaster on Amazon today.
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