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This is the most accurate review i seen of Metroid Dread

Mr Branding

Oh yeah? As if being under Konami‘s wing for any projects during those years after we now know what unraveled for every studios under them is of any help? They made the best they could with the budget and decision making Konami gave them. Considering that even Kojima had to secretly hide budgets away from Konami management’s eyes to realize his vision, it’s pretty narrowing for an Italian 3rd party.

It’s a fucking miracle their first Castlevania was even well received by the media.

And somehow this team cannot evolve? That’s what you’re insinuating? It’s pretty telling in your character then..


I was super skeptical at first, and the game was an absolute blast in the end. An 8/10 game, as far as I am concerned. But it is not for everyone, despite the numerous efforts made by the developers to avoid losing the player.

And it is one the few games that actually look and run good on the Switch. This is a rare breed.
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I felt like I was the only person in the entire world who didn't like Dread. At least there are two of us!!! The fake open map, the idiotic qte melee boss parts, the TERRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE controls which require octopus finger multiple button combos to do even the simplest things .... just all of it. Terrible.



She speaks the truth while getting downvoted by rabid ninfanboys.

Basically her bullet points are:

-Bad mapsystem
-Stealth sections suck and takes away from exploration. Ruined the game.
-Dumb cutscenes and QTE prompts
-Forgettable music
-Should not be full priced because there are cheaper and better metroidvanias out there

Not surprised about these compliants when MercurySteam is involved. I have more faith in Retro Studios.



Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I don't agree. The only complaint I have is the game is a little too difficult. Other than that it's fine.


Gold Member

She speaks the truth while getting downvoted by rabid ninfanboys.

Basically her bullet points are:

-Bad mapsystem
-Stealth sections suck and takes away from exploration. Ruined the game.
-Dumb cutscenes and QTE prompts
-Forgettable music
-Should not be full priced because there are cheaper and better metroidvanias out there

Not surprised about these compliants when MercurySteam is involved. I have more faith in Retro Studios.

So she speaks the truth because she has some negative points?

I see. Great OP.

She speaks the truth while getting downvoted by rabid ninfanboys.

Basically her bullet points are:

-Bad mapsystem
-Stealth sections suck and takes away from exploration. Ruined the game.
-Dumb cutscenes and QTE prompts
-Forgettable music
-Should not be full priced because there are cheaper and better metroidvanias out there

Not surprised about these compliants when MercurySteam is involved. I have more faith in Retro Studios.

I only had to watch a full playthrough (on several sittings) to know what it is about. Most overrated and overpriced game of the year.


Gold Member
Imagine stating that Dread has a bad map system.

Why are people trying so hard to shit on a Nintendo game that won’t even move huge numbers, will never be as remotely influential as say BOTW, and sure as hell won’t win GOTY from any big outlet? I can understand getting all jealous and defensive when a game you don’t like sells a dozen million copies in a heartbeat and is sure to snatch GOTY away from that other game you liked more. But scraping the bottom of the barrel to find one review that agrees with you about a very competent game like Nintendo is scamming the entire world?

Oh, and about the price. Nobody forced Team Cherry to sell their very good metroidvania game for peanuts, setting a terrible precedent not only for the industry, but for themselves too. I played Metroid Dread 5 times in a row, while most AAA devs ask the same price or more day 1 for games that are hardly interesting enough to make me play through them just once. I got my money’s worth out of the game. Too expensive for you? Don’t buy.


Faith - Hope - Love
No Way Mac GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I'm a huge Metroid fan, and hope it wins GotY, because Metroid Dread is my personal game of the decade. It was everything I've hoped for and more since 2001.

It's okay if you didn't like it if you played it. If you didn't play it and you are a Metroid fan, you should give it a chance. It's made new fans of the Metroid series who've never tried them before.

No hate intended whatsoever, but I don't understand the feeling of needing to tell people a game is crap when it's almost universally loved. There are plenty of games people love that I personally never want to touch, but I'm not going to try to convince them they are bad games and not worth their money.

Honestly, though...I'm sure even people who loved Metroid Dread would look at me like I'm crazy. I bought 3 copies of the game: One digital, one Special Edition through a scalper, and another physical standard edition for one of my best friends and a better controller for him to enjoy it more to the fullest. I also bought both official Amiibos, and a 3D printed and functional Amiibo of Raven Beak and Samus' final suit upgrade. :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Am I biased? Absolutely.

Still, the vast majority of people who played it love it. It's well-crafted and deserves to be given a chance if you even somewhat enjoy Metroid/Metroidvania titles.
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What time is it?
No Way Mac GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I'm a huge Metroid fan, and hope it wins GotY, because Metroid Dread is my personal game of the decade. It was everything I've hoped for and more since 2001.

It's okay if you didn't like it if you played it. If you didn't play it and you are a Metroid fan, you should give it a chance. It's made new fans of the Metroid series who've never tried them before.

No hate intended whatsoever, but I don't understand the feeling of needing to tell people a game is crap when it's almost universally loved. There are plenty of games people love that I personally never want to touch, but I'm not going to try to convince them they are bad games and not worth their money.

Still, I'm sure even people who loved Metroid Dread would look at me like I'm crazy...I bought 3 copies of the game: One digital, one Special Edition through a scalper, and another physical standard edition for one of my best friends and a better controller for him to enjoy it more to the fullest. I also bought both official Amiibos, and a 3D printed and functional Amiibo of Raven Beak and Samus' final suit upgrade. :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Am I biased? Absolutely.

Is Metroid Dread still a good game for those who are not?

I Get It Yes GIF by Farmers Insurance ®
Not surprised about these compliants when MercurySteam is involved. I have more faith in Retro Studios.
This is very weird for me to read.

While I do hope Metroid Prime 4 is progressing, Retro Studios talent has changed a lot, and the work environment seems actually not good over there. Yes, they haven't turned in a bad game yet, but there's wear and tear from doing things the hard way. The radio silence is not a good sign.

As for these guys, I haven't played the game. Still have the 3DS one in my backlog, but I have to say that I'm sure there's nothing in the game that Nintendo didn't agree on or were unsatisfied with. It's probably the best game it can be, and sometimes that has to be good enough.

Some of the opinions I've heard, were more against the direction of the franchise than against the game per see. So that's on Nintendo themselves.

Anyway, play the game if you haven't and make up your opinion.

I have no real opinion against her opinion as I haven't played the game. I do think Nintendo has no reason to lower the price though, they would have to be crazy. (I do think they should sell wii u ports at a discount, but this is not a port and is their heavy hitter of the year sort of thing).
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I disagree with the points making it the least accurate review I've seen.

Also the last bullet point is strange. The price of the game should be determined by it's budget and it's demand. Not it's genre
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There are small nuggets of truth to most of the complaints mentioned, but it's not nearly a big enough deal for it not to be a goty contender, in my opinion. It absolutely deserves to be a full priced game, though. So tired of that baseless criticism. Why does the genre have anything to do with the price? This was not an indie game, and was certainly not a low budget game. Whether or not it's better or as good as other metroidvania is entirely subjective and literally has nothing to do with its price.


Reseterror Resettler

She speaks the truth while getting downvoted by rabid ninfanboys.

Basically her bullet points are:

-Bad mapsystem
-Stealth sections suck and takes away from exploration. Ruined the game.
-Dumb cutscenes and QTE prompts
-Forgettable music
-Should not be full priced because there are cheaper and better metroidvanias out there

Not surprised about these compliants when MercurySteam is involved. I have more faith in Retro Studios.

I speak the truth while getting downplayed by console warriors.

Basically, my bullet points are:

-linking your argument to a YouTube video
-stealth account suicides suck and take away from Kretos. Ruined the thread.
-dumb replies from OP and bait prompts
-Forgettable e-personality with wide face
-should not be monetized because there are better reviewers out there.

Not surprised by these "compliants," when SantaC is involved. I have more faith in TaySan.


Moderated wildly
I have yet to play this, but please stop using arguments like these to defend games.

My opinion is just as valid as anyone's to me. I'm not pushing my agenda on anyone. To me, the game is absolutely in the top 5 if not top 3 of the year, its a goty contender to me


Suffers with mild autism
I don't have the game, but her comments about the art stye echo the reason I really don't care to buy it (despite otherwise loving the franchise). It just looks entirely wrong visually. I get the same "soulless" feeling from the clean surfaces everywhere and the general design. It's extremely off-putting, in every video or trailer that I've watched.


I liked the game but she makes solid points from her side, dont get why she is getting dislikes and hate.
I actually ended up watching 3 more of her videos after that one. lol
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Davey Cakes

I’ve been following Pam for a while and really enjoy her content, but this review was mostly off base for me. All of her points are contestable and come down to personal preference.

I mean, the second that Pam made a tweet lamenting the cutscenes I knew we were in for a dissenting view on the game. She isn’t particularly invested in Metroid but she’s very versed in games (Metroidvanias in particular) and would obviously bring nuance to the table.

The comments section wracked my brain. So many people that wanted their biases confirmed. I’ll never understand why people gravitate towards negativity.

I also find it really funny that anyone critical of the game is seen as genuine and those that loved it are just fanboys. A very toxic mindset.

If you folks want more of her opinions, she did an entire Tier List video for Metroidvanias. She’s played a lot. This particular game just didn’t click for her.
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Imagine stating that Dread has a bad map system.

Why are people trying so hard to shit on a Nintendo game that won’t even move huge numbers, will never be as remotely influential as say BOTW, and sure as hell won’t win GOTY from any big outlet? I can understand getting all jealous and defensive when a game you don’t like sells a dozen million copies in a heartbeat and is sure to snatch GOTY away from that other game you liked more. But scraping the bottom of the barrel to find one review that agrees with you about a very competent game like Nintendo is scamming the entire world?

Oh, and about the price. Nobody forced Team Cherry to sell their very good metroidvania game for peanuts, setting a terrible precedent not only for the industry, but for themselves too. I played Metroid Dread 5 times in a row, while most AAA devs ask the same price or more day 1 for games that are hardly interesting enough to make me play through them just once. I got my money’s worth out of the game. Too expensive for you? Don’t buy.
The map's problem is readability. It's just cluttered with samey vague symbols. It also needed clearing marking for unobtained/obtained items. At a glance the slightly faded symbols it uses don't work that well. It's does have a lot of great features but that doesn't completely absolve its issues. It also does a poor job of alerting to the constant closed off paths the game keeps forcing on you which makes getting where you need to be more of a pain than it needs to be.

Davey Cakes

I felt like I was the only person in the entire world who didn't like Dread. At least there are two of us!!! The fake open map, the idiotic qte melee boss parts, the TERRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE controls which require octopus finger multiple button combos to do even the simplest things .... just all of it. Terrible.
This is hyperbolic.

The controls in particular are robust and excellent. HOWEVER, there’s no reason why Dread (or any game of this type) can’t allow for button re-mapping. It hurts accessibility.

See? I can point out flaws without shitting on the game.
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-Love the map system
- the stealth sections take up a tiny percent of the game. Ruined the game? Lol
- Music was decent
- Probably the only enjoyable qte . Not much in the game to complain about anyways

Davey Cakes

Oh, and about the price. Nobody forced Team Cherry to sell their very good metroidvania game for peanuts, setting a terrible precedent not only for the industry, but for themselves too. I played Metroid Dread 5 times in a row, while most AAA devs ask the same price or more day 1 for games that are hardly interesting enough to make me play through them just once. I got my money’s worth out of the game. Too expensive for you? Don’t buy.
Hollow Knight is legit worth $60. I bought it twice and still didn’t pay that much. Another game that Pam loves (Blasphemous) drops to $8 on Steam sometimes. Just because these games are severely underpriced doesn’t mean Metroid is overpriced.


Ah yes the typical „we need to discuss why i dont like ‚thing‘“-thread.
We get it, some of you didnt like Dread. Suck it up and play something else.
Just like they didn't like BOTW.

Strange such magnificent games have gotten such stupid amounts same clickbait hate.


Pretty much disagree with all those bullet points one way or another.

Her most valid complaint is the music, however it far from sucks. It's just not as good as it could be. Well if she's talking about the end credits music I'll agree there. That track missed the mark so badly I almost find it hard to believe.

The worst complaint is the first point in the OP. How is the map bad? You find out where you wanna go and follow the map lol, it's super straight forward. Look for areas not filled out and that's that.
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I'm with her on the cluttered map and the lack of standout music. My biggest criticism of the game is the rigid linearity despite it going out of its way to artificially suggest the veneer of non-linearity. It's almost impossible to get lost despite the sequence breaks. The presentation was disappointingly economic for a tentpole Nintendo release, too. It's obvious the game was made with a fraction of the budget of Other M.

It's a tad overrated, but still very good.
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