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THR: Jared Leto Circling 'Tron' Reboot at Disney (Exclusive)

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There's a weird disconnect between the future and the retro-future. And so you end up with people who are like "Why the fuck would I want to watch this weird bit of nostalgia bait where I have to believe there's a bunch of tiny people living in my fucking smartphone throwing the cantaloupes in Fruit Ninja or whatever?"

Watch The Emoji Movie bow to $50M OW.
Watch The Emoji Movie bow to $50M OW.



I loved Legacy. As someone who'd never even seen the first film properly it got me hooked. Amazing soundtrack and some cool moments. I rather enjoyed it. The made for tv sequel thing they made looked awful though. Just give us a proper Legacy sequel.. please no Leto.. he'd weird it up lol.
Yeah that i can understand but still, i refuse to believe that in the digital age that we live in, that no one wants to see a movie like Tron. That doesnt compute in my head. Like anything else in life, people want a good product. Im totally down for a good tron movie and if they 'confirm' daft punk for the sequel, ill gladly pay 15$ at the very least just to hear more of their music.
I don't think it's that no one wants to see Tron, it's that not enough want to see it to justify making another one.

And in Disney's eyes, they have two roads; stick with Kosinski who doesn't have a good track record with blockbusters and get another film that just makes its money back, or give it to someone else and hope they make a film that is good/appealing enough for a large audience/does well in China/whatever else.

And like someone above said, why blow $200 million on something that has a 50% chance of being a super hit versus spending $250 million on something that is guaranteed to make money in both the short and long run. It's a simple math problem that can only be mitigated if special effects become cheaper to do or Tron has a radical shift in approach that makes it cheaper to film.
Legacy had enough problems that I wouldn't mind somebody else taking a crack at the franchise. Kosinski had the right visual concept for the film, but the story was just tedious. I wouldn't mind ditching the current set of characters entirely.


Thought so. A reboot is safer for them instead of making a late sequel to franchise with too much lore baggage.


You think if this pans out Disney will do an announcement at D23 in July or just do a press release once key contracts are signed?

I could see both. Guess it depends on how they feel about it. I do think a D23 announcement with a teaser would be a better fit though.


How reliable is the Hollywood Reporter? Is it a for sure thing at this point or is it still a rumor?

I mean it's still a rumor. Since the project plans or even actors could change. But I do think they have a good enough track record that this is indeed on the table in some form ATM.


This is probably the only thing that could make me excited for a Tron reboot, haha.

Jared I ♥ you
I saw some previs and the onesheet for the Tron Legacy sequel and it looked/sounded so damn good. Sad they didn't go through with it.

Is this a full reboot?
I really wanted Tron: Ascension. Or whatever that rumored story was with Cillian Murphy as the villain. I liked the sound of that.

I don't think I'd even care about a reboot.


I saw some previs and the onesheet for the Tron Legacy sequel and it looked/sounded so damn good. Sad they didn't go through with it.

Is this a full reboot?

Unsure. They're saying reboot, but at the same time saying it would still follow a lot of the script that was wrote for Tron Ascension. I feel like it'll be focusing on a new character, so in that aspect it'll be a reboot. Since Quorra and Flynn might not even be in the film but by name only.

I do feel like this news, and the recent screening do tie into one another though.
We know producers were there, so I guess the selling out of two screens was enough to get them invested again in beginning talks again.




Unsure. They're saying reboot, but at the same time saying it would still follow a lot of the script that was wrote for Tron Ascension. I feel like it'll be focusing on a new character, so in that aspect it'll be a reboot. Since Quorra and Flynn might not even be in the film but by name only.

I do feel like this news, and the recent screening do tie into one another though.
We know producers were there, so I guess the selling out of two screens was enough to get them invested again in beginning talks again.

Yeah it's unclear if by reboot they mean it, or if they're just using the term loosely to mean "restarted/new direction" as publications sometimes do.

I just need to know two things to be okay. 1. Is kosinski involved and 2. Is Daft Punk back
If 1&2 are true then I will relax. Otherwise, teeth chattering.

You guys don't understand how much I love Tron. My jimmies have entered the rustled state in hopeful yet fearful anticipation of more news.



Yeah it's unclear if by reboot they mean it, or if they're just using the term loosely to mean "restarted" as publications sometimes do.

I just need to know two things to be okay. 1. Is kosinski involved and 2. Is Daft Punk back
If 1&2 are true then I will relax. Otherwise, teeth chattering.

Yeah, I think at minimum one or the other is needed. If Kosinki is in but not Daft Punk, we can at least get another eletronic soundtrack from someone else, while still having the ace visuals. If it's the opposite of that, we'll at least have the good soundtrack. Though I gotta say i'm firmly in the camp that will put the cinematography and look of Legacy for a Tron 3 over Daft Punk coming back, if it had to be one of the other. Even though I loved the TL sountrack like everyone else.


Maybe this time they could remember the core concept of the premise instead of punting with that stupid isolated server bullshit. So much potential in evolving the Tron world in light of how computers have changed and grown since 1982 and they do...that. Pathetic. The Tron 2.0 video game was more imaginative with the setting and connecting it up to modern computer tech.

Bridges was cool half the time when he was doing the Obi-Wan schtick, and Daft Punk's music was great, but that's about it. I especially enjoyed the big dramatic trek to the far flung impossible-to-get-to location...which has a train that goes right to it. The 1982 movie is no masterpiece but at least it committed to its premise properly.

People hating on an Oscar winner because he was "bad" in a DC film now?

How ridiculous!

If it can happen to Halle Berry, it can damn well happen to Jared Leto.
I really hope it's a soft reboot if they're insistent on that.

I think it will be, especially since it's supposed to be based on the Tron: Ascension screenplay. it's funny that people say this because Tron: Legacy in itself was a soft reboot.

I wonder if this is something Disney has been mulling over a while, and has been using the cryptic posts on the Tron facebook page and the screenings as a way to garner interest.

Been listening to the OST, and just watched Legacy as part of the hype train for this. Still so good, and the young Jeff Bridges CGI still stands up, and looks almost real at a lot of points.

I'd like the cast from Legacy to return, but more in a supporting/cameo type deal, while focusing on Jared Leto's character, if he's the protagonist. Also, please get Bruce Boxlietner signed up on this, he's not getting any younger. I'd like to see him pass the mantle of Tron to a younger character.
Elijah Wood
Maybe this time they could remember the core concept of the premise instead of punting with that stupid isolated server bullshit. So much potential in evolving the Tron world in light of how computers have changed and grown since 1982 and they do...that. Pathetic. The Tron 2.0 video game was more imaginative with the setting and connecting it up to modern computer tech.

Bridges was cool half the time when he was doing the Obi-Wan schtick, and Daft Punk's music was great, but that's about it. I especially enjoyed the big dramatic trek to the far flung impossible-to-get-to location...which has a train that goes right to it. The 1982 movie is no masterpiece but at least it committed to its premise properly.

If it can happen to Halle Berry, it can damn well happen to Jared Leto.


I dunno man. Tron? The first movie had some interesting special effects for its time. That's it. I don't know why it has maintained a fascination for thirty years. Tron Legacy looked cool at times but that was it. Why are we still going back to the Tron well?


I feel the title of the article is very misleading. Unless THR knows something that they aren't telling us, than nothing about this screams "reboot", the article even says that it's using old ideas from other Tron scripts which implies that theres a connection to the overall series.

I'm excited and honestly a new perspective is what this series needs. The original Tron Legacy sequel pitch idea sounds horrible and didn't really include The Game Grid all that much instead focusing on the real world, which ughh, sounds awful. Tron movies are all about neo-futuristic settings with neo-futuristic overlays.


I'd rather see the cast from Legacy return and see what their characters are up to. Same director too - he might not make the greatest of films but his style is powerful (also filmed Oblivion with Tom Cruise).
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