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Tinder is destroying men’s self-esteem (New York Post)

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Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I wish I wasn't short :( 5'9. I've legit heard girls I know say guys under 6 feet aren't appealing. I nearly yelled at one of them who said guys under 6'2 need to hit the gym and get taller. Like what the fuck.

5'9 is not short and going to gym wont make you tall. So whoever told you that, is an idiot.


These unfair beauty standards are really doing a number on men.

Wasn't there a recent article basically saying men and women are both miserable on Tinder for largely the same reasons though?

I met my wife on Match.com. I can, from experience, tell you that women who have unrealistic "specific" things they want from a man in their profile are not serious about finding someone. The only caveat would be tall girls and male height.

edit: why the hell is Match.com a link?

Can confirm this to be the case. Maybe this is unfair, but I find that Tinder isn't really synonymous with "looking for a serious relationship" for a lot of people, so the shallow stuff tends to be a lot more common.
We call it "street dog" colour in Germany, or straßenköder-blond.

Haha, yeah. That name as well as "rat coloured" should give everyone a hint of how attractive it's considered to be here in Northern Europe. It's neither blonde or brunette, but some kind of boring bland in between. But in places like Asia and South America, where almost everyone has (imo) beautiful really dark hair, I guess my boring not-quite-blonde stands out a bit.
When I was on tinder, I got soooo many more matches when I listed my height.

Being 6'3 is a godsend. I'm an average looking guy but my height let's me match way hotter girls.

So I'm okay with this imbalance.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
Mario, a plumber, banged it out with a princess TWICE his height...

Don't forget the even BIGGER princess



5'9 and he thinks he's got it bad? I'm 5'6, just put me in the fucking ground already.

Haven't bothered with online dating yet since Im focused on paying off my debt and moving out on my own next year before trying but...

I'm 5'6", and already going bald at 26. I'm basically fucked for online dating.
One thing that boogies my mind

If there are more women than men then why the fuck when it comes to situations like these women can pick and choose easily and there are much more men than women?

I think us Males needs to stop initially thinking desperately with our dick and all play disinterested as much as possible

Use maths to our advantage and watch the tables logically turn

Lol obviously that will never happen

Also I'm 5'7 lol

I blame the Irish gene

The tables only turn when women are over 30 (35 really). Super picky women have to lower their standards or accept a childless existence. While you're waiting on math, the beautiful 25 year old is getting any guy she wants though.
One thing that boogies my mind

If there are more women than men then why the fuck when it comes to situations like these women can pick and choose easily and there are much more men than women?

I think us Males needs to stop initially thinking desperately with our dick and all play disinterested as much as possible

Use maths to our advantage and watch the tables logically turn

Lol obviously that will never happen

Also I'm 5'7 lol

I blame the Irish gene

The tables start turning when you get to your 30s and will only grow in your favor.


The tables only turn when women are over 30 (35 really). Super picky women have to lower their standards or accept a childless existence. While you're waiting on math, the beautiful 25 year old is getting any guy she wants though.
It's not just that, but the top men start getting hitched as well, so the aspirational dating pool shrinks for them.


The tables only turn when women are over 30 (35 really). Super picky women have to lower their standards or accept a childless existence. While you're waiting on math, the beautiful 25 year old is getting any guy she wants though.
Yeah young guys are unattractive to young girls iirc

Let that sink in, that bubble is bigger than the 2008 housing market


Holy shit these threads make me feel bad about my height (5'11"). Like wth. Nothing below 6 the girls say? :(
I can take solace in the fact that I am in a country where average height is much lower than western hemisphere.

I'm 182cm but I say I'm 6'0 on my profile. Close enough, girls ain't bring fucking measuring tapes to dates. I also live in nyc like the dude this article is about and do fairly well on tinder in terms of matches (30+) a day


The tables start turning when you get to your 30s and will only grow in your favor.

Is that really the tables turning though? From what I can tell on dating sites guys 35+ are still looking for women in their 20's. If he settles for a 35 year old lady he is pretty much settling too :/
Part of being smart is having the wisdom to explain complex subjects in a way palatable to laypersons, and to not bore people to tears. Lots of people love to learn, but no one likes being talked down to.

I totally agree, nothing is quite as ingratiating to me as someone who speaks academically about some topic where the overt intent is to give you information about the subject, but the subtext is to show you how smart they are. It's easy to read through and almost always backfires. People can tell when someone is genuinely passionate about something and wants to share it, or when they're lecturing about something to drive home the point that they consider themselves intelligent.


Holy shit these threads make me feel bad about my height (5'11"). Like wth. Nothing below 6 the girls say? :(
I can take solace in the fact that I am in a country where average height is much lower than western hemisphere.

5'11" is too close from 6' for most people to tell the difference, appreciably for girls who tend to be way shorter anyway.

Also keep in mind that those people say 6' minimum simply because it's a nice round number that sounds big. In metric countries (that aren't the Netherlands where the average height is something crazy), 180cm is the "magic number" that suddenly makes you tall on paper.

180cm is less than 5'11. Just goes to show that it's just arbitrary bullshit.
I'm really glad that here in Europe it's mostly 180cm. I don't quite reach 6', so that's good I guess.

But anyway, unless the woman is also 6' or brings a measuring tape, you could just say that you are 6'. That is, if you actually want to date someone with that mindset in the first place.


Haven't bothered with online dating yet since Im focused on paying off my debt and moving out on my own next year before trying but...

I'm 5'6", and already going bald at 26. I'm basically fucked for online dating.

Im 5'7, bald/shaved, not in the prime age range of Tinder (early 30s) and I do pretty good with matches on Tinder. Don't think women only like tall guys, been on dates with ladies who say they really like bald men even. Everyone has preferences!


Dating apps completely wrecked my self esteem.

If it were not for the support of my friends and me deciding to drop the apps and take the hard way to meet woman I wouldn't be recovering from this now.


Is that really the tables turning though? From what I can tell on dating sites guys 35+ are still looking for women in their 20's. If he settles for a 35 year old lady he is pretty much settling too :/
But he has more options. That's what ShoNuff is saying about tables turning.


It's funny I always say that dating sites are confidence crushing experiences for men.

I'm actually tall (6'4") and was signed up on match. Shit did not go well.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It doesn't matter what height you are or how ugly you may be if you can make people laugh. A good sense of humor and being able to make someone laugh can get you some serious mileage. Its not a given of course, you still need to put the work in elsewhere but it makes for a great ice breaker and can liven things up. That and everyone likes to laugh, well except I'm sure one person on NeoGAF who vehemently hates laughing.


May I have a cookie?
Same here. Be confident, be fun, and be yourself and good things will follow. Being insecure sticks out like a sore thumb and that is the main issue going on here with these whiney dudes.

Allow me to respectfully disagree. See my last post for the evidence. But beyond that, I do believe there is something else going on here which is related to what you're referring to and it's something I've been considering as a bigger source of problems for a while.

As has been demonstrated in this thread short people can have no trouble being perceived as attractive for reasons other than their height. For example, confidence is a huge factor in perceived attractiveness. Also I believe there have been studies linking height with perceived confidence and this is also something I've seen discussed on GAF. So for example taller people may be more likely to be perceived by others as confident and vice versa. Just as a funny anecdote my best friend (who is almost a half foot taller than myself) and I used to hang out with a common friend of ours and when we'd go out I'd be much more talkative and energetic than him. Later she was genuinely surprised when I corrected her for assuming I was the taller one.

My point? Perhaps some people are confusing attractiveness due to behavior with attractiveness due to innate appearance. Why is this problematic? Because one of those can be worked on and the other can't. But if a man is constantly being told by women his attractiveness is due to factors out of his control do you really expect that to increase his confidence? Of course not! It'll decrease it, making him appear even less attractive than before. And this is the big thing that bothers me about serial dating, for men and women. There's too much bullshit and too little honest communication. Most people don't know how to express verbally what it is they're looking for in a partner or what they feel was missing in the last one, and most people are ok with this.
5'9 is not that short 😷. I guess it's hard for men who's short, and hard for women to find someone for long term commitment who isn't just looking to fuck and leave.
5'7 and I'm pretty fucking average. Using Tinder makes me sad. Dating as a cute girl is truly dating on easy mode. My friend used to use Tinder, he's a decent looking dude and he only got a couple of matches out of many, many, swipes. In comparison his female friend, who is a pretty Indian girl got a ton of matches. Online dating definitely is hugely advantageous towards women. OkCupid was slightly easier for me, actually got a couple of likes on it.
At the end of the day I'd take having to omit height from a profile over having to hide 'flaws' behind makeup, hide personality because you don't want to be perceived as 'bitchy', and hide my sexuality because I wouldn't want to be seen as a 'slut'. You know, just a few of thousands of things women deal with.


I'm only 5'10 and I get plenty of ass but I'm also gay. I'm about to get laid in a few minutes too.

Sorry, straight dudes.
5'7 and I'm pretty fucking average. Using Tinder makes me sad. Dating as a cute girl is truly dating on easy mode. My friend used to use Tinder, he's a decent looking dude and he only got a couple of matches out of many, many, swipes. In comparison his female friend, who is a pretty Indian girl got a ton of matches. Online dating definitely is hugely advantageous towards women. OkCupid was slightly easier for me, actually got a couple of likes on it.

Of course it is, it's a horny sausage fest online. Supply and demand at work lol.


So many women prefer tall men. So many men prefer thin women. We didn't need Tinder to tell us this and anyone that has their self-esteem destroyed by this knowledge probably didn't have much to begin with.
Don't get upset about stuff you can't control. I'm 5'7" and aside from one ex girlfriend nobody has ever really mentioned that I'm a bit shorter than average.

I understand that this might be hard with online dating, where there's obviously some kind of mental checklist for women, as there would be with men. I'm not really into chubby girls or tall ones, we all have our preferences.

The best dating advice I ever had in my life came when I was 10 years old watching South Park the movie. 'Chicks dig confidence' and 'find the clitoris'.
Since everyone's posting their heights thought I'd join in. 6ft 2. Also my past 4 relationships have been from tinder matches. It's reassuring to know before you even talk to someone they find you attractive. For me anyway that's the hard part, whatever happens.
The height thing is real. I go out with people that are significantly less attractive than me in almost every other looks category except height, and they will still have girls really openly hitting on them a lot more often. They can be skinny af or slightly chubby, it's still ok.

If you're short (below 180 cm) and skinny, or short and chubby, you are severely disadvantaged in terms of looks. You see here in Sweden shorter guys being A LOT more athletic to be able to compete. And then not even that always helps, as some people perceive shorter guys trying to get more muscular as having small dog / short man syndrome and then that's reason for ridicule as well.

I am doing much better now than before though, so I shouldn't really complain too much

I'm only 5'10 and I get plenty of ass but I'm also gay. I'm about to get laid in a few minutes too.

Sorry, straight dudes.

Yeah, it seems to be a lot easier for gay guys. If I want a confidence boost I can go to a gay-friendly place and at least have someone showing interest in me lol


I'd have no problem dating a taller girl, I can't say I've ever taken height into consideration when looking at attractiveness. I didn't even know it was a thing until I met some friends who mentioned it was a huge deal, both men who would never date a taller girl, and girls who won't date short men. Find it pretty odd myself.
Concerning Tinder yea it does seem like just playing the odds competing with hundreds of other men. Things can be seemingly going so well and then you are just stood up and ghosted and it's all cool because it's just an app and all that. Kind of trivializes the whole thing. It's easy to stop giving a fuck and just get desperate because results are seemingly the same regardless of how much effort you put in. I felt so shitty I just gave up. Meeting people in person appeals to me more, not that I am good at that either but I'd rather be rejected looking someone in the eye than just brushed aside electronically.

Red Comet

Lol why would you put your height in your profile? I'm 5'9"ish and Tinder helped raise my self-esteem. I told my height to a few people, and it was never a problem. In fact, I met my girlfriend on Tinder and she's only 5'4". :D


Maybe that guy should lower the requirements while searching. There is always an old shoe for a tired feet.


Right. I've come across a lot of guys who think that they prove their intelligence to a woman (and even to other guys) by ranting about something they're super knowledgeable about without any consideration for whether or not it's actually going to be interesting to another person. Being "intelligent" in dating terms just means not being an idiot who's never had a lucid thought. And I think a lot of guys miss that point.

All these personality traits are overanalyzed. The bottom line is to be fun, interesting, and have a good time. No one wants to spend time with a person who feels like a chore. If someone's experience with you is fun and enjoyable they'll want to spend more time with you. I think it would serve guys (and women, too) well to remember that you don't need to worry about seeming impressive as much as you need to focus on making sure the person you're with is enjoying themselves. That's the classic mistake made by guys who ramble about their boring job at a law firm as if having a good-paying job is a substitute for a personality. If you're a naturally boring person whose idea of a conversation is to ask someone a litany of questions about themselves until you've exhausted their life story, it may be worth reading some self-help articles on carrying conversation. Just because you can keep someone talking, or keep talking yourself, doesn't mean a good conversation is happening. That's lost on a lot of guys too.

The point of a conversation isn't just to ask questions and exchange opinions, it's to share your feelings and vulnerabilities too, which you would think a lot of guys are incapable of at times. Every guy who carries a conversation with a girl by asking her where she's from, followed by where she went to school, followed by where she lives now, followed by what she does for a living is doing it completely wrong. It's not a damn job interview, it's supposed to be fun, and your attempts at keeping her talking are a poor mask for the fact that you're either insecure about your own life and would rather not discuss it or are paralyzed by the idea of sharing with a near-stranger the things that inspire you, scare you, motivate you, etc. A conversation isn't a data transfer of facts or even opinions, but ideally of feelings and vulnerabilities.

Also, I'm not targeting you specifically, to be clear. Just kind of throwing suggestions out in general.
You're so spot on. Especially this quote:
I've come across a lot of guys who think that they prove their intelligence to a woman (and even to other guys) by ranting about something they're super knowledgeable about without any consideration for whether or not it's actually going to be interesting to another person.
I think this is a key point that people who are socially awkward fail to realize. A girl whose main interests are horses, music and working out will likely be bored to tears by breakdown of the intricacies of the Dota2 The International 6 winner's strategy. Not that that shit isn't interesting, or that you couldn't wake an interest in that in her, but in the beginning you need to find common ground. Else you'll just come off as weird. This applies to other interactions as well, with peers and others.


Black Canada Mafia
If anyone hasn't done this yet, get a good female friend to let you watch how she Tinder's. Maybe if she's comfortable, narrate how she makes her choices.

Such an eye opening experience, and so different than how my male friends Tinder.


This is where assymetrical dating goals come into play.

Straight women can get sex rather easily. Some dude will fuck them. A more fair comparison would be getting a relationship. A fat woman would have a much harder time.

I am still not convinced by that said guy will probably have to send messages like he's job hunting or actively hit on girls, whilst said fat girl can just wait for the messages to come in and be as picky as her options and standards let her be.
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