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Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE review thread


When people say it's a SMT spin-off as Persona I wonder if they have played others Megaten games outside it, because TMS screams more to Digital Devil Saga than Persona, just without the Megaten lore in it.

But anyway, it seems it's a fun game. I really want play this but don't have a Wii U :(
This is a clear example of a review not for the game, but for an argument
This is not reviewing the game for what it is, but for what it was supposed to be at the moment of the announcement

Instead of focusing the gameplay, or soundtrack, or solid aspects of the game, this sentence alone makes it look that the review score was given because it's not what people expected.

Such a shame.

EDIT: I say this only based on that sentence, sadly I cannot open that page since they are blocked at my job, but it's the impression it gives

The actual review isn't like that and they go into gameplay mechanics and whatnot. It's really only the first paragraph that brings up the announcement.
The middle of the road reviews are actually pretty comforting to me. I'm looking forward to a pretty simple, fun JRPG with bright colors and a real cool aesthetic.

No fucking clue when I'll have TIME for a big ass JRPG, though.


Glad to see this is reviewing well. I can't wait for Friday!

What hate bandwagon? The only shade I see getting thrown at the game are the people upset over the localization changes, and stuff like that rarely makes an impact at the critic level.

There was a lot of hate because this isn't really an SMT/Fire Emblem crossover like announced, and they went into a completely new direction (which is fine with me, as I think a crossover of the two ips wasn't the best idea in the first place).


The middle of the road reviews are actually pretty comforting to me. I'm looking forward to a pretty simple, fun JRPG with bright colors and a real cool aesthetic.

No fucking clue when I'll have TIME for a big ass JRPG, though.
Sounds like this is a game for you, then. It's all of the above and not too long (~30 hours).


Should be here Friday. I might be done with Valkyria Chronicles between now and then but #FE will have to pry my fingers away from Miku PS4 to play it.

Otherwise kinda happy to turn my Wii U on after a long while, and will be watching the homebrew side of things very closely.

Kid Ying

When people say it's a SMT spin-off as Persona I wonder if they have played others Megaten games outside it, because TMS screams more to Digital Devil Saga than Persona, just without the Megaten lore in it.

But anyway, it seems it's a fun game. I really want play this but don't have a Wii U :(
Yep. The game reminds me much more of persona than megami tensei games. Not that it's a bad thing though.
It looks more like a spinoff of Persona with Fire Emblem elements sprinkled in than MegaTen.

Haven't played Digital Devil Saga.


My review for now is 1/10.
I don't think there's a way to use headphones with this game since the gamepad doesn't let you listen to the game audio. There's also no way to play to play off tv.
Considereing it's a game about music, this is a pretty baffling design choice ( expect if I am wrong and there is a way but I didn't find it yet).
Since I don't have a Tv with sound, this game became kinda unplayable for me.

I hate this shit. Because the Wii U lacks optical out I have to jump through hoops to use it with my audio setup or I'm stuck with shitty TV speakers. It's especially baffling because it should just support gamepad audio at all times, but annoyingly few games do (or it only works during off-tv play).

My setup is much different than the last time I had the Wii U plugged in and I have no idea how I'm gonna even solve this problem. I also just realized I haven't turned on my Wii U since January...


Just ordered it on a whim, feelsgoodman.


I approve.

nihongo ga wakarimasu ka
Any reviews from anyone who played the Japanese version as well?

I want the lowdown on the changes before i put money down, already cancelled my preorder thanks to the scenario changes. Costumes i will certainly live with.


This looks absolutely nothing like DDS I dunno what that poster is saying.
There are some elements that look similar to Digital Devil Saga at glance like main characters using a single entitiy to obtain their powers instead of a wide variety of them (The Devas from DDS and the Mirage from #FE) and they also have another "form" they can change mid-combat (Human and Demon in DDS and Normal and Carnage in #FE) but to be fair the game seems inspired by ATLUS games as a whole instead of a single particular series.
Their partner characters are called Performas.

That's all I wanted to say.

Picking up the Limited Edition Friday regardless of reviews.


I think it's funny that I had to wait until now to find out what people thought about the game instead of just reading about censorship bullshit.

Does your TV have optical out?

yes and that's the hoop I used to jump through. But if I wanted to use my monitor instead of my TV (I'm doing this with my PS4 right now) I'd be out of luck. My monitor's audio out sounds hoooorible.

I think I'm just gonna end up moving my TV to the other side of the room. For this one game. It's not that big a deal honestly I'm just annoyed when such a simple option as gamepad audio is left out. I remember MH3U giving you options for this, and as that was pretty much the only thing I used my Wii U for until Bayonetta 2, I assumed other games were similar. Oh how wrong I was.
SO5 will be on bargain bin as fast as light speed, so #FE first is good choice.

I actually believe this too, but being honest, sharp FE might be kinda difficult to get at later dates, similar to how Bayonetta 2 had stock shortage or even Devil's Third

It's a niche title after all
Did they change parts of the story or something?

Yeah, at least one of the dungeons went through a story change. Something like a change from being about having to do swimsuit shoots to further career to having to pretend to be cool or something. Thematic difference of pressure to do a maxim photo op to having to perform at the kids choice awards, from what it sounds like. Not a matter of wanting swimsuits, although I'd be lying if I said I'm a fan of any changes not strictly necessary, but it's a pretty significant difference in theme.

Just want to know how much of that to expect. I'll swallow the one time but if there's a review up that can detail any further alterations then that changes things.


And there is also one on Xbox I think. I need to look for the name of it.

Are you referring to Eternal Sonata? They eventually released that to PS3 also I believe

Preordered Tokyo Mirage yesterday on a whim, so pretty happy to see reviews are good so far


I thought the background music is okay considering that this is Yoshiaki Fujisawa's first time ever doing a game soundtrack since all his work have been for TV Dramas and TV anime.

There are a lot of veterans as well as a lot of new faces behind the development of the game.

Any word on how long this is?

main scenario, about 30 hours, with side quests it clocks in to at least 50 hours.
you read that LiSA quote wrong

The Yoshiaki Fujisawa-penned J-Pop entries to the soundtrack are outstanding and if you’re a fan of artists such as fripSide or LiSA – who shares her last name with lead Tsubasa – then you’ll be overjoyed every time you reach a point in the narrative for a new one and the frankly incredible choreographed cutscenes that accompany them

To me that reads that fripSide and LiSA fans would enjoy the soundtrack because their work is featured in the game. If she hasn't then that puts me back in maybe when it's cheaper territory.
To me that reads that fripSide and LiSA fans would enjoy the soundtrack because their work is featured in the game. If she hasn't then that puts me back in maybe when it's cheaper territory.

I believe it says that the j-pop used is similar to Lisa or fripside style, I could be wrong thou


OP could you add an image like this to the post for visuals sake.


and add this post

I just beat the camera dungeon, how far through am I?

That's just the
dungeon after the tutorial and when after you fight
Inverse and save Tsubasa's sister.

You still have a lot to do in the game.

The OT will be up later tonight, unless there is enough people here already with a copy who want to discuss with copies already breaking street date.


BTW, Edge already gave the game a 7 in their most recent issue, but I don't think there's been any text made available for it yet.
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