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Tropes Vs. Women Episode 2 - Damsels In Distress Part [spoiler warning]

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I'm only going to do this once.
I find it funny how the whole point of this series is to generate a discussion about Tropes vs. Women in Video Games yet everything being done seems to work against the very notion of having any level of discussion at all.

First of all comments are disabled on Youtube which some will believe is a good thing but I see it as a blockade for direct responses to her videos. You can't submit reply videos, you can't point out holes in her logic, and you can't engage anyone through her Youtube channel. So your choice is to head to a forum like GAF where most will have the same outlook on the subject and no real discussion can be had.

YouTube comments are a cesspool of stupidity. Acting like that's where good responses happen is ridiculous, disingenuous, and honestly flat out dumb.

Secondly she constantly glosses over certain issues while hinting that there is a far deeper issue that she could get so much more out of but won't because reasons. If you're going to open a discussion then go all out or don't bother. This isn't an attempt to explore ideas but rather a soap box for her to push her agenda.
Such as?

Thirdly she doesn't approach the subject matter in a serious way. She never explores the deeper context behind games and story lines seeming to only glance through games looking for things that fit her purpose. This becomes apparent when you see games like Child of Eden being presented as a damsel in distress when the entire game is about fighting off a computer virus inside virtual space.
Why does fighting off a computer virus inside virtual space include visuals of a pretty lady in the first place, then? What in the world would that possibly have to do with fighting computer viruses?

Then you have points where she openly laughs at plots from games such as Bionic Commando.
Bionic Commando's plot was stupid, and was laughed at by everyone long before this came up. You are really going to defend the wifearm?

So she can look down from her ivory tower and scoff but we aren't allowed to do the same? Interesting.
What are you even talking about?

She also never talks about how these games are received by gamers and their overall success or lack there of. Again Bionic Commando wasn't a good game and it didn't perform well at retail but she's quick to use it as a shining example of gamers being all for the dis-empowerment of women in video games.
When did she say gamers are all for it? She said game makers, intentionally or unintentionally, use dis-empowering tropes in an attempt to make their games more appealing.

Other titles such as God of War which is based around the Greek Gods, which were always heavy in tragedy, never have their origins explored or even remotely touched on.
Kratos is an original character, though his name is taken from an unrelated character.

Things really start to derail when she talks about the player having to kill the damsel and somehow misses the point that these are characters that are suffering. Prey is quite funny because during the video when Anita says that Tommy's girlfriend is begging for him to kill her you can clearly hear her say "Get away from me Tommy!" and "Don't shoot!" Anita though in the same breath says these characters are literally asking for it the entire time.

I don't know about you but if I was transforming into a monster or something like that I'd want someone to shoot me in the head to keep it from happening. Doesn't matter what sex you are I doubt anyone wants to be deformed and mutilated to any degree.
So why does it happen to one sex in games far more than it happens to the other? This is the entire point. It's not just about the surface justification that is written into the game, it's about the fact that so many game devs feel the need to write those situations into the games.

Writing something is a choice. Those game worlds do not actually exist. If someone in a game is in a position of suffering, it is because the game's creators put them there.
To the people defending Jenny from Darkness:

I checked her wiki page and frankly there isn't much about her (Specifically, up until she was killed, not in Darkness 2 and afterwards). She was Jackies friend and defended him from some bullies and later realized that she was in love with him, from what it says. It doesn't say much about her likes and interest, what her life was, why she was even in love with him, much about her life in general.

And then she was killed, not for anything SHE did, but because she was associated with Jackie.

It doesn't seem to me that Anita is wrong in describing Jenny as "Jackie's" for the purpose of the narrative, since outside the relationship with him, whatever she did or who she was was irrelevant.

Yeah No.

She's a relatively fleshed out character in herself, who you get some great low-key moments with early in the game. She
dies because of Jackie,
but that doesn't automatically make her into a mere plot device. No woman can
die as a result of the actions on a man
in a story now without it being "problematic"? That's a silly line of reasoning.
I wonder if she got a copyright notice. Which is kind of bogus, because I think fair use principle would apply. Maybe she got trolled?

Troll is likely. Whether YouTube will remove the complaint is another question entirely, they're notoriously random about that.

Unless it turns out the troll in question works for one of the developers or publishers of the games in question in which case GG (although considering that the reason given is "breaking the terms of service" and not "copyright claim by X" that's fairly unlikely. Then again, imagine the shitstorm if it was publicly revealed to be a copyright claim).

[Edit] That said, if I was XSEED, I would be writing Anita a sternly worded letter e-mail expressing annoyance at publicly spoiling their latest product.



It's not her fault honestly, we can't expect her to put on a production worth $158,922 when the original intent was a production worth $6000. Without any sort of stretch goal promises, I stand by my assertion that people who gave money past the $6000 were misguided fools with a good intention.

Well to be fair she only got the boat load of money as a duck you to the hater who thought the project shouldn't be funded but just didn't express it like normal human being.

Though be honest I kinda agree with the hater on most past as I feel Anita isn't the right person to talk about gender in video game and a lot of it just basically stem from her opinion and not understanding how the Video game market works especially when it comes to new IP.

She also doesn't carry proper research as she was wrong on why Dinosaur planet got turn into Star Fox as well ignoring some key fact in the Mario and Zelda universe.


Unfortunately she continues to fail to address real life problems: discrimination against women and minorities in the industry.

None of the shit you see on your TV when you insert a disc into your console matters if people are still discriminated against in REAL LIFE.

But whatevs.

She's just a pop culture critic. I wonder if she would dare to delve into something that has actual stakes.

If a man is sexist, misogynist, racist, etc... I would bet anyone that behavior was learned from direct role models like family members. If a kid sees his dad being disrespectful of his mother or abusive, that is how he will probably turn out. It is that simple.

Conversely, you take a young man who has been raised in a household with a confident intelligent mother and/or sisters, that kid will likely grow up to have a healthy respect for women. You could have him play all the horribly sexist videogames you want and it probably wouldn't change that in him.

Its these reasons, among all her incredibly simplistic arguments and out of context examples, that give me a hard time taking all this too seriously.



It's not her fault honestly, we can't expect her to put on a production worth $158,922 when the original intent was a production worth $6000. Without any sort of stretch goal promises, I stand by my assertion that people who gave money past the $6000 were misguided fools with a good intention.

I missed the part when $152,000 was promptly donated to charity, or reinvested into other Kickstarter's (perhaps even one that portrays a viewpoint opposite to feminism on tropes in video games?).

Otherwise, the scope must indeed scale accordingly.
James Paul Gee manages to do it. Could you explain to me why Anita should be exempt?

Because the feminist point of view does not withstand the rigor and analysis. They are akin to the talking points of a political party.

Anita had a chance to prove people wrong, but it's nothing more than the same themes and ideas regurgitated over and over to rally feminists, this time it's involving video games.

These are just talking points and will never be anything more.


Alright, her talking about abuse against women and saying gaming isn't a vacuum is pretty blatant. It also doesn't make sense contextually, once again, because these past two videos have been about women and distress and males having to protect and save them.

She also did this bit after the "writers make women monsters so males have control over them" thing, I don't think the game Prey is going to cause a male to beat up a female.


Yeah No.

She's a relatively fleshed out character in herself, who you get some great low-key moments with early in the game. She
dies because of Jackie,
but that doesn't automatically make her into a mere plot device. No woman can
die as a result of the actions on a man
in a story now without it being "problematic"? That's a silly line of reasoning.

Yes, that is exactly what I said.


I find it hilarious that she wants her message out in the open but won't allow a counter argument. First rule of debate broken again (and probably in every video) but then it isn't a debate but her message. (Took debate in High School so that bugs me)

I can't wait to see how she'll drag Remember Me through the mud once it's released. But then I get the feeling she hates games like Mirror's Edge and Tomb Raider.

Will give round 2 a watch once its back up for viewing.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I missed the part when $152,000 was promptly donated to charity, or reinvested into other Kickstarter's (perhaps even one that portrays a viewpoint opposite to feminism on tropes in video games?).

Perhaps one of the more galling aspects of Anita's crowd sourced riches, is that she received multiple times more than one would receive for a scholarship to do actual academic work in this area. Instead, we have a set of empty, meandering videos which pander to simplistic and limited understandings of the field of social research.

Oh well.


My argument is that someone said that TWW avoids these tropes. I'm demonstrating that it doesn't. Would you agree?

I've rarely ever seen Japan not use all the anime tropes they use, so of course I agree. The only thing I would say is, Japan is pretty consistent with their tropes on all genders, and consistently put women in power positions AND at the same time taking advantage of young girls(and boys oddly). Japan is very bizarre for my Western mind to wrap my brain around, specially after visiting there, so when it comes to commentating on why they do what they do, I generally stay out of it.
I find it hilarious that she wants her message out in the open but won't allow a counter argument. First rule of debate broken again (and probably in every video) but then it isn't a debate but her message. (Took debate in High School so that bugs me)

I can't wait to see how she'll drag Remember Me through the mud once it's released. But then I get the feeling she hates games like Mirror's Edge and Tomb Raider.

Will give round 2 a watch once its back up for viewing.

Eh... She loves Mirror's Edge


I missed the part when $152,000 was promptly donated to charity, or reinvested into other Kickstarter's (perhaps even one that portrays a viewpoint opposite to feminism on tropes in video games?).

That's not fair. You can't fault her for getting money she didn't ask for.

PK Gaming

She's the princess of all of Hyrule. Every person in Wind Waker is one of her subjects. The kingdom is fragmented though and needs to be reunited, almost exactly like Lord of the Rings. She returns to her lost throne almost exactly like Aragorn. She then starts to act more regal almost exactly like Aragorn.

She is then instrumental in finishing the final boss. Even Aragorn doesn't do that, Frodo does.

Nothing about it sexist in any way. You have no point at all. Zero.

Holy shit, no this doesn't happen.

She doesn't reclaim her rightful throne or something silly like that. Tetra is revealed to be a descendant of Princess Zelda when King of Hyrule gives her the rest of the triforce. WW's ending theme is all about discarding the past to give way to a bright (and unknown) future. The King flat out tells this to Zelda and Link before he drowns.

The King of Hyrule plays keep away with Zelda (and Link technically) as the ball, because if Ganon gets all 3 pieces of the Triforce its game over.

Nobody is ignoring the fact that Zelda helps you kick the shit out of Ganon in the final fight. We're angry that she's stuck in the castle dungeon for the rest of the game, and only gets to kick ass at very end of the game.

EDIT: Oh and also Phantom Hourglass. Tetra being shortchanged in that game was sooo crappy. I'd rather have her as a partner than that douche of a sailor.


So who is it that's discouraging discussion?

I find it hilarious that she wants her message out in the open but won't allow a counter argument. First rule of debate broken again (and probably in every video) but then it isn't a debate but her message. (Took debate in High School so that bugs me)

I can't wait to see how she'll drag Remember Me through the mud once it's released. But then I get the feeling she hates games like Mirror's Edge and Tomb Raider.

Will give round 2 a watch once its back up for viewing.
Won't allow a counter argument? How is she stopping counter arguments?


This is just delusional. What should games be then? Competitive group therapy sessions where dungeon masters/therapists lead parties of excited players through the tangles of their own minds and personal motivations? FPS games that don't involve killing but are games of virtual Tag on digital playgrounds?
If you don't think there are a variety of ways to resolve conflict, even with violence, without hundreds of characters dying and being torn apart in ever more gruesome ways the delusional one is you.

Soldiers kill people. They don't attach grappling hooks to their rib cages, concentrate on chopping as many limbs off as possible and otherwise whoop at achieving kill counts in the hundreds within a matter of minutes. In reality people hit by bullets die, zoom-in special effects of their head flying across the screen suddenly don't appear to everyone nearby, with bonus points and sound effects for height and splatter coverage.

Why does it have to be a binary response? I'm not saying 'ban all killing in games!', I'm saying that revenge fantasies with a level of dismemberment and violence verging on pornographic aren't the only way to show it, and I agree with Anita that developers are constantly trying to outdo each other with the level of gore and visual depiction of it. Increased processing power allowed this to happen, fair enough, but why are so many of our games about extravagantly killing everything with swords and guns en-route to the one baddie we really want dead? Is it not occasionally possible to achieve the same end-goal without ripping apart hundreds of goons on the way?

Instead of thinking 'leave my FPS games alone!' perhaps we could look at how little themes like suspense, stealth and investigation were explored as game mechanics this gen despite having the power to do them very well, whereas, as usual, killing even more bad guys was the first choice for virtually every AAA developer.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Because the feminist point of view does not withstand the rigor and analysis. They are akin to the talking points of a political party.

Anita had a chance to prove people wrong, but it's nothing more than the same themes and ideas regurgitated over and over to rally feminists, this time it's involving video games.

These are just talking points and will never be anything more.

The notion that there is 'a feminist point of view', which 'does not withstand the rigor and analysis' is ridiculous.

This is really pointless, binaristic thinking which helps nobody. Anita's political orientation has nothing to do with the quality of her analysis.


To casablog.

1. Male power fantasy - let's not get too deep into this. Most male characters that are power fantasies, are so because the designers want to give players a powerful character to become.
A person who is strong since men are constantly competing to be a man and pure strength is a good way to be a protector, which is what the traditional male role usually is.

Don't forget for instance any of those fantasies that deal with women. They don't have a fear of rejection, ever, as they are consistently loved for who they are and don't have to compete for affection like they do in real life. It's the same thing with women and romance novels. Men have a hard time getting affection in real life and thus make fantasies where their woes are gone while women have a hard time with stable and romantic relationships and thus do the same.

2. Powerlessness - You compared men's appeal to powerless women to women's appeal to babies...
Yes I did. Think about it.
What is cute to a man usually seen as? Women being weak and babyish. Does that mean they wish them to be explicitly weak and unknowledgeable? If yes, is that what women want for babies or is it something that reflects people's need to protect and love and doesn't explicitly tie expectations to others?

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
So who is it that's discouraging discussion?
Won't allow a counter argument? How is she stopping counter arguments?

Apparently, if she won't allow 14 year old channers to call her a pig, kike, slut, while threatening to rape her, she is stifling their right to an opinion.


I can fault her for keeping it, and seemingly not doing anything with it, when the assumption is that more of it would broaden the scope of her analysis.

You can blame the assumption then, not her. What she did with the money is no one's business, she didn't force people to donate, she didn't pledge to make a better video if she had more money, she only said she wanted $6000. The fact that she got a massive bonus doesn't change that fact.


Perhaps one of the more galling aspects of Anita's crowd sourced riches, is that she received multiple times more than one would receive for a scholarship to do actual academic work in this area. Instead, we have a set of empty, meandering videos which pander to simplistic and limited understandings of the field of social research.

Oh well.

I think that she's trying to keep it accessible to a broad audience, hence the liberal use of videoclips. A real analysis would be longer, probably mostly in writing, analyze the entire extents of specific narratives in detail, etc.

I can't read her mind but I imagine she's trying to reach the modern, internet audience that can barely keep their eyes on something for 30 seconds. Most academic work is misrepresented in media, with points removed or simplified, because that's kind of what people expect now.

I'm still glad these videos exist. At least people continue to talk about it.

More game creators from different backgrounds will also help us be a bit more in the variety aspect.
Holy shit, no this doesn't happen.

She doesn't reclaim her rightful throne or something silly like that. Tetra is revealed to be a descendant of Princess Zelda when King of Hyrule gives her the rest of the triforce. WW's ending theme is all about discarding the past to give way to a bright (and unknown) future. The King flat out tells this to Zelda and Link before he drowns.

The King of Hyrule plays keep away with Zelda (and Link technically) as the ball, because if Ganon gets all 3 pieces of the Triforce its game over.

Nobody is ignoring the fact that Zelda helps you kick the shit out of Ganon in the final fight. We're angry that she's stuck in the castle dungeon for the rest of the game, and only gets to kick ass at very end of the game.

EDIT: Oh and also Phantom Hourglass. Tetra being shortchanged in that game was sooo crappy. I'd rather have her as a partner than that douche of a sailor.

So you angry that the games uses a trope?.

How does that make it sexist?. Or is just sexist because it uses the trope?


I'd rather have her talk about a few games she's played and how she interpreted them from her perspective, instead of looking up female deaths in videogames on youtube and then doing a 30 second stint about three games.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Maybe you shouldn't be discussing this topic if you don't even understand the basics

Friend, if you think that posting a link to a Wikipedia entry on 'feminism' suddenly validates your opinion that using feminism as an analytical framework is somehow invalid, you are delusional, and demonstrating how little you understand about the subject being discussed.
I think that she's trying to keep it accessible to a broad audience, hence the liberal use of videoclips. A real analysis would be longer, probably mostly in writing, analyze the entire extents of specific narratives in detail, etc.

I can't read her mind but I imagine she's trying to reach the modern, internet audience that can barely keep their eyes on something for 30 seconds. Most academic work is misrepresented in media, with points removed or simplified, because that's kind of what people expect now.

That doesn't help your point like... at all.
I'd rather have her talk about a few games she's played and how she interpreted them from her perspective, instead of looking up female deaths in videogames on youtube and then doing a 30 second stint about three games.

She explains her perspective perfectly in these videos. It just happens to be shallow and narrowminded.

Why would you want her to expand on it even more?
I have no idea what you're even talking about here.

Why? They're both fully capable of trying to act regal when they're dressed up in royal gear, wearing crowns, and in their throne rooms.

I don't even know what this means.

She's the princess of all of Hyrule. Every person in Wind Waker is one of her subjects. The kingdom is fragmented though and needs to be reunited, almost exactly like Lord of the Rings. She returns to her lost throne almost exactly like Aragorn. She then starts to act more regal almost exactly like Aragorn.

She is then instrumental in finishing the final boss. Even Aragorn doesn't do that, Frodo does.

Nothing about it sexist in any way. You have no point at all. Zero.

There's a serious lack of intelligence coming from your end. Disappointing.

Allow me to dumb it down for you.

Your argument is that Aragorn does a similar thing in his story. Notwithstanding the fact that bringing up Aragorn is you attempting to not address The Wind Waker's criticisms and flaws, Aragorn is an adult. Aragorn has greater mental faculties. In fiction, it is common for an adult to take charge in his life and adapt everything about himself to ensure that he can take on a strong leadership position. Tetra is a child, a bratty, pirate child. Basically, the opposite of a princess. She is in no way prepared to fulfill the role of a princess. There's nothing that leads up to her personality shift. Once the shift happens, she IMMEDIATELY acts like a princess. She's immediately humble, regal, softspoken. She has NONE of the qualities of Tetra. Tetra basically ceases to exist upon becoming Zelda. The argument is whether TWW abandons the tropes that inhabit the franchise. Clearly, it doesn't - you just think it's okay that it doesn't. So I think I have a point, it's just that my point makes you sad.

I'm just lost for words that you are so unable to understand the issue of a comparison between an adult and a child. Tetra has not been alive for long enough to have the wisdom to become a true leader. There is nothing to establish this twist as a believable one because Tetra is not the kind of character who would so readily become that role that she does it instantaneously. How about Wreck-It Ralph?
The main female protagonist becomes a Princess. Her personality does not change.
This is an example of fiction abandoning the tropes of its medium. Not TWW, which takes a character who is strong and independent, and then applies basically every single trope to her. Was she practicing to be a Princess, is that why she stopped having any qualities that Tetra had?


EDIT: Oh and also Phantom Hourglass. Tetra being shortchanged in that game was sooo crappy. I'd rather have her as a partner than that douche of a sailor.
Why, because he's a man? Is that sexist? He's pretty feisty as well, and he's not very regal.

You can say you wanted a story to go a certain way as much as you want and I have no right to correct you. But if you try and bring morality, and sexism into this you are crazy. WW is not sexist at all.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I think that she's trying to keep it accessible to a broad audience, hence the liberal use of videoclips. A real analysis would be longer, probably mostly in writing, analyze the entire extents of specific narratives in detail, etc.

I can't read her mind but I imagine she's trying to reach the modern, internet audience that can barely keep their eyes on something for 30 seconds. Most academic work is misrepresented in media, with points removed or simplified, because that's kind of what people expect now.

I'm still glad these videos exist. At least people continue to talk about it.

More game creators from different backgrounds will also help us be a bit more in the variety aspect.

There's nothing wrong with using video clips, or making her work accessible and engaging. At all. In fact, I'd love to see a gender-based analysis on the video game industry that doesn't send me to sleep.

But, that's not what this is. The hollow core cannot be ignored - Anita offers no analysis, no literature, no critique. She doesn't connect to the massive body of prior research. She positions herself as a lone voice of reason in a world gone mad. She's almost offensively pompous. If she'd integrated basic academic practice into her content, it would have been improved a million times over.

Instead, we have Alex Jones-level empty outrage, which serves nobody and does nothing.


I find it hilarious that she wants her message out in the open but won't allow a counter argument. First rule of debate broken again

Have you ever read youtube comments? Because I have and they are full of trollish, immature, dumb comment some even are personal attack on the person, so really how can you have a debate when the people commenting aren't mature enough to do it?

Granted she could block and remove the comment but that alone is a time consuming task.


Don't forget for instance any of those fantasies that deal with women. They don't have a fear of rejection, ever, as they are consistently loved for who they are and don't have to compete for affection like they do in real life.

What is cute to a man usually seen as? Women being weak and babyish.

See, this is where you lose me, and a lot of people!
These are not realities!
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