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Trump AZ rally: dishonest media, gov't shutdown if no wall, hints at Arpaio pardon


didnt Trump win the presidency already? I mean...why is he still doing these things?
Others have said it, but his favorite part of the presidency was the campaigning, not the actual job of President. He enjoys these rallies for the attention from his base and because he loves blabbering.
I'm going to laugh when a budget passes without a wall and it's veto proof.

Besides tunnels, ropes and ladders, the Trump wall has a new flaw, drones.

SAN DIEGO — A 25-year-old U.S. citizen has been charged with using a drone to smuggle more than 13 pounds of methamphetamine from Mexico by drone, an unusually large seizure for what is still a novel technique to bring illegal drugs into the United States, authorities said Friday.

Jorge Edwin Rivera told authorities that he used drones to smuggle drugs five or six times since March, typically delivering them to an accomplice at a nearby gas station in San Diego, according to a statement of probable cause. He said he was to be paid $1,000 for the attempt that ended in his arrest


yes, and he is threatening a government shutdown to get it done

Lol. I'm assuming the whole speech was "Fake News, Fox News best, MAGA, Wall!!, Crooked Killary and finishes off with a good 15 minute of JOBS JOBS JOBS"?

Wall too.

It's there ;)

all of those were mentionned, the fake news part was upgraded to enemy status

Why the fuck do people still go to see this then, he's just rehashing the same fucking things, day in day out. God. Boils my blood knowing some people still believe his horseshit.


Just read some bits about his Arizona rally. Your president is talking and behaving like a true authoritarian. Truly. He's laughing at and playing with political institutions, talking about people, media and groups of his own countrymen like I've never seen before aside from some history books. It's crazy, I'm sorry for the US, please continue to not normalize him everyone who's sane there. Or as we in Germany learned: "Wehret den Anfängen" (oppose the beginnings).


I don't know if Trump has dementia, but I think between Trump manually applying reverb and yelling interjection in the middle of his own sentences, there's something bizarre about his speaking style.
Whether Trump suffers from dementia or not, I think you'd still take a dementia sufferer as a president over this pompous and dangerous narcissist.
If anything, dementia would give him an "out". This asshole, frankly, doesn't deserve one.


Lol. I'm assuming the whole speech was "Fake News, Fox News best, MAGA, Wall!!, Crooked Killary and finishes off with a good 15 minute of JOBS JOBS JOBS"?

There was a lot more batshit than that. It was "Wall, statues, jobs, MAGA, WALL, SWAMP, SHERRIFF PARDON, THOSE SENATORS FROM ARIZONA, NEWZ, NEWZ, FAU NEWS!"
didnt Trump win the presidency already? I mean...why is he still doing these things?
This is a man who just threatened to shut the government down to fund a wall he promised all of his followers again and again and again that Mexico would pay for.

He doesn't have a rational world view. Its pure ego. And his followers just like hearing the words he spouts.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Not only does the media give a platform to hate groups, but the media turns a blind eye to the gang violence on our streets!

So, no to white supremacists and Neo-Nazis?
The cycle never changes:

Trump reads a prepared speech written by his staff off a teleprompter.

Media asks: "Is this the pivot? Is he finally becoming Presidential?"

Within 24 hours, Trump says/does/tweets something batshit fucking insane.


So it sounds like two bottles were thrown at police and they immediately responded with gas without warning, which triggered the larger riot.
Just got back, thankfully avoided most of the nonsense that phoenix PD started.

It was such a good protest until the end, the trump groups were looking for violence and blood the whole time while our side stayed very peaceful and together.

I didn't see anything provoking the police, but what they did was not warranted, absolutely disgusting. Its no coincidence that the tear gas came out as soon as the majority of trump supporters started coming out of the convention center.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
OP hasnt been updated...so what exactly happened and why is this thread so long ?


I want a montage of all the "HE's PIVOTING" hot takes from yesterday. How many times does Mango Mussolini need to prove that this is who he is?


I want a montage of all the "HE's PIVOTING" hot takes from yesterday. How many times does Mango Mussolini need to prove that this is who he is?
There was some hand-wringing that the media would declare that Donald Trump Became President in response to the Afghanistan speech, but others rightfully pointed out even if they did, he had a campaign rally the next day and would immediately spoil any good will gained by not shitting his pants for one day.


Here Are The Wildest Moments From Trump's Wild Arizona Rally

1. He kicked off the speech by re-reading all his responses to the protests in Charlottesville. While going over his widely-criticized initial response, Trump omitted the most controversial part of his initial statement, in which he blamed ”many sides" for violence there.

2. He called out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). ”We have to speak to Mitch" about eliminating the Senate filibuster, Trump said. (The filibuster was not a factor in stopping the Republican health care bill.) Earlier on Tuesday, the New York Times reported that Trump and McConnell have not spoken in weeks.

3. He suggested he'd shut down the government if it meant he could get a wall built along the U.S.-Mexico border.

”If we have to shut down that government, we're building that wall," Trump said. ”One way or another we're going to get that wall."

4. He argued the media is ”trying to take away our history, our heritage."

”The only thing giving a platform to these hate groups is the media itself and the fake news," Trump said.

”I really think they don't like our country. I really believe that," he added.

5. He defended his remarks on Charlottesville by saying he ”hit" various racist groups.

”I hit 'em with neo-Nazi, I hit 'em with everything," he said. ”I got the white supremacist, I got the neo-Nazi, I got 'em all in there, let's see. KKK? We have KKK. I got 'em all."

6. He lied and said cameras at the rally were being turned off, as live streams of the speech on cable news networks continued to roll. He specifically called out CNN, which aired Trump's speech until the end.

7. He teased a pardon for Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County who was convicted of criminal contempt.

8. He bragged about how he lives in a ”bigger, more beautiful apartment" than the journalists who cover him.

9. He lamented CNN's firing of Jeffrey Lord, a pro-Trump commentator formerly featured on the network. Lord was fired for tweeting the Nazi salute ”Sieg Heil" earlier in August.

10. He slammed both Republican Arizona senators: Jeff Flake, who has recently spoken out against Trump, and John McCain, who cast a pivotal vote that caused the GOP's Obamacare repeal bill to flame out in the Senate in July. McCain is currently receiving treatment for brain cancer.

11. He, again, requested statues of George Washington be protected, a request he's made since many Confederate statues and monuments around the U.S. have been removed or relocated.

12. He suggested ”we will probably end up terminating NAFTA at some point."

13. He praised Fox News and Sean Hannity.

Bold One



His legend grows by the day -

By year's end, he will have attained Godhood.
Congratulations to all of you that can listen to him. Every time there's a thread about something stupid he said I go find the video, only to find that I can't actually manage to listen to him. Trump talking on TV is an instant channel change. Since he won the election, I think I haven't listened to more than 5 seconds of Trump. I just can't.
I can't believe he's going to pardon Arpaio. He told the nation on live TV that he officially supports racism.

Sadly half the country doesn't find this offensive.

Fuck Trump
These rally's amaze me in how clear and transparent what is going on is. Trump is a superficial, simple minded narcissist who easily gets the award for being the least knowledgeable/most idiotic person I have ever seen make it so high up the totem pole. Despite that, Fox News and far right media over years and years have so severely dumbed down the Republican base into the mush-minded sycophants we now see at rally's like this, that the stage had essentially been set so that literally anybody including a clueless dolt like Trump could manage to effectively connect with and energize their supporters.

"Iran Nuclear deal... BAD!... Obamacare... BAD!... Nafta... BAD!! mainstream media, emails, benghazi, uranium... BAD!!!!"

"Border wall... Guns Guns Guns... God, Religious Freedom... law and order... Cops, Military... Coal..."

All you have to do is cycle through those, pretty much. You don't even need to hint at policy detail or economic strategy. Just remind them of what they've been conditioned to love and to hate almost reflexively like Pavlov's dogs. And the most disturbing thing is that he's actually closed off the likelihood of any possible critical thinking by accusing anything that doesn't stroke his ego or praise him as "fake news". Republicans have been more and more disconnected from their base as the rhetoric they used to gin up votes became increasingly removed from the reality which most elite, well-educated and well-read politicians know to be true. There's no one else to blame but themselves for their complicity in the intellectual rot that has turned the parties base against it's own leadership. Those leaders are now made absolutely powerless to do anything about it up against this cult-like following of an opportunistic demagogue willing to say or do or smear or destroy anything.
I don't know. I mean, I don't like Trump but Cruz is something else.

Yeah, he probably wouldn't have invited the Nazis, the Russians or flippantly threatened war over twitter. Cruz is total scum, he's not a traitor to his country from what I can tell.

The news should just stop covering his speeches then. Instead, they should just cover mueller, and the russia stores. They should cover protests, and anti trump rallies. Don't give this psychopath the platform.
11. He, again, requested statues of George Washington be protected, a request he’s made since many Confederate statues and monuments around the U.S. have been removed or relocated.

People were going after GW statues?

No, he thinks that the protesters will go after George Washington statues next.


OP hasnt been updated...so what exactly happened and why is this thread so long ?

I just watched a 3 minute "highlights" video on WaPo, so fwiw:

1. Trump strongly hinted at a pardon for former sheriff Joe Arpaio. Read his Wikipedia page; the guy is basically a movie villain. He has a long history of racial profiling, staged an assassination plot for publicity (the accused suspect spent 4 years in prison), ignored sex crimes, stoked conspiracy theories about Obama's birth certificate, etc.
2. Trump expressed sympathy for the firing CNN talking-head Jeffrey Lord. Lord was fired for tweeting a Nazi salute.
3. Trump partially repeated his Charlottesville statement as proof that the backlash was unwarranted. He conveniently omitted "on many sides".
4. Trump complained that the media is "trying to take away our history and our heritage".
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