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Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians - sources


Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

The previously undisclosed interactions form part of the record now being reviewed by FBI and congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election and contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Kislyak and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

Conversations between Flynn and Kislyak accelerated after the Nov. 8 vote as the two discussed establishing a back channel for communication between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that could bypass the U.S. national security bureaucracy, which both sides considered hostile to improved relations, four current U.S. officials said.

In January, the Trump White House initially denied any contacts with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. The White House and advisers to the campaign have since confirmed four meetings between Kislyak and Trump advisers during that time.

The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far. But the disclosure could increase the pressure on Trump and his aides to provide the FBI and Congress with a full account of interactions with Russian officials and others with links to the Kremlin during and immediately after the 2016 election.


The 18 calls and electronic messages took place between April and November 2016 as hackers engaged in what U.S. intelligence concluded in January was part of a Kremlin campaign to discredit the vote and influence the outcome of the election in favor of Trump over his Democratic challenger, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Those discussions focused on mending U.S.-Russian economic relations strained by sanctions imposed on Moscow, cooperating in fighting Islamic State in Syria and containing a more assertive China, the sources said.

Members of the Senate and House intelligence committees have gone to the CIA and the National Security Agency to review transcripts and other documents related to contacts between Trump campaign advisers and associates and Russian officials and others with links to Putin, people with knowledge of those investigations told Reuters.


In addition to the six phone calls involving Kislyak, the communications described to Reuters involved another 12 calls, emails or text messages between Russian officials or people considered to be close to Putin and Trump campaign advisers.

One of those contacts was by Viktor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian oligarch and politician, according to one person with detailed knowledge of the exchange and two others familiar with the issue.

It was not clear with whom Medvedchuk was in contact within the Trump campaign but the themes included U.S.-Russia cooperation, the sources said. Putin is godfather to Medvedchuk’s daughter.

Medvedchuk denied having any contact with anyone in the Trump campaign.


Veterans of previous election campaigns said some contact with foreign officials during a campaign was not unusual, but the number of interactions between Trump aides and Russian officials and others with links to Putin was exceptional.

“It’s rare to have that many phone calls to foreign officials, especially to a country we consider an adversary or a hostile power,” Richard Armitage, a Republican and former deputy secretary of state, told Reuters.


Beyond Medvedchuk and Kislyak, the identities of the other Putin-linked participants in the contacts remain classified and the names of Trump advisers other than Flynn have been “masked” in intelligence reports on the contacts because of legal protections on their privacy as American citizens. However, officials can request that they be revealed for intelligence purposes.

Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-u...=topNews&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=Social


Can we go without a headline like this for one day? No? What, you're saying that there'll be another major headline in 12 hours or so? Oh.


Conversations between Flynn and Kislyak accelerated after the Nov. 8 vote as the two discussed establishing a back channel for communication between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that could bypass the U.S. national security bureaucracy, which both sides considered hostile to improved relations, four current U.S. officials said.

Uh, this is the most damning part honestly.


Those discussions focused on mending U.S.-Russian economic relations strained by sanctions imposed on Moscow, cooperating in fighting Islamic State in Syria and containing a more assertive China, the sources said.

This will go down well in Beijing
Just got the notification from my Reuters app. It's extremely frustrating that the Trump administration keeps throwing up their hands as though the American people are in the wrong for wondering what's going on.

It's like having your partner meet, text, and call their ex multiple times under your nose and then freaking out at you for been overly concerned when you find out.
Can we go without a headline like this for one day? No? What, you're saying that there'll be another major headline in 12 hours or so? Oh.

Think it's pretty clear at this point that the investigators are, if not outright feeding these stories to the media, at least green-lighting them to print them. This is the hammer Trump brought down when he fired Comey.
Conversations between Flynn and Kislyak accelerated after the Nov. 8 vote as the two discussed establishing a back channel for communication between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that could bypass the U.S. national security bureaucracy, which both sides considered hostile to improved relations, four current U.S. officials said.

The smoke is actually choking me


This is not that bad tbh.

If it was just about 18 calls being made then nah, it wouldn't be that bad. The content is key here, though. Flynn trying to set up communication between Putin and Trump behind everyone's back is definitely something.


The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far.

Important to note, Trump could still slip away from this.


So to the few Trump supporters on Neogaf, what do you say to this?
I mean his administration appears to be the most corrupt in US history - in fact this could possibly be the most corrupt regime in the modern western world.


If it was just about 18 calls being made then nah, it wouldn't be that bad. The content is key here, though. Flynn trying to set up communication between Putin and Trump behind everyone's back is definitely something.

That's the key in this story IMO.


I get some comfort from the idea that things have shifted around and the people now posting DamageReport.jpg every day are trumps supporters.


Honestly of you read lots of the non-highlighted bits, the theme of the calls seem quite positive. The back-channel thing sounds fishy, but if it was Russia asking for it, you cant be surprised they would ask.


If they were innocent, the cover up wouldn't be so fucking ridiculous.

I'm not so sure. They could have just been doing something dodgy but not illegal but Trump decided to keep escalating things rather than back down because that is what he always does.

Its also very possible that they didn't actually break the law or anything in the campaign but they did in the cover up in the subsequent months.
Honestly of you read lots of the non-highlighted bits, the theme of the calls seem quite positive. The back-channel thing sounds fishy, but if it was Russia asking for it, you cant be surprised they would ask.

This is over the last 7 months of 2016 many of those months he hadn't even won the election yet and then after he won he was not supposed to be dicking around underminding Obama policy.


Om a sense, I am glad that this administration has proven to be so incompetent.

Imagine if they actually knew what they were doing.


Honestly of you read lots of the non-highlighted bits, the theme of the calls seem quite positive. The back-channel thing sounds fishy, but if it was Russia asking for it, you cant be surprised they would ask.

I think it's blend of above board contacts and more shadier shit, highlighted by it being abnormally large amount of contacts by president-elects campaign.
Don't jinx it, Pence is up next

They've already made it pretty clear they're planning to paint Pence with the same brush by steering the conversation toward his role in the transition team and prior knowledge of Flynn being under investigation.

Ryan might get a sweetheart deal to play ball, though.
Uh, this is the most damning part honestly.

It's a terrible look considering all the other smoke, but not entirely unprescedented historically. The republican whataboutism will be that Democrat JFK used his brother as a conduit to the USSR outside of official lines.


Relative to some other news this week, it isn't. Flynn trying to set up a back channel between Trump and Putin stinks to high heaven, though.
Back channel communications between two govts isn't that rare though.

What do you disagree with? The article doesn't have explosive info.

Trump's already fucked relations with China, it's for the best if we can plaster it all on him and at least have a shot at getting a do-over once he's gone.
Good luck trying to get them to demilitarise the SCS.
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