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Trump defends Bill O'Reilly and says Susan Rice is a criminal

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President Trump said on Wednesday that he thought that the former national security adviser Susan E. Rice may have committed a crime by seeking the identities of Trump associates who were mentioned on intercepted communications and that other Obama administration officials may also have been involved.

“I think it’s going to be the biggest story,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in the Oval Office, declining repeated requests for evidence for his allegations or the names of other Obama administration officials. “It’s such an important story for our country and the world. It is one of the big stories of our time.”

He declined to say if he had personally reviewed new intelligence to bolster his claim but pledged to explain himself “at the right time.”


Mr. Trump criticized media outlets, including The New York Times, for failing to adequately cover the Rice controversy — while singling out Fox News and the host Bill O’Reilly for praise, despite reports this week that the veteran conservative commentator settled five lawsuits filed by women claiming sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. The president then went on to defend Mr. O’Reilly, who has hosted him frequently over the years.

“I think he’s a person I know well — he is a good person,” said Mr. Trump, who during the interview was surrounded at his desk by a half-dozen of his highest-ranking aides, including the economic adviser Gary Cohn and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, along with Vice President Mike Pence.

“I think he shouldn’t have settled; personally I think he shouldn’t have settled,” said Mr. Trump. “Because you should have taken it all the way. I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”



Unbelievable that we have a president saying a man who settled a sexual harassment suit did "nothing wrong." SCUM president.


Could someone please explain to me who this Rice woman is and why the right is obsessed with her lately?


If you have evidence she committed a crime, fucking charge her or shut the fuck up. You're the president.

Damn this is emotionally exhausting.


“I think he shouldn’t have settled; personally I think he shouldn’t have settled,” said Mr. Trump. “Because you should have taken it all the way. I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”
Of course you don't pussygrabing orange flop.
President Trump said on Wednesday that he thought that the former national security adviser Susan E. Rice may have committed a crime by seeking the identities of Trump associates who were mentioned on intercepted communications and that other Obama administration officials may also have been involved.

Just FYI, in case anybody is wondering, she didn't. "Unmasking" is a normal, common thing that any National Security Advisor can request. Every National Security Advisor has made this request.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hilarious to hear him imply that settling a lawsuit is indication of wrongdoing after he just settled a massive fraud suit.

There are no consequences for this fucker, I swear.


If she committed a crime, then as president of the United States, you should maybe do something about it.


Unconfirmed Member
If Trump and Fox News are both pushing a narrative, my first instinct is to assume it's complete and utter bullshit.

I'm more interested to find out what actual news he's trying to preempt.
If you have evidence she committed a crime, fucking charge her or shut the fuck up. You're the president.

Damn this is emotionally exhausting.

Damn straight. You can only have so much outrage over the hypocrisy and bullshit pouring out of this administration. It's overwhelming. And a good percentage of the country is ok with it.
Just FYI, in case anybody is wondering, she didn't. "Unmasking" is a normal, common thing that any National Security Advisor can request. Every National Security Advisor has made this request.

And if it's inappropriate the National Security Agency will deny the request.

So if it was approved it was a legit request.


Shitbirds gotta stick together. Hell, he accepted Roger Ailes after he was let go from Fox, so of course he's gonna back Bill.

I can't wait for the house of cards these assholes have built to crumble down on top of them.


He declined to say if he had personally reviewed new intelligence to bolster his claim but pledged to explain himself “at the right time.”

That is how you know someone is bullshit, they always say "in a minute"


Here's what I don't get about the whole "Susan Rice 'unmasked' names" thing from these idiots:

Susan Rice, as national security advisor to Obama, has the power to say to someone "I need these names unredacted in this report because we need to know who they are" so, before they're unredacted, she had no idea who these people were and only called for their "unmasking" because of national security concerns.

So why on earth do they think she was targeting Trump admin officials? She would have had no idea Flynn's name was going to show up when she unmasked these convos... right? It doesn't make any sense and just makes the whole "conspiracy" look fucking monumentally dumb... like most conspiracies.
Here's what I don't get about the whole "Susan Rice 'unmasked' names" thing from these idiots:

Susan Rice, as national security advisor to Obama, has the power to say to someone "I need these names unredacted in this report because we need to know who they are" so, before they're unredacted, she had no idea who these people were and only called for their "unmasking" because of national security concerns.

So why on earth do they think she was targeting Trump admin officials? She would have had no idea Flynn's name was going to show up when she unmasked these convos... right? It doesn't make any sense and just makes the whole "conspiracy" look fucking monumentally dumb... like most conspiracies.

Exactly. The same line of thought as my last post.
Serial sexual abuser and shady businessman defends another serial sexual abuser and considers the investigation of his shady dealings to be an unprecedented wrong.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm pretty sure it's not legal to publicly accuse people of crimes.


Exactly. The same line of thought as my last post.

I don't fucking get it man, are they just saying stuff randomly without knowing the details about what they're saying?

Do they even know what the "unmasking" process entails or did they hear someone mention it and just started running through the White House shouting "SUSAN RICE IS A CRIMINAL" and then Google "what is unmasking ???"
Im ashamed to have posed for a picture with susan rice at an alumni event last year. If I see her there in the future I will not be doing that again LOL
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