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Trump defends Bill O'Reilly and says Susan Rice is a criminal

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Im ashamed to have posed for a picture with susan rice at an alumni event last year. If I see her there in the future I will not be doing that again LOL

Trump is a really bad judge of character I mean look at what he said about infamous billionaire sex offender Jeffery Epstein
”I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. ”He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

So him coming to the defense of someone with a questionable history of horrible treatment toward young girls and women should not be shocked


Trump always needs a boogeyman for his ignorant supporters. He's too stupid to take responsibility for his mistakes and they're too embarrassed to admit their vote makes them look like idiots.


Don't know where else to post this but it seems quasi related now that Trump is blaming the whole unmasking thing on Rice.

(CNN)The top Democrat on the House Russia investigation, Rep. Adam Schiff, said Wednesday President Donald Trump personally promised documents at the center of "unmasking" allegations would be made available to all members of the House intelligence committee, but that White House staff is fighting those documents' release.

"The President, when I met with him, said that he is happy to have whoever we wanted review the documents. His staff has opposed that, they were opposed to even letting my own staff review the documents, my staff director," Schiff told CNN Wednesday. "So we're still trying to get those documents for the full committee, we would like the White House's help if they are sincere about wanting to share this information and have the oversight functions performed, they are to be facilitating this."
He added, "But as yet we have not been able to make those documents available to the full committee."
CNN has reached out to the White House for comment on Schiff's characterization, and have not yet received a response.
Schiff also said that he has signed on to two formal invites -- one inviting FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers to return to the House Intelligence Committee and a second rescheduling the public hearing with former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
But Schiff said that House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes has not yet signed the letter to bring Yates, Brennan and Clapper before investigators.
A Republican source responded to Schiff's comments by saying the committee "is committed to speaking to Comey, Rogers, Yates, Clapper, and Brennan, and the committee is now working out arrangements for all five of them to appear."
"Because Comey and Rogers were unable to answer around 100 questions at their open hearing, there is discussion about whether the questions put to some of these witnesses can be answered in another open hearing or would require a classified setting," the source added.
The White House intelligence documents have taken on greater importance in the two weeks since Nunes secretly traveled to the White House grounds to view them. The intelligence has formed the core of Trump's argument that former national security adviser Susan Rice spied on him, and Trump himself upped the ante in a New York Times interview saying he believed Rice committed a crime.
Schiff first mentioned his issues obtaining those documents earlier Wednesday.
"The White House clearly only wanted one person to see these documents, and that person was our chairman," Schiff said on CNN's "New Day," referring to Nunes' coordination with White House staff to review documents showing top Trump aides were picked up in "incidental" collection by US intelligence.
"I want the full committees to be able to see that, and we're meeting resistance," Schiff said. "If these documents are so damning or so indicating of the President, as he suggests, why are they opposing efforts to provide them to the full committee? I think that's a question worthy of the White House answering."

Schiff's accusation marks a turn from just one day ago, when he said that the White House promised to show its intelligence to the other members of the House intelligence committee. Some lawmakers even said they might travel to the White House as early as Tuesday afternoon to review the intelligence, but as of Wednesday morning, Schiff and Nunes were the only lawmakers to have seen the intelligence reports.
The intelligence reports at the White House are at the center of two weeks of chaos that led top Democrats to call on Nunes to recuse himself from the House Russia investigation and, later, formed the core of Trump's argument that former national security adviser Susan Rice was responsible for surveillance against him.
Since Rice's name first surfaced in conservative media outlets Monday, interest has grown in what the intelligence reports actually show.
Schiff: 'We'd be happy to have' Rice testify before committee

RELATED: House Russia investigators briefed on Nunes findings, White House trip possible
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday she plans to review the intelligence and doesn't "expect to" run into any resistance from the White House.
"I expect that I will see that," Pelosi said Wednesday. She then accused Trump of making House Republicans look like "fools."
"The White House has made fools of their allies in the House of Representatives in the way they've handled this," Pelosi said. "They cook up some intelligence. They bring the chairman of the committee -- a very distinguished position which he has tarnished -- they use him as a tool to tell him what they have cooked up, now you go tell the President what we have cooked up and try to represent to the American people that this is legitimate intelligence."


Im ashamed to have posed for a picture with susan rice at an alumni event last year. If I see her there in the future I will not be doing that again LOL

So you're just never going to follow up on this bullshit?

I didn't know drive bys like this were allowed.


I imagine this is how the administration functions:

Trump gets heated over a story he sees while reading/watching his favorite propaganda news outlets.

Trump goes to his advisers and asks what can be done about it.

The advisers, knowing full well none of this has any factual basis, tell Trump that they're working hard on it.

Trump tweets about everything.

The advisers hope he'll forget about it and move on to something else soon.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Considering how popular Trump is right now this is sure to win is bud O'Reilly some sponsors back!!
I imagine this is how the administration functions:

Trump gets heated over a story he sees while reading/watching his favorite propaganda news outlets.

Trump goes to his advisers and asks what can be done about it.

The advisers, knowing full well none of this has any factual basis, tell Trump that they're working hard on it.

Trump tweets about everything.

The advisers hope he'll forget about it and move on to something else soon.

I can only assume anyone working with him must be exasperated. Trump included. It genuinely seems like he doesn't want to be doing any of this and just doesn't care one way or another.


This is crazy and is giving me hope for fall. A tiny bit of hope but still hope.
Trump needs to focus less on Rice unmasking the info and more on her or members of the IC leaking this info. While they do have the power and legal right to do this, they also carry the responsibility of making sure data like this is never leaked. And they obviously failed spectacularly.

The leaks are a national security issue and must be dealt with appropriately.


lacks enthusiasm.
This is crazy and is giving me hope for fall. A tiny bit of hope but still hope.
Trump needs to focus less on Rice unmasking the info and more on her or members of the IC leaking this info. While they do have the power and legal right to do this, they also carry the responsibility of making sure data like this is never leaked. And they obviously failed spectacularly.

The leaks are a national security issue and must be dealt with appropriately.
What? Please explain how Rice leaked this info.

If anything, the likeliest story is that the WH itself leaked this.
He is such a dumb piece of shit, I still can't completely comprehend how a man as aggressively fucking stupid as he is somehow is the president of the United States.


What? Please explain how Rice leaked this info.

If anything, the likeliest story is that the WH itself leaked this.

It's so funny that NOW leaks are bad. These guys weren't saying shit when leaks were actively hurting the Dems.

If someone in the IC is reading this thread...keep leaking.


That means Susan and Condi Rice go on the run to clear Susan's good name, and get entangled in a web of an international conspiracy that goes all the way to the top..... of Trump tower.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
He thinks he's a person he knows well...?
It's crazy when you actually consider how in the same interview he'll - without any evidence - say someone is guilty of a crime, then defend someone like Bill O'Reilly who is on record with multiple sexual offences against women. Trump has no class, no morals, no character. I question whether he even believes in anything at all.


It's so funny that NOW leaks are bad. These guys weren't saying shit when leaks were actively hurting the Dems.
I think there was a lot of people on the Republican side actively denouncing the Russians for the DNC and Podesta Email leaks/hacks. And then there was a lot of Dems denouncing the Nunes leaks. So yes, it's one of those things both parties react based purely on how/if it hurts or benefits them.

I personally don't usually support leaks and such. They can be good but they're generally terribly executed and tend to damage our country more than help it. But I think this case is particularly disgusting. It's sad to see people approving and applauding what is either potential blackmail, a total abuse of power or an awful case of negligence and disrespect for our country.


Wearing a full suit and tie to a baseball game might be worse than eating pizza with a fork.

I remember reading a story during the primaries told by a college roommate, that Donald Jr. tried wearing a Yankees jersey to a game and Donald smacked him in the face for it.


lacks enthusiasm.
I think there was a lot of people on the Republican side actively denouncing the Russians for the DNC and Podesta Email leaks/hacks. And then there was a lot of Dems denouncing the Nunes leaks. So yes, it's one of those things both parties react based purely on how/if it hurts or benefits them.

I personally don't usually support leaks and such. They can be good but they're generally terribly executed and tend to damage our country more than help it. But I think this case is particularly disgusting. It's sad to see people approving and applauding what is either potential blackmail, a total abuse of power or an awful case of negligence and disrespect for our country.
Please, tell me more about Susan Rice being responsible for these leaks.

Also, receipts for the bolded.
Remember when Obama said some cops were being stupid in a situation where they were clearly being stupid and a ton of white people called him a traitor


I don't really understand the strategy of admitting guilt to deflect from being guilty but hey, I'm not president. It also works because I haven't heard anyone really follow up on that.

Susan Rice unmasked members of my team that were having conversations with Russian spies. How dare she do that!
I think there was a lot of people on the Republican side actively denouncing the Russians for the DNC and Podesta Email leaks/hacks. And then there was a lot of Dems denouncing the Nunes leaks. So yes, it's one of those things both parties react based purely on how/if it hurts or benefits them.

I personally don't usually support leaks and such. They can be good but they're generally terribly executed and tend to damage our country more than help it. But I think this case is particularly disgusting. It's sad to see people approving and applauding what is either potential blackmail, a total abuse of power or an awful case of negligence and disrespect for our country.

Republicans cannot have it both ways you cannot actively denounce a hack then have major heads of your party actively talking too and trying to cultivate friendly relationships with the country who did the hack and interfered in the US election process.
Don't know where else to post this but it seems quasi related now that Trump is blaming the whole unmasking thing on Rice.

I don't understand the rationale of the OP putting those two stories together, but burying this here is not going to promote any new discussion.


Please, tell me more about Susan Rice being responsible for these leaks.
I'm not saying it was literally her. It really could have been anyone. In fact, it may have not even been within the IC itself. Maybe a contractor or something was at fault here. But I definitely think it was her responsibility to safeguard that data. And she obviously didn't do enough to protect it.

As for receipts on the other two, I think they were well documented by the media. A lot of Reps wanted more sanctions and toughness towards Russia. And the Nunes stuff doesn't have to be even mentioned. The Dems were all over the media trying to get Nunes off his post.

Republicans cannot have it both ways you cannot actively denounce a hack then have major heads of your party actively talking too and trying to cultivate friendly relationships with the country who did the hack and interfered in the US election process.
I don't think that's how it works. I'm pretty sure you can disagree with someone on some issues but still support them on most/other issues
It's almost clockwork.

On March 4, Trump accused Obama of wiretapping him.

On April 4, he accuses Susan Rice of spying on him.

Can't wait for May 4. Who's he going to accuse next of spying on him?


It's almost clockwork.

On March 4, Trump accused Obama of wiretapping him.

On April 4, he accuses Susan Rice of spying on him.

Can't wait for May 4. Who's he going to accuse next of spying on him?
The media again or the full intelligence community. Maybe he just goes full crazy and goes after the deep state. Or gives us the ultimate plot twist/backstab and blames Putin.

He blamed Hillary supporters already before he started with Obama I think.
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