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Twitch bans Adults Only games


also, scantily clad streamers showing much of their breasts for donations and followers are still allowed, right? even after twitch released that statement they would be cracking down on it?
It's a tricky balance to strike. You want scantily clad women on your service bringing money in, but not so many that it colours public perception.


Well, The Playroom for one. Visual novels and eroge / hentai games have always been banned. A few others come to mind. But there has never been a publicly available list, and it's better for them to have a general policy available that they can work with than having everything be hidden.

Apparently they did ban games, but nobody was quite sure when/which game would get you banned: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/33pb82/should_twitch_offer_a_updated_banned_games_list/

Having a clear policy like this should hopefully clear that up.

Thanks guys! I learned stuff today



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It's also listed as AO on Steam for Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, and Strong Language.

I know. We've been through that already (I was the first to mention it, even). Forgive my lack of links as I'm on my phone, but this thread isn't big so you should be able to follow the somewhat scattershot breadcrumbs easily. Basically, the game received a theoretical rating, not an official one.
Seems to me that you've made an honest mistake and EG looked up Thrill Kill, not Hatred. I mean, I'm not one of those annoying posters who prides him/herself on being right, but the language in the article doesn't sway me.

I'll take what I saw and what nobody questioned until today over speculation.
After the news broke I actually had the same idea that they'd only use that rating for promotional purposes so I checked the page right away. And it was listed there. Didn't have a description text, just the title, platform, content descriptors and rating.

They must have retracted the rating because it actually did them more harm than good.

Anyways this discussion is illegal on GAF anyways so we should stop :p


Why does the ESRB rate Thrill Kill as an AO game? It was cancelled and never officially came out, so why do they rate it? Games usually get a rating pre-release, but if the game is never even officially released, why does the rating still stand?

But looking back at such a game is funny. I remember it from when I was a lot younger, but wow, Thrill Kill or Manhunt seem like a walk in the park compared to games like MKX or even a game like TLoU.

And the rest is pretty much the American nudity nonesene. As if kids don't know how to google the word porn or vagina... It's 2015, not 1995.


Why does the ESRB rate Thrill Kill as an AO game? It was cancelled and never officially came out, so why do they rate it?

But looking back at such a game is funny. I remember it from when I was a lot younger, but wow, Thrill Kill or Manhunt seem like a walk in the park compared to games like MKX or even a game like TLoU.

And the rest is pretty much the American nudity nonesene. As if kids don't know how to google the word porn or vagina... It's 2015, not 1995.

The company making it intended to release it, so the company making it got it rated. It just had its release canceled after that point.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'll take what I saw and what nobody questioned until today over speculation.

Fair enough, but surely you understand my scepticism given there's not much in the way of supporting evidence. It's nothing personal!

Anyways this discussion is illegal on GAF anyways so we should stop :p

Well, I'd say this is the point where we agree to disagree, but I'd like to think the mods are wise enough to distinguish between promotion and tangential discussion.
Still makes me laugh that Manhunt 2 is banned from streaming but something like Killing Floor 2 is just fine.

Must be all the cockney accents to lighten the atmosphere.
Still makes me laugh that Manhunt 2 is banned from streaming but something like Killing Floor 2 is just fine.

Must be all the cockney accents to lighten the atmosphere.

Context is king. Manhunt 2 is shot like a snuff film and people were all up in arms about the Wii controls, Killing Floor is basically a glorified B-horror zombie movie.


Gold Member
San Andreas is AO? Is that just because of the Hot Coffee thing, or what? Don't seem to remember anything all that outrageous in that game.


The company making it intended to release it, so the company making it got it rated. It just had its release canceled after that point.

Edited my post to be more precise before reading your response and you basically explained what I got into. It just seems weird to me that the rating still stands for a game that gets leaked even if the game is never officially released. Imho as long as the game is not officially released and made available for purchase by a company that intends to make a profit a leaked game should remain unrated, even if the ESRB rated it already. I guess twitch is cool with unrated games.

But oh well, nobody cares about the game anymore anyway, however things like that seem just a little bit too unnecessary to me. Actually games, more than any other medium, should get re-rated every once in a while. Today Thrill Kill would only be a M rated game, more towards the T rated side of things even.


This looks like a woman who is happy with what she is doing.

how many people do you really think are doing something they truly love for a living?

a job's a job, getting all snippy about this one smacks of slut-shaming

i'm assuming your post was sarcastic, otherwise apologies


i dont really have a problem with this
but, this is almost pointless because 99% of games that would be considered adult only aren't rated by the esrb haha


contribute something
Watch someone shot and kill people point blank in a game, Yes great fun. Watch someone walk around nude in a game, No that is too much. This country is so backwards when it comes to violence and sex.

It's strange, but perfectly understandable when you consider the history of violence versus sex.

Violence is traditionally something public, while sex is something private. In 1960, a huge amount of adult men had military experience, and were proud of their public acts of violence. Sex, though, was much less-discussed.

Acts of public violence created the modern borders of the United States and Europe, and until very recently public violence was universally celebrated.


San Andreas is AO? Is that just because of the Hot Coffee thing, or what? Don't seem to remember anything all that outrageous in that game.

the older, unpatched versions of San Andreas were re-rated AO after the Hot Coffee mod came to light. Later releases had it patched out, and are rated M.

Chances are, unless you're actually streaming Hot Coffee gameplay on your stream, nobody will be able to tell you're not playing the M-rated version of the game.

Watch someone shot and kill people point blank in a game, Yes great fun. Watch someone walk around nude in a game, No that is too much. This country is so backwards when it comes to violence and sex.

there are plenty of M rated games with nudity, and at least one of the few AO rated games out there is rated that because of violence, but please continue with your "lol puritan america" complaints


It was re-rated because of hot coffee. Rockstar made an updated version that removes any leftover hot coffee code for real.

That's how ridiculous America is. San Andreas is a very violent game (family friendly fun!), but the moment the main character has consensual sex with his girlfriend that's too much and must be banned.

How, I really dislike that part of the American culture. I can turn on any crime show at 9pm and see all sorts of violence (guts, decapitation, limbs severed, etc) on network television, but you better not put any nudity in there or tons of people will complain to the FCC.

I'd much rather my child be exposed to nudity than violence.
there are plenty of M rated games with nudity, and at least one of the few AO rated games out there is rated that because of violence, but please continue with your "lol puritan america" complaints

You can run around an entire game with the whole purpose being to slaughter people with weaponry and get MA, you can not make a game where the whole purpose is to walk around naked and get MA... And let's not even talk about what happens if a sex scene lasts longer than 30 seconds with or without clothes on.


I feel like people in this thread don't know what the words "censorship" or "prostitution" mean.


there are plenty of M rated games with nudity, and at least one of the few AO rated games out there is rated that because of violence, but please continue with your "lol puritan america" complaints

are there plenty of M rated games where the nudity-to-violence ratio is 1:1 ?

america has a canyon wide divide between how it accepts violence and sex in entertainment.


Gold Member
The Hot Coffee mod caused all black labeled versions of SA to get pulled from most retail stores. That's why all you'll see are Red Labeled Greatest Hits versions, but the game is probably only sold at mom and pop stores and digitally.

I think Twitch is being a parent here. Of course AO games don't do well in stores, but Manhunt and GTA are fine. I've never seen someone play a XXX MMO or a Hentai game that would probably not even get published in our region anyway. AO is bad because no one wants to sell them. I owned Manhunt 2 on PSP at launch and then I got the AO PC version a while back.

I have to wonder if Twitch is just catering to their audience. You can see sex and nudity in M rated games. They're being a tad hypocritical, but then again AO games are few and far between. SA and Manhunt don't deserve AO ratings at all.

I doubt anyone at Twitch has owned an AO game am I right? The thought is more provoking than the actual games that receive an AO rating.
Jeez christ. That would be the same as you complaining that a supermarket isn't selling hardcore porn. No, that's not what censorship means.

It doesn't matter what a person wants to call it: censorship, filtering, etc. The end result is still the same, and it's not a good thing. Ultimately, it is up to Twitch though. They run the place.

Just like it's up to the gamer to find another streaming service if they don't like it.


Well that's some bullshit

What's with limiting the games that people can stream? If you don't want to watch that game then don't watch it.


Gold Member
No it isn't. You also can't stream yourself helicoptering your dick for 2 hours on Twitch because they're a privately owned business and you're using their servers. Privately owned business are free to determine what kind of speech they want.

It's only funny because they do it now versus years ago. No one is carding people when they stream M rated games either. It's not like they're doing anything special.

All I got to do is click that button to start watching Mature Rated Content, Twitch please.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Well, kids these days love their Youtube and streams... keeping them as quasi-safe-for-kids is actually a good move on Twitch's part as much as it sucks for the older crowd.

They are a business now.. so this was inevitable.

It's only funny because they do it now versus years ago. No one is carding people when they stream M rated games either. It's not like they're doing anything special.

They do it now because they've hit that point of mass exposure. The shit you get away with when smaller and unknown by the masses is considerably different than when you are big and mass market.


It doesn't matter what a person wants to call it: censorship, filtering, etc. The end result is still the same, and it's not a good thing. Ultimately, it is up to Twitch though. They run the place.

Just like it's up to the gamer to find another streaming service if they don't like it.

No it's actually a really great thing that people and companies have the freedom to do what they want.


No it isn't. You also can't stream yourself helicoptering your dick for 2 hours on Twitch because they're a privately owned business and you're using their servers. Privately owned business are free to determine what kind of speech they want.

Twitch are censoring their own site (which they have every right to do). Are you trying to argue semantics? Just because it's not a government or some other group doesn't change the meaning of the word...Not arguing that they don't have the right to censor, #$%@ I can censor this post if I wanted to...

No, censorship is a goverment telling people what they can and can't do Twitch is a private company who has decided on a very specific Terms of Service which you then agree to use their service. Not censorship.

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