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World of Warcraft

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Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Right, played WoW pretty much from US retail until few months in Naxx quit, sold char, rerolled Draenei Shadow Priest and then quit in April. I believe it was about the time they nerfed Vamp Embrace so it can't crit, now I was looking around and thought I might go back now is there any reason to go back? Have they changed Priests around that much in the past six months or so?

http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Talnivarr&n=Ikuu is what I had when I left, and pretty much when I stopped playing.


border said:
That's a lot of honor farming for matching armor -- christ, the belt, ring, and neck don't really even show up. And for most Horde races the boots won't either.

Well, you can certainly get the rings and use them when you get to level 70. But unless you are level 67 or higher I wouldn't expect any groups to bring you along for the ride. Headless Horseman is a lvl 70 boss, and nobody is going to want to bring along dead weight and essentially try to 4-man it.
No worries - word is that the dailies for BGs coming out give you 2k(!) extra bonus honor on top of what you earned in that single BG. Gone are the days of hardcore grinding, everybody wins!
Fuck I'm having problems downloading the patch

The patch "enUS-hdfiles\Data\enUS\tos.html" could not be applied. (Invalid source file size: expected 33632, actual 33657.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::pTCApply)

I tried downloading it from another source and got the same error


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
BloodElfHunter said:
Any idea when 2.3 should be going live yet?

You could never know with Blizzard. I would say 2-4 weeks because they really need to move out 2.4 for the raiders

Ikuu said:
Right, played WoW pretty much from US retail until few months in Naxx quit, sold char, rerolled Draenei Shadow Priest and then quit in April. I believe it was about the time they nerfed Vamp Embrace so it can't crit, now I was looking around and thought I might go back now is there any reason to go back? Have they changed Priests around that much in the past six months or so?

http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Talnivarr&n=Ikuu is what I had when I left, and pretty much when I stopped playing.

Depends, the game does have more variation of what to do compared to vanilla WoW. Raiding isn't that difficult or time consuming(farming for pots, food, repair bills). It's easy to find a guild or group for Karazhan and assuming Zul'Aman will be hit for the "casual" raiders. It's amazing how good the itemization is for the PVP arena gear and ZA compared to Hyjal/BT


i'm debating whether i want to get 3 piece season 3 when it hits live, or get to 1850 rating and replace my skillherald, i'm leaning towards collecting my 5/5 s3 and then saving for the 2hmace

i'm glad this weekend is AV weekend, so i can farm the last 30k honor i need for the capped 75k

i took over a friends warrior on saturday and transfered it to Tichondrius, after one day in arena, i'm over 1900+ in all 3 brackets, going to make a push for 2100+ this week, and who knows with some luck maybe a gladiator's ranking in WoW's best battlegroup

according to some stuff i read approx 2150 will cut it in 2v2 and 3v3, but will need over 2200 in 5s


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Right I renewed and played some AV, time to do the one SL run I need to get the Gavel, can't believe I farmed to 18k/21k and then stopped. Like I said been away, so how are Shadow Priests faring in PvP (both 2v2 Arena, and then the more open stuff like WSG, EotS, and AV) anyone know of a good site to check for an easily attainable damage set to go for?


Ikuu said:
Right I renewed and played some AV, time to do the one SL run I need to get the Gavel, can't believe I farmed to 18k/21k and then stopped. Like I said been away, so how are Shadow Priests faring in PvP (both 2v2 Arena, and then the more open stuff like WSG, EotS, and AV) anyone know of a good site to check for an easily attainable damage set to go for?

shadow priests are still good in arena, depending on the group set up

i would save up all your honor points for patch 2.3

you will be able to by the arena season 1 gladiator sets + weapons from honor

i think you can get the full arena set for around 55k honor, i think weapons are between 20k-35k

so its not that bad, and you will have a competitively geared character


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Few more questions, man feel like a right nub just now, is there a site/program that I can add gear to and see what my stats would be like? And also any idea how much faster leveling will be in 2.3? I always wanted to play an UD Lock, easily the best looking characters, if it's significantly faster might finally make one.


lvling from 20-60 is supposed to be improved/faster in 2.3

so should be worth checking out

i kinda like gnome locks the best, w/the season 2 arena hood, they look like jawas from star wars :lol

for the gear thing you could checkout ctprofiles or just do wowarmory


They are putting a "crewmembers" onto boats and zepellins, which I can only assume is to prevent us Horde from hopping a ride to someplace and causing mischief. *sigh* Last boat to Darnassus, leaving soon....

Also, the minimum range on hunter's ranged attacks is now 1 yard? WTF? Gimme a break...


border said:
Also, the minimum range on hunter's ranged attacks is now 1 yard? WTF? Gimme a break...

well this only really affects ppl who pvp/arena

and you have to admit that hunters currently are pretty gimp in every arena bracket, they are ok in 5s right now, but you still dont see many

i rarely ever see hunters in arena, they deserve a buff to make them more viable, will be interesting to see how hunters fair in arena season 3


yacobod said:
well this only really affects ppl who pvp/arena
Which kind of takes us back to the complaint from 2-3 pages ago, that Blizzard is willing to change mechanics that have worked fine for years in the name of their Arena system. I know they're praying that it's going to become the next competitive craze (like Starcraft or Counterstrike), but somehow I doubt it....


I know it's not going to happen, but I really wish there was a PVE rule set and a PVP rule set to the classes, they could balance shit out so much better.


Ramirez said:
I know it's not going to happen, but I really wish there was a PVE rule set and a PVP rule set to the classes, they could balance shit out so much better.

thats why they have 3 talent trees for every class


Meh, there are still some things that shouldn't be the same for both. I haven't played in so long or I would give some of my complaints, I'm sure I'll be in here in a few months. :lol


Ramirez said:
Meh, there are still some things that shouldn't be the same for both. I haven't played in so long or I would give some of my complaints, I'm sure I'll be in here in a few months. :lol

so are you saying that every talent tree should be equally viable in pvp?

i'm not attacking you, i'm just playing devils advocate, cuz i think many ppl certainly feel that way


I used to think they should put in separate pve/pvp rules, but that was before resilience. Mainly I just wanted them to make it so skills have some uses in pvp, and damage was reduced a bit so fights lasted longer, but tbc and their changes to CC effects have fixed basically everything I could complain about.
yacobod said:
so are you saying that every talent tree should be equally viable in pvp?

i'm not attacking you, i'm just playing devils advocate, cuz i think many ppl certainly feel that way
Equally viable and not gimping yourself are two different things. The model should be warlock trees (ikno, rite?) with each spec being viable even though demon is mostly superior.

Also something should be done about trees that require you to take both pure pve and pvp talents to get anywhere in the tree. Just as an example I'm familiar with, to get to Expose Weakness in a hunter's Survival tree (primarily a raiding pve talent) you used to be flat out required to put points into something that has little or no use in pve. They allieved this a little (tiny) bit by making Survival Instincts increase AP, but there could be more and I'm sure this isn't the only example.


Has problems recognising girls
I think Blizzard are slowly fixing up the mistakes. Granted it's taken them quite awhile and there are still niggling problems in various classes, but it'll be interesting to see what happens when WotLK comes out.


yacobod said:
so are you saying that every talent tree should be equally viable in pvp?

i'm not attacking you, i'm just playing devils advocate, cuz i think many ppl certainly feel that way

In a perfect world every tree would be viable in every aspect of the game, but like I said, I know it isn't going to happen.


Shadow Priests have ridiculous mana problems in both PvP and PvE that needs to be addressed. They're still fantastic in both, but it's a problem that needs to be fixed. Throwing meditation up to 30% wont help a hell of a lot since there is no Shadow Priest gear that is a genuine damage upgrade prior to Hyjal.

A rant I want to get out of my system; Hunters were overbuffed, period. It's not a change that will effect me a lot, but the main problem with Hunters, outside of sheer stupidity like the deadzone that did genuinely need to be fixed, is that 90% of the people who play the class are barely intelligent enough to breathe.

I'm currently in a BT guild and hell, across my three raid guilds, three servers, three years of play I've known ONE great Hunter who was a great Holy Priest, rerolled and did his homework, he's in my current. Fantastic talent and DPS. You have no idea how many apps we get, from our server, from xfers, who are just so, so bad at this game. ALL of them use freaking shot macros too, it's just ridiculous.

Threre is another in our battlegroup/arena bracket at 2200 is that is also excellent and wrecks absolute havoc, but these are the only two I've seen, really, that's it.

I can hop in a EoTS with a friend, find a Hunter in full S2, a bunch of BT/Hyjal gear, have him get on them and they all do the same thing; walk backwards, wait for people to save them so they can get at max range and start pecking away again.

I honestly think Rogues needed the fixes more, oh and the completely nonsensical slap down on the Shaman Elemental spec is real cute.

I have no idea what game the designers are playing some times. On the positive side, the changes might make it possible to zone into an Alliance BG with something less than a full premade and do well, since the last pug I did trying to get honor for my S3 offpieces had 7 Hunters, 6 NE.


Has problems recognising girls
Hunters are definitely in the lower ends of intelligence and the main reason why I won't level my Hunter is due to the reputation the majority have. But I think you can't really blame Hunters, it's the players overall. My friend rolled a Hunter and he was pretty crap at it, even though he'd already had a god damn 60 NE Hunter. He is pretty shit at Druid as well come to think of it :lol

Never understood the motive behind one-button macros.


Also, the minimum range on hunter's ranged attacks is now 1 yard? WTF? Gimme a break...
Uh... No it's not. It's five yards. Melee = 0-5 yards, Range = 5-41 yards (w/talents)

And it's good that it's gone because I am getting so sick of getting absolutely destroyed by mages without any chance to fight back. If it's a fire mage, I'm going to die anyway, since they pretty much two-shot me. If it's a frost mage, I sort of have a chance, until they iceblock to counter TBW. Then they just wait and once it's up I get nova'd AGAIN.

And if I'm spec'd MM, I just have no chance whatsoever against frost mages. Scattershot doesn't really help too much. I might be able to get a fire mage down to half health before I die, though. O:

Anyway, even with the deadzone removal, hunters are still going to be not the best choice for arena. It was a broken mechanic, and yeah, the fix was probably inspired by arena, but it should've been fixed long ago, regardless.

Not that it matters. I have fun playing the class, and I'd keep playing even if this patch was a nerf.

Never understood the motive behind one-button macros.
If you're referring to TBW, I hope you're being sarcastic, because there's no way any hunter could win simply by using it and autoshotting. Well unless the opposing player is AFK or something.


TheOneGuy said:
Uh... No it's not. It's five yards. Melee = 0-5 yards, Range = 5-41 yards (w/talents)
* All ranged attacks now have a wonderful 1 yard minimum range.



Alex said:
It's not a change that will effect me a lot, but the main problem with Hunters, outside of sheer stupidity like the deadzone that did genuinely need to be fixed, is that 90% of the people who play the class are barely intelligent enough to breathe.

see he said what i wanted to elaborate, its a nice buff for hunters that want to pvp, but most hunters are so bad it wont matter lol


I've been tanking a bit again, and everytime someone pulls aggro it's the fucking hunter. They have a 30 second aggro wipe and can't even be bothered to use it. Why is that?

Boomkins also tend to be a bit retarded as well, I dunno why that particular spec has that problem though.


If the load screen completes loading, but the game never comes up.....that means the server is borked right? I have 1 character in Outland, 1 on Kalimdor, and 1 on Eastern Continent....and I get the same error when trying to play the game.


Every server in my battlegroup is dead now and I go in to work in an hour....I have to work 8 hour shifts all weekend so this was one of my only chances to grind up some honor /cry

How is it that people make ludicrous claims like "I'm getting 2.8K Honor per hour on AV weekend!" At best you get like 600 out of a 20 minute AV match.....which means something on the order of 1800/hr.


border said:
Every server in my battlegroup is dead now and I go in to work in an hour....I have to work 8 hour shifts all weekend so this was one of my only chances to grind up some honor /cry

How is it that people make ludicrous claims like "I'm getting 2.8K Honor per hour on AV weekend!" At best you get like 600 out of a 20 minute AV match.....which means something on the order of 1800/hr.

i been playing since 8 am, so for about 5 hours now, and i'm at like 10.2k honor, so thats a little over 2k/hour


that was supposed to read 5 hours, hence the 2k/hour thing, i ended up with 16k yesterday


yacobod said:
i been playing since 8 am, so for about 10 hours now, and i'm at like 10.2k honor, so thats a little over 2k/hour

wut, and I saw your post earlier about getting 30k this weekend and I almost asked how. Now I see.. good lord that's a lot of playtime. Just to jump into the Hunter convo, man I hate Hunters in BG's

edit: crap, I'm up to 2500 already on my no gear pally. sweet


Has problems recognising girls
Good ol' AV. Back when we had a 35 man premade running it, we could do a game per 15-20 mins and get 600-700 honor on the trot.


remember me
Alex said:
Shadow Priests have ridiculous mana problems in both PvP and PvE that needs to be addressed. They're still fantastic in both, but it's a problem that needs to be fixed. Throwing meditation up to 30% wont help a hell of a lot since there is no Shadow Priest gear that is a genuine damage upgrade prior to Hyjal.

What? Just because you have to chain chug mana potions? You don't even need to use Super Manas, Majors are fine, and you can keep going indefinitely. Maybe a few runes for emergencies.

If you ran out of mana even chain chugging, then yeah, that's a problem. But you can get major mana potions for free with BG tokens, and money's ridiculously easy to get. I had no trouble having enough food, elixirs, oils, and everything I needed to raid, even without farming a lot or doing daily quests very often.
To all my fellow warriors/tanks out there...what type of macros do you use? Right now I use a couple which allow me to attack one mob while using certain spells on others - sunder armor and revenge.

/cast [target=mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Sunder Armor

/cast [target=mouseover,harm,nodead [] Revenge

Both are very helpful with tanking multiple mobs in instances. Do you guys use any other macros that would also help me while tanking?
johnsmith said:
What? Just because you have to chain chug mana potions? You don't even need to use Super Manas, Majors are fine, and you can keep going indefinitely. Maybe a few runes for emergencies.

If you ran out of mana even chain chugging, then yeah, that's a problem. But you can get major mana potions for free with BG tokens, and money's ridiculously easy to get. I had no trouble having enough food, elixirs, oils, and everything I needed to raid, even without farming a lot or doing daily quests very often.
It actually annoys me how this is handled. All classes should have the same reliance on consumables, it's only fair.

Eric WK

Son of Godzilla said:
It actually annoys me how this is handled. All classes should have the same reliance on consumables, it's only fair.

That would be far too hard (and unneccessary, in my opinion) to balance.

Besides, a good group makeup will remove the need for potions.


After you guys told me I sucked, I went and did some 2v2 practice before joining a more serious arena team.

I'm impressed with how good mutilate is for locking down casters. If I jump anything that relies on cast time spells, I have them fully controlled when nobody is trying to control me.

Yesterday I went with a shaman and a warlock in 3v3. We played 12 games and went 11-1, so we stopped because we had restored some of those point the team had lost the previous week from their warrior having to be played by someone else. We mostly ran into combinations of priest and warlocks, and not paladins and warriors. This was gold for me, because I could take either the priest or the warlock out of the game and eventually kill them off.


I think I will make a serious come back next season. I just need around 70.000 honor points to gear up when the patch arrives. How much can you stock even?


John_B said:
After you guys told me I sucked, I went and did some 2v2 practice before joining a more serious arena team.

I'm impressed with how good mutilate is for locking down casters. If I jump anything that relies on cast time spells, I have them fully controlled when nobody is trying to control me.

Yesterday I went with a shaman and a warlock in 3v3. We played 12 games and went 11-1, so we stopped because we had restored some of those point the team had lost the previous week from their warrior having to be played by someone else. We mostly ran into combinations of priest and warlocks, and not paladins and warriors. This was gold for me, because I could take either the priest or the warlock out of the game and eventually kill them off.

I think I will make a serious come back next season. I just need around 70.000 honor points to gear up when the patch arrives. How much can you stock even?

you can bank 75k honor leading into next season, i still need 4k honor, and i will be capped at 75k honor and 5k arena points heading into next season

as far as the arena thing


you ran a pretty bad matrix imo :D

i recently joined a 3v3 that was stuck around 2k points, we are running holy pally, sl/sl lock, MS warrior, we went 20-4 yesterday up to 2201, if we can maintain over 2200, we should qualify for Gladiator rank on BG9, seems in reach with 2 weeks or so left for the season, at least that is what the requirement is around this time

now i have to start farming 5k gold so i can ride the armored netherdrake :(


What is the standard threat meter addon, at this point? Omen? Looks like KTM hasn't been updated in a while, and people have moved on.


Has problems recognising girls
I bought another game card about a week ago but haven't touched WoW for about 3 weeks. I think the news of 2.3 has just put me in stasis mode.. i.e. I cannot be bothered touching anything till the gameplay "feels" better :lol


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
border said:
What is the standard threat meter addon, at this point? Omen? Looks like KTM hasn't been updated in a while, and people have moved on.

Omen. For damage meters, Recount


I'm so tempted to renew, but I'm also waiting until 2.3. Also I've figured out my pally woes: I don't hate playing holy in pvp, but god do I hate it in pve. pvp is fun to be a healer in because it's not just whack-a-mole with health bars, but not enough for me to go into that full time. I guess if I finally get into the arena game it'll be after I go elemental on my shaman.


Has problems recognising girls
I'd probably go Elemental Shaman in Arena.. but being a Tauren sucks. You are #1 target because of size. Should've just gone with my heart and rolled an Orc a year ago.
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