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X360 Brochure leak


BuckRobotron said:
We expected it but I only consider it official now with official brochure complete with UPC code no less. And even brochure contents always have disclaimers about possible changes to final product. As has been seen, there can be surprises with packaging and functionality of Xbox 360 and components (as with any complex product introduction).

Whatever floats your boat, but its been mentioned in nearly every Microsoft presentation on PC Gaming since GDC2005 not to mention several E3 interviews. Official enough for me, at least.
The fact that they didn't use a proprietary drive was of some value as well.

whoa whoa whoa. someone please tell me the s-video cable isnt the only one with digital optical output????? its not listed under either of the other cables. WTF, i will be pissed if there is no digital optical sound


truffleshuffle83 said:
whoa whoa whoa. someone please tell me the s-video cable isnt the only one with digital optical output????? its not listed under either of the other cables. WTF, i will be pissed if there is no digital optical sound

It comes with the component cable.
it doesnt list digital optical output under the component cable. i thought the component cable was a component/composite hybrid not including a digital optical cable????


they call me "Man Gravy".
truffleshuffle83 said:
whoa whoa whoa. someone please tell me the s-video cable isnt the only one with digital optical output????? its not listed under either of the other cables. WTF, i will be pissed if there is no digital optical sound

since all the other ones say "dolby digital 5.1 surround sound" I assume they have it (unless they're using coaxial sound connectors, which it doesn't look like they are).


truffleshuffle83 said:
it doesnt list digital optical output under the component cable. i thought the component cable was a component/composite hybrid not including a digital optical cable????

It comes with optical out. Why would they omit 5.1 sound from the highest quality video cable they have out?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
truffleshuffle83 said:
it doesnt list digital optical output under the component cable. i thought the component cable was a component/composite hybrid not including a digital optical cable????
There is a standard optical-out jack at the base of the cable. Notice how the cord is set off to the side, and there's a bit of space? That's where it is. Now, why the s-video cable was the only one to call it "digital optical", that's anyone's guess..probably just an oversight.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
:lol That's not even what I meant. I see what you're saying, but I was thinking that the drive itself was inherently of more value because it could be used in other devices like your PC or DVR for extra storage.


---- said:
4.) Is it the $20 faceplates which are completely pointless, a total waste of plastic, very bad for the environment, and only meant for people who don't value money?

I understand your issues with the price but.... very bad for the environment? Isn't that a little bit of a stretch, that is unless you mean the visual pollution by the ugly designs shown so far.


That has been official for ages. It is only the wired controllers though. Presumably with the $20 P&C kit wireless will work.
i figured the charge cable only uses the usb to suck power to charge the battery (or just power the controller). says nothing about using it on a pc under the cable, even though its one of the bullet points on the wired one.

anyone else notice the retard pack has an X under it for both wired and wireless controller? (as opposed to the rich retard pack that has wired as optional).


japtor said:
i figured the charge cable only uses the usb to suck power to charge the battery (or just power the controller). says nothing about using it on a pc under the cable, even though its one of the bullet points on the wired one.
They certainly haven't said you'll be able to use the cable for PCs, its just my guess. Time will tell


KingV said:
I understand your issues with the price but.... very bad for the environment? Isn't that a little bit of a stretch, that is unless you mean the visual pollution by the ugly designs shown so far.
No. I'm saying as opposed to a vinyl skin which will look just as good and not cause you to have to rip a giant plastic face off of your game console that you will have absolutely no use for once it's removed. What are you going to do with your unused face plates? It's a waste of space, a stupid concept in my opinion. It's a lot like the crap in the cell phone market, except this is a much bigger device and a lot more wasteful. Honestly why not just sell skins for $5-$10?
Odd choice of phrase in that last scan. Saying "Xbox games are still compatible" instead of flatly "Xbox games are compatible" (whatever those games might be) reads like an official acknowledgment of uncertainty.
Environment? AOL CDs will take up about 2 billion times as much landfill space as discarded 360 faceplates. Heck, think about all of the game cases. Don't you wish your console games came in paper sleeves?

Stinkin' hippies need to get their priorities straight.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Environment? AOL CDs will take up about 2 billion times as much landfill space as discarded 360 faceplates. Heck, think about all of the game cases. Don't you wish your console games came in paper sleeves?

Stinkin' hippies need to get their priorities straight.
Are you telling me you actually don't have a problem with AOL CDs? :lol

The game cases serve a purpose. They protect the games and help you neatly organize them. A giant plastic faceplate serves absolutely no purpose. Once you replace one you have absolutely nothing to do with the old one. Plus vinyl skins are just as good if not better cause you can customize the entire case. Although I've personally never been struck by the need to worry about what my freakin game console looks like. Thank god we didn't have this crap growing up.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
truffleshuffle83 said:
i was hoping the cases of the games might have changed to a nice clear plastic like the psp. or even white to match the console.

me too.

it would have been really slick


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Environment? AOL CDs will take up about 2 billion times as much landfill space as discarded 360 faceplates. Heck, think about all of the game cases. Don't you wish your console games came in paper sleeves?
Ecologically speaking, I think it's more disturbing that there are people who plan to just burn through 50-100 batteries because they don't want to pay the Microsoft price on the battery pack.


"including Hexic HD, a popular puzzle game"

If you guys have any questions about this, that's what I did with the last 3 months of my life :)
Jesiatha said:
"including Hexic HD, a popular puzzle game"

If you guys have any questions about this, that's what I did with the last 3 months of my life :)

I'll bite: How is it popular? And: What is it like?


PanopticBlue said:
I'll bite: How is it popular? And: What is it like?

Check out the original Hexic.

Hexic HD is a complete reworking of the graphics, controls much better, adds Live leaderboards. Hexic is a pretty interesting game mechanic - at first glance it's a silly Bejeweled time killer type game (line up three shiny things and watch pieces cascade). However, there is a much deeper puzzle game underneath it. Once you learn how to make the special pieces (star flowers and black pearls), it becomes a puzzle of moving those pieces around the board to get high scores.


Jesiatha said:
Check out the original Hexic.

Hexic HD is a complete reworking of the graphics, controls much better, adds Live leaderboards. Hexic is a pretty interesting game mechanic - at first glance it's a silly Bejeweled time killer type game (line up three shiny things and watch pieces cascade). However, there is a much deeper puzzle game underneath it. Once you learn how to make the special pieces (star flowers and black pearls), it becomes a puzzle of moving those pieces around the board to get high scores.

You should post a HD screen of it, now that the cat's out of the bag. :p



border said:
Ecologically speaking, I think it's more disturbing that there are people who plan to just burn through 50-100 batteries because they don't want to pay the Microsoft price on the battery pack.
Yeah that's pretty bad too. For some reason I always assumed that MS was going to make the NiMh battery necessary for the wireless controllers just like a cordless phone. I never thought they were going to take a dual approach. Using regular batteries seems like a really old fashioned way of doing things, but I guess the Xbox 360 is all about "choice."
If they're trying to cut costs why are they putting a dumb chrome thing on the $400 version of the Xbox 360? That doesn't make any difference and doesn't even make it look that much better.


IJoel said:
You should post a HD screen of it, now that the cat's out of the bag. :p


I'm on vacation right now, so even if I had permission to do so, I can't take any screen shots. I'm sure they'll be out soon enough.

Maybe I'll be able to take a screenshot at 4000x2250 so everyone can complain about it being an unrealistic representation of the game.


Jesiatha said:
I'm on vacation right now, so even if I had permission to do so, I can't take any screen shots. I'm sure they'll be out soon enough.

Maybe I'll be able to take a screenshot at 4000x2250 so everyone can complain about it being an unrealistic representation of the game.

Add a lens flare while you're at it. ;)


You could also make use of a Powerline equipment. It's super stable unlike wireless, which is more likely to have interference.


Synth_floyd said:
If they're trying to cut costs why are they putting a dumb chrome thing on the $400 version of the Xbox 360? That doesn't make any difference and doesn't even make it look that much better.
I think because the sad thing is they know for the mainstream consumer that chrome (pimp my ride) finish is more important than the HDD.
Some interesting information in those "leaked" brochures. The controllers working on XP is very cool, and maybe we'll see some other items that will be cross compatible.

Honestly, I'm only disappointed in the two sku's in the sense that I wish the system was coming in at $300, but I also know that I'll probably plop down the dough for the $400 one, so I shouldn't complain too much. The fact that not everyone will have the hard drive does splinter the user base somewhat, but who here isn't going to get the drive?

That's not to say that the 360 doesn't have some elements that have to make you cringe. Those face plates are stupid as hell, but they'll sell a ton of "limited edition" Halo 3 plates when the game comes out. The price of the accessories are crazy too. Some third party company is going to get rich next gen with cheap knock offs. Personally, I only buy first party stuff, so I'll have to pick and choose what I get.

All in all, I'd say I'm a little more excited about the 360 now that we're starting to get some real info on it. I still think the name is stupid, and I'd like to see more info on the launch games and date, but I guess we'll have to be patient. November isn't as far away as we think.


IJoel said:
Add a lens flare while you're at it. ;)

At one point, our artist put a lens flare in one of the graphics for the game. Since the producer and I are both of the opinion that lens flares in games were only cool in 1995, we promptly forced him to remove it.

Lens flares = lame. Especially in a 2d game.


$100 for a fucking WiFi adaptor

$100 for a fucking 20 gig Harddrive

I think Microsoft is trying to make some cash back from losing over $100 on every Xbox1 they sold
Good stuff. Glad to see the VGA adapter, and rechargeable battery kit are decently priced.

That sucks about the wireless adapter, but I'd much rather have my consoles wired anyway. Much more reliable.


Chili Con Carnage!
So what colour is the 360 Basic disk drive if the "Premium Chrome Details" are only for the real version?


Jesiatha said:
At one point, our artist put a lens flare in one of the graphics for the game. Since the producer and I are both of the opinion that lens flares in games were only cool in 1995, we promptly forced him to remove it.

Lens flares = lame. Especially in a 2d game.

How do you feel about having developed the potentially most owned game of all of Xbox 360's library? :D
Ghost said:
So what colour is the 360 Basic disk drive if the "Premium Chrome Details" are only for the real version?

Probably just the same white color as the rest of the X360.

God, I'm actually getting excited just looking at the official 360 brochures. Shows we aren't that far away now. I was one of the many pissed at the insane $400 pricing but I'm just as ready to plunk down the money as I was when I first heard Microsoft was even making the system.


joaomgcd said:
How do you feel about having developed the potentially most owned game of all of Xbox 360's library? :D

It's very cool - we had to design the leaderboards with enough room for a lot of digits since there will potentially be millions of users on them.
VisionaryQuest0 said:
Probably just the same white color as the rest of the X360.

God, I'm actually getting excited just looking at the official 360 brochures. Shows we aren't that far away now. I was one of the many pissed at the insane $400 pricing but I'm just as ready to plunk down the money as I was when I first heard Microsoft was even making the system.

I have to agree with you. I was disappointed by the announcement this week, although deep down I knew that we weren't going to get a complete system for $300. At least not the complete system that GAF would want. Now that the sticker shock has worn off, I'm getting ready to drop $500+ on launch day. Premium System and two games, at least, depending on the launch line-up.


Holy crap, people are actually bitching about the impact of xbox 360 on the environment. I hope to god that entire series of posts was meant to be sarcastic.


Jesiatha said:
It's very cool - we had to design the leaderboards with enough room for a lot of digits since there will potentially be millions of users on them.
what about when they hit a billion? cause thats what the hd era is all about (along with hd lens flares).
Fragamemnon said:
Get a cheap PSX-USB adapter and lock in one of those old PSOne Dual Shock controllers you've got lying around. Works excellent with PCs.

No matter how you spin it, though, there is NO FUCKING WAY a cheap Wi-Fi adapter should cost $99. There is pretty much zero reason why this thing shouldn't be 30-40 dollars tops.

Just get a wireless bridge, hook it up to a switch or hub, and plug all your networkable consoles into that. Cheaper and better.


border said:
Ecologically speaking, I think it's more disturbing that there are people who plan to just burn through 50-100 batteries because they don't want to pay the Microsoft price on the battery pack.

I don't care how cheap alkaline batteries are, I've always hated them. Once you use them, they're used- no going back. That's why it's rechargeable AA's all the way for me.


The thing about the insanely expensive wi-fi USB dongle is that this really makes the Revolution and PS3's wi-fi much more valuable and attractive to certain customers.

I think it's a very dumb move on MS's part to overcharge so much for the feature because it only helps the competition in giving reasons to buy their system instead.
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