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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features

Im actually happy to see all the people reactions and the bad marketing for MS, i love xbox 360 and i think the xbox one as a console looks extremely solid, the problems are this stupid anti-consumer desing choices, i dont support them.
I hope the bad rep is too much for MS to keep the position and end up removing them.
If not then i´ll have my Xbox one for the a few exclusives like Forza and PS4 will be my main console, this is pretty bad for them because i have an 80+ games colection and a lot more from xbla and indie games.


Thinking about things Steam differs from this, one thing is standing out – Valve is actively finding ways of bringing more money into the "game economy" with things like the market and trading cards.

At the moment, all the current One system enables is for publishers to take more money out of the existing games economy.

Valve has always been focused on improving the service for everyone as well. Microsoft are more focused on how to lure more people over to Gold.


Thinking about things Steam differs from this, one thing is standing out – Valve is actively finding ways of bringing more money into the "game economy" with things like the market and trading cards.

At the moment, all the current One system enables is for publishers to take more money out of the existing games economy.

Valve has always been focused on improving the service for everyone as well. Microsoft are more focused on how to lure more people over to Gold.


Thinking about things Steam differs from this, one thing is standing out – Valve is actively finding ways of bringing more money into the "game economy" with things like the market and trading cards.

At the moment, all the current One system enables is for publishers to take more money out of the existing games economy.

Valve has always been focused on improving the service for everyone as well. Microsoft are more focused on how to lure more people over to Gold.


Thinking about things Steam differs from this, one thing is standing out – Valve is actively finding ways of bringing more money into the "game economy" with things like the market and trading cards.

At the moment, all the current One system enables is for publishers to take more money out of the existing games economy.

Valve has always been focused on improving the service for everyone as well. Microsoft are more focused on how to lure more people over to Gold.
Im actually happy to see all the people reactions and the bad marketing for MS, i love xbox 360 and i think the xbox one as a console looks extremely solid, the problems are this stupid anti-consumer desing choices, i dont support them.
I hope the bad rep is too much for MS to keep the position and end up removing them.
If not then i´ll have my Xbox one for the a few exclusives like Forza and PS4 will be my main console, this is pretty bad for them because i have an 80+ games colection and a lot more from xbla and indie games.


Thinking about things Steam differs from this, one thing is standing out – Valve is actively finding ways of bringing more money into the "game economy" with things like the market and trading cards.

At the moment, all the current One system enables is for publishers to take more money out of the existing games economy.

Valve has always been focused on improving the service for everyone as well. Microsoft are more focused on how to lure more people over to Gold.


Thinking about things Steam differs from this, one thing is standing out – Valve is actively finding ways of bringing more money into the "game economy" with things like the market and trading cards.

At the moment, all the current One system enables is for publishers to take more money out of the existing games economy.

Valve has always been focused on improving the service for everyone as well. Microsoft are more focused on how to lure more people over to Gold.


Im actually happy to see all the people reactions and the bad marketing for MS, i love xbox 360 and i think the xbox one as a console looks extremely solid, the problems are this stupid anti-consumer desing choices, i dont support them.
I hope the bad rep is too much for MS to keep the position and end up removing them.
If not then i´ll have my Xbox one for the a few exclusives like Forza and PS4 will be my main console, this is pretty bad for them because i have an 80+ games colection and a lot more from xbla and indie games.

By buying the Xbox one period you are saying that these conditions they have set are ok. If you really want to not support it, then you wouldn't buy it at all.
I hope Nintendo and Sony specifically comment on the backlash the Xbox One has been receiving at E3. Gamers and the media are already up in arms, so it would be great to have the actual market opposition condemn these practices as well. Not only would it further damage Microsoft's current reputation, but it would cement the other two as anti-DRM, at least for the time being. They could capitalize on the current strong sentiment amongst the community and leverage their appeal that way, but it would have the added benefit of keeping them accountable towards being anti-DRM in the future.

Anyway, as someone with a degree in Public Relations, this has been just as good of a learning experience in crisis management as anything I received in the classroom. From a company that likes to screw customers over for every last penny that they're worth, I'd like to sincerely thank Microsoft for the free education.


first, I'd like to say that I'm in agreement with a lot of what is being said. Especially with the giving games or selling to friends. I'm actually ok with the 24 hour check as my internet connection has been very reliable, though I absolutely understand how people are very upset. I actually like the 3g chip idea. I think it would be a great compromise. But that's beside the point.
I have one question for everyone.
If Sony, gets up on stage and says that they will have a similar setup for buying and selling used games as well as lending or selling games privately, would that be better, equal, or worse than microsoft at this point? Especially with the backlash.
I'm of the opinion that since they won't have the online check every 24 hours, they really will be doing this because of the pressure from the publishers. I'm just thinking that there will be a lot of people who believe Sony will have betrayed them . Microsoft was mostly expected. Sony, with the PS4, have made great strides to be the gamers system. Would that derail it?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Well he/she was saying that now you're doing all that and just getting a digital game basically since it has to be installed, has DRM etc. rather than just being a disc you can do whatever you want now. That you're getting a digital game with out the convenience of still downloading it.

But sure, for collectors at least you still get a disc and case and all that jazz.

As for not liking physical goods--it's not just space. That is part of it as I'm in a condo, and will never have a huge house since it will just be me and my significant other as I'll never have kids, and I like keeping a smallish carbon footprint.

But it's also that everyone has different interior design tastes. I have a pretty swanky condo with a great view of a park to the left and downtown skyline straight ahead, nice furniture and art on the walls etc. I hate my movie racks and one shelf on them of games as they stick out like a sore thumb. I need to shell out and gets some media cabinets with doors to keep it all out of site. And I'd personally never have game art, knick knacks etc. around as it just doesn't fit the upscale decor I like in my place. I don't care what others think--I don't have people over often anyway as I like my home to be my sanctuary. I just care what looks good to me, and what makes me feel relaxed after long days/weeks of stressful work etc.

And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having whole rooms full of gaming stuff etc. either. The only thing that matters about a home is that the person/people living there like it and feel at home. :D

Weelll, it sounds like a 720p upscaling box will just fit right in with your upscale attitude.


first, I'd like to say that I'm in agreement with a lot of what is being said. Especially with the giving games or selling to friends. I'm actually ok with the 24 hour check as my internet connection has been very reliable, though I absolutely understand how people are very upset. I actually like the 3g chip idea. I think it would be a great compromise. But that's beside the point.
I have one question for everyone.
If Sony, gets up on stage and says that they will have a similar setup for buying and selling used games as well as lending or selling games privately, would that be better, equal, or worse than microsoft at this point? Especially with the backlash.
I'm of the opinion that since they won't have the online check every 24 hours, they really will be doing this because of the pressure from the publishers. I'm just thinking that there will be a lot of people who believe Sony will have betrayed them . Microsoft was mostly expected. Sony, with the PS4, have made great strides to be the gamers system. Would that derail it?

At this point the no online drm is enough for me to stomach no used games. As long as my system does not have some stupid always online requirement I am ok with giving up used games. I dont like it, but I will accept it. Though I think that Sony should really pull the friendly company and just tell the publishers to fuck off, but in the end I know they wont.
Not sure if this has been touched on but what happens if you bring a game home, install it and it sucks? Tough nuggets? Worse yet, you have to call MS to remove the license? FUCK. THAT.
By buying the Xbox one period you are saying that these conditions they have set are ok. If you really want to not support it, then you wouldn't buy it at all.

Not really if they compare my gamelist with the 360, i´ll probably have Forza and a few exclusive tittles but my money will be go for Sony if they dont change.
Im not missing Forza, im not going to stop supporting Turn10 just because MS is stupid enough to handicap their console with these idiotic things.
This must be the alternate universe where all the stupid incomprehensible crap that could happen, does happen.

It's like they did a focus study of what gamers don't want, then went ahead and did exactly that.


Not really if they compare my gamelist with the 360, i´ll probably have Forza and a few exclusive tittles but my money will be go for Sony if they dont change.
Im not missing Forza, im not going to stop supporting Turn10 just because MS is stupid enough to handicap their console with these idiotic things.
I actually agree. I am buying both sytems. I love Turn 10 and Remedy. However if multiplatform games come out, depending on Sony's drm plan, I would buy the game for PS4.


Not really if they compare my gamelist with the 360, i´ll probably have Forza and a few exclusive tittles but my money will be go for Sony if they dont change.
Im not missing Forza, im not going to stop supporting Turn10 just because MS is stupid enough to handicap their console with these idiotic things.

You are buying the system itself. That is just another sale that says it is ok for them to do this. No matter what way you try to slice it, you are supporting it. If you like Forza that is fine, I love Halo, but it is not worth telling MS I am ok with what they are doing.


Neo Member
Sad to say with all this news I'll likely be moving on to PS4 (even though the dualshock is uncomfortable to me). Ultimately it will depend on what my friends and family will get but I cant stomach supporting this crap. I've been a diehard Xbox fan since I waited overnight to buy the Xbox360, and have had Gold this whole time, countless games bought and thousands of MS points used.

You have to draw the line somewhere.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Do you collect games?

Nope. I sell them as soon as I'm done with them. And have no old consoles either as I sell them when I'm done gaming on them.

I don't replay games, and I don't collect anything really other than blurays. I don't like having things around the house that I'm not actively using.

But I do obviously hate the used game sales only at participating retailers bs and will definitely go ps4 if they don't have that restriction
Alright how bout this? This is something I would never do again, but I think it's worth mentioning.

Since you can't rent Xbox One games at launch (lol), for most people the only way to try a new game is to buy it or download the demo. You enjoyed the demo, but the full game doesn't really hold your interest.

If you purchased the title over Xbox Live (hooray for convenience), it's now yours forever.

But if you had bought that game at a retail store, you can trade that game and get some of your money back.

Really, to me it seems like physical copies are the way to go.

I guess in this way, you could still "rent" games by buying them new and trading in them a week or two later before the resale value drops.

IF the publisher allows you to trade in that game, remember, its up to publishers...And IF publishers do not put a timed restriction on when you can trade it in, for example, a publisher may say you cannot trade it in for 30 days, as has been rumored..

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Sad to say with all this news I'll likely be moving on to PS4 (even though the dualshock is uncomfortable to me)..

I've been gaming a lot more on ps3 lately and also never really like the DS much.

However I just got theses snap on triggers and analog stck caps and like it a lot more.


I just wish all games had customizable controls though. Would have loved to use these triggers for shooting and aiming in Uncharted 3 (which I finished the other night) rather than the shoulder buttons, but the game didn't have that as an option.
What strikes me as so insulting is that all of the official statements are worded just vaguely enough to be possibly misinterpreted in a positive way. It's deception without explicitly being deceptive.


Sad to say with all this news I'll likely be moving on to PS4 (even though the dualshock is uncomfortable to me). Ultimately it will depend on what my friends and family will get but I cant stomach supporting this crap. I've been a diehard Xbox fan since I waited overnight to buy the Xbox360, and have had Gold this whole time, countless games bought and thousands of MS points used.

You have to draw the line somewhere.

There are decent third party PS3 controllers that are Xbox Styled, so presumably there will be similar controllers like that for PS4.


This I think will be very interesting.

FIFA/Madden/NHL/NBA/NFL etc; and even COD/BF et al... New yearly release comes out and they turn off the authentication servers for the prior verison; Day1, Month 1, Year 1, Year 10?

Maybe they can finally give you an upgrade option. $30 and you get the new version, digitally.

What strikes me as so insulting is that all of the official statements are worded just vaguely enough to be possibly misinterpreted in a positive way. It's deception without explicitly being deceptive.

Well fortunately they can then also be possibly misinterpreted in a negative way.



But in all seriousness, these anti-consumer policies are reprehensible and I don't see how it'd be good for any gamer to really support it. If this actually becomes the thing for all consoles to do moving forward consider me done with consoles. #PC4LIFE
IF the publisher allows you to trade in that game, remember, its up to publishers...And IF publishers do not put a timed restriction on when you can trade it in, for example, a publisher may say you cannot trade it in for 30 days, as has been rumored..

No publisher will piss off the largest game retailer on the planet.


For everyone who says these changes don't affect them:
I get it. You have reliable internet, you don't buy used games, etc. But consider this.

Now is a key moment in the evolution of gaming as a medium. If we as consumers accept it, it is another step down a road to more changes that benefit the big publishers/consoles, and hurt the gaming consumer. If you accept it this time because it doesn't affect you, you are making it more likely that further changes will come that will affect you.

Do you really think they are going to stop here? How about paying every time you play a game? How about needing to be online not once every 24 hours, but continuously? How about needing a subscription gaming service with a monthly fee to use your gaming hardware at all, like cable and cable boxes (which are useless if you don't pay the bill)? What about paying extra for things like background music or the ability to save your game?

It may sound farfetched now, but it could be the future if we don't say no now.
But if you had bought that game at a retail store, you can trade that game and get some of your money back.

Really, to me it seems like physical copies are the way to go.

I guess in this way, you could still "rent" games by buying them new and trading in them a week or two later before the resale value drops.
I don't think you're quite seeing the implications of this system.

The default situation for any game that you buy at retail is that it cannot be resold once you play it. It is tied to your account. The only private means of transfer is to give the title to someone on your friend list (and only if publishers "enable" it.)

If publishers decide, in their infinite kindness, to "enable you" to sell your game back at all, only then will you be able get any of your money back.

And they will get to set the terms of trade for resale. They will decide when you'll be able to trade them in and what value you'll receive, and what fee you pay to them for the privilege of doing so they have so generously granted you.


So Microsoft has to approve of me (like a doting parent) playing a new game I bought every 24 hours.

Since I can't rent, I won't be inclined to buy a game unless I fully wait for several reviews. So there goes any day 1 sale. And if I can't buy used (if the publisher says no-no), then I will wait until its marked down so low the publisher probably won't see a dime when I buy it.

If I take my console anywhere for more than one day (like I do my Wii / Wii U at Christmas) that does not have internet, I'm boned.

No word yet on if I also have to pay Microsoft for the pleasure of playing online.

Not...finding a lot to get me racing to a pre-order here. And I agree with the others - if you're making a product so cumbersome that a pirate will have an easier time using it (ignoring cost) then the average consumer...shame on you.

To be fair, Microsoft already solved that problem by making the XBone so big that it's impractical to take it anywhere.


I will love it, absolutely love it, if EA refuses to allow trade in on previous year's Madden games.

Boy, won't the casual "TV!, SPORTS!" gamer be in for a rude awakening when Madden 2015 comes out and they find they are stuck with Madden 2014. And oh no, there go the server shutdowns....

Money well spent.

Well that won't happen. THey'll bring in their Madden 2014 and be told: "Good news, on top of the $3 trade in value, you are a power up rewards member, so you are going to get $3.30 for your game! That will be $66.70 plus tax please.


What strikes me as so insulting is that all of the official statements are worded just vaguely enough to be possibly misinterpreted in a positive way. It's deception without explicitly being deceptive.

Yes, all the "enable you" lines are most likely focus tested words to make it sound like they are doing us a favor when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.


This whole thing is going to end up confusing the crap out of the mainstream consumer who is used to popping in a disc and playing a game whenever and wherever they want. People like consoles because of the ease of use and freedom it provides over PC gaming. People like to own the things they buy without all these restrictions. I couldn't imagine buying any other tangible item, such as a car, and then having no options one selling said item later.

I want to own the games I buy. I want to own the console I buy and sell it whenever and to whomever I please. The whole digital world is a vacuum of wasted money imo. They shouldn't have even included a disc drive in the thing if they are so hellbent on an always online scheme.

I have a steam library, but nothing in there cost me more than a few bucks. You can forget about me paying anywhere near MSRP for a game I can not resell later. I'm shocked people even do that when other options are available.


It's an insult to us gamers that this Cashbox demands permission to play the games we bought.

Gaffers, do not buy this console please. Let it flop so MS will wake up and decide to remove this DRM atrocity.
Kevin Butler is not real. He's an actor paid by Sony.

Fucking hell.

I don't know what is going on anymore. I just don't..

Definitely scripted; he is an actor.


I can't tell if this is real or not.

Jesus man...

You just got Astroladed.

Hail to the king indeed.
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