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Zelda: 4 Swords shipped - Post when you get it!


I ordered the NP bundle (NP subscription, 4 swords, 4 swords guide, t-shirt), and it says it shipped on Friday. That means that they should be arriving sometime today!


Although it looks like they decided to ship it via UPS...which means it could arrive any time between now and 2007. :p

Post when you get it!


I hope my NES-edition SP shipped from freevideogames.com today :/

not that I'd play it anytime soon since I still have my red GBA, but I really want to have the box...

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
I'm just gonna pick it up in the store. What's so great about ordering online? :( Don't you people miss talking to the wonderful sales staff?


Had mine months ago :D Realistically, I hope everyone enjoys it. Especially for the zelda fans that didn't like wind waker and wanted something more alttp-lish. Because this is it.

evil ways

Would you say that the single player adventure in this game has the same depth, length and fun that LttP?

If so I'll pick it up.


force push the doodoo rock
evil ways said:
Would you say that the single player adventure in this game has the same depth, length and fun that LttP?

If so I'll pick it up.

it would appear that the single player is just as fun. you control all four links and you can put them in formations, switch between links and what not.


Would you say that the single player adventure in this game has the same depth, length and fun that LttP?

Yeah. I want to know too. Are there any villages to explore and talk to NPCs? If that's the case then i'll definately buy it.
I got my review copy today. Came with a chintzy sword-in-the-stone letter opener. Would have been more impressed if the sword looked ANYTHING like the Master Sword.

Super Mario Bros. came today too. Instruction manual is painfully amateurish. It is to weep, although the surprise is small.

I guess the rest of the classic games are by request only. Time to call Nintendo.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
AssMan said:
Yeah. I want to know too. Are there any villages to explore and talk to NPCs? If that's the case then i'll definately buy it.

The game is more old-school Zelda from where I am in the import right now; the stages are level based, so don't expect too many people to talk to...this title is more action/puzzle than RPG. And I find single player just as much fun as multiplayer. The level design is great and the game is fun as hell, but don't expect anything more than an enhanced version of A Link To The Past.


Kobun Heat said:
I got my review copy today. Came with a chintzy sword-in-the-stone letter opener. Would have been more impressed if the sword looked ANYTHING like the Master Sword.
Why would it look like the Master Sword? The Master Sword isn't in FSA. :p
Tritroid said:
Why would it look like the Master Sword? The Master Sword isn't in FSA. :p
Well, anyway it doesn't look like any sword Link has ever used. Unless there was a secret quest in some Zelda game where he gets the hidden Gay Stupid Blade.


I should be getting mine today or tomorrow. Picked up the NES GBA SP for about $66, so I'll have 3 link cables and 3 GBAs...


Agent Dormer said:
I'm just gonna pick it up in the store. What's so great about ordering online? :( Don't you people miss talking to the wonderful sales staff?

I ordered the bundle, comes with some extra crap and, get this, another YEAR subscription to the excellent magazine, NINTENDO POWER!
Tritroid said:
I ordered the NP bundle (NP subscription, 4 swords, 4 swords guide, t-shirt), and it says it shipped on Friday. That means that they should be arriving sometime today!

Although it looks like they decided to ship it via UPS...which means it could arrive any time between now and 2007. :p

Post when you get it!

ditto. I should get mine today but since I live in Washington State I'll probably get mine last. :(


Anyone have a wallpaper of all the Links in the cross formation with enemies all around them?Nintendo sent me a letter on the game and it had the pic on the envelope,looks really sweet...

Anyways,mine should be here tomorrow,can't wait :D


So the game is focused on action and puzzle right? How are the puzzle solving for single player? Still a great experience even for single player? I'm 90% i'll be getting this game.
Several local Mom n Pop stores have it in stock (I'm in Seattle), but none will price match Fry's $37.99 advertised price. And with the current gas prices, it'd cost me the $10 I'd be saving just to drive out to Fry's. I might just have to bite the bullet and pay full price, cause I really really wanna get my Zelda on tonight. :(
I can't wait for this game. Feel free to share your thoughts on the game as you get it. Try not to spoil it for the rest of us though (have to wait until this weekend) if you possibly can.

Put Zelda action straight into my veins!

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Serafitia said:
I ordered the bundle, comes with some extra crap and, get this, another YEAR subscription to the excellent magazine, NINTENDO POWER!

:O You have to keep me up to date on these deals! :(


Hasn't come in yet. >:| But yeah, they mailed letters and e-mails out to people. I mentioned it in #ga. :\



... four young boy picking up poor little pig-a-like creature. How cruel. No wonder kids these days are so horrible :(


I haven't picked it up yet, but I did screw around with it on our demo unit at EB today. It was a lot of fun, even in single-player. I can only imagine the multiplayer goodness.


Running off of Custom Firmware
EBGames still lists my order as 'open' not 'shipped.'

Shining Force GBA too, bastards.
Picked it up earlier today and, after spending the last two hours playing through it, I must say: Zelda fans, ESPECIALLY LttP fans, you're in for a treat. Here are some brief impressions of the solo Hyrule Adventure mode (I'll post multiplayer impressions ASAP):

- Everything about this game - graphics, music, level/dungeon design, even items - is a nod to A Link to the Past. Imagine playing LttP with 4 Links and WW-caliber special effects, and you've got a good idea of how this game works.

- Unlike Crystal Chronicles, this game works splendidly in solo mode (whereas CC's solo mode felt tacked on). With a press of either the Y or L button, you can bring up a short list of formations for the Links to stand in: cross, horizontal, vertical, and square. Each form is good for either fighting, solving puzzles, or moving objects. They can also be separated and controlled individually by pressing X. This is obviously used in many a puzzle... Pressing the Y button a second time brings all the Links together.

- As I said earlier, dungeons harken back to LttP in their ingenuity and complexity. They are very puzzle-oriented (combat is quite sparse), and involve several complex steps that are pretty challenging.

- Speaking of combat, it seems to be the only real drawback so far. It's a bit too easy fighting normal enemies, and so far the various formations haven't really come into play much. Then again, I've only passed the first "real" dungeon.

- Graphically, the game obviously leaves a lot to be desired. While seeing areas ripped straight from LttP is cool, it'd be nice if Nintendo coulda spiced 'em up a bit. Give them a kind of Viewtiful Joe-esque polish. Ah well.

That's about it for now.


Whee, finally! Is that Miyamoto's signature on the back? I'm going to try and get a cheap used GBA so I can then have three and I'll get that $20 pokemon game just for the memory card and link cable. Now, to speed dash to circuit city!


> : (

This is not fair. I was expecting it to be on my front step when I got home today since it shipped on FRIDAY.

I will kill you UPS. I pity the poor fool if he actually delivers it while I'm home.

Dave Long

I got mine straight from Nintendo with the pre-order deal if that matters to those still waiting. The shirt is very cool!


Dave Long said:
I got mine straight from Nintendo with the pre-order deal if that matters to those still waiting. The shirt is very cool!
What day did you get it? Yesterday or today?

Dave Long

It came today. That's me that posted up above there saying I got it today. :)

It had a return address of WA on it so I think it came all the way from Washington state. It shipped on Friday.


This game rocks.

Just played about an hour of it and went through three levels. Everything is great. No complaints, except maybe the combat is a little too easy. Only played single player so far. Will have multiplayer impressions later on.


I. Need. This. Game.
LOL @ Nintendo.com.au having no mention in their coming titles, as well as our online stores having no record in their system as well as the local shops having nothing on their computer for it.. Hah, Hahaha, Hahahahaah.. :( *cries*

I may just have to order it, can anyone suggest a place with decent shipping costs/time to Australia?

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
stryder : i use lik-sang..haven't had any problems with them so far.. just ordered pikmin 2 as it's quite possible nintendo australia will be unaware of its existence, and never release it. i fear the worst for FSA in australia too :( by the way - FSA is free worldwide shipping on lik-sang


Ok, yeah I have used liksang before (and also have Pikmin 2 on pre-order ;)) but was just wondering if there was a better alternative. eBay might be worth having a look at.

Sorry to semi hijack the thread, please return to your regular program :)
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