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Zelda: 4 Swords shipped - Post when you get it!

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
yeah ebay could be a gooden... with pikmin2 i couldn't wait for august so i've ordered the japanese one with action replay so you can (apparently) play it in english. there have been basically NO good releases here for cube for months.. so i thought, ill pay an extra 18 bucks and get a game months early :p finally now i can import games, FSA will be first on the list


Picked it up tonight. Havent opened it yet. Since i would only play Single Player and the fact that there are more games out there i could get.

Wow i've got a nice back order of games going on. In more than two years i've never had a back log of games to play.
I got it today from EB. I really really like it. Not difficult at all, with the way the life system works, but it really does depend on who is playing it. Only part we were stuck on was in world 2-2.
I picked up Four Swords this morning and I played it for roughly an hour or so. I gotta say, it's pretty sweet.

It's definately different than any Zelda game before, but it really feels like a Zelda game and has some really cool puzzles. It's also pretty hard.

I wish, however, that it had one giant overworld, and not just levels (which are linked, so you're never in one area and then automatically in the next)...

In the game, you have to pick up Force Gems (Just like Ruppees) and you need to get a certain amount (1500-2000) each level in order to fight the boss. It's really weird...but it works. I was in the second level and I made it to the part where you need the gems, and I didn't have enough so it asked if I wanted to turn back the clock (or something) or not...I said yes, and it takes you back to the beginning of the level! Yipes! Also, there are no save points in the game...only after you finish a level you can save...and each level is like 20-30 minutes.

It's definately a cool little game, but I can't help but wish I had 3 other people with GBA's to play along with me. Graphics are really nice, some nice effects like the explosions and the water, but things get kind of ugly (not ugly, I just can't think of a better word) when it zooms way in.

What can ya do, though? They're sprites...

Music is top notch, well, it's top notch for reminding me of ALLTP, as alot of it's songs were ripped from that.

Yeah, rent this game, or pick it up (I need all the Zeldas so I bought it)...it's definately a fun little game, and if you have more GBA's and friends and whatnot, get them over and play it all night long.
I got this today At Future Shop:

LoZ: Four Swords
NES Limited Edition GBA SP
Classic LoZ
Classic SMB

Nintendo, hope you're happy I'm eating KD for the next 2 weeks.


Queen of Denmark
Question about the multiplayer: is it more co-op (like FF:CC), or competitive (as in, you are encouraged to steal each other's Rupees and whatnot)? I've read impressions that lean both ways.


human5892 said:
Question about the multiplayer: is it more co-op (like FF:CC), or competitive (as in, you are encouraged to steal each other's Rupees and whatnot)? I've read impressions that lean both ways.

Yes, you can do either one. Though it affects your rating at the end, and you might lose that level if you're a bastard.

On the flip side, if you are a bastard, you might just get more rupees overall. :D


Queen of Denmark
AniHawk said:
Yes, you can do either one. Though it affects your rating at the end, and you might lose that level if you're a bastard.

On the flip side, if you are a bastard, you might just get more rupees overall. :D
Ah, thanks. As long as you can choose to take more of a co-op path, color me interested.

Fella above ^ didn't know what KD was...

To make this post thread relevant I did play the game last night with 3 of my buddies from work. We played all of the first level and had a great time but I was having too much fun and they all decided to vote against me at the end only cuz I was throwing people off precipices and burning their asses with my fire rod. Great fun!
Man, this game is incredible!
The Blue Maiden Village level is awesome! And these graphics are amazing!
I seriously hope they stick to 2D Zelda's on the DS and do these EXACT graphics...*drool*...

Also, I'm at the Eastern Palace now, I stopped playing but I checked the palace out a little bit, and it's insane. It's exactly like a Zelda palace should be...puzzles galore...

What a great game!


Just played it for about 2 hours. This game kicks some ass -- retro-style. If you liked LTTP, this is a must-own game. Seriously.

I probably won't be able to play multiplayer, but so far the single-player is more than worth the price. Very fun with some challenging puzzles. Combat so far is pretty easy, but I'm only at the third stage/level.
The way I've been looking at it is that the first time through the levels you play (mostly) cooperatively. Successive playings demand that you turn off the rupee meter on the screen and go all out screw each other over as best you can.

I'm still amazed they put a trading sequence in a multiplayer game.


force push the doodoo rock
the single player is okay....

the multiplayer however, is fucking AWESOME. holy crap wario ware who?
Got the game yesterday. Pretty satisfying so far, and I'm also playing solo right now. I'll try a 2 player game later this week. Anyone tried the shadow battle yet? Is it any good?


I still haven't received it.

I have now filed a complaint with UPS and Nintendo for using the insanely shitty UPS as their primary delivery service.


force push the doodoo rock
Shadow battle is really fun too, it reminds me of the way bomberman levels are with the gimmiks. this game one player is okay, but even when you just have 2 players the fun escalates like 500%

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
i accidentally ordered two copies of the game.. i guess i forgot i had ordered one.

so now i have two unopened four swords.. and one broken gamecube.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I picked up the game last night even though I imported several months ago. :) Couldn't help; now I can play the game at work. >: D


Lyte Edge said:
I picked up the game last night even though I imported several months ago. :) Couldn't help; now I can play the game at work. >: D
The imported version included Tetra's/Navi's Trackers didn't it? Is that just basically a mini-multi game like Shadow Battle or does it actually have some depth?



really, best Nintendo game in quite some time. It gives me the kind of clever puzzles, incredible execution and originality I got from games when I was a kid. The game system and how connectivity works is just brilliantly done, and the puzzles do have a fresh feeling to them. Mind you, its more of an action puzzle game than an exploration game, so its more like an retro action game with zelda references than an actual Zelda game. But man oh man I just love it. GOTY material right here.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Tritroid said:
The imported version included Tetra's/Navi's Trackers didn't it? Is that just basically a mini-multi game like Shadow Battle or does it actually have some depth?

It's a mini game and is so stupid/crappy that it didn't make it into the English version. Believe me, you aren't missing ANYTHING.


I got my copy today,played the first 2 levels and it rocks!

I'm playin by myself and honestly this game could just as easily pass as a single player Zelda with a 4 Link twist if you ask me,it works great as single player :)


I'm worried that once I beat it (single player) I won't want to play it again. Is there any replay value?


Finally got it and had 3 friends over and played it all night last night. The game is amazing, I can't wait to get my friends together again and play it some more. We beat World 3 and then me and another one of my friends were beat, and the other two proceeded to play Shadow Battle for hours while we slept. I'm very impressed at the quality of the games and even the Tingle minigames are great fun. Anyone who has the opportunity to take full advantage of connectivity should not miss out on this game.


Got paid today and picked it up along with an extra link cable. Just got done playing 3 players with my brothers and this is by far the most fun multiplayer (not online) that I've had in a long, long, long time.

Tingle's horse race was hilarious as one of my brothers kept ramming his horse into the side of the wall. Then during one boss battle, one kept shooting the other with the fire rod just to annoy the hell out of him.

We played for a little over 2 hours and just barely cleared the first world.

Damn you Nintendo for making the game kick ass.


Serafitia said:
Whee, finally! Is that Miyamoto's signature on the back? I'm going to try and get a cheap used GBA so I can then have three and I'll get that $20 pokemon game just for the memory card and link cable. Now, to speed dash to circuit city!

www.ncsx.com is selling brand new black GBAs for $39 which includes shipping. Best deal you'll get.
My roommate bought FS on Tuesday.

We have only been able to play 2-player (gotta find more people with more GBAs, damnit) and its been a lot of fun so far. I can only imagine the chaos that this game would be with four people. Damn.

Also, playing it makes me anxious for the new GBA Zelda. Hopefully they will put in all the FS moves (the jumping slash, the downward thrust attack w/roc's feather, ect) into it.


Long gone sold out cvx. You have to leap on these NCSX deals in the morning D: They sell some nice exotic stuff.
Quick Impression of single player (I'll be playing some multi tomorrow night):

I love the clean look of the graphics, and the special effects are amazing.

Puzzles are clever without being too challenging.

The thing that I noticed most was the clarity and response of the sound effects. This may sound stupid, but they're amazing when you light a grass field on fire or start smacking shit around with the sword.

I traded in the shit FF:CC (only got 22$ for it) and I know I made the right decision.
Wahoo! I managed to get the (super cool) guy at Best Buy not only to match Fry's ($35) but also do the "gift card trick" on the same transaction. $30 Four Swords GET!!


(more a nerd than a geek)
I picked this up Wednesday...

The game is so much better than I was expecting... the puzzles are getting to me, though. Spending 10 minutes in a multiplayer room before figuring out the catch to completing the challenge gets... annoying. Thrilling when you figure it out, of course...

I'm still annoyed they removed the -fully translated- Tetra's Trackers minigame. Thanks a lot, you whiney USA gaming "journalists".

Grumble grumble.


lol I can finally post in my own thread. :p

I got it yesterday. The UPS guy tried to be funny and hid it in a little flower garden off the side of my front porch. wtf?
Just got it today (along with metal arms, which rules) and even on two player this game is more fun than any other game i've bought this year. This make me VERY hopeful for Mario 64x4 for the DS
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